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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


Antidotal but the pats fans I know are all racist that I hate to be around (extended family). I am vaguely wondering what they think about Krafts message.

It’s bad. Most of them are saying they’re boycotting the NFL and they’re swearing off football. Yet they’re all still subbed to the pages commenting on them.


Fuck I’m done with FB. Someone just claimed the 93 page nfl rule book looked like “a child created it”(in defense of the fake paragraph someone wrote about it being a punishable offense to not stand during the anthem). Gnite
Also people that are protesting are saying that this is not about disrespecting the military but they are being told that it is about the military. How the hell does that work.

It's this bullshit move on the right to try and pivot from an issue. We can't give disenfranchised Americans something because we have homeless vets, or we shouldn't complain about stuff because soldiers fought and died. It's a continuation of the concept of Hero Worship that has rooted itself in the rampant Nationalism that has taken over the right. Disrespecting Patriotism is somehow disrespecting the troops who fought and died for your rights or some bullshit. It makes almost no sense, yet to people who want an excuse to complain about Athletes protesting it seems as logical as 1+1=2.

Does kaep really not have a job bc he sat out tho?

Yes. Team owners were outright denying they were even considering giving him a tryout in the preseason. Multiple teams put out statements after public pressure saying he would not be playing for them in any capacity. He was blacklisted by the NFL, full stop. It's the same way Ray Rice was blacklisted (I agree with that one though), all the owners decided the person was too toxic to justify rostering and didn't want to hurt their image. Kaep's career numbers aren't great, but they are hardly terrible. His QBR last year was higher than the current QBR of 16 starting QB's in the NFL, including Brian Hoyer who is currently QB for SF.


I hope "taking the knee" becomes a global phenomenon. If only to see the MAGA crowds collective heads explode. They have got to learn that their movement is on the wrong side of history.

I'm pretty sure playing the national anthem on a weekly basis is an americam thing.


Probably already been posted but fuck it, it's great.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So this is what his base wants? For him to say dumb, inflammatory statements, get no actual legislation done, and generally do dumb shit?

This is what they wanted? A barely functioning nation? How dumb must you be to want this??


Its a crime to disrespect the flag overhere. Its a law created by the dictatorship, not joking.
This law was not revoked in the redemocratization, but nobody was arrested by it so Far, it would probably Go to the Supreme court.


So this is what his base wants? For him to say dumb, inflammatory statements, get no actual legislation done, and generally do dumb shit?

This is what they wanted? A barely functioning nation? How dumb must you be to want this??

I think his base likes that he “tells it like it is”. He says the type of stuff they want to say to the media, NFL, North Korea and so on.

Lots of people aren’t up to date on policy or how effective or ineffective Congress is. They just like that the President seems to be saying things they wish they could say in the way they would say it.
Except Cap ain't no fucking racist (unless it's actually that time Hitler took over his body)(and this latest time the cosmic cube became sentient) but otherwise Cap is a liberal.

This one guy I removed from the FB friend list was wearing Captain America masks and clothing but is a hardcore Trump supporter. He didn't like facts.
I heard someone bitching about how the president has the nation behind him and how everybody thinks all the players should shut up and stand for the anthem today while he sat on his ass and drank a bear for the anthem TWICE OVER.

I work with a dumbass meathead who thinks the flag code is federal law.

Even if it were they did nothing against the flag code lol


Unconfirmed Member
Except Cap ain't no fucking racist (unless it's actually that time Hitler took over his body)(and this latest time the cosmic cube became sentient) but otherwise Cap is a liberal.

He was also a little weird in Secret Wars in his lectures to the X-men, but I guess he was being more anti-antifa than anti peaceful protest.
You're assuming they care about facts.

Some girl on my Facebook posted a fake NFL rule saying you have to stand for the anthem.

I posted a snopes article saying it was false.

She said snopes was wrong, she verified with a player.

I linked her the actual rule book where it said nothing about standing for the anthem.

She deleted my posts and blocked me...and left her original ”fake news" post up.

I don't know how we as a species are going to survive this.
The species will be fine, but America is screwed. The decline is going to be hard to watch for normal people that actually care about the country and decency. I just don't think boomers passing on will be enough and we're at the point where we need changes on the level of constitutional amendments to protect the country (which is not going to happen in our lifetimes barring a war on US soil or something equally huge). I'll gladly eat crow on this one, though.


As an outsider, it's been great to watch plenty of people rally behind those choosing to kneel.

...but the threads I've read on Twitter, filled with those that just don't get it, is remarkable. How can so many people either be really, really, really stupid, or instead use the shittiest excuses ever to hide their ignorance and/or racism? "You're not being paid to kneel"...I mean come on, really!?

