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Trump's first year as a president


This thread makes me realize something very important.

1. many here are thinking in absolutes. There is only communism and capitalism, nothing in between and only one extreme is good.

2. helping someone poor is bad because they didn’t „earn it“ and should be happy to be allowed to breath.

3. If I’m well off, I don’t care for the rest of the population. And why should I.

Welcome to „egocentric-country“.

I’m glad that I was raised and live on the other side of the ocean. It’s not perfect here but beside the struggles we have and had, there is so much more love and charity here.


I've learned that people are happy to accept authoritarianism under the guise of a pseudo Republican platform. Fascism happens slowly, and then very quickly.

World would be much better off if we prioritized new money vs protecting old money.

Also the gaf pendulum has swung too far to the other side. Shame - I preferred libertarian ideals in a liberal bubble. Acting as if trump is anything but a danger highlights the ignorance that elected him.


Also the gaf pendulum has swung too far to the other side. Shame - I preferred libertarian ideals in a liberal bubble. Acting as if trump is anything but a danger highlights the ignorance that elected him.
Please stop saying this.

The whole "Trump is Hitler and every Republican is a coveted brown shirt" is a worn out shtick that made GAF look like a parody to those on the outside.

We had 8 years of people screaming at the top of their lungs how Obama was a communist ready to start the revolution with a stroke of a pen. It didn't happen.

If Trump is too dumb to be president, it seems dumber to believe he's smart enough to be a fascist.

dextran said:
Fascism happens slowly, and then very quickly.
Except in the United States, a huge chunk of the population has a gun. There wont ever be a fascist/communist president unless someone can answer how will they dispose of the millions of firearms without any resistance.


what happens if say, the people who would buy into a President's fascist musings also happened to be the people hoarding most of the weaponry and only receive their information from sources endorsed by that President because he's discredited the free press with claims of lugenpre-- fake news?


Oh the „gun“ argument. Bullshit.

The US had two paths to go and choosed the one that pointed backwards. Trump is of course no Hitler. He is Trump. He won’t kill millions but is destroying the future of millions,not only in the USA, but in the whole world.

But He and the republicans are trying to kill many many thousands maybe millions with the destroying of the healthcare system.


what happens if say, the people who would buy into a President's fascist musings also happened to be the people hoarding most of the weaponry and only receive their information from sources endorsed by that President because he's discredited the free press with claims of lugenpre-- fake news?
No, just stop.

You have to be extremely paranoid to think Trump is going to order a genocide. You don't have to be a Trump fan to understand how banal that sounds.

But He and the republicans are trying to kill many many thousands maybe millions with the destroying of the healthcare system.
I'm not American but I feel like such a claim is too extreme.
Where did he say he was destroying Healthcare? Is he blowing up Hospitals? Last I heard, he wanted to replace health insurance.


what happens if say, the people who would buy into a President's fascist musings also happened to be the people hoarding most of the weaponry and only receive their information from sources endorsed by that President because he's discredited the free press with claims of lugenpre-- fake news?

Again. Spitting shit out on Twitter is vastly different the the reality the people in Turkey right now have to face. If you want to see a real fascist at work who completly controls the media and arrests everyone who opposes him then you should take a trip to turkey but I can not promise you not getting arrested if you do something that is Haram.

Trump is not going to kill anyone.


not an idiot
There people who have dedicated their lives learning about health, poverty, economics, monetary policy, immigration, diplomacy...and many of those people work for the US government. You have an incredibly rudimentary understanding of the infrastructure in place that allows modern life to exists. You think of roadcrews when you think of a government worker...I think of civil engineers studying traffic impact, and the economic repercussions a new road will have on local homeowners and businesses.

America’s infrastructures need a complete overhaul. Congestion in most (all) large cities is appalling at best. Not to mention bridges, potholes, etc. It’s a serious problem. I’d like to see major investment in infrastructure and all its forms and have it contracted out to private sectors.


He polarized America like never before.

Trump winning in the first place shows that the polarization was already growing exponentially before he even took office. Forces pre-existing his campaign polarized the country already. Culture, economics, globalization, previous presidents included.

