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Trump plans to focus on infrastructure, starting with privatizing air traffic control



There really is a Simpsons GIF for everything.


Can’t stump the diablos
the government saves short term and citizens lose significantly long term. Honestly I don't see how that's a good idea.

How do citizens lose long term if this reduces the cost?
I worry about toll roads but would love to see some private sector efficiency breathed into infrastructure.
These motherfuckers are good at hoodwinking people.

A proper investment into infrastructure absolutely requires and benefits from private industries participating.

The big fucking "however" is that it requires accountability.

These assholes just want to give money away and hope for the best.

There's a reason every GOP governor was all uppity about the tracking system for the ARRA stimulus.

Corrupt pieces of shit.
Eh to me it depends. Amtrak which is a partially federal funded company owns all the railroads in the NJ area and they're the most incompetent company ever. Like anyone who's ridden NJ Transit knows how awful the rail lines are and that there's always something wrong that causes delays. i believe there are now plans to either hand it over to the Port Authority or to a private company.

nel e nel

He wants to make lots of toll roads. So basically you will have to pay to drive on roads

You already do. There are tons of toll roads throughout the US, as well as bridges and tunnels. Outside of that, taxes cover the maintenance of the rest.


The privatization of Air Traffic Control could work if done correctly.

But that won't be the case here. The union will be in favor of it because the union bosses will see a chance to get a more weighty strike threat to negotiate with while the GOP sets them up to get pulled into Right to Work legislation in dozens of states that will break the union's back.

Union bosses get paid, the GOP furthers their goal of neutering unionized labor, actual workers end up getting fucked down the road.

My prediction at least.
He signaled this a while ago
NAMING THE COMPANY (Vornado) that was gonna be the beneficiary of federal privatization - the one that bailed Kushner out of his incredible bungle paying way too much for 666 in New York and now needs the favor returned.
I'm surprise there are some people willing to give a Trump idea any benefit of the doubt.

EVEN IF it's an idea that sounds good on paper, do you actually have any faith that this administration can pull it off?
It total privatization of through roads even constitutional? There are a few semi-privatized examples of toll roads but they're cases where a private road existed first and the interstate system decided to piggyback onto it and they retained a lot of rights. Surrendering actual functional control of a federal highway currently open to public use sounds like it'd end up in court.

Trump complained about US airports during the campaign a lot. He... doesn't understand that it's massive government money that builds awesome airports in signature cities around the world, does he?
Privatizing some highways and turning them into more turnpikes and toll roads would be fine. Beyond that I'm skeptical.
You can toll things without privatizing them.


How do citizens lose long term if this reduces the cost?
I worry about toll roads but would love to see some private sector efficiency breathed into infrastructure.
Anyone that would actually need to use the toll roads would have significantly higher costs than the government building them. If you don't need the toll roads then you would save a small amount? The government is still going to be handing out tax credits to build them though


I hope a private air traffic control decides air force one doesn't get priority over paying customers.
Yeah, but there's a lot of potential for privatized toll roads to be more efficient than public ones. I don't want the government to own more things then what is necessary.

And by privatizing you remove any semblance of power citizens once had. Want that road repaired, good luck. I mean what are you going to do vote them out of office? Not drive on them?

If people took just one second of serious thought they'd quickly realize there are no upsides to citizens in regards to privatizing roads. Absolutely none.

Since these companies won't get tax to help pay for the roads guess what? Those tolls about to go up like crazy. Have fun dropping $5 per toll just to drive on Twitter 77 east.
Probably pushing for ATC PPP as a bargaining chip to push other elements through.

Blended finance can actually work very well, btw. $200b in targeted fiscal stimulus can generate a lot of private sector investment.
not flying to the US then... if there is one sector in life that should never be fully privatized its airtraffic..
People should look on the bright side, it'll lower our carbon footprint when people stop using planes and cars
wow... thats true (i mean you can see that in japan where using a road costs a shit ton of money and therefore people just usually dont drive that much but use trains instead)
Trump to be a secret enviromentalist?
Trump want to help our infrastructure? The simplest way is to put more money into highway work. So many of our bridges and highways are in a horrible condition.
I need more tolls in Dallas that are operated by private sector.
For what it's worth I work for the company doing new toll roads in DFW. And part of our current contract involves making new bridges/pavement for the free lanes, and then creating our bridges and managed lanes. Txdot isn't putting money and wouldn't do shit if it wasn't for our company coming in and offering to do all of this and fronting all of the money and management.
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