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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


Why are you even playing the National Anthem before a « football » championship match ?

Anyway, I think they’re doing the right things there, it’s peaceful and definitely working, do not stop.


Yesterday was purge day with my Facebook , I unfriended family members that were talking shit about the kneeling.

I purged Facebook in its entirety half a decade ago, though I wonder if selectively shutting people out is more effective.


I just realized how normalized Trumps way of speaking has become. It did not even occure to me as strange that the POTUS says "get that son of a bitch off the field". This is what happens when you get bombarded with shit all day long :(


Why are you even playing the National Anthem before a « football » championship match ?

Anyway, I think they’re doing the right things there, it’s peaceful and definitely working, do not stop.

The military literally pay the NFL millions per year to do so. It's advertisement.


The military literally pay the NFL millions per year to do so. It's advertisement.

By advertisement you mean indoctrination of patriotism and nationalism? People in America seem to sing the anthem as soon they can talk, in school in the morning and in football games and actually everywhere. Shit isn't healthy.


I think the jury is still out on whether he's a real racist though. All of that just makes him an asshole. But together is not unequivocal proof that he's a racist right?

You know the Trump family has literally been found by courts to literally be literal racists, right


Darkness no more
Why are you even playing the National Anthem before a « football » championship match ?

Anyway, I think they’re doing the right things there, it’s peaceful and definitely working, do not stop.

The anthem started being played before every baseball game during WW2. It then spread to other sports.
It's fucking infuriating reading an article about a 8 year old boy that died trying to save his sister from his mom's ex boyfriend child molester and all the comments are just blatant racism and about the kneeling stuff. These fucking pieces of shit have no fucking shame. A kid fucking died a hero and all they think about is about how black the murder and victims were. Im livid right now. I'm so fucking disgusted by this country.


I just realized how normalized Trumps way of speaking has become. It did not even occure to me as strange that the POTUS says "get that son of a bitch off the field". This is what happens when you get bombarded with shit all day long :(

That's one if the widest things to be happening. The president of the US, in public, is calling a private citizen a son of a bitch. Decorum and Trump are like water and oil. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought the office if the president would ever turn into a shit show.


The NBA has media day this week and starts mid october. The NBA has had 5 MVPs since 2008 and 3 of them are already on the record about this specific incident. While 4/5 have been on the record actively trying to make a difference in when it comes to this issue. (Maybe 5/5 i'm not sure about Derrick Rose)

I don't think this will die down any time soon.

The World Series is coming. Bryce Harper plays in Washington DC... Let's have the face America's pastime take a knee.

The Nats need to get there first.
The World Series is coming. Bryce Harper plays in Washington DC... Let's have the face America's pastime take a knee.

The Nats need to get there first.

1. Do we even know where a player like Harper would stand in this? For some reason, I'm not optimistic

2. Lol like the Nats can win a postseason series.


Saw that The Times cartoonist covered this today.



Aaah yess. Lets all reminisce the days when facebook was used exclusively by teens and college kids doing quirky quizzes and poking each other. Ever since your moms and dads joined the platform it turned into a disgusting amplifier of racist, right-wing fake nonsense.

Aaah yess. Lets all reminisce the days when facebook was used exclusively by teens and college kids doing quirky quizzes and poking each other. Ever since your moms and dads joined the platform it turned into a disgusting amplifier of racist, right-wing fake nonsense.

Our "good ol days" will be the days when the the ugly side of the internet was still limited to dark web and shady chat/IRC rooms. When there was still hope.

Who knew that all we have to do to piss off Trump is bend the knee.

This needs to start happening everywhere.

I'd love to see a coordinated effort of protesters outside the White House bending the knee.
Fucker probably dont even know the words to the anthem, or why this is happening in the first place.

He has been dividing and sowing fear in every single group since day 1. Now he has created divisions in sports teams based on race. Creating us vs them against poc in general wasnt enough.


Can someone answer me.. I cant watch trump video's anymore because im sick of his face. So did he really said the words 'son of a bitch'?


Fucker probably dont even know the words to the anthem, or why this is happening in the first place.

He has been dividing and sowing fear in every single group since day 1. Now he has created divisions in sports teams based on race. Creating us vs them against poc in general wasnt enough.

Not even a year in his presidency and he's already stirred up so much shit. Next 3 years are gonna be quite the rollercoaster ride.
Can someone answer me.. I cant watch trump video's anymore because im sick of his face. So did he really said the words 'son of a bitch'?
He didnt specifically call Kaep a sob, but it was clear as day who he was talking about. He says "anyone who disrespects the flag, get that sob off the field. You're fired. FIRED!!"
My facebook feed is a trainwreck and people are equating these protests to hating america and disrespecting our troops

Thinly veiled excuses to just hate black people and harp about how NFL players are paid too much

Ugh... I hate white america and its inability to see the truth here

Im trying to do my part and explain this shit but the concepts just seem too high for these people. They have already decided to hate on it and shutdown.

I dont know how to fix america. I just hope powerful people continue to rally behind the cause and push things in the right direction. Ill at least be doing my part in the voting booth


Not even a year in his presidency and he's already stirred up so much shit. Next 3 years are gonna be quite the rollercoaster ride.

You man the next 30.

Saw the Guardian reporting NASCAR people, team owner(s)and the sports owner agreeing with Trump on this. Suppose given their audience etc it makes sense but super depressing.

The unquestioning loyalty to flag and country in America is quite sad. If democracy and freedom are what you really stand for then it’s the complete antithesis of that.


You mean the next 30.

Given the Democrats and US citizens inability to do anything about him, wouldn't surprise me at all if trump rips the constitution after the end of his 8th year as president and says that he's just gonna re-write it and give himself a 3rd, 4th, 5th, infinite term as preside- scratch that, SUPREME RULER of these UNITED States of America.

Oh USA, what a pickle you're currently in.


He already did, in my opinion. I think this is what it was all about:


Which kinda flew under the radar as a result

Eh. This started cause of something he said at a rally. He rants at those rallies and spouts out anything he thinks his supporters like. I think you're giving him too much credit on this one.

Also, I find it hard to get riled up about Kushner using a private server when we already know he wanted to set up a back channel with Russia. personally, I never thought our information was safe in his hands.
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