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Trump pressures Democrats on Obamacare to get border wall deal

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Funny shit. and we have a lot of dems already caving his demands too, let alone listening to their own progressive base.

"ResistTrump"? what a joke, to think it was supposedly the whole dem party were pretended to rally against Trump during his inauguration.

Anything that happens should be pointed back at Trump clearly by the democratic party in unsion and lockstep during every media tour they can find, don't cave and be little bitches because you want to act like your scared of looking uncompromising.

You compromise all the time at the cost of us(in favor of your donors and powerful interests)even when your in the majority and control the government, like early in Obama's tenure. These types of things are important when the supposed opposition party are in power.

Because you didn't just break the Supreme Court filibuster and get an SC justice in during Obama's tenure, now we've got Gorsuch. No more being bitches and caving and being donor corrupt tools.

anime avatar: check
complete and utter ignorance of basic govt social studies: check


So many things that happen these days would be labelled adsurd and unrealistic if it were presented in fiction. Hold on tight everyone!
I'm really hoping Dems just call his bluff. Cause that's all this shit is. A big fucking bluff.

They will. Trump (apparently) already offered 1:1 money for Obamacare in exchange for money for the wall and Chuck Schumer said that that's a nonstarter. Democrats, as the minority party, have nothing to lose by not going along with Trump. They know that's what their base wants, too.

If the government shuts down, Republicans will be the ones receiving the blame since they have full control of government.

To be honest, Trump is probably going to have problems just getting the GOP on board! The wall is gonna cost a lot of money and the Freedom Caucus et al are gonna want to see spending cuts to offset it. But those spending cuts - depending on what they are - could turn off moderates who are scared about losing their seat after the recent KS-04 and GA-06 elections.


I hope the Democrats have some balls and let the government get shutdown. Giving in does more harm then good but they have to get the right story out there. Sadly they suck at that.


I wonder how many people in here whining "and obviously the Democrats will cave" have actually listened to ANYTHING the Democrats have said on this subject recently. Or contacted their Democratic representative if they think they might fall for this. Or gotten involved in politics in anyway to strengthen the backbone of the Democratic party they think is so weak. Or paid attention to politics before the 2016 election.
Or even voted.


I wonder how many people in here whining "and obviously the Democrats will cave" have actually listened to ANYTHING the Democrats have said on this subject recently. Or contacted their Democratic representative if they think they might fall for this. Or gotten involved in politics in anyway to strengthen the backbone of the Democratic party they think is so weak. Or paid attention to politics before the 2016 election.
Or even voted.

Or just read quotes in the OP and the article.
Posting before reading is more important tho.
I wonder how many people in here whining "and obviously the Democrats will cave" have actually listened to ANYTHING the Democrats have said on this subject recently. Or contacted their Democratic representative if they think they might fall for this. Or gotten involved in politics in anyway to strengthen the backbone of the Democratic party they think is so weak. Or paid attention to politics before the 2016 election.
Or even voted.

Exactly. The democrats aren't even looking to reach out to Trump on anything let alone bargain a hostage situation with a chronic liar. Democrats are already in 2018 mode.


Why should people vote for a party in 2018 which is out of touch with their concerns? You won't win an election with "But but Trump", Hillary tried and lost tremendously.

"Lost Tremendously" = won popular vote by 3million, lost electoral college because of less than 1% vote (<100,000) in three states. Stop embarrassimg yourself with your dejected armchair punditry.


I wonder how many people in here whining "and obviously the Democrats will cave" have actually listened to ANYTHING the Democrats have said on this subject recently. Or contacted their Democratic representative if they think they might fall for this. Or gotten involved in politics in anyway to strengthen the backbone of the Democratic party they think is so weak. Or paid attention to politics before the 2016 election.
Or even voted.

The perception in their bubble is more important than reality, apparently.


I wonder how many people in here whining "and obviously the Democrats will cave" have actually listened to ANYTHING the Democrats have said on this subject recently. Or contacted their Democratic representative if they think they might fall for this. Or gotten involved in politics in anyway to strengthen the backbone of the Democratic party they think is so weak. Or paid attention to politics before the 2016 election.
Or even voted.

