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Trump's main FP adviser thinks that Native Americans are giving nukes to Turkey.

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Schmitz and Kogan, who boasts ties to the right-wing Citizens Equal Rights Alliance, warned that Turkey may be trying to “promote their brand of Islam” on reservations and produce yellowcake uranium using tribal resources.

“It is quite possible that the Turkish government, sponsored Turkish business enterprises, and affiliated terrorist groups or members may be seeking access to such expertise for possible acquisition and use of incendiary devices to compromise Kerr dam and/or other off-reservation targets,” the lawsuit claims.

FP=foreign policy, Schmitz is the guy Trump hired.


After Ted Cruz hired Frank "Obama is the first Muslim president" Gaffney as his main foreign policy adviser, we all knew Trump needed to respond strong, and damn, did he.

Note that Turkey is part of NATO and therefore will never attack us btw.

Summary of the article for those confused.

-Montana decided to give rights to a dam to Native Americans tribe.
-Asshole state Senators sued and one of their main reasons was "Well, this tribe is trading with Turkey and who knows what the Turks are doing there?!? They could be spreading Islam or they could get yellowcake from the tribe! Therefore, the tribe isn't trustworthy and shouldn't own this dam."
-Schmitz supported this lawsuit.
-Trump hired Schmitz.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
This must be them getting their revenge for us throwing trash on their land that one time in the 80s.
I hate trump, would never ever vote for him and assume every person in his possible administration is a dolt... But OP's title is a pretty crazy distortion of reality. Not even defending Trump here or his idiot cadre of possible advisors, but this potential Trump advisor was against a buyout of an Energy facility on Native American reservation land by a Turkish owned corporation. The advisor, a lawyer, filed a motion to block the purchase and then rescinded the motion.

Here's a general rule of thumb. If you're reading a "news article" and it makes every other sentence bold, there's a pretty solid chance that you're reading a fairly unreliable website. Further, if the website has the word "Raw" in the title, that's another indicator.
I hate trump, would never ever vote for him and assume every person in his possible administration is a dolt... But OP's title is a pretty crazy distortion of reality.

Here's a general rule of thumb. If you're reading a "news article" and it makes every other sentence bold, there's a pretty solid chance that you're reading a fairly unreliable website. Further, if the website has the word "Raw" in the title, that's another indicator.

The bolded phrases are links to other stories and Rawstory is a pretty decent site.
I hate trump, would never ever vote for him and assume every person in his possible administration is a dolt... But OP's title is a pretty crazy distortion of reality.

Here's a general rule of thumb. If you're reading a "news article" and it makes every other sentence bold, there's a pretty solid chance that you're reading a fairly unreliable website. Further, if the website has the word "Raw" in the title, that's another indicator.

1. You are literally arguing that bolding hyperlinks instead of having them be blue shows a site is untrustworthy. The literal only bolding in the article is from hyperlinks.

2. The source is the "Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights" a group that works with the NAACP....

I mean... Do a better job reading the article before criticizing me next time?

How about I link directly to the legal document?

It is quite possible that the Turkish
Government, sponsored business enterprises and affiliated groups and members seek access to
the uranium deposits and bountiful water sources surrounding the Flathead Reservation for
production of yellowcake capable of later conversion to a gaseous state for eventual use in
incendiary devices. This “coincidence” should, at the very least, give this Court pause to require
FERC and other federal agencies possessing concurrent jurisdiction over national security
matters to undertake an in-depth review of the Kerr Project transaction before the scheduled
September 5, 2015 conveyance is permitted to take place.

I hate trump, would never ever vote for him and assume every person in his possible administration is a dolt... But OP's title is a pretty crazy distortion of reality.

Here's a general rule of thumb. If you're reading a "news article" and it makes every other sentence bold, there's a pretty solid chance that you're reading a fairly unreliable website. Further, if the website has the word "Raw" in the title, that's another indicator.

You do realise the bolded parts are links to other sites/news stories right?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
1. You are literally arguing that bolding hyperlinks instead of having them be blue shows a site is untrustworthy. The literal only bolding in the article is from hyperlinks.

2. The source is the "Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights" a group that works with the NAACP....

I mean... Do a better job reading the article before criticizing me next time?
Edit: I see that they are actually hyperlinks.
You do realise the bolded parts are links to other sites/news stories right?

They're hyperlinks.

Oh, wow haha I didn't realize that. I'll add to my list then:

Rule #3: Horribly designed websites should be given closer scrutiny

1. You are literally arguing that bolding hyperlinks instead of having them be blue shows a site is untrustworthy. The literal only bolding in the article is from hyperlinks.

2. The source is the "Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights" a group that works with the NAACP....

I mean... Do a better job reading the article before criticizing me next time?

How about I link directly to the legal document?


Yeah, I think I would argue that making hyperlinks bold instead of any number of more traditional link styling (e.g, blue/accent color, underlined on hover, underlined in general) indicates a less trustworthy site. That this site is probably untrustworthy, given the name "RAWSTORY" and that the other articles on it look like clickbait garbage, then I'm sticking to that theory.

