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Trump impeachment is on the table, says Sen. Angus King and top Democrats


Not going to happen while the party continues to control all branches of the government.

We need to have more actual parties so this doesn't really happen anymore. Even if there were two right-leaning parties controlling most of the government, they would probably be more objective to taking action should the other party (or a politician within it) do something wrong. They wouldn't feel the need to stay loyal to them if they're part of a different party, as long as they had some ideological differences. It would probably also help with the current division in the US if we had say 5 or more parties instead of 2.


Why is this girl bringing up Obama on Fox lol

Downplaying and dismissing Comey as using Mean Girl tactics too? Calling him a drama queen? These people are still nuts, not getting better

The one sane guy calling out the obstruction of justice they just tell him to settle down and cue the country music to go to commercial break. Yeesh.


We need to have more actual parties so this doesn't really happen anymore. Even if there were two right-leaning parties controlling most of the government, they would probably be more objective to taking action should the other party (or a politician within it) do something wrong. They wouldn't feel the need to stay loyal to them if they're part of a different party, as long as they had some ideological differences. It would probably also help with the current division in the US if we had say 5 or more parties instead of 2.

You'd have to redesign the entire election system at the very least to make that plausible. And neither party would agree to that so not gonna happen.

Similar problem with the whole Trump impeachment idea, doesn't help Republicans enough right now so not going to happen.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves yet

Each week trump is shoving his foot further down his throat. At this rate he'll probably eventually put himself in a position where impeachment isnt even a question anymore


It'll really be on the table if the democrats can beat the republicans blue in 2018. Get them to lose their power in the house and have them scared shitless for 2020 and maybe then they'll do something.


2018 is the year. Let the sentiment build and the evidence pile. The more the GOP continues to support Trump the more resentment will build. They'll scapegoat him as soon as they realize their necks are on the line.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm genuinely tired of hearing Democrats talking about impeachment every two weeks. They have no say in this whatsoever.

It keeps the conversation going and fires up the base. In that regard it isn't really different than Republicans spending years talking about and making futile efforts to repeal the ACA when they had no realistic possibility of succeeding.
Sooo.. if the president is clearly involved with russia and there are facts on the table, nothing CAN happen unless the GOP starts the impeachment process?

That seems really fucked beyond belief let me tell you.

Really shatters the fragile illusion of order in power structures, huh?

Anything is permitted if the people in power say it is.
Bottom line is the Republicans will not impeach Trump. His base supporters will believe any old shit they are fed, any reason for impeachment will be 'fake news' and whoever is responsible for kicking that off, whether Republican or Democrat, will pay the price. He'll become a political martyr in short. This is also why, in my opinion the Dems shouldn't push for it, block him at every term, let him keep digging his hole, but don't be the ones to take him down. If the Reps finally see the damage he's doing to their party then let them impeach him and take the brunt of the ire from his supporters, but I don't think they'll risk alienating his supporters. What's better for the next 2-4 years? An ineffectual orange shitgibbon or an organized, motivated GOP with control over both sides of the house?


Bottom line is the Republicans will not impeach Trump. His base supporters will believe any old shit they are fed, any reason for impeachment will be 'fake news' and whoever is responsible for kicking that off, whether Republican or Democrat, will pay the price. He'll become a political martyr in short. This is also why, in my opinion the Dems shouldn't push for it, block him at every term, let him keep digging his hole, but don't be the ones to take him down. If the Reps finally see the damage he's doing to their party then let them impeach him and take the brunt of the ire from his supporters, but I don't think they'll risk alienating his supporters. What's better for the next 2-4 years? An ineffectual orange shitgibbon or an organized, motivated GOP with control over both sides of the house?

Trump needs to be out of the oval office for the safety of the nation. Democrats can't afford to think of it in terms of what will benefit them most.


I'm substantially less tired of hearing about this moron getting kicked out of office than I was when hearing about obama's fucking birth certificate from tons of people constantly


Bottom line is the Republicans will not impeach Trump. His base supporters will believe any old shit they are fed, any reason for impeachment will be 'fake news' and whoever is responsible for kicking that off, whether Republican or Democrat, will pay the price. He'll become a political martyr in short. This is also why, in my opinion the Dems shouldn't push for it, block him at every term, let him keep digging his hole, but don't be the ones to take him down. If the Reps finally see the damage he's doing to their party then let them impeach him and take the brunt of the ire from his supporters, but I don't think they'll risk alienating his supporters. What's better for the next 2-4 years? An ineffectual orange shitgibbon or an organized, motivated GOP with control over both sides of the house?

Republicans are going to turn on Trump the moment they feel their 2018 seats are in danger, and even last night there were a few republicans who seemed like they were on the verge of flipping.
Does "impeachment" mean continue to talk about how "troubling" the situation is, but then do nothing and probably deflect to some fake controversy about a Clinton? Because that definitely seems like it's on the table.


