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Trump to Puerto Rico: Your hurricane isn’t a “real catastrophe” like Katrina

And it's ”throwing our budget a little out of whack"

Catastrophe Video.

Budget out of whack video.

Vox said:
President Donald Trump met with local leaders and federal responders shortly after landing at an Air Force base in Carolina, Puerto Rico, for what was supposed to be a briefing on the situation on the island.

Instead, Trump turned it into an opportunity to congratulate himself and the federal government's response to the disaster and to say the island should be ”very proud" of its low official death count.

"We have gone all out for Puerto Rico," Trump said during the televised briefing Tuesday. "It's not only dangerous, it's expensive."

”If you look at the — every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds of people that died and what happened here with a storm that was just totally over bearing. No one has ever seen anything like that. What is your death count?"

"16," responded Governor Ricardo Rosselló.

"16 certified," Trump said, and then told all leaders assembled that they should all be "very proud."

I am seething.

Reminder that we don't and won't know PR's final death count for a good while.

Vox said:
The official death count has not budged since Wednesday, when the Puerto Rican government said that just 16 people had been killed as a result of the storm. That prompted President Trump to claim Tuesday on his visit to the island that it wasn't a ”real catastrophe" like Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, which had thousands of deaths.

Yet there is good reason to believe the actual figure is much higher than 16, and will continue to climb.

Omaya Sosa Pascual is a reporter with the Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI) in San Juan. She was skeptical of the government's figure of 16 and began to call the 69 hospitals around the country, asking them about deaths related to the hurricane.

Pascual spoke to dozens of doctors, administrators, morgue directors, and funeral directors around the country, and wrote up her initial findings in a September 28 report in the Miami Herald. She then got Puerto Rico's public safety secretary to confirm Monday that there have been dozens more deaths than the official statistic reflects. By her count, there are now an estimated 60 confirmed deaths linked to the hurricane and possibly hundreds more to come.


Reminder that we don't and won't know PR's final death count for a good while.

The official death count has not budged since Wednesday, when the Puerto Rican government said that just 16 people had been killed as a result of the storm. That prompted President Trump to claim Tuesday on his visit to the island that it wasn’t a “real catastrophe” like Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, which had thousands of deaths.

Yet there is good reason to believe the actual figure is much higher than 16, and will continue to climb.

Omaya Sosa Pascual is a reporter with the Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI) in San Juan. She was skeptical of the government’s figure of 16 and began to call the 69 hospitals around the country, asking them about deaths related to the hurricane.

Pascual spoke to dozens of doctors, administrators, morgue directors, and funeral directors around the country, and wrote up her initial findings in a September 28 report in the Miami Herald. She then got Puerto Rico’s public safety secretary to confirm Monday that there have been dozens more deaths than the official statistic reflects. By her count, there are now an estimated 60 confirmed deaths linked to the hurricane and possibly hundreds more to come.



He had a layup and just fucked it all up

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
..."tremendous hundreds and hundreds of people that died?"


He really doesn't want people to think this is as bad as Katrina, so he simply says it out loud.

Also, PR doesn't have a currently functioning government and infrastructure to count the dead and give death certificates. The death toll will rise exponentially within the next few months when communication is slowly restored.

this is all too surreal, what are the people in PR saying after this

I doubt many know of anything that happened outside of their own neighborhood since the hurricane hit. There is no power or running water, and communication is still mostly destroyed.


So he's either evil or lacking in major self-awareness or both?

Neither, he's a:

Self centered trust fund baby who's never had to be accountable for goddamn thing in his entire life.

He a perfect representation of the GOP and the Baby Boomers.


I watched his remarks in Puerto Rico. It was laughable. He doesn't exude authenticity or presidential behavior.
Fucking body counts are a competition to him.

"Ah but you see, many more died to Katrina, we should be proud, god bless America."



If it wasn't immediately obvious that I am American, I'd be absolutely ashamed to tell anyone that. Shameful


I honestly can't imagine another western country allowing their leaders to talk like this about their people. It's fascinating to see how other politicans just let it happen and how the people at large aren't standing in front of the white house and his golf club in the tens of thousands.
This bum consistently finds new ways to reveal his stupidity and incompetence. I wonder if his voters/supporters even doubt their own stupidity now. You have to know.


I mean, we all know he's a fucking piece of shit...

But apparently his stupidity knows no bounds. It's incredible, really.

Won't lose any support amongst his base, somehow.
what terrifies me is that now that trump said PR isnt a big deal, a HUGE swath of people are going to take that as fact.

and its brilliant, not as a 4d chess move, but once again him being a complete moron changes the narrative.

now its not about the reponse, its about wether or not its even bad in the first place.

son of a bitch, were so screwed
I feel as an entire world money should not be an issue when you are trying to help people recover from disasters such as this. But hey we live in a world where we have greedy individuals trying to horde all the money they can while most of us are squeezed dry so...
I should stop reading these horrensous Trump topics but i can't. What the fuck kind of evil dumb people are behind this man? They must really want the world to end.
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