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Trump signs bill revoking gun checks for people with mental illnesses

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he's looking out for his supporters, the people with mental illnesses.

It's no joke, that's actually THE reason: He's losing support from the moderate "he sounds like an ok-cadidate, all things considered" crowd, so he's going all out for the radical voters and those who never bothered to vote before.
Being a Trump supporter=mentally unstable.

surely has nothing to do with education, misinformation, indoctrination etc?
Just label them all as mentally ill, thats a great look for those of us who struggle with this shit on a daily basis...

This thread has made it painfully clear how pitiful the awareness and empathy surrounding the subject really is.

It's no joke, that's actually THE reason

this is actually sickening to read
It's no joke, that's actually THE reason: He's losing support from the moderate "he sounds like an ok-cadidate, all things considered" crowd, so he's going all out for the radical voters and those who never bothered to vote before.

A huge part of his base are unhinged gun nuts who put the need for fire arms above everything and anything else. This panders directly to them. The only kind of gun regulation they will possibly go for is if Trump can somehow legally make it harder for black and brown people to get guns. Short of that they won't budge and inch on this shit.
surely has nothing to do with education, misinformation, indoctrination etc?
Just label them all as mentally ill, thats a great look for those of us who struggle with this shit on a daily basis...

This thread has made it painfully clear how pitiful the awareness and empathy surrounding the subject really is.

this is actually sickening to read

It's certainly not meant to trivialize people with mental illnesses. But this is a case of Trump using an issue to pander to his supporters, people who are often unhinged, radicalized, unreasonable and detached from reality. That doesn't mean everybody who has a mental illness is a Trump supporter, nor despite my hyperbole, that every single Trump supporter suffers from some sort of mental illness, but it's a stand against any even remote attempt at common sense gun control, and the Right (and their base) eat it up.


This thread has made it painfully clear how pitiful the awareness and empathy surrounding the subject really is.

Surely you have to understand that for a lot of people the difference between mentally ill in the clinical sense and regular old shitty and irrational is hard to discern at a glance?

People shouldn't treat folks with real problems too harshly, but it's not a perfect world, and it's frequently hard to tell whether the person hollering at you for some imagined slight might not be fully responsible for what they're doing or if they're just being a self absorbed piece of shit.


The original concept seems a little rough around the edges as I understood it (essentially if you have A challenges then let's add you the list requiring additional checks to get a gun right?) but having nothing seems like a step back surely?

If the original was found to be flawed improve it but you need some kind of sensible guidance on who, for reasons of known psyhcological issues, should be carefully vetted to ensure they could safely arm themselves.

This shouldn't be a slight against people with such issues, although it can be bent this way, it should be a sensible guide to protect such people plus others from likely incidents if the wrong people ended up with a gun.

Heck my main worry would be such people harming themselves - perhaps fatally - rather than worrying they'd harm others (IIRC the statistics indicate more likely to self harm than anything).

This seems like just removing a safety net (even if flawed) because it came from previous administration and not bothering to put any kind of safety net in its place (unless I'm missing something).


What COULD possibly go wrong?

if someone wrote a screenplay with half the shit U.S. politicians have gotten up to in the last few months they would be thrown out of Hollywood for egregious hackery

"what is this, a two and half hour episode of Captain Planet? You need to humanize these characters at least a little for them to be believable!"

On the other hand, Captain Planet suddenly got a lot more realistic. Got the whole cast going.

Donald Trump.

Steve Bannon

Mike Pence

Kellyanne Conway

I could get into this show now.
Lol at people defending this crap, you americans really love your guns.

Good luck with that, if there was a shooting like every week this past year, i can't imagine it being better this one.


Even if you are a pro-gun fanatic, I can't think of a reason why this would be a good thing.

The liberal media control what is seen as "normal." Once the ivory tower doctors declare being a Christ loving conservative as a disease, Obama will move to take our guns and it will be perfectly legal. UNTIL NOW
How can any sane or rational person look at this and go "Yes, I agree with this."?

There is no way that could reflect what gun owners agree with. Our leaders don't represent us and it should be obvious to even the most diehard Republican.
Because it's a blanket ban that has little to do with one's capacity to safely operate a gun (for example, it bans some people with eating disorders from buying a gun).

and this is supposed to help protect them from eating a bullet when they feel they've hit rock bottom.

Gotta love how much conservatives care about the mentally ill
Wow. So dogmatic with the bang bang pew pew. I hope y'all saw the placards at the women's march saying "I'm just a little girl/woman and one day I hope to have as many rights as a gun."