Not that he’s really worked on unifying while in office, to your point. His attitude and presentation is the worst in this respect.


Trump winning in the first place shows that the polarization was already growing exponentially before he even took office. Forces pre-existing his campaign polarized the country already. Culture, economics, globalization, previous presidents included.

Not that he’s really worked on unifying while in office, to your point. His attitude and presentation is the worst in this respect.

To me Trumps win was a sign that PC culture and idetity politics went too far in this country. So while It is kind of refreshing having someone like Trump who even shiposts on twitter I will also say that beside the Jerusalem part he is a bad president but he is not the worst or most dangerous one IMO.


Identity politics is only a problem when you don't focus on the "white working class" identity.

No it is a problem the moment you carter to one group and try t make the other ones the bad people (And yes this is also a feeling I got when I followed these elections) then you wil loose. Even Trump went with Americans and this included also everyone who was legally living there.

Sanders tried to include everyone without hunting vor a villain you have to defeat and people went with it except the ones who Hillary has rigged to win these pre election thing inside the democrates.It was so strange to me that they went with Hillary because the only thing she had going for was being a women. Otherwise she lost before, se was always some of the most mistrusted politicians in the country etc. Also Sanders and Trump stand for change and people wanted change.
Even though his approval ratings are quite terrible and so on and he should lay off Twitter. The US economy is doing amazing despite Trump? Most media outlets painted this america in ruins if Trump were to get elected and the stock market would just plummet after the election.

But i am no Trump supporter in any way and not American either, i was rooting for Bernie and are from Sweden so. And our media "hates" Trump as much as NBC and CNN does.


No, just stop.

You have to be extremely paranoid to think Trump is going to order a genocide. You don't have to be a Trump fan to understand how banal that sounds.

I'm not American but I feel like such a claim is too extreme.
Where did he say he was destroying Healthcare? Is he blowing up Hospitals? Last I heard, he wanted to replace health insurance.

Your only argument against him saying Fascism starts slowly, then very quickly was that there are lots of guns in the US. What if the people holding the guns agree with the fascist? That's not even considering how pointless those guns would be against the US military but anyway, what I'm talking about doesn't exist in a vacuum. This unfortunately is the reality where Trump has also become an arbiter for you know, Neo-Nazis and Fascists? And they seem to really like him for some completely unknown reason.

The reality where Trump knows a prominent portion of his base comprises of foam mouthed racists, and he placates them. Just like when he refused to outwardly condemn David Duke, or when he chose to equivocate the Charlottesville rally protesters with Neo-Nazis, what about the alt-left? The same rally which had people dress up like Trump lol. Retweeting videos from a fascist hate group from my own merry Brexitopia? Cutting funding to organisations tackling Far Right domestic radicalisation? His appointment of Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions show how deep he's willing to scrape the barrel but that Sebastian Gorka chap even has ties to far right fascist groups. Showing support for the likes of Duerte, Le Pen, how do you contextualise these things alongside his actions and those of his cabinet? There's a clear organised attempt by his lot to obfuscate the truth and Trump supporters clapping and hollering at his rallies as regaled them with stories of protesters getting beaten up, pure otherism btw, and yup that makes me think "gee, this looks like fascism brewing". This is also the reality where Fox News exists, don't think I have to even go into detail with that one, that's before considering the rejuvenation of the Far Right in the West. Why do you get to just wave it off because "guns" alone doesn't seem like a valuable retort.

Neofascism, political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neofascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neofascists placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews, displayed little interest in taking lebensraum (German: “living space”) through the military conquest of other states, and made concerted efforts to portray themselves as democratic and “mainstream.” The National Front in France, led by Jean-Marie Le Pen, and the Liberal-Democratic Party in Russia, led by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, are often cited as neofascist.

Is that close enough? Will Neo-Fascist do? America's most fascist president? Populist? Demagogue? If none of that is applicable, what should I call him?

