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Trump impeachment is on the table, says Sen. Angus King and top Democrats


Not going to happen. Dems are a bunch of cowards, and the more moderate repubs still wont because muh party loyalty.


Well that's the thing - there's blood in the water.

If you think about this from the POV of establishment Republicans... you do damage control by taking out Trump and his loose cannon ways, and you get Pence, a dyed in the wool NeoCon Christian demagogue.


If the Republicans lose the Trump voter base, which is what happens if they go for impeachment, then they can pretty much write off any branch of Government for a very long time. If they lose the special elections coming up, they might make a move since they're fucked anyway, but if they win one or both, they'll probably stay the course and bet on Democrats being Democrats, I.E. forgetting when the midterms are.


What do the Dems have to do with impeachment at this point?

Nothing beyond letting the GOP know that they have bipartisan support should they choose to do the right thing.

It's not much, but it's something. Unfortunately, the GOP is a festering pile of shit, so I don't expect much.


in the end its all about the priorities.

getting things done as it is, is hard enough, but wasting precious time on 'commenting' on every stupid thing trump does, doesn't help at all.

sticking with trump for long probably ain't great for your political future either.

At the same time, impeachment process is long and complicated and takes up your legislative agenda, so good luck cutting taxes on the rich.

It does feel like less GOP are openly defending trump after each 'event', so expect their patience to be running thin by the day.


If this were such a big deal it would have come out in Feb. Firing Comey doesn't mean that any investigation underway magically disappears. Besides, Comey appointees probably hate Trump even more.


i hope mccain dies while trump is still in office so everyone's last memories of him will be of his spineless capitulation to a dime store dictator


"Lol no it's not."


Unfortunately this.

And trying to understand the dumb GOP's point of view...isn't it better for them to impeach Trump and get someone else of their own in as president that's better for them?? Whether that's Pence or whoever? Or are they worried that if Trump is impeached and goes down they all go down?


You don't need all the republicans to get this done, guys. You just need enough who are in danger of losing in 2018.

All the Democrats have to do is keep up the pressure and if the Republicans stick with Trump, then the midterms could flip the house blue and the impeachment begins.


Media Create Maven
McCain's been calling for an independent prosecution forever, and hates Trump's guts but yet he still votes party line and passes all of Trump's nominees and policies. He's all talk and that's sad considering he has absolutely nothing to lose.

The Dems + a couple of independents still means nothing. Until you have top-ranking republicans (Ryan & McConnell) saying anything of impeachment, nothing's going to happen. Top-ranking republicans aren't going to say a thing any time soon if they haven't already.

You don't need all the republicans to get this done, guys. You just need enough who are in danger of losing in 2018.

All the Democrats have to do is keep up the pressure and if the Republicans stick with Trump, then the midterms could flip the house blue and the impeachment begins.

Weren't folks saying that there actually aren't enough house seats to flip to turn the house Blue in 2018 anyways? It's going to take a lot of work for the Dems to get the house back. That's why Obama and co. are working behind the scenes to slowly flip state-level legislatures through grassroots efforts.
Not going to happen. Dems are a bunch of cowards, and the more moderate repubs still wont because muh party loyalty.

Democrats literally can;t do shit. They are out of power at all levers of the government. Especially the legislative branch,where impeachment needs to happen. It's a process and they can't do anything until people give them the power to.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
If it were to happen, it would require them to actually put effort into getting support and staring the process.

They can't start shit and if you think the votes/support isn't there...well I don't know what reality you live in.
Every time I see a thread like this, or any "It's happening!" post.


He's not getting impeached. Maybe I'm just cynical =/
Sooo.. if the president is clearly involved with russia and there are facts on the table, nothing CAN happen unless the GOP starts the impeachment process?

That seems really fucked beyond belief let me tell you.


Junior Member
Problem is repubs will see an impeachment as more harmful to 2018 than this buffoonery. They're wrong, but that's par for the course with them.


Sadly this is just read meat for the base (liberals). The party in power (Republicans) has to be in the loop in order for an impeachment. Short of a blatant illegal act (where there is NO wiggle room for interpretations), impeachment isn't realistic.
I like everyone else want to see the receipts. Specifically those printed by the GOP. GOP Congress ain't going to *lead* on impeaching a GOP president.


Which is why the democrats are planning for 2018. They're going to run on this, build a case, and if they can flip the house its game on.

I would love to see the tables turned....and the Republicans more or less eliminated from power but their base will likely stick with them no mater how corrupt/evil they are.
Sooo.. if the president is clearly involved with russia and there are facts on the table, nothing CAN happen unless the GOP starts the impeachment process?

That seems really fucked beyond belief let me tell you.

Correct. It's why Democrats need to run on the 'Impeach Trump!' slogan next year.


Unconfirmed Member
GOP is going to have to look at itself in the mirror at some point. Which looks worse, their guy getting impeached, or them standing by their guy that the majority of the country hates? So far they are sticking with the latter, but if polls continue to trend blue and anti-Trump, they may start changing their minds.


Junior Member
They're probably not wrong. Impeachment would be even worse for the Republicans come 2018.

And this is why impeachment will never happen. It's doesn't really get more complicated than this.

They are wrong. Constant fiasco after fiasco at some point they should realize it's better to say, hold the phone, this never should have happened in the first place. Dude is a joke and I'd say a solid 5% or more of his votes were joke votes.

At least anecdotally the Trump voters have all gone silent. That's not a good sign for the gop come 18.


Well thing about Republicans, they will act once the political pressure builds to a certain point to where they just can't ignore it.

If there are recordings of him saying some slick shit and it leaks? they'll jump ship immediately. They are worried about their own political futures after all and are accepting that they will probably lose the house thanks ot trump and know as SOON as it happens impeachment hearings begin, and if shit comes out and its proven, then they'll know they'll be blamed for playing politics and lose it all in 2020.

So just keep watching, you already see that famous "republican resolve" cracking along the edges.
God, I hope Ossoff wins. Then the REAL fun begins.

It's not going to happen.

Republicans have a lot more of this dying horse to ride.

They sat down to a sumptuous feast, multiple courses of the finest foods available (the DC Hat Trick).

Then, just after the apertif is imbibed, the food's yanked away from them. Boohoo, huh? But that's their lot in life for choosing the worst candidate in the field.

Wanted to get to touch the entree? Tough tits, it's hearings and impeachment time, muhfuggahs!
It's adorable how McCain thinks anyone takes his one-man show of resistance seriously despite being unable to remove his tongue from Trump's taint. Glad he'll go down in history only as the Republican that almost stood up for his country.

Deku Tree

But what is going to leak tomorrow? Honestly all this stuff is building up, and I think Trump did it, but the timing of the leaks is impeccable.

What are the R's going to say when the money laundering operation is exposed?

Get them on record now.

Did you see that house that Flynn just bought with a very questionable mortgage situation?


Their dialogue is changing. It's a slow process but we can definitely see change in the way they react and comment. Self preservation instincts are kicking in. Of course it's sad that's what they need to protect the USA from self destruction but at least we're seeing a shift.

Keep going.
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