Bottom line is the Republicans will not impeach Trump. His base supporters will believe any old shit they are fed, any reason for impeachment will be 'fake news' and whoever is responsible for kicking that off, whether Republican or Democrat, will pay the price. He'll become a political martyr in short. This is also why, in my opinion the Dems shouldn't push for it, block him at every term, let him keep digging his hole, but don't be the ones to take him down. If the Reps finally see the damage he's doing to their party then let them impeach him and take the brunt of the ire from his supporters, but I don't think they'll risk alienating his supporters. What's better for the next 2-4 years? An ineffectual orange shitgibbon or an organized, motivated GOP with control over both sides of the house?

It's only Wednesday. Deputy AG testifies in front of the entire senate tomorrow. If shit doesn't go down by the end of the week I'm gonna be on suicide watch


I kind of feel bad for the GOP on the one hand they have all this power to do what they want but it's blatantly obvious that Trump is no good for the American people. So they either show weakness by admitting to incompetence or they continue to watch everything burn. No matter what happens they are fucked. Ultimately they are better off ripping the bandaid off and trying again later with a good republican president. But I don't think they will, it won't happen until his base is deep in the repercussions of his actions. Unfortunately it's going to take old and poor people dying because of their shit healthcare or the economy going to shit while the rich get their tax cuts.


Democrats propose the possibility of hypothetical consequences for Trump at some point in the future, perhaps, maybe. GOP says no u. News at 11.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Getting 20 GOP senators to convict still seems like a huge mountain to climb. Might only be 18 or 19 if this drags out into the 2018 elections.

A democratic majority in the house also seems a lot easier if 2018 goes like it looks to be headed.

I'm still expecting a back door deal where Trump resigns and is basically paid off to do so somehow via 3rd party
Sooo.. if the president is clearly involved with russia and there are facts on the table, nothing CAN happen unless the GOP starts the impeachment process?

That seems really fucked beyond belief let me tell you.

Well, that's why we have elections. It's not like Republicans suddenly appeared in office, they were elected and then have been subsequently re-elected in every election for the last 6 years.

If Democrats had a national strategy, they wouldn't have lost ~1,000 state and federal legislature seats between 2008 and 2016. This is the effect of only being bothered to vote or show up once every four years. There are plenty of people who look at Trump and then look at the Republicans in office and say "This system is so fucked," and then when November rolls around (or March, or June), say "eh, I can't really change things... it's like choosing between the lesser of two evils... " or "I don't really know anything about my congressional race..."
If Trump manages to hang on for that long, youu wonder if this will be like a campaign slogan for 2018 House Democrats. Get us a majority and we can start the impeachment process.


Should have happened a long time ago with his conflict of interests he has. But after firing Comey, sharing classified information with Russians and trying to end an investigation into Flynn, the man has to go now.


2018 is the year. Let the sentiment build and the evidence pile. The more the GOP continues to support Trump the more resentment will build. They'll scapegoat him as soon as they realize their necks are on the line.

An impeachment during 2018 election year will be a a real boon for democrats.


Doesn't matter what they dig up, the Repubs will dismiss anything and not impeach him.

And there is nothing anyone can do about it.



I'm genuinely tired of hearing Democrats talking about impeachment every two weeks. They have no say in this whatsoever.

Well, it's not like Trump is going to stop being a racist lying criminal sack of shit, no matter what his idiot supporters think, so you should probably get used to it.

This isn't going away until he's put away.
At some point, the Republicans are going to have to consider their self-preservation. We're talking about Trump basically acting like a really bad mafioso and almost all of his closest aides are being implicated in criminal or at least abusive and careless activity. So if they want to wait forever and risk the party's destruction, go right ahead...

You know, the prevailing thought before this election was that the GOP was a walking husk and that they'd never win an election in their current incarnation again.

I'd think twice before I call for the death of the GOP, even with them mired in this shitshow.


You know, the prevailing thought before this election was that the GOP was a walking husk and that they'd never win an election in their current incarnation again.

I'd think twice before I call for the death of the GOP, even with them mired in this shitshow.

The writing's on the wall, even if they're doing a good job peeling away Union voters to keep themselves viable in the short run.

The day Texas goes purple, the entire party collapses, and that day cannot be further away than the 2028 election.

In the meantime, they have enough to fear from North Carolina and Georgia, having lost Virginia and Colorado in a surprisingly short amount of time.
I don't know. Texas is VERY, very large and Democrats usually only control the major cities.

Texas does have 4 of the top 11 biggest cities in the US though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_population

EDIT: Well, I guess the list of metropolitan areas would be more accurate, only 2 of 10 if you go that way, but Dallas and Houston are #4 and #5. They're both HUGE. And San Antonio and Austin are solid medium-size cities too. For all four to be in one state, that's a lot of metro.


listen to the mad man
Oh I know. But Texas has a LOT of red counties, and I don't see a lot of those turning.

elections don't take place at the county level, they take place at the state level, and the only reasonable way to show a county-level choropleth is to do it as a cartogram, which you didn't. there is literally no reason to show a county level election map. (don't feel bad, our current president doesn't understand this either)
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