I agree with Dex to be honest, the bigger problem seems to be the people willing for fascist rule. Comes with the anti-intellectualism, scapegoating and lugenpresse shit. Trump is just dumb enough to enable them all. That's why his blatant hypocrisy with the Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays war is perfect - he only says that shit to stroke off the racists he enables.

To Dunki, I really don't want to get into any form of conversation where the existence of fascism elsewhere is evidence enough against it's resurgence anywhere else. I feel as if the parallels between Trump's rise and other fascists are strong enough to at least consider the notion is worth conversation.


To Dunki, I really don't want to get into any form of conversation where the existence of fascism elsewhere is evidence enough against it's resurgence anywhere else. I feel as if the parallels between Trump's rise and other fascists are strong enough to at least consider the notion is worth conversation.

That is fair and all but I personally do not see these to be honest. And live in a country which had these kind of topics for most of my school life.

Also I am not a neofacist I can clearly see he problems my Country has due to bad immigration and integration. An example for the first time ever we now have to put up safety places for women during new years Eve and this is still an aftermath of the Cologne New Years eve mass sexual assault caused by migrants (And yes this is a fact). If I were a women I would be scared to go out at Night because so much has changed here because of mass immigration and very bad integration politics. in my country. And I blame both sides Migrants not willing to integrate and my gov not being able to establish migration laws, and integration laws that makes this country more welcome to people really want to integrate. We have so many problems already because of the mass migration in the 90s with all the turkish workers etc. We now have ghettos which are not only vastly different They are using a different language even have establish underground laws which they rather follow then our actual ones. Also a reason why Germany's education level is the worst in whole Europe.

To me Trump is a nationalist yes and he will always go America first but he is far from being a facist. And while he shitposts on Twitter he will never adjust legal procedures for censorship as well. Far from it.

As for War of Christmas. It is stupid however it has changed quite a bit here as well. Christmas markets have been renamed, just reccently a school has canceled the christmas party because a Muslim schoolgirl was offended by it. etc. I think we need while also being inclusive neer let loose on these values even if they are dumb. People who come into other countries should integrate into the society and not society needs to adjust to them.


Except in the United States, a huge chunk of the population has a gun. There wont ever be a fascist/communist president unless someone can answer how will they dispose of the millions of firearms without any resistance.

No, just stop.

You have to be extremely paranoid to think Trump is going to order a genocide. You don't have to be a Trump fan to understand how banal that sounds.

I'm not American but I feel like such a claim is too extreme.
Where did he say he was destroying Healthcare? Is he blowing up Hospitals? Last I heard, he wanted to replace health insurance.

What's with everything needed to be turned up to 11 to make it believable? He wants to replace health insurance so bad so where is the replacement? Why try to repeal the ACA so badly with no alternative if he just wants to replace it?


To me Trumps win was a sign that PC culture and idetity politics went too far in this country.

PC doesn't exist. It's called common decency. Only cowards who cannot argue capably why they should be allowed to be a dick without consequence use a term like political correctness.


To me Trumps win was a sign that PC culture and idetity politics went too far in this country. So while It is kind of refreshing having someone like Trump who even shiposts on twitter I will also say that beside the Jerusalem part he is a bad president but he is not the worst or most dangerous one IMO.

You have got to be kidding me. Read all of Obama's tweets from his presidency and then trumps, is that refreshing? Lol. Im so happy you are all refreshed to be racists/ mysogonist/bigoted without getting called out. So much nicer now! Dont ever have to worry about anybody else but myself cause I want to call people fags or make fun of rapist...I mean mexicans.
No, just stop.

You have to be extremely paranoid to think Trump is going to order a genocide. You don't have to be a Trump fan to understand how banal that sounds.

I'm not American but I feel like such a claim is too extreme.
Where did he say he was destroying Healthcare? Is he blowing up Hospitals? Last I heard, he wanted to replace health insurance.

I'm not surprised that a non-American isn't familiar with how screwed up our health care system is. There are many people who are too poor to afford health insurance. No one will turn you away at the emergency room (though they'll be happy to seize every last dollar of savings and property you have afterwards), but the uninsured are shit out of luck where it comes to preventative care or chronic conditions. 48 million people - roughly a sixth of our population - were uninsured before Obamacare, and 28 million are uninsured now.

