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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN


I'm fucking cringing reading those tweets or hearing what that cunt says... and I am Dutch.

I cannot even imagine what it must be like being an American and reading all that shit every day.

it's almost certainly the worst decision the American electorate has ever made. zero sense of dignity or scope of history.

I think we can't yet know just how damaging that decision was. it's still difficult to wrap my head around it. it is nothing less than the complete perversion of the presidency
LTTP I know, but calling it a direct incitement of violence against the media is a bit much. It is a bad, bad sign when a president, of all positions, feels it necessary to so directly instigate the free press. It's another rung up a ladder to which few steps remain.

Also, I could only imagine the right-wing uproar and fury if Obama had tweeted out, let's say, his faced superimposed on Shawn Michaels superkicking a Fox News Undertaker. Let's be real, it would have been a scandal.

All this does is further reinforce the fact that Trump has no ability to engage in discourse. Schoolyard antics got him elected, and he's completely dedicated to the (sic) craft.
It's not far from truth that we, as a nation, elected a child to lead us.


It is interesting how the last two Republican presidents were dumb as rocks, yet the last two Democratic presidents were highly intelligent.

I actually have to give W. Bush a LITTLE bit of credit...he was in reality pretty intelligent, and he actually sought to make himself more knowledgeable. He was a voracious reader, but read actual history books and biographies, particularly biographies of past presidents.

But...he was a shitty leader, that much is abundantly clear. I was not sad to see him go (I didn't vote for him for either term). There's a difference between being smart, and knowing how to apply that intelligence to the highest office in the land. I know doctors and engineers who are totally brilliant, but that doesn't mean that I think they're capable of running the country.

Trump though...doesn't read. And he is not smart, or wise. I can't give him ANY credit, because he IS as dumb as a rock. I'm surprised that he can remember to breathe.


Neo Member
It is painful sitting here, with knowledge of what´s happening, watching a rerun of the Running Wild With Bear Gryll- ep with Obama and hear him talking about his greatest greatest accomplishments, like the healthcare reform :(
If he wasn't a terrible and paranoid person this might be funny but it just looks obsessive and weird.

It is still funny.. and all of this foe horror it has generated is even funnier. As much of an asshat he is most of the time I actually enjoyed that tweet,
I wasn't following the reaction closely yesterday. Honestly, I think the tweet is completely embarrassing and yet another piece of evidence to present in the debate about how low the bar is for "Modern Presidential" in terms of decorum. My immediate reaction was that I didn't know what was worse: that the President of the United States has exactly the same sense as your typical message board troll in regards to what's worthy of a post, or that the President of the United States did not even need to be 'shopped into that wrestling video for that joke to work.

Having said that I thought that some of the "he's promoting violence against journalists!" rhetoric is kind of a stretch and distracts from just how stupid it really is. We are really just reaching the culmination of the notion that what you want from a leader is just a down to earth person that you'd want to have a beer with. And that doesn't even work well here since Trump doesn't drink!


What I think is hilarious about this... The President of the United States is just like any other random GIF poster on GAF..

Except instead of him posting GIFSs of Kaz and Sony destroying Microsoft and Phil Spencer, it's him vs CNN...

But really, the president is just like everyone else here.

I'm not sure if I feel better or worse with that knowledge...


What I think is hilarious about this... The President of the United States is just like another random GIF poster on GAF..

Except instead of him posting GIFSs of Kaz and Sony destroying Microsoft and Phil Spencer, it's him vs CNN...

But really, the president is just like everyone else here.

I'm not sure if I feel better or worse with that knowledge...
You should feel worse that it isn't some random user on GAF, but the leader of our nation.
This is sooooo beneath the office of POTUS but...
Sorry, I find this humorous and he's obviously laughing about it also but watch everyone go apeshit over this
Same here. Just came back from overseas and everyone's like, "So how's Trump!?" and then laughs. I laugh right along with them. This guy makes the country a laughing stock from his antics. But I make it a point to explain how destructive his policies would be/are. But seeing tweets like this are completely surreal and definitely has schadenfreude value.
Yes, watching a president embarrass our entire country repeatedly is pretty hilarious.
Embarrassing the country is one thing. Embarrassing me is something entirely different.

Mr Swine

Sad thing is that if you go to reddit, Facebook or twitter (or any site) it's always the same. Republicans saying that their team won and that liberals (democrats) are just whiny crying snowflakes and they should suck it up. Really, when did this turn into a "MY team is winning/has Won and you lost nah nah nah nah nah naaaah!" Type of shit?is that what most republicans think? That this is some game and now since Trump won they can be as shitty as possible?


Sad thing is that if you go to reddit, Facebook or twitter (or any site) it's always the same. Republicans saying that their team won and that liberals (democrats) are just whiny crying snowflakes and they should suck it up. Really, when did this turn into a "MY team is winning/has Won and you lost nah nah nah nah nah naaaah!" Type of shit?is that what most republicans think? That this is some game and now since Trump won they can be as shitty as possible?