1. I'm a Republican

2. Democrats are too focused on purity and principles to stop Republicans from destroying the country.

3. I was born into the world paying to politics. Your point makes sense to Republicans and racists that woke up on January 20, 2009 and realized Barack Obama became President and an entire political world exists.


Dems are going to cave but they shouldn't cave at all. Obstruct, obstruct, and obstruct some damn more. Republicans have control of both house and senate with a filibuster proof majority in the house. They can pass anything they want at this point so go for broke and fuck over everybody. Let's see how those Trump 2020 rallies happening across the country look in a year after taxes have gone up thanks to this border wall and Medicaid has been cut under entitlement reform. Can someone add a petty tag for me, please?


Is this for real?

/checks Twitter

Holy moly, he won't shut up about it. Man, I feel bad for him that his parents never hugged him.

The news is FAKE, well except this one time y'all because they are saying something positive about me. Otherwise, FAKE, LIES, don't believe.
I'm really hoping Dems just call his bluff. Cause that's all this shit is. A big fucking bluff.

This so much.

The fact that they pulled their healthcare repeal & replacement bill just before it was going to go to a vote told me everything about how much of a pussy these guys are.


"Lost Tremendously" = won popular vote by 3million, lost electoral college because of less than 1% vote (<100,000) in three states. Stop embarrassimg yourself with your dejected armchair punditry.
Arimox, who is in the white house?


Lmao, wasn't it he not long ago saying the election was over? He keeps bringing it up. He has dementia. He has to.


Is this a joke? The qualifier used is what's at issue.
Both candidates knew what they had to do win. I think the electoral college is an
anachronist at best and a terrible way to pick the presidency. But she knew what she had to do to win.

Anyway, that's besides the point of the thread. Clinton isn't in politics anymore, the Dems need to find new leaders that can do something for them now.


Arimox, who is in the white house?

The point is she BARELY lost, and this is important because it kills the garbage narrative that there is something fundamentally wrong with the Democratic party by Fisher Price pundits.

This is important so we can form sensible strategies, and not worship at the altar of incompetent populists.


Both candidates knew what they had to do win. I think the electoral college is an
anachronist at best and a terrible way to pick the presidency. But she knew what she had to do to win.

Anyway, that's besides the point of the thread. Clinton isn't in politics anymore, the Dems need to find new leaders that can do something for them now.

The use of that word was a fundamental part of the argument being addressed. You responded with nonsense. Don't go contorting yourself to avoid that.


The use of that word was a fundamental part of the argument being addressed. You responded with nonsense. Don't go contorting yourself to avoid that.

I agree that's not Tremendous, but that's still a lost.

Also, I responded to Arimox's post. Because Clinton was sold as the experienced candidate with the judge advantage. Almost nobody expected Clinton to lose. When 538 only put Clinton's advantage as only in the 70s%, Nate Silver and his site was attacked for it.

Again, she lost and trying to argue it was a close loss or a "tremendous" los is besides the point. No democratic candidate is going to run like Clinton did, because history has shown it was a losing proposition.

Tommy DJ

Then what's your point?

Arguing whether or not it was a close loss or a huge loss is important because it would signify whether the Democratic Party is becoming the British Labour Party or the Australian Labor Party.

In this case, Clinton lost the electoral collage by around 100,000 votes. That's the margin of Trump's victory. Yes, Trump won. No, it isn't a significant victory at all.



I agree that's not Tremendous, but that's still a lost.

Also, I responded to Arimox's post. Because Clinton was sold as the experienced candidate with the judge advantage. Almost nobody expected Clinton to lose. When 538 only put Clinton's advantage as only in the 70s%, Nate Silver and his site was attacked for it.

Again, she lost and trying to argue it was a close loss or a "tremendous" los is besides the point. No democratic candidate is going to run like Clinton did, because history has shown it was a losing proposition.