Oh yeah, if you have a pre-existing condition, insurance companies were free to charge you unaffordable prices, or deny coverage altogether. Obamacare fixed that, repeal would make it go away.

The full repeal of Obamacare would lead to 22 million people losing their health insurance, according to academics. They also say that there would be 24,000 more deaths per year if repeal came to pass.

So, attempted genocide? There's actually a better case for that than most would think - a large number of those deaths come from people with pre-existing conditions, which is another way of saying that the bill is letting thousands of disabled people die every year.

Whether you believe that framing or no, it is abundantly clear that Trump and the republican congress were fine with allowing tens of thousands to die to fit their ideological agenda.

I'm not sure what country you're in, but for a similar enormity, imagine that your government's health service decided that they were running out of money, and voted to kick expensive disabled and elderly people off the plan. That's what we're dealing with.


You have got to be kidding me. Read all of Obama's tweets from his presidency and then trumps, is that refreshing? Lol. Im so happy you are all refreshed to be racists/ mysogonist/bigoted without getting called out. So much nicer now! Dont ever have to worry about anybody else but myself cause I want to call people fags or make fun of rapist...I mean mexicans.

I liked Obama has personality but he was often way too passive. As I said i Trump was also a backlash to PC culture and yes it does exist and it has nothing to do with common deceny.

We we actually have cuddle groups in Universities because they might get offended by something or when you use Jazz hands instead of clapping because it could trigger people than YES it went way to far. And NO these are not jokes.


Also it is not helping to use the "Everything I do not like or which I opiniion I do not like is Hitler" Guide book is also not helping at all.

Also I think people need to actually look up the definition of the Word genocide....
Jesus this is fucking insulting to everyone who actually had to endure such a terrible act....
Again. Spitting shit out on Twitter is vastly different the the reality the people in Turkey right now have to face. If you want to see a real fascist at work who completly controls the media and arrests everyone who opposes him then you should take a trip to turkey but I can not promise you not getting arrested if you do something that is Haram.

Trump is not going to kill anyone.

Yeah, Erodgan is on another level. Remember that time he arrested and prosecuted a journalist for laughing at a cabinet member during a press conference? What a banana republic.

Oh, whoops, that was Trump. They're so easy to mistake, aren't they?


Yeah, Erodgan is on another level. Remember that time he arrested and prosecuted a journalist for laughing at a cabinet member during a press conference? What a banana republic.

Oh, whoops, that was Trump. They're so easy to mistake, aren't they?

Are you seriously comparing this to Erdogan? It was her own damn fault. If there is such a law which was also in state before Trump than she is an Idiot.

Fairooz was found guilty last May on charges of parading or demonstrating on Capitol grounds and disorderly conduct.

Should we just ignore these existing laws? Also how was this Trump?

In Turkey you get abducted on the open street shoved into a fucking military van and than go straight into prison or worse....


I liked Obama has personality but he was often way too passive. As I said i Trump was also a backlash to PC culture and yes it does exist and it has nothing to do with common deceny.

We we actually have cuddle groups in Universities because they might get offended by something or when you use Jazz hands instead of clapping because it could trigger people than YES it went way to far. And NO these are not jokes.


Also it is not helping to use the "Everything I do not like or which I opiniion I do not like is Hitler" Guide book is also not helping at all.

Also I think people need to actually look up the definition of the Word genocide....
Jesus this is fucking insulting to everyone who actually had to endure such a terrible act....

Outlier cases don't prove anything has gone too far. I feel so bad that your ability to not worry about other people is being oppressed. Again if reading trumps tweets makes you feel good then you got issues. Fix em.


I liked Obama has personality but he was often way too passive. As I said i Trump was also a backlash to PC culture and yes it does exist and it has nothing to do with common deceny.

We we actually have cuddle groups in Universities because they might get offended by something or when you use Jazz hands instead of clapping because it could trigger people than YES it went way to far. And NO these are not jokes.