And, nah, I'll stick to criticizing you. Your title is still reductionist and misleading, much closer to dishonesty than honesty. "Trump FP Advisor Tried to Block Turkish Buyout of American Energy Company" is much less exciting, and much closer to the truth, than "Trump FP Advisor Thinks Native Americans are giving Nukes to Turkey." Though, if you're a regular reader of RAWSTORY. I suppose I should forgive you for writing incendiary misleading headlines, you may just not know better.


1. You are literally arguing that bolding hyperlinks instead of having them be blue shows a site is untrustworthy. The literal only bolding in the article is from hyperlinks.

2. The source is the "Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights" a group that works with the NAACP....

I mean... Do a better job reading the article before criticizing me next time?

How about I link directly to the legal document?

It is quite possible that the Turkish Government, sponsored business enterprises and affiliated groups and members seek access to the uranium deposits and bountiful water sources surrounding the Flathead Reservation for production of yellowcake capable of later conversion to a gaseous state for eventual use in incendiary devices. This “coincidence” should, at the very least, give this Court pause to require FERC and other federal agencies possessing concurrent jurisdiction over national security matters to undertake an in-depth review of the Kerr Project transaction before the scheduled September 5, 2015 conveyance is permitted to take place.

The document alleges that the Turkish government may seek access to uranium deposits near a reservation for production of yellowcake.

How does this equal someone "thinks that Native Americans are giving nukes to Turkey"?


This has been a longstanding white American fear stretching back to the Colonial Era. Native Americans have, according to various conspiracy theories, colluded with the British, communists, Nazis, terrorists, drug lords, Catholics, satanists, and probably just about every other paranoia-induced conservative fever-dream of a villain.

Not at all surprised.
Oh, wow haha I didn't realize that. I'll add to my list then:

Rule #3: Horribly designed websites should be given closer scrutiny

Yeah, I think I would argue that making hyperlinks bold instead of any number of more traditional link styling (e.g, blue/accent color, underlined on hover, underlined in general) indicates a less trustworthy site. That this site is probably untrustworthy, given the name "RAWSTORY" and that the other articles on it look like clickbait garbage, then I'm sticking to that theory.

And, nah, I'll stick to criticizing you. Your title is still reductionist and misleading, much closer to dishonesty than honesty. "Trump FP Advisor Tried to Block Turkish Buyout of American Energy Company" is much less exciting, and much closer to the truth, than "Trump FP Advisor Thinks Native Americans are giving Nukes to Turkey." Though, if you're a regular reader of RAWSTORY. I suppose I should forgive you for writing incendiary misleading headlines, you may just not know better.

................................... Are you really so upset about a site bolding its hyperlinks instead of using blue?

Is this really a huge deal for you?
................................... Are you really so upset about a site bolding its hyperlinks instead of using blue?

Is this really a huge deal for you?

No, I'm not upset about it at all, in fact, I think you're a lot more upset about it than I am. My point was that you wrote a misleading headline to your thread to get attention. That your source website is poorly designed just adds to it.


................................... Are you really so upset about a site bolding its hyperlinks instead of using blue?

Is this really a huge deal for you?

His point about the story being actually about a "Turkish Buyout of American Energy Company" seems to be more important than the bolding, but he didn't bold that part...
No, I'm not upset about it at all, in fact, I think you're a lot more upset about it than I am. My point was that you wrote a misleading headline to your thread to get attention. That your source website is poorly designed just adds to it.

.... I can link to the AP story as well.

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — A lawsuit seeking to block the transfer of a Montana dam to two Native American tribes makes the unusual assertion that the transfer could lead the Turkish government to seek raw nuclear materials on U.S. soil to blow up the dam or other targets.

Its assertions are rooted in the efforts of the Turkish government and Turkish-American organizations to establish business and cultural exchanges with Native Americans.

Keenan, Jackson and Pointer, through their lawyer, Lawrence Kogan, suggest the Turkish government may be seeking to "to more freely promote their brand of Islam on reservations and/or to pursue other potentially more dangerous activities." Those other activities could include seeking access to uranium deposits and water sources to produce yellowcake for use in bombs, and to tap into the tribes' expertise in cleaning up uranium mill tailings to help them, the lawsuit said.

"It is quite possible that the Turkish government, sponsored Turkish business enterprises, and affiliated terrorist groups or members may be seeking access to such expertise for possible acquisition and use of incendiary devices to compromise Kerr dam and/or other off-reservation targets," the lawsuit says.


According to the Associated Press (IDK if you buy them), Schmitz supported a lawsuit to try to stop Native American tribes from controlling a dam. In that lawsuit, the insane statement about Turkey getting nuclear grade material from Native Americans was a large part of the document. Trump adviser thinks that Native Americans aren't trustworthy enough to control a dam because they want to trade with Turkey.

The Rawstory article is just a summary of the lawsuit and of how Trump's foreign policy adviser is connected to it. You don't have to buy the site at all, just follow the bolded hyperlinks. I linked to Rawstory because they were more convenient than linking to six other stories.

You seriously won't stop complaining about the fact that I linked to a story that summarizes articles from the Associated Press and organizations supported by the NAACP.


