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Trump: Obama Bribed New York’s Attorney General To Sue Trump University

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This is going to be a long 3/4 months. Very, very long. Tremendously long. It is going to suck, bigly. Believe me.

The fact that Trump projects his own failings on others combined with the fact that both the Florida and Texas AG's dropped their Trump U investigations after receiving sizeable donations from Trump makes this pretty funny.


It's precious that he thinks Democrats need to break the law to destroy him. All they had to do was give him the rope.


What's that Trump tactic where he says so many lies or half truths that it's too much for someone repute each one?

I forgot what it's called.


Trumps strategy is to tell so many outrageous lies that everything else he says seems sensible.

It's a bold strategy.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Everything is someone else's fault and everyone is against him. Someone else paid off these people and made me pay them off to hide things. Their fault.

Wonder how much this targeted marketing cost him (note Img of my phone screen while viewing this very thread).
What's that Trump tactic where he says so many lies or half truths that it's too much for someone repute each one?

I forgot what it's called.

But I mean, most of what he says aren't even half truths. They're like...jibberish or something. I think for Gish Gallop to actually apply, there has to be some kind of sense to all the small things overwhelming the opponent. Otherwise, it's just someone saying nonsense

Rebel Leader

Everything is someone else's fault and everyone is against him. Someone else paid off these people and made me pay them off to hide things. Their fault.

Wonder how much this targeted marketing cost him (note Img of my phone screen while viewing this very thread).

I always want to report that ad for



He says dumb shit everyday, did they really have to go all the way back to Feb. to dig up some shit that nobody cared about back then. I'm sure there's some shit he said today that's just as wrong.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Fifteen thousand isn't that much for a Presidential bribe
He says dumb shit everyday, did they really have to go all the way back to Feb. to dig up some shit that nobody cared about back then. I'm sure there's some shit he said today that's just as wrong.

Because what he is saying wasn't properly reported on and is clearly a huge fucking lie?

Cat Party

But obviously nobody cared and the public would never remember it at this point. There isn't really any reason to bring it up at this point.

This is Trump we're talking about. If someone asks him about it now, he'll either say he never said it or double down on it. Either response reactivates it in the news cycle.


Trump University was created by Obama and Hillary.



No wait I was being sarcastic.

Not that sarcastic.


This is Trump we're talking about. If someone asks him about it now, he'll either say he never said it or double down on it. Either response reactivates it in the news cycle.

But there is really no reason to bring it up now. There is much worse shit they he's said that can be brought up. The only people that will care about this is the people that already hate Obama and people that are iffy on Trump will just look past it.
I feel like Trump has said so much inane BS throughout his run that they'll be little time capsules of stuff being found for years

"Oh look Trump actually accused Obama of being a lizard person and a socialist. We just overlooked it because he followed it up with his idea to ban all muslims moments later"


Clothed, sober, cooperative
But obviously nobody cared and the public would never remember it at this point. There isn't really any reason to bring it up at this point.

Except he is auditioning for leader of the free world
Or did that detail not meet your dizzyingly high bar for scrutiny?
I wonder if, in Trump's mind, Obama--or any other human being not on his payroll--actually cared in the slightest about him before he became the Republican nominee. Like, did he actually believe that this was the case, that Obama was targeting him because of the birther nonsense or something?

I wonder if he bothers to think about how many people have tried, plotted, or declared intentions to kill Obama. I wonder if he ever bothers to consider that the man can't afford to be as petty and thin-skinned as he himself is. (Okay, I don't wonder that last part, I'm fairly certain he lacks the more advanced empathy development necessary to view other human beings as anything other than mirrors of his own diseased thought process. The concept that someone else might not be as sad and childish as he is probably literally never occurs to him.)

How deep does the delusion go for him, and how much of it is a useful narrative to his public persona?

Jea Song

Did the right thing
I really wish I knew how serious this guy is. Is he a genius and doing this on purpose to sabatoge the Republican party? Did it start off as a joke and he made it much further than he thought and never wanted the job? Or is he dead serious in becoming president? There's no way this guy can win right? It's stupid at this point. It's too much.. Just too much.


He's reading off a teleprompter at a rally. It is SO GOOD. The crowd doesn't seem too enthused by it.

I'm wondering if he'll be tied to one from here on out, and they will ultimately be his downfall, since he's a bore when he reads from one.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
BA-LEAVE ME. Christ he's boring when he's on script...
Trump/Republicans versions of Obama and Clinton make very entertaining stories. I can imagine the movie in 10 years. The movie opens up with Hillary in her early 20s going through the Kenyan jungle looking for "the chosen one" that will bring about the end of the world. She finds Obama and primes him to eventually become POTUS. In the meantime Obama also trains alongside Islamic radicals. Hillary is a liberal lawyer who secretly wants to establish Sharia's Law in the US. She is also a lesbian but marries Bill Clinton to gain power. She becomes first lady and continues her political career. The movie goes on to highlight when she kills Vince Foster, Her and Obama arrange 9/11, before heading to America to run for president he creates ISIS and is the secret leader.
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