Also it is not helping to use the "Everything I do not like or which I opiniion I do not like is Hitler" Guide book is also not helping at all.

Also I think people need to actually look up the definition of the Word genocide....
Jesus this is fucking insulting to everyone who actually had to endure such a terrible act....

I think the more applicable term would be "whitelash"; and as I've been shown by Americans, it seems to be happen any time there's progress in your country.


I think the more applicable term would be "whitelash"; and as I've been shown by Americans, it seems to be happen any time there's progress in your country.

8 years of a decent black man in office has angered alot of white people. That's why we have orange turd in office now. Many many studies show racism played a huge part in this election.


Outlier cases don't prove anything has gone too far. I feel so bad that your ability to not worry about other people is being oppressed. Again if reading trumps tweets makes you feel good then you got issues. Fix em.

I never said it made me feel good. I said its refreshing to see a politician to use such a language a normal person would use since I feel also in my country politicians have totally lost any connection with the actual people. Also I love how you make everything about race. This obsession with Race in the US s fucking scary to be honest.


I never said it made me feel good. I said its refreshing to see a politician to use such a language a normal person would use since I feel also in my country politicians have totally lost any connection with the actual people. Also I love how you make everything about race. This obsession with Race in the US s fucking scary to be honest.

So its refreshing for you to have someone speak completely incoherent and attack anyone and everyone that so much as gives him the side eye? He's a narcissistic man child that the lowest common denominator in America feels good around lol. Have fun with that crowd!

And I'm sorry bringing up race offends you, I'll make sure you have your safe space.
Reminder to remain civil. Inflammatory personal insults will not be tolerated.

Yes thank you I try to always stay civil. Having heated debates without inflammatory language.

He openly stated that NBC(and "the Networks") should have their licences challenged


What exactly is your point? So what if he said their licenses should be challenged did he say I’m ordering them to be revoked?

I never said it made me feel good. I said its refreshing to see a politician to use such a language a normal person would use since I feel also in my country politicians have totally lost any connection with the actual people. Also I love how you make everything about race. This obsession with Race in the US s fucking scary to be honest.

The left is obsessed with race.


Yes thank you I try to always stay civil. Having heated debates without inflammatory language.

What exactly is your point? So what if he said their licenses should be challenged did he say I’m ordering them to be revoked?

The left is obsessed with race.

I'm not "the left" I've been a Republican all my life till trump. I want no part of that crowd. Going to go down as a major shit stain on America and everyone who has fallen for the fox news brainwash is actively hurting themselves and others to win an imaginary war. They just aren't smart enough to figure that out OR are too racist to give a fuck.


So its refreshing for you to have someone speak completely incoherent and attack anyone and everyone that so much as gives him the side eye? He's a narcissistic man child that the lowest common denominator in America feels good around lol. Have fun with that crowd!

And I'm sorry bringing up race offends you, I'll make sure you have your safe space.

Yes because I like honesty. Nothing Trump does has strategy. He is not calculating he is just stupid and for a politician to be like that is refreshing. I NEVER said Trump is a good preseident and as I said before the only thing I really aprove of is his Jerusalem decision.

And no race does not offend me but everytime someone brings up race in something that has nothing to do with it you lose a lot of credibility in my opinion. People often try to use this to shut people up to make them feel guilty etc but this will never work with me.

I do not care about race people are people and I judge people based on their own decisions they make and ideology they follow.


I wouldn't credit any president credit for the economy , but Trump has been awful and people trying to give him credit for the economy are as sad as the people that tried to blame Obama for the crash. Trump has no budget in place and his tax cuts were just signed. This is not an economy of his works. It will take years to see what kind of impact he makes.

Trump has signed the fewest bills into law since Eisenhower at this point . He has shamed our nation with his idiotic statements and has manage to divide us even more.

I hope we at least get the infrastructure bill out of this current government.


Yes because I like honesty. Nothing Trump does has strategy. He is not calculating he is just stupid and for a politician to be like that is refreshing. I NEVER said Trump is a good preseident and as I said before the only thing I really aprove of is his Jerusalem decision.