With atttiudes like that, combined with who's running your country at the moment, more people need to realize that worshipping the flag isn't worth shit when the flag stands for so much bullshit. Yeah the ideology and the "American dream" is something to behold but the reality is far, far removed, and that's entirely lost on people it seems. It feels like a lot of the world rolls its eyes at blind patriotism, so it's good to see there's people out there willing to stand up (or kneel, you know what I mean) when they've had enough.

Trump is a cunt of the highest order, but the ONE good thing he's done is highlight how fucking antiquated parts of America are and the values still held by a lot of people it seems. It's terrifying to see him make so much hatred and inequality feel justiyable in the eyes of the ignorant, but I pray at some point we can all turn round and make the idiots feels ashamed of themselves now that they've outed their racist and backwards views.

I feel for the good people of America; it must be tough to live through this at the moment, and it's a real challenge moving forward. It's like the unwritten truth has been outed, and elephant in the room highlighted, and the awkward truth that not everything is great at home; so what's going to happen? Will the country just sweep it under the rug and go back to "normal"? Or will the country mature and move past the lasting effects of institutional racism?


Just looking at Facebook, I think Donald Trump won. Some of the comments are downright scary. It is a great that there was unity among those in the League, but much of America is vehemently divided on the issue. It's a classic "”us vs. them." It is impossible to talk to the other side without resorting the name calling and screaming. People are starting to behave like animals. If Trump keeps this up, we could be headed to a new type of Civil War. Donald Trump has taught America to Hate Again. This is a dark time in America's history.
Just looking at Facebook, I think Donald Trump won. Some of the comments are downright scary. It is a great that there was unity among those in the League, but much of America is vehemently divided on the issue.
Remember your Facebook is representative of your friends, family and acquaintances. I see no such impression from my Facebook associates.

If what you see concerns you, maybe it's time to upgrade the caliber of friends on your list.
Does kaep really not have a job bc he sat out tho?

Personally I'm not a big fan of Kaepernick as a player, but let's put it this way: Scott Tolzien was a week 1 starter. I'm pretty sure Kaep should have a job as a back up at least when you look at some of the scrubs on the sidelines.
Nothing Trump or the anti-kneeling brigade say means anything, when you remember that they're ok with morons marching up and down with confederate flags. How the fuck are you going to talk about disrespect for you military, veterans, and star spangled banner, when you allow and call confederate flag waving supremists "decent folks"? You aren't fooling anyone with your hypocrisy 45 and friends.

Oh and I was incredibly disappointed by Tom Brady's post game interview. Your team owner straight up called out Trump, and you keep deflected every question in regards to his comments. I hope Gisele slaps some sense in to you.


Brady is one of them.
Just looking at Facebook, I think Donald Trump won. Some of the comments are downright scary. It is a great that there was unity among those in the League, but much of America is vehemently divided on the issue. It's a classic "“us vs. them.” It is impossible to talk to the other side without resorting the name calling and screaming. People are starting to behave like animals. If Trump keeps this up, we could be headed to a new type of Civil War. Donald Trump has taught America to Hate Again. This is a dark time in America's history.

Trump is the ultimate online troll, and all the online trolls approve.


So, where does the kneeling go from here? Does it sort of taper off next week and slowly fade out? Does Trump continue to escalate things throughout the week? Can we actually get some fucking white dudes to show true solidarity with their black teammates and kneel alongside them (assuming those teammates are OK with it)?

The NBA has media day this week and starts mid october. The NBA has had 5 MVPs since 2008 and 3 of them are already on the record about this specific incident. While 4/5 have been on the record actively trying to make a difference in when it comes to this issue. (Maybe 5/5 i'm not sure about Derrick Rose)

I don't think this will die down any time soon.


Oh and I was incredibly disappointed by Tom Brady's post game interview. Your team owner straight up called out Trump, and you keep deflected every question in regards to his comments. I hope Gisele slaps some sense in to you.

Disappointed that a Trump sympathiser didn't take a stand against Trump.
I thought this was appropriate:

Funnily enough I see plenty of German flags whenever I've been in Germany tbf though, at least more than I do of the union jack in the UK or the St Georges Cross. I feel like it's perfectly fine to fly the flag if you want to celebrate the positive aspects of one's country, so long as you don't get all pissy if others don't play along.


Pizza Dog
Funnily enough I see plenty of German flags whenever I've been in Germany tbf though, at least more than I do of the union jack in the UK or the St Georges Cross. I feel like it's perfectly fine to fly the flag if you want to celebrate the positive aspects of one's country, so long as you don't get all pissy if others don't play along.