It's not besides the point when people are using the bullshit narrative she lost by a lot to support their arguments. The fact you post the electoral numbers suggests you also have no idea what the argument is.

It was close as hell and that's important if you actually give a shit about understanding what happened. If you or others are more interested in using whatever interpretation pushes the narrative you like better, facts and context are "beside the point."


Funny shit. and we have a lot of dems already caving his demands too, let alone listening to their own progressive base.

"ResistTrump"? what a joke, to think it was supposedly the whole dem party were pretended to rally against Trump during his inauguration.

Anything that happens should be pointed back at Trump clearly by the democratic party in unsion and lockstep during every media tour they can find, don't cave and be little bitches because you want to act like your scared of looking uncompromising.

You compromise all the time at the cost of us(in favor of your donors and powerful interests)even when your in the majority and control the government, like early in Obama's tenure. These types of things are important when the supposed opposition party are in power.

Because you didn't just break the Supreme Court filibuster and get an SC justice in during Obama's tenure, now we've got Gorsuch. No more being bitches and caving and being donor corrupt tools.

There's a scary lack of regard for reality in this post. Scalia didn't die till after the Republicans had control of the senate.


anime avatar: check
complete and utter ignorance of basic govt social studies: check

this is the second person i've seen who has used the staggeringly stupid argument of "dem's didn't use the filibuster to get their SC nominee in, they are useless"

Its amusing if they never voted, its scary because they vote off of these idiotic opinions


It's not besides the point when people are using the bullshit narrative she lost by a lot to support their arguments. The fact you post the electoral numbers suggests you also have no idea what the argument is.

It was close as hell and that's important if you actually give a shit about understanding what happened. If you or others are more interested in using whatever interpretation pushes the narrative you like better, facts and context are "beside the point."

It wasn't close as hell! She was supposed to win handily, even with all the shit that happened in October. Urgh, I don't even know why we're arguing about this in this thread.


Lmao, wasn't it he not long ago saying the election was over? He keeps bringing it up. He has dementia. He has to.

For fuck's sake... This man makes every part of my existence hurt. He's throwing shade at the Electoral Collage (in an off-topic manner once again, of course), and that's the main reason he won the election. He literally understands no topic greater than that of an elementary school student. That or he just parrots whatever he hears while dawdling around his gaggle.


Why would they compromise when the Republicans could kill Obamacare at almost any time? I wouldn't even begin to consider a compromise unless there's some kind of relative assurance that the the ACA is not going to be yanked off the books in the near future.
For fuck's sake... This man makes every part of my existence hurt. He's throwing shade at the Electoral Collage (in an off-topic manner once again, of course), and that's the main reason he won the election. He literally understands no topic greater than that of an elementary school student. That or he just parrots whatever he hears while dawdling around his gaggle.

Best sentence I've read in a while.


It wasn't close as hell! She was supposed to win handily, even with all the shit that happened in October. Urgh, I don't even know why we're arguing about this in this thread.

Did you even read what he responded with? It was decided by a tiny, tiny number of votes. It absolutely was close as hell. What does how much she was supposed to win by have to do with whether or not it was close?
Trump lost the popular vote and won the election.

According to himself the "electoral college is a disaster for democracy" and we should have a revolution.


Yeah, its such a disaster for democracy and the republican party that he wont touch it because he needs it to win in 2020, and the republicans would shut that shit down even if he wanted to.
Trump should get his supporters to build the wall. they all gullible. should be easy...

Build it with them stuck in it. Would fix a lot of problems. C'mon chest-thumpin Muricans, show your patriotic duty... BE THE WALL... don't worry about food or going to the restroom, Trump and other Republican politicians will come up with something to help you guys out.


Build it with them stuck in it. Would fix a lot of problems. C'mon chest-thumpin Muricans, show your patriotic duty... BE THE WALL... don't worry about food or going to the restroom, Trump and other Republican politicians will come up with something to help you guys out.

I hope there is a draft and Trump voters get picked first. Only fair.
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