Forgive me if I don't ascribe to partisan rhetoric of any persuasion.
Um, where was there partisan rhetoric?
Forgive me if I don't ascribe to partisan rhetoric of any persuasion.
Forgive me if I don't ascribe to partisan rhetoric of any persuasion.
Being willfully obtuse to the point I was making has nothing to do with partisan rhetoric. This is also the second time today you've outright shitposted in response to a post I've made.
If the prior argument is that left leaning media inspired all left leaning terrorists, then the same argument must be logically applied to all right-wing terrorists as well. Don't see how common sense is so crazy to some people...
Um, where was there partisan rhetoric?
I think saying the right is responsible for 9/11 is pretty partisan rhetoric.
I think saying the right is responsible for 9/11 is pretty partisan rhetoric.
You mean the play who's whole point is to NOT assassinate a president, because it has disasterous consequences?:The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.
I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.
The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.
Counterpoint: Until the right starts to move towards the center, the left will continue to move towards the left.
Why is the onus still being placed on the left for moving towards the center when the nation's (nominally) left party, the Democrats, are still drifting away from centrism at a far more glacial pace than the GOP who lurches further rightward on a yearly basis?
To echo what others have asked you: what is "the left" to you? Because a lot of those outlets are seen as "moderate" - acceptable to most people, often with the exception of hard-right people. Mother Jones and Slate are left-oriented, but they also do substantial journalism and aren't known for making up inflammatory bullshit a la Fox News and Breitbart.
My point stands: The only people who think all these outlets are tools of "the left" are people who are too far-right, because literally everything that doesn't satisfy their strongly conservative agenda is "the left."
This is no longer a "right vs left" divide, as if both groups were just shy of center. This is a divide between people who believe in reality and people who do not, and the latter have co-opted "conservatism" as a label for their madness.
To echo what others have asked you: what is "the left" to you? Because a lot of those outlets are seen as "moderate" - acceptable to most people, often with the exception of hard-right people. Mother Jones and Slate are left-oriented, but they also do substantial journalism and aren't known for making up inflammatory bullshit a la Fox News and Breitbart.
My point stands: The only people who think all these outlets are tools of "the left" are people who are too far-right, because literally everything that doesn't satisfy their strongly conservative agenda is "the left."
This is no longer a "right vs left" divide, as if both groups were just shy of center. This is a divide between people who believe in reality and people who do not, and the latter have co-opted "conservatism" as a label for their madness. We've come to the point where caring about people's welfare, protecting the environment, and advocating for income equality is now "leftist" rather than just "humanist."
And that's scary.
MysticLeviathan is a Trump supporter. The facts simply don't matter. They don't understand that there is a difference between MSNBC being "left" and Fox News being "right."
And quite frankly, I'm tired of it. I'm tired of seeing Trump supporters spout nonsense and then either disappear or ignore people who are pointing out facts because that gets in the way of the propaganda they want to be true.
That's why he's already disappearing from the thread. He'll pretend people are being mean, as if they're out to get him, because the only other option is to admit that what he believes is false.
Apparently it's the second most retweeted trump tweet ever: still nothing like engagaement of any Obama tweet but he did manage to get 1% of his 35m mostly fake followers to get off their ass and retweet it.
I can well imagine there are 350k male adolescent emotionally stunted trolls who think it is so cool that their president is down at their level. But in solidifying that base I have to think he is further losing any hope of swaying the center swing voters.
To an extent. The fundamental issue is that the left has always been about changing the status quo, for good or for bad, and the right has been about preventing it. Hence radical/reactionary. The mainstream left has gone so far to the left that you've seen reactionaries become far more mainstream. If the left would let things be, the right would have no reason to react. That's not to say there haven't been cases where things needed to change, like civil rights in the '60s. But then you have cases like Chavez and Venezuala and the change that was seen by portions of the far left, like Corbyn, as a movement, and how such radical change totally destroyed a country.
The issue I have with the far left right now is they claim to be tolerant and open-minded, but are anything but. The left has gone so far to the left to the point it's militant progressivism. "You said mean things so I will physically attack you". I lean to the right, but I"m not going to pretend to be open-minded, I'm not going to try and force the moral high ground, because I don't believe such a thing truly exists the way some do, not to say some things aren't morally superior/inferior to others, but that's another topic. I understand that there will be extremes on both sides, but the issue is how mainstream militant progressivism has come, for actors like Johnny Depp to incite such vitriol and hate and how so few bat an eye. How a man can shoot up a GOP baseball practice with the intent of trying to specifically kill Republicans, and not only is the outrage not as intense as it should be, but some from the very far left, though thankfully not mainstream, cheered it, acting like he deserved it.
Until the left starts to move towards the center, the right will continue to move towards the right. You can't have a reaction without an action, so you can't have reactionaries without radicals. Again, that's not to say there isn't a need for change in certain areas, but I think the mainstream left has gone so far to the left to the point it's becoming unhealthy for everyone, including the left.