Flying the St George's Cross (specifically, rather than the Union Flag) in England is pretty much a signal that you're a racist though. It's very much been adopted by the "Keep Britain British" (ie white), Sun reading, Brexit voting population. It's not exclusively that way, but it's definitely got that strong connection. You'll see the Union Flag a lot in London because of tourism and historic buildings etc, but people in the UK don't tend to have flagpoles or whatever out on their lawns or houses and we don't tend to wave the flag that much (unless you're at an England sports match or at last night of the proms or something).
I honestly might delete my Facebook. I only really used it for the steelers page and for tracking events.

Now I see how much of a cesspool it really is. Full of right wing lunatics and trolls. It's sad that these Americans are so quick to throw their beloved organizations and players under the bus based on their political views.

I guess the one good thing that could come from this is cheaper tickets to games. I just don't know how I would feel being surrounded by these people in the stands.


I honestly might delete my Facebook. I only really used it for the steelers page and for tracking events.

Now I see how much of a cesspool it really is. Full of right wing lunatics and trolls. It's sad that these Americans are so quick to throw their beloved organizations and players under the bus based on their political views.

I guess the one good thing that could come from this is cheaper tickets to games. I just don't know how I would feel being surrounded by these people in the stands.

Most of them are just whining. They don't actually plan on boycotting.


I honestly might delete my Facebook. I only really used it for the steelers page and for tracking events.

Now I see how much of a cesspool it really is. Full of right wing lunatics and trolls. It's sad that these Americans are so quick to throw their beloved organizations and players under the bus based on their political views.

Aaah yess. Lets all reminisce the days when facebook was used exclusively by teens and college kids doing quirky quizzes and poking each other. Ever since your moms and dads joined the platform it turned into a disgusting amplifier of racist, right-wing fake nonsense.


I just don't understand how people say they've been fans for 40+ years and now hate the team because of a brief protest during the anthem.

They're either liars or were never really that big of fans.

Classic indoctrination. Wouldn't surprise me if these are the same people that say they love their kids unconditionally but if the kid took a shit on a piece of striped cloth then they'd get disowned and kicked out to the curb in a heartbeat.


Scary Euro Man
Now I see how much of a cesspool it really is. Full of right wing lunatics and trolls. It's sad that these Americans are so quick to throw their beloved organizations and players under the bus based on their political views.

I always work on the assumption that it's worth staying connected because there's always a chance that you'll be able to help some of these people see sense, and point out the truth when they're suckered in by fake news. Not going to help for those who are way down the rabbit hole, but I don't believe that's the case for everyone.

I have asked Facebook to stop showing me the posts they share from shitty alt-right sources. Maybe I should be trying to bring a little bit of truth even there, but there's only so much of that I can take.

Facebook is a weird tool in that the way it works really leans towards creating echo chambers and sowing divisiveness - and not always deliberately so. More crossover would be healthier in general, I suspect. When you get an incident like this, though, you can get a glimpse into what Facebook is like for other people, and some of those echo chambers are really ugly, both from the point of view of what people believe and also (in some ways more dangerously) how they think.
As an outsider looking in I fully respect and support those taking a knee.

However it's hard to fathom the amount of furore over this, the whole over the top American patriotism doesn't come natural to us English and always seems a little odd to me. Again the support our troops thing always seems similarly OTT. Are people really that bothered or just jumping at the chance to be outraged?

A lot of the comments I've seen online are obviously thinly veiled racism, including Trump.


Scary Euro Man
Everybody will have forgotten this by next weekend is my guess.

I'm not sure I agree with you on that, for two reasons. The first is that on one side of things is an egomaniacal man-baby who can't resist tweeting to his huge base of followers and can't accept anyone not falling into step with his orders immediately. He'll keep this one alive. The second is that this has massively increased the number of players, owners, teams etc. taking a stand. It's made a lot of people take that first step, and I think now they've done it a lot of them will continue to protest, and where they don't wish to do that themselves, to continue to support their team mates in that protest. And as long as players are doing that, it will bring out a reaction every week from people who can't or won't understand that they have both a right to protest and a just and valid cause to protest for.
When BLM advocates protest on streets or businesses: Protest more peacefully!!

When BLM advocates protest peacefully during a scheduled event: Protest more respectfully!!

America plz.
As an outsider looking in I fully respect and support those taking a knee.

However it's hard to fathom the amount of furore over this, the whole over the top American patriotism doesn't come natural to us English and always seems a little odd to me. Again the support our troops thing always seems similarly OTT. Are people really that bothered or just jumping at the chance to be outraged?

A lot of the comments I've seen online are obviously thinly veiled racism, including Trump.

The "support our troops" thing is a deflection. The original protest clearly outlined why it was happening, and it's totally peaceful and not obtrusive to games. People simply don't want to have that dialogue, and they feel they're being dragged into it, kicking and screaming.

Which was the entire point of the protest in the first place, to shock people out of apathy.
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