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Trump signs bill revoking gun checks for people with mental illnesses

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Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
At some point America is going to have to start from scratch with this whole government and law thing after it's been revealed the current setup is as real world functional as monopoly money.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
You have to go through lessons and a test to prove you can drive safely before being legally allowed to drive. Not really a good comparison.

But they're not banned from the test, right?

This bill bans these people without an individual mental evaluation test.


If I were the President of the US I'd ban guns for everyone and recall them all to destroy them, I'd most likely be impeached the next day though lol.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Perhaps it's because I'm not a US citizen but I have a hard time understanding why any citizen should be allowed to own a firearm unless strictly for hunting.


Unconfirmed Member
Fuck it just make guns mandatory for everyone. Soon as you hit 18 you get a gun and are required to carry it with you at all times. Stop fucking around and let's go completely nuts.
You have to go through lessons and a test to prove you can drive safely before being legally allowed to drive. Not really a good comparison.

Driving isn't a constitutionally protect right.

Look, I am pro gun-control. I live in MA and what we have at the state level should in my honest opinion be the federal standards. You have to take lessons. You have to show proficiency on a range. You have to get a background check. Lots of other things I am very much in favor of.

What I'm not in favor of, is setting a precedent that lets the government make it harder for one group to acquire a gun without any evidence backing it up. What's next? Immigrants? Muslims?

Do you see?


As somebody that works near a state psychiatric center, I'm thankful that I live in a state that has its own laws barring gun ownership of the mentally ill. I don't think I'll ever appreciated states rights as much as I do in the Trump era.

Put the politicians responsible for legislation like this in a room with these newly approved gun owners for a week and we'll see how many approve of this idea after. Assuming anybody is still alive.
Driving isn't a constitutionally protect right.

Look, I am pro gun-control. I live in MA and what we have at the state level should in my honest opinion be the federal standards. You have to take lessons. You have to show proficiency on a range. You have to get a background check. Lots of other things I am very much in favor of.

What I'm not in favor of, is setting a precedent that lets the government make it harder for one group to acquire a gun without any evidence backing it up. What's next? Immigrants? Muslims?

Do you see?

I've adjusted my stance in a later post, but I don't buy into the 'constitutional right' argument.
Episodes if mentally instability may not equate to mental illness. Plenty of people without mental illness kill.

ok fine but it takes at least some serious mental problem (or whatever) to actually snap so bad that you kill someone.
a mentally instable person is prone to snap more easily. hence the word "instable"

Look at the worst (10+) killers in the past; both serial killers or mass murderers.
Most of them were mentally (very) ill but not necessarily diagnosed before the killings.
At least Trump can finally own a gun.

I get the awful feeling the second this goes through successful suicide rates will go up.

I guess John Hinckley Jr. can get a gun again now?

Mr.Shrugglesツ;231253390 said:
Trump just wants to be able to buy a gun for himself.

I expected a lot more "isolated incidents."

The regulation they're repealing wasn't even mandatory when it was repealed.


Wasn't there a thread on this same bill recently?

Yeah, there was. And people have the exact same knee-jerk reactions which come from not looking very deep into it.

This is a due process issue, not a gun issue.

Go read up on why the ACLU and all the major disability advocacy organizations joined the NRA in supporting this action.


Perhaps it's because I'm not a US citizen but I have a hard time understanding why any citizen should be allowed to own a firearm unless strictly for hunting.

From Wikipedia:
British attempts to seize the munitions of Massachusetts colonists in April 1775 led to the first open combat between Crown forces and Massachusetts militia, the Battles of Lexington and Concord.
From Wikipedia:
British attempts to seize the munitions of Massachusetts colonists in April 1775 led to the first open combat between Crown forces and Massachusetts militia, the Battles of Lexington and Concord.

Dammit... We were just waiting for Hilary to take all your guns so that you'd be defenceless against our proud boys bravely reclaiming the lost colonies in the name of the Queen.

I guess we have to put the invasion on hold for another 8 years.
Yup I figured it would happen. People who shouldn't have guns get guns, it scares normal people so they get guns to protect themselves. More guns sales means more profits. Guns Guns Money Guns USA.
Guns are supposed to protect people so they can overthrow the government if need be. So why don't Americans overthrow the Government now? I mean it's only going to get worse with this shithead in power, why don't the dems forcibly eject the republicans from power using the very laws they want protected?


As somebody that works near a state psychiatric center, I'm thankful that I live in a state that has its own laws barring gun ownership of the mentally ill. I don't think I'll ever appreciated states rights as much as I do in the Trump era.

Put the politicians responsible for legislation like this in a room with these newly approved gun owners for a week and we'll see how many approve of this idea after. Assuming anybody is still alive.

Are you under the impression that people deemed mentally defective by the courts are now able to buy firearms? That's not the case at all, even after Trump signed this bill.


Hm, yeah, i dont think this means that mentally ill people can start buying guns without any background checks.

From Wikipedia:
British attempts to seize the munitions of Massachusetts colonists in April 1775 led to the first open combat between Crown forces and Massachusetts militia, the Battles of Lexington and Concord.
Its kinda crazy to think about, that just because someone wrote down a line almost 250 years ago, that is law today simply because it was written down almost 250 years ago hehe.


Dammit... We were just waiting for Hilary to take all your guns so that you'd be defenceless against our proud boys bravely reclaiming the lost colonies in the name of the Queen.

I guess we have to put the invasion on hold for another 8 years.

It's Puuutin and Russians we are worried about. ;-p


Vilify immigrants and roll back on regulations preventing mentally ill people from acquiring handguns.

I'll bet this account that incidents like the one we saw in Kansas are in-fucking-evitable.


Its kinda crazy to think about, that just because someone wrote down a line almost 250 years ago, that is law today simply because it was written down almost 250 years ago hehe.

That's not the reason at all. It's very easy to change the law, even the constitution. The USA is a very flawed democracy, but this is still true. If the fast majority of the people where in favor of having this changed, this would change.
It is still law today, because it has massive support.


That's not the reason at all. It's very easy to change the law, even the constitution. The USA is a very flawed democracy, but this is still true. If the fast majority of the people where in favor of having this changed, this would change.
It is still law today, because it has massive support.
Sure, i know, maybe i was a bit unclear, but i mean that a lot of people seems to simply say "its written in the constitution" as a reason.


Are you under the impression that people deemed mentally defective by the courts are now able to buy firearms? That's not the case at all, even after Trump signed this bill.

It doesn't matter in my cases due to state laws, but having seen some of the worst of what can happen to people mentally speaking, I have no tolerance. Guns are extremely dangerous things that should be respected. Unlike Republicans, I don't bother with some delusion that the Constitution is some infallible thing to (selectively) revere. While I don't believe guns should be banned, I don't believe they're something that people should have the right to. It should be a privilege, and one that's extremely easy to lose.

If you can't manage your finances, for instance, you shouldn't have a gun. You might not be violent because of that, but you're obviously cognitively lacking. Guns don't require an inherently violent individual to be dangerous. They just require somebody to make a mistake in a judgement call - a mistake that can easily end up fatal.

Make no mistake, the law wasn't perfect. The Republicans aren't going to fix the problems though. To them, fixed is no regulation.
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