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Trump risks major diplomatic dispute with China after speaking with Taiwan's prez

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I'm team Taiwan anyway. China is so insecure they won't even allow their media to refer to them as Taiwan. "Chinese Taipei" or bust. Leave Taiwan alone, China and all those islands you think you're entitled to in the South China sea
He's gonna spark a nuclear war in the next four years. Not on purpose, just due to being an oblivious idiot.

Thanks, white America. You went and killed us all.


Even though Trump probably has no idea what he is doing, I actually have no problem with the U.S. having direct relations with Taiwan.


and the far-Left with the Alt-Right were warning that a Clinton administration would be responsible for starting WW3


not even sworn in, and this Know-Nothing Trump is about stir up shit not realizing the consequences

Stop with this far-left bull when you don't even describe what far-left is.


I'm fairly unfamiliar with the Taiwan/ROC recognition dispute. Is there any actual reason why we shouldn't have improved relations with Taiwan outside of just keeping the PRC happy?


That's... almost kinda reassuring. It's not good he might have done it through stupidity, but democracies like Taiwan's falling is something I worry about a Trump presidency.


China won't do shit to us about this, they depend on us way to much. They will grovel and complain, but in the end they won't do anything. Not to mention the have virtually no Navy so it isn't like they could act out on us any way.

This is a terribly ignorant post.

History shows just how fast international relations can spiral out of control over trivial diplomatic slights. An we are no longer in the era of sail ships or steam boats, but the era of mutually insured destructions at the hand of the atom.

There's a reason we don't test things and act very deliberately.


Quick, someone get the Dalai Lama to call him.

What a fucking idiot. If you're going to run the most powerful nation on Earth, you should at least have an awareness the most basic geopolitical drama points.


I'm glad he talked with Tsai (one of my favorite politicians in the world, btw). Under US law, Taiwan is supposed to be treated as a major non-NATO ally.


"Hello, uh yes, this is Kim Jong Un"
"You have a very good reputation. You are a terrific guy. You are doing amazing work, which is visible in every way. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. As I am talking to you, Glorious Leader, I feel I am talking to a person I have known for long. Your country is amazing with tremendous opportunities."

(not that it's been remotely comparable, but I wonder how far responding with flattery to every foreign nation call will go)

qcf x2

Now stop for a second and think how his supporters will be fine with this one way or another.

I'm not a supporter, how about you say why Taiwan shouldn't be recognized by the "leader of the free world?" As a democratic society that wrestled independence from a relatively oppressive mother country, why have we turned our backs on Taiwan for so long and why is what Trump did dastardly? Please, educate us all.
I bet that the Chinese bureaucrats are wetting themselves with excitement at the possibility that Trump will distract the people from domestic problems. Nothing Chinese people enjoy more than nationalism.
I'm starting to think our system being designed so that anyone can become president (if they have $$$ of course) might not be a good thing...


This is a terribly ignorant post.

History shows just how fast international relations can spiral out of control over trivial diplomatic slights. An we are no longer in the era of sail ships or steam boats, but the era of mutually insured destructions at the hand of the atom.

There's a reason we don't test things and act very deliberately.

We live in a global economy where China's economy absolutely hinges on a strong US economy.

There isn't really an historical precedent for that.


Now stop for a second and think how his supporters will be fine with this one way or another.

Most of them probably don't know what Taiwan is or where it is if they do. And they certainly have no idea about past or current relationships and politics. Most. I know there are smart Trump supporters, sad as that is.

It doesn't matter what Trump does, though. That's clear. If he pisses off China they'll be happy he's "taking control and showing who's boss!" And if he makes a deal with China it'll be fine because he's "making our economy great again and bringing back jobs" somehow.

It really doesn't matter what he says or does. They will -always- find a way to spin it positively. He could shit on their lawn and they'd be grateful for the free fertilizer.

What matters is what the rest of us and the world think and how we/they react to this and everything else he does. No matter how little of a difference it will make, for now.


I'm not a supporter, how about you say why Taiwan shouldn't be recognized by the "leader of the free world?" As a democratic society that wrestled independence from a relatively oppressive mother country, why have we turned our backs on Taiwan for so long and why is what Trump did dastardly? Please, educate us all.

I do not disagree with you at all. But in this case we have Trump acting out of pure ignorance and disregard. If he has any idea of what he's doing then I would be wrong, but all signs point to trump not quite grasping the gravity of his post.


People aren't freaking out because Trump is altering foreign policy.

People are freaking out because Trump is inexperienced in geopolitics and he is making foreign policy pivots against what is arguably the most important bilateral relationship in the world without consulting the White House, the State Department, US government briefings, or foreign allies, and also without a long-term plan.


I'm not a supporter, how about you say why Taiwan shouldn't be recognized by the "leader of the free world?" As a democratic society that wrestled independence from a relatively oppressive mother country, why have we turned our backs on Taiwan for so long and why is what Trump did dastardly? Please, educate us all.
In a ideal world? Sure.

In a world in which we RELY on China? No. We need China for our economy to function. Our economy would be in shambles without China.

Oops. There's bound to be a couple mistakes when you're a new employee.

Literally laughed out loud at this gif

World better be ready, Trump don't care

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
I know jack shit about foreign policy, so I'm not going to say jack shit about the future president who'll know jack shit about foreign policy.



I do not disagree with you at all. But in this case we have Trump acting out of pure ignorance and disregard. If he has any idea of what he's doing then I would be wrong, but all signs point to trump not quite grasping the gravity of his post.

That and it is quite clear his impetus for doing it in the first place is to line his pockets.
I'd prefer for the US to recognize Taiwan and treat it as an ally.
The problem is that Trump is acting like an irresponsible idiot about it. There's no doubt in my mind he did this without understanding what it meant.
Why would someone who flakes on his intelligence briefings know anything about how international relations will affect other countries.
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