I'm sure it must me fun on a bun to play with killing machines. Turns human into God in one trigger pull.


So I guess the next time there's a massive shooting, they'll just say it really is a mental problem and do what they've been doing to combat it: Absolutely nothing.


So I guess the next time there's a massive shooting, they'll just say it really is a mental problem and do what they've been doing to combat it: Absolutely nothing.
Not just nothing. Blocking attempts at fixing it too.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Good, we need to treat people like people, and check them individually before taking their constitutional rights away.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
It was about getting checks, not outright banning them to buy a gun. The checks are now revoked.

I don't know if you're being sarcastic or confusing the word check for check (money)

Or am I wrong, hang on, I might be thinking of something else.

Van Bur3n

Why? Just why? What is the reason for this? What good will come out of giving a deadly weapon to someone with a mental illness? It doesn't make sense. Not one bit. Not at all. Zip. None. Nadda. Negative, red leader.


Even if you are a pro-gun fanatic, I can't think of a reason why this would be a good thing.
People with mental health issues going on shooting sprees make your side look bad.

I wonder if gun sales soar after every mass killer cause people want to defend themselves

could be that the NRA is just trying to improve business

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
That's funny how NBC words it.

It's not gun checks, it's requiring the social security to give up their records of all people listed as mentally ill, and not taking care of their own money.

We've already had a few threads on this bill, and democratic mental health advocates voted for this to protect mentally ill people's rights.

ACLU on this bill


We oppose this rule because it advances and reinforces the harmful stereotype that
people with mental disabilities, a vast and diverse group of citizens, are violent.
There is no data to support a connection between the need for a representative
payee to manage one's Social Security disability benefits and a propensity toward
gun violence. The rule further demonstrates the damaging phenomenon of ”spread,"
or the perception that a disabled individual with one area of impairment
automatically has additional, negative and unrelated attributes. Here, the rule
automatically conflates one disability-related characteristic, that is, difficulty
managing money, with the inability to safely possess a firearm.

This is also an interesting read.

During my time at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, I heard from a number of autistic adults who were concerned that their use of a representative payee would prevent them from taking part in hunting and other aspects of rural culture involving firearms. Still, despite that, the primary reason I and other disability advocates opposed the Rep Payee rule is less about guns than it is about the precedent the rule might set for other kinds of rights.

Disability advocates are concerned with setting the precedent that needing help with financial matters implies a lack of capacity to exercise other rights. These concerns are rooted in discrimination people with mental disabilities face in other areas of life, such as parenting and voting rights. On these issues, people with mental disabilities often face an assumption of incapacity, forcing disability and civil rights advocates and attorneys to fight to overturn assumptions that a diagnosis or determination of support need in one area should lead to a loss of rights in an unrelated area. Many of the same groups active in defending the voting and parenting rights of people with mental disabilities chose to weigh in against the Social Security rule for similar reasons; they feared that using the representative payee database for prohibiting gun purchases might constitute a ”thin end of the wedge" for loss of more important rights down the road.
Guess we can expect the news update of some shooter to be mentally ill and how there was nothing we could have done. The republicans gun boner really makes them blind to common sense.


Unconfirmed Member

“The gun laws have nothing to do with this. This isn’t guns. This is about, really, mental illness.”
I'm with the ACLU on this issue.

We cannot have a precedent that makes it harder for one group to get guns over another.

Background checks should apply to everyone who wants a gun. I don't think making them apply to a group that hasn't been demonstrated to be more likely to commit a crime with one, is the right approach, and this further demonizes mental illness.

I want background checks for *everyone*. I hope we can still make at least that happen in my lifetime, but letting the government pick and choose who has to get them is not something I'm remotely comfortable with, not inspite of the current administration but because of it.

No guns for immigrants and black people, but guns for the whites... doesn't sound too outlandish right now.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Good thing we're planning to gut the ACA. As a mentally ill person, I need guns not medicine


So now people with serious mental illnesses, who can't handle their own Social Security benefits, have been deemed worthy of owning a gun. Okay. I see you Republicans.

Good thing we're planning to gut the ACA. As a mentally ill person, I need guns not medicine

Yeah, SMI programs and treatment facilities are gonna get totally gutted. What's the replacement? More gun.


As if mental illness already doesn't get blamed enough when shootings happen, now it'll just be the default starting point.
So now people with serious mental illnesses, who can't handle their own Social Security benefits, have been deemed worthy of owning a gun. Okay. I see you Republicans.

Explain to me what these two things have to do with each other.

Should we ban them from driving a car too?
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