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Trump plans to focus on infrastructure, starting with privatizing air traffic control


"Trump plans to focus on infrastructure"

Me, cautiously, "Ok, that sounds..."

"Starting with privatizing air traffic control"

Oh ffs, what? How are those things even related?


Bish loves my games!


Lower prices for airlines. And of course those airlines are going to pass those savings on to customers because reasons!
Well one major benifits is tolls roads are usually kept up a whole lot better than public ones. I hate driving non-till major roads in Dallas as they always are in disrepair. 114 is miserable to drive on, where as George bush, 121 and the express lanes for 635 are super nice.

Would you want every major highway tolled?
For those panicking, it looks like they will be following the model established in Canada, which is to have non-profit organizations take over the individual ATC systems of each airport. It's worked well in Canada, generally, so this shouldn't be a disaster.

It also looks like the unionized employees will remain so, which is good news.


If you want to take the idea of privatization to the extreme...

The Pareto principle says that the last 20% of results cost 80% of the effort. What would keep a privatized air traffic control industry from deciding that a small number of fatal crashes is an acceptable cost of maximizing profits? If they could make 250% more profit by dropping a safety check that prevents only 1 fatal commercial air crash a year, would they take it (especially in Trump's America, where regulations to prevent this are considered 'burdensome' and ripe for repealing)? Sometimes, safety should trump cost, and air traffic control is one of those times. I don't trust the Trump administration to make any choice that results in any of us being safer.


For those panicking, it looks like they will be following the model established in Canada, which is to have non-profit organizations take over the individual ATC systems of each airport. It's worked well in Canada, generally, so this shouldn't be a disaster.

Question: do you trust the Trump administration enough to do that correctly?


That's basically how my commute on dallas works now lol, "I can take Sam Rayburn and 35 and pay $2.45, or take Dallas North Tollway and George bush and pay $4.50 but get there 10 minutes sooner"

Between my wife and I we pay about $300 a month in tolls consistently. On the plus side there is no state income tax!...
The fuck. Over 300 a month in tolls? This is what I am worried about. Currently I pay zero on tolls. My state has managed to keep up with roads and repairs somehow. I pay income tax but it's less than what you pay in yearly tolls. Potentially paying less in taxes and then getting jacked by tolls is a horrible trade off in my opinion.
The fuck. Over 300 a month in tolls? This is what I am worried about. Currently I pay zero on tolls. My state has managed to keep up with roads and repairs somehow. I pay income tax but it's less than what you pay in yearly tolls. Potentially paying less in taxes and then getting jacked by tolls is a horrible trade off in my opinion.

Not only would we get jacked by tolls but the amount we pay in tolls would be more under a privatized highway system than state/federal owned why? Because companies can't collect state tax.

The second issue, with a state/federal owned highway system we can vote in/out politicians to fix issues. You as a citizen can't vote for shit on a company's employees. It's one thing to vote with your wallet by not purchasing a product, but good luck not using a major road way to get to work but instead taking another smaller roadway (that too will be privately owned) adding to your commute time with no real benefits since you'll probably pay a toll anyway. Multiple that by a shitload of people deciding to take that side road as well and congrats, you're probably going to say "fuck it" and go back to that main road.

Once the highway system goes private it doesn't go back.

ATC going non profit is fine, but I don't trust the Trump administration to do right by the citizens of this country so I'm against it on that principle.

Our highway system going private is unarguably the worst idea ever. Anyone for it are being incredibly shortsighted and are basically giving up power for nothing really in return. One day people will finally realize that services that exist to better/help American citizens lives are always going to run opposite of maximizing profits. They're incongruent with one another.


It's been rejected.

A Senate panel moved ahead Thursday with a long-term aviation bill that does not contain President Trump’s controversial proposal to separate air traffic control from the federal government.

The Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee approved legislation by voice vote that would reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for four years, after adopting a pair of controversial amendments regarding pilot training hours and trucker meal and rest breaks.

The measure now heads to the Senate floor, where the timing remains uncertain. Lawmakers are up against the clock, as the FAA’s legal authority expires at the end of September.


The senate is fully in "fuck off Trump" mode. He's just a pen to ratify bills to them.

Whatever Trump wants, the Senate should feel free to reject. Especially since the president is inserting himself into deliberations with maximum pain for vulnerable Republican senators.
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