And no race does not offend me but everytime someone brings up race in something that has nothing to do with it you lose a lot of credibility in my opinion. People often try to use this to shut people up to make them feel guilty etc but this will never work with me.

I do not care about race people are people and I judge people based on their own decisions they make and ideology they follow.

I'm sorry but this makes no sense. It is a fact that trump lies at a staggering rate, just because he says random shit doesn't mean he is correct! It is also extremely dangerous for our president to act in the way he does. I can give you some links to read about how dishonest he is if you would like. But I'm guessing you don't really care. Here is one anyway on his incredibly dishonest recent interview.



I'm sorry but this makes no sense. It is a fact that trump lies at a staggering rate, just because he says random shit doesn't mean he is correct! It is also extremely dangerous for our president to act in the way he does. I can give you some links to read about how dishonest he is if you would like. But I'm guessing you don't really care. Here is one anyway on his incredibly dishonest recent interview.


Maybe honest is the wrong word. But he is not hiding between political bullshit statemnts i heard a ton of this year in my own country. I know he lies a lot but that is his true personality he is a shitbag no doubt but he also does not hide this.

PS: All Politicans lie or better he vast majority of them.


Maybe honest is the wrong word. But he is not hiding between political bullshit statemnts i heard a ton of this year in my own country. I know he lies a lot but that is his true personality he is a shitbag no doubt but he also does not hide this.

PS: All Politicans lie or better he vast majority of them.

So I guess for you it boils down to the fact your happy the shit he's feeding you is a different flavor? Ok cool, got it.
The recent NYT interview should be a wake-up call to everyone that Donald Trump is not fit to be president. He is a man whose mental faculties are clearly impaired to the point where he struggles to articulate a coherent thought. That is an astoundingly dangerous situation that will only get worse as the years go on and the continued stress of a job he is wildly unqualified for continue to pile on.

He is a liar and hypocrite of the highest order. The coal industry is dying and should be allowed to die. No person, President, Congress or nation can alter the economic realities that the coal industry has no future and for Trump to lean so heavily on bringing it back will hurt the coal states so much more than phasing it out intelligently.

He denies climate change while citing climate change as a threat to his golf course.

He demands American-made when he and his family produce clothes and products overseas.

He rails against immigration when he himself depends heavily on an immigrant workforce at his hotels and golf courses.

He has no convictions, no morales, no principles. He does not think things through. He does not have the attention span or the attention to detail necessary to make the kinds of decisions that the President of the United States is required to make.

He will not finish his first term in office. Impeachment will either be a result of his campaign's obvious collusion with Russia, or that the Republican party will see that their "useful idiot" has outlived his usefulness and will sacrifice him to attempt to save their party. If he does not get impeached, the continued stress from the job compounded with his poor physical health and declining mental health will either lead to his death in office or render him physically incapable of fulfilling the duties of the presidency.

Blood Borne

This thread makes me realize something very important.

1. many here are thinking in absolutes. There is only communism and capitalism, nothing in between and only one extreme is good.

2. helping someone poor is bad because they didn’t „earn it“ and should be happy to be allowed to breath.

3. If I’m well off, I don’t care for the rest of the population. And why should I.

Welcome to „egocentric-country“.

I’m glad that I was raised and live on the other side of the ocean. It’s not perfect here but beside the struggles we have and had, there is so much more love and charity here.
Threatening someone with jail or death if they don't hand over their money is neither love nor charity.

Blood Borne

Your only argument against him saying Fascism starts slowly, then very quickly was that there are lots of guns in the US. What if the people holding the guns agree with the fascist? That's not even considering how pointless those guns would be against the US military but anyway, what I'm talking about doesn't exist in a vacuum. This unfortunately is the reality where Trump has also become an arbiter for you know, Neo-Nazis and Fascists? And they seem to really like him for some completely unknown reason.