Politics are not politics to them, it's console wars.


Sad thing is that if you go to reddit, Facebook or twitter (or any site) it's always the same. Republicans saying that their team won and that liberals (democrats) are just whiny crying snowflakes and they should suck it up. Really, when did this turn into a "MY team is winning/has Won and you lost nah nah nah nah nah naaaah!" Type of shit?is that what most republicans think? That this is some game and now since Trump won they can be as shitty as possible?

The irony is that the President is the most supreme Snowflake in existence, as he just can't stand the criticism. And as I've said before...the media are just reporting on shit he actually does.
All I know is after this term Republicans can't complain about Presidential behavior for the next 10-20 years or so regardless of who's in office. I mean, they obviously will, but it's going to look even more hypocritical than usual.
All I know is after this term Republicans can't complain about Presidential behavior for the next 10-20 years or so regardless of who's in office. I mean, they obviously will, but it's going to look even more hypocritical than usual.

Why would they complain when we'll have a Republican in office for the next 10-20 years?


Yup. Well I wouldn't say "console wars". I would say its like sports fandom. It's like politicians are their fantasy team.

It's all one big game to these idiots.

Nope, console wars. It's considerably more childish than sports fandom, if you can believe it.

Compare how little kids fight each other with their video game console wars vs how these 4chan types approach politics. It's identical to a tee, just more vulgar. Those people never grew up, they remain in that bubble.


Really Really Exciting Member!
You expect the republican house to impeach trump?

Seriously. If this was Obama, he would have been impeached dozens of time already, yet Republicans act like what he does and say is nothing.

Trump would have to admit on killing someone to actually get impeached by his party at this point. Then again, it might even depend on who he killed. "He was just defending himself" "Fight fire with fire", etc.


CNN war against Drumpf has nothing to do with those things, you kid yourself if you think they are trying to save you.
I believe you may have missed the entire point of what I said.

You are 100% correct, the "CNN War" indeed has nothing to do with a single thing I said. In fact I had no clue nor do I care if there even is a "CNN War." I was not defending CNN.

However CNN not having anything to do with his presidency is actually the entire damn point. He skillfully utilizes useless and petty shit like it as distraction tactics. This just happens to be the most egregious example of said shock tactic as this man is supposed to be the President of The United States. Even if he does have some fictitious war going on with CNN, which that statement alone is outright ridiculous, he is supposed to rise above such pettiness. The fact he did not, again, is a blatant example of his outright disdain for all of the systems and conventions that have been put in place to keep him and his cronies in check.

Our government is being made into a corporation whose sole purpose is to allow other corporations to run rampant with zero regulations right before our very eyes and people are talking about a "CNN War?" That, again, is the whole damn disgusting point.

The fact people can only take such things at face value is part of a much deeper problem. This con man has got them all right where he wants them.


I'm fucking cringing reading those tweets or hearing what that cunt says... and I am Dutch.

I cannot even imagine what it must be like being an American and reading all that shit every day.
There's always the hope that one day it's all gonna come crashing down, and watching republicans squirm and throw him under the bus will be glorious.

Of course, it will take undeniable proof to do this, but I firmly believe Mueller and his team will finding truly damning evidence in their investigation.
I am a dire hard Hillary supporter and still am. I laughed at the animated GIF,

people have jumped overboard on the "violence" argument.

Trump has painted the media as the enemy but an animated GIF is what breaks the straw on the camel's back? Seriously?

CNN's reaction yesterday only helped Trump.

Now the Trump camp is going "see, the media is against me instead of talking about real issues"

IMO, Joe and Mika handled Friday way way way better than how CNN handled Sunday.

ABC interrupting a guest for an animated GIF was high mark embarrassing
We can debate whether or not Trump truly had any ill-intent towards journalists with his recent tweets, but there’s a strain on right that often employs a lot of violent threats against journalists. Plus, Greg Gianforte.

At best, Trump’s tweet yesterday was incredibly irresponsible.

There's multiple Trump threads on the front page so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

That's because you're incorrect, but don't feel bad, it happens.
Twitter antics dominate and get longer threads most times. Well, except for TrumpRussia threads. So you all have a point.
Elect a clown, expect a circus.

Poor Americans.
We getting what we deserve.

Might as well enjoy the clown show.


With how gerrymandered the current districts are, I'm not optimistic about any "crushing" in 2018

Same here. If my memory serves me right, they won all the four recent special elections easily despite the greater than ever efforts put together by the Democratic Party. If the trend goes on I would not even bet against Trump and GOP in 2020, let alone 2018.

The irony is, for most presidents we could always expect some kind of PR disasters in his or her terms; but Trump has done it all before he even stepped in the oval office - there is no lower place to go.
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