Like he's tryin to hold in a fart
...for the rest of time.
Little more time spent:
Make portraits great again!
I'm so sick of this man already.
I was months and months ago. Like it or not, he's sticking around in a prominent global position for the next four years or so.
Unless he gets impeached, which I'm hoping for.
I was months and months ago. Like it or not, he's sticking around in a prominent global position for the next four years or so.
Michael Pence, 46th President of the United States of America
Hope you're ready.
Michael Pence, 46th President of the United States of America
Hope you're ready.
I'm so sick of this man already.
What's the joke with the hands?
Warning: Extremely not safe for work/life.
Warning: Extremely not safe for work/life.
Oh Goddamn you
What's the joke with the hands?
gaf when is he gonna get his head carved onto mount rushmore?
I'd rather have Pence at this point. Don't like him one bit, but he's far less likely to start a war over Twitter.
If they can't get their Lord and Savior, Ronald Reagan, on there then Trump has no chance.
A better one.
You know GAF, it just hit on me that future Americans will have to learn of Trump, kids will learn of him and his "deeds". And he will not go away, much like the Star Wars prequels, they can not be undone and so Trump will be immortalized in the annals of history... forever. You guys really did a number on yourselves huh. Its hilarious, I don't think it will ever not be funny.
Little more time spent:
What's the joke with the hands?
Make portraits great again!
Should have used
More accurate portrayal.