The reality where Trump knows a prominent portion of his base comprises of foam mouthed racists, and he placates them. Just like when he refused to outwardly condemn David Duke, or when he chose to equivocate the Charlottesville rally protesters with Neo-Nazis, what about the alt-left? The same rally which had people dress up like Trump lol. Retweeting videos from a fascist hate group from my own merry Brexitopia? Cutting funding to organisations tackling Far Right domestic radicalisation? His appointment of Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions show how deep he's willing to scrape the barrel but that Sebastian Gorka chap even has ties to far right fascist groups. Showing support for the likes of Duerte, Le Pen, how do you contextualise these things alongside his actions and those of his cabinet? There's a clear organised attempt by his lot to obfuscate the truth and Trump supporters clapping and hollering at his rallies as regaled them with stories of protesters getting beaten up, pure otherism btw, and yup that makes me think "gee, this looks like fascism brewing". This is also the reality where Fox News exists, don't think I have to even go into detail with that one, that's before considering the rejuvenation of the Far Right in the West. Why do you get to just wave it off because "guns" alone doesn't seem like a valuable retort.

Is that close enough? Will Neo-Fascist do? America's most fascist president? Populist? Demagogue? If none of that is applicable, what should I call him?

I agree with Dex to be honest, the bigger problem seems to be the people willing for fascist rule. Comes with the anti-intellectualism, scapegoating and lugenpresse shit. Trump is just dumb enough to enable them all. That's why his blatant hypocrisy with the Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays war is perfect - he only says that shit to stroke off the racists he enables.

To Dunki, I really don't want to get into any form of conversation where the existence of fascism elsewhere is evidence enough against it's resurgence anywhere else. I feel as if the parallels between Trump's rise and other fascists are strong enough to at least consider the notion is worth conversation.
Fascism is a left wing ideology.


So I guess for you it boils down to the fact your happy the shit he's feeding you is a different flavor? Ok cool, got it.

He isnt feeding me anything. I know eactly what I can think or expect of him With someone like Hillary I can not because she is a muster politician and a snake. Yeah I do not like/trust her at all.

If I could have voted I would have voted for Sanders because I also see the true personality of him I can see with Trump,. I know what to expect and he also would have stated my personal beliefs If not I would have voted for no one.

If I had the choice between pest and cholera I would also chose nothing. And that is how the election personally felt for me.


I do not know about this. These tweets define him also. this is a big reason he gets so much coverage and this makes him standout to other polticians IMO. He is not reall a good president but in Times of someonelike Erdogan being dictator I do not see him as a real threat but rather a reaction to the incompetence of the democratic party.

In the end he is just there. i guess I will change my opinion when he openly goes against Free speech, minorities etc. like Erdogan did.

I'm sure you remember how Turkey was a few years ago?

Trump is no Hitler, but look at the way he's going at the free press and at US institutions. Those things take time and the US system is somehow solid for now. But I don't doubt for a minute that if Trump had more power and time, he would become a dictator. No wonder he's fond of Putin, Duterte and guys like them. He craves what they have, and the only thing between what he wants and reality is the american system and it's people. Not saying he would start kiling off minorities and things like that, but he'd like to be the big man and do what he wants all the time. He's not even hiding it.

But you don’t live in the real world. I mean that sincerely.

There people who have dedicated their lives learning about health, poverty, economics, monetary policy, immigration, diplomacy...and many of those people work for the US government. You have an incredibly rudimentary understanding of the infrastructure in place that allows modern life to exists. You think of roadcrews when you think of a government worker...I think of civil engineers studying traffic impact, and the economic repercussions a new road will have on local homeowners and businesses.

I totally agree with you. "The world is black and white" folks have a really simple worldview that can make them dangerous . They are the harshest critics of the system but they have no clue how it works most of the time, and how much people sacrified for it - despite it's obvious imperfections.
Dear Trumpers in this thread,

Kindly go fuck yourselves. Walk right off the edge of my dick.

I would go wish terrible lives for you but it's pretty clear your lives are already shit if you're backing a rotten weak willed piece of shit like Donald.

The only one sadder than you on this planet is your boss. You're less than nothing. You're shit.
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