Goddamn yellowcake? Pray you don't drop that shit.
.... I can link to the AP story as well.


According to the Associated Press (IDK if you buy them), Schmitz supported a lawsuit to try to stop Native American tribes from controlling a dam. In that lawsuit, the insane statement about Turkey getting nuclear grade material from Native Americans was a large part of the document. Trump adviser thinks that Native Americans aren't trustworthy enough to control a dam because they want to trade with Turkey.

The Rawstory article is just a summary of the lawsuit and of how Trump's foreign policy adviser is connected to it. You don't have to buy the site at all, just follow the bolded hyperlinks. I linked to Rawstory because they were more convenient than linking to six other stories.

Amazing, the AP story doesn't mention Donald Trump and the title was "Lawsuit: Montana dam transfer to tribes is security risk." That'll really get clicks!

You linked to the Rawstory headline because it was a clickbait, incendiary garbage article trying to capitalize on Donald Trump's idiotic rise in politics, not because it accurately summarized anything.

And this is truly the sad part about Donald Trump's run for the White House. His polling numbers and celebrity are bolstered by clickbait websites (and threads) that are so desperate to capitalize off of his revenue-generating madness that they will take any boring headline "Lawsuit: Montana Dam Transfer to Tribes is Security Risk" and then desperately find a way to attach Donald Trump to it, rewrite the motive of the case to be around Native Americans giving nukes to Turkey (wut?), and then Trump's political cache somehow rises with it.
Amazing, the AP story doesn't mention Donald Trump and the title was "Lawsuit: Montana dam transfer to tribes is security risk." That'll really get clicks!

You linked to the Rawstory headline because it was a clickbait, incendiary garbage article trying to capitalize on Donald Trump's idiotic rise in politics, not because it accurately summarized anything.

And this is truly the sad part about Donald Trump's run for the White House. His polling numbers and celebrity are driven by clickbait websites (and threads) that are so desperate to capitalize off of his revenue-generating madness that they will take any boring headline "Lawsuit: Montana Dam Transfer to Tribes is Security Risk" and then desperately find a way to attach Donald Trump to it, rewrite the motive of the case to be around Native Americans giving nukes to Turkey (wut?), and then Trump's political cache somehow rises with it.

Spoiler alert: Trump hadn't hired Schmitz by the time the lawsuit had taken place. If you bothered to click the bolded hyperlinks, you would be able to construct a timeline of the story.

The lawsuit is clearly implying that Native Americans are untrustworthy because they trade with Turkey and "who knows, they might be letting those Turks get nukes!"

I mean, you could argue that Trump's adviser didn't actually think there was any fear of Turkey getting nuclear weapons from Native Americans and that he just put the implication out there to try to stop Native Americans from having the right to own a dam, but I don't think that would be better?

I mean, the story is super not boring. "Dam Transfer to Native Americans is security risk because Natives are untrustworthy because Turkey may be getting yellow cake from Native Americans" is fucking hilarious by itself. The fact that Trump hired this man after this glue sniffing argument is great though.


Between Trump and Erdogan i'm 100% sure that if Trump becomes president the US will start World War 3 against Turkey


.... I can link to the AP story as well.


According to the Associated Press (IDK if you buy them), Schmitz supported a lawsuit to try to stop Native American tribes from controlling a dam. In that lawsuit, the insane statement about Turkey getting nuclear grade material from Native Americans was a large part of the document. Trump adviser thinks that Native Americans aren't trustworthy enough to control a dam because they want to trade with Turkey.

The Rawstory article is just a summary of the lawsuit and of how Trump's foreign policy adviser is connected to it. You don't have to buy the site at all, just follow the bolded hyperlinks. I linked to Rawstory because they were more convenient than linking to six other stories.

You seriously won't stop complaining about the fact that I linked to a story that summarizes articles from the Associated Press and organizations supported by the NAACP.

The AP article doesn't even mention Schmitz (one of Trumps named advisors, not the main) at all, probably because he was just a co-counsel to the Law firm that represented the individuals filing the claim. A claim, as written in the actual legal document, that Turkey might seek access to the uranium deposits around the Reservation to make yellowcake for eventual use in incendiary devices.

And you turned that around to Trump's main FP adviser thinks that Native Americans are giving nukes to Turkey.

Clickbait thread.
The AP article doesn't even mention Schmitz (one of Trumps named advisors, not the main) at all, probably because he was just a co-counsel to the Law firm that represented the individuals filing the claim. A claim, as written in the actual legal document, that Turkey might seek access to the uranium deposits around the Reservation to make yellowcake for eventual use in incendiary devices.

And you turned that around to Trump's main FP adviser thinks that Native Americans are giving nukes to Turkey.

Clickbait thread.

Yellowcake is used almost always in an "incendiary device" if the device is a nuclear weapon.

Stating that Native Americans should not own a dam and then talking about how the tribe are working with Turkey and, who knows, those Turks may eventually want one of the main ingredients in a nuclear bomb and therefore the tribe should not control the dam is pretty fucking clear, dude.
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