I have a cape? Sweet, now if only I was cool enough to rock it....
Are you ready to make the REAL sacrifices needed to save the world around us?
This is what showed you those intentions of the current administration? I don't think this was the thing that clued you on to them. We all take part in this fallacy, and both the baby steps forward AND backward are doing next to nothing. It's simple, history has showed us that humans don't do anything until it's killing us. Until then, we'll ALL take part in the destruction, not just the right. Have you given up beef? Do you drive a hybrid? How about this, don't use the central air in your house, just use energy efficient window units in the rooms that you are using. That's a simple thing most people can do that nobody does, because WE ALL DON'T GIVE A SHIT IN REALITY.
This, that would be a real difference. You know what, both the left AND the right are in the pocket of big corporatoins. That's why progress is so slow. Everything that is not progress is just empty rhetoric.