I understand it's blasphemous to say such things on here, I understand I'm a very small minority on this website, I understand the people I'm discussing/debating with, but I still think it's worth discussing, even if my beliefs are shunned to oblivion on here.
The mainstream left has gone so far to the left that you've seen reactionaries become far more mainstream.
After 8 years of the vitriol, racism, and obstruction of Obama, you got these intellectually dishonest fools waddling out of the woodwork to talk about some "the far left" boogeyman, attempting to lay blame at the feet of liberals, as if to create some kind of scapegoat for the toxic environment that right-wing politics and media have been fostering for decades.
..and yes, Hollywood, the media, urban centers, etc... leans more to the left, perhaps you should reflect on just why that is.
MysticLeviathan is on Twitter too. Check some of those likes for a proper understanding of what you're dealing with...
Counterpoint: Until the right starts to move towards the center, the left will continue to move towards the left.
Why is the onus still being placed on the left for moving towards the center when the nation's (nominally) left party, the Democrats, are still drifting away from centrism at a far more glacial pace than the GOP who lurches further rightward on a yearly basis?
That Infowars like, though... That Bill Mitchell like, though!
(Also, it may be bad to have this info in your post. But it's not a full on link, so I'm not certain on that one...)
I trust there getting some of value from all thisFascinating watch people throw away their integrity by defending Trump ever increasing maddness.
What's hilarious is that Trump actually thinks he is the more unfairly treated president in history, despite being part of the reason that Obama is actually far more fitting of that description.
How could anyone who is the president think they're unfairly treated. Being the president guarantees a huge legacy, even if you mostly keep your head down and maintain the status quo. People will write books about you and debate about you. Trump deserved to die quietly in his sleep in 2015 and be forgotten by 2016.
I'd say the presidents that actually got assassinated were more unfairly treated.
What happened to the eagle that was suppose to guard his twitter phone??
What happened to the eagle that was suppose to guard his twitter phone??
What happened to the eagle that was suppose to guard his twitter phone??
Guys he is new to this.We went from Obama to this
Jesus Christ trump
So the entire rest of the journalistic world besides Fox. That should tell you something.All the MSM TV networks excluding Fox, outlets such as HuffPost, Slate, Mother Jones, etc. Most major newspapers including NYT, WaPo, LA Times, and companies that own numerous news outlets like Vox and Time Warner.
To an extent. The fundamental issue is that the left has always been about changing the status quo, for good or for bad, and the right has been about preventing it. Hence radical/reactionary. The mainstream left has gone so far to the left that you've seen reactionaries become far more mainstream. If the left would let things be, the right would have no reason to react. That's not to say there haven't been cases where things needed to change, like civil rights in the '60s. But then you have cases like Chavez and Venezuala and the change that was seen by portions of the far left, like Corbyn, as a movement, and how such radical change totally destroyed a country.
The issue I have with the far left right now is they claim to be tolerant and open-minded, but are anything but. The left has gone so far to the left to the point it's militant progressivism. "You said mean things so I will physically attack you". I lean to the right, but I"m not going to pretend to be open-minded, I'm not going to try and force the moral high ground, because I don't believe such a thing truly exists the way some do, not to say some things aren't morally superior/inferior to others, but that's another topic. I understand that there will be extremes on both sides, but the issue is how mainstream militant progressivism has come, for actors like Johnny Depp to incite such vitriol and hate and how so few bat an eye. How a man can shoot up a GOP baseball practice with the intent of trying to specifically kill Republicans, and not only is the outrage not as intense as it should be, but some from the very far left, though thankfully not mainstream, cheered it, acting like he deserved it.
Until the left starts to move towards the center, the right will continue to move towards the right. You can't have a reaction without an action, so you can't have reactionaries without radicals. Again, that's not to say there isn't a need for change in certain areas, but I think the mainstream left has gone so far to the left to the point it's becoming unhealthy for everyone, including the left.
I understand it's blasphemous to say such things on here, I understand I'm a very small minority on this website, I understand the people I'm discussing/debating with, but I still think it's worth discussing, even if my beliefs are shunned to oblivion on here.
Well said.The last President of the United States.
What we have now is a morally bankrupt Placeholder, someone who isn't doing their job and wouldn't be capable of doing it even if he wanted to (which he doesn't). Placeholder isn't fit to wipe my ass, let along serve the public in any capacity whatsoever.
"Fraud Eagle"
Until the left starts to move towards the center, the right will continue to move towards the right.
Jon Stewart warned CNN over a decade ago on Crossfire. CNN didn't listen, CNN then expanded their Crossfire partisan panel motif into muli pundit 3v3 and even 4v4 shit shows.
CNN brought this on themselves and now they are complaining? LOL
CNN is partly respoisnbile for Trump being in the Whitehouse