Schmitz and Kogan, who boasts ties to the right-wing Citizens Equal Rights Alliance, warned that Turkey may be trying to “promote their brand of Islam” on reservations and produce yellowcake uranium using tribal resources.
“It is quite possible that the Turkish government, sponsored Turkish business enterprises, and affiliated terrorist groups or members may be seeking access to such expertise for possible acquisition and use of incendiary devices to compromise Kerr dam and/or other off-reservation targets,” the lawsuit claims.
FP=foreign policy, Schmitz is the guy Trump hired.
After Ted Cruz hired Frank "Obama is the first Muslim president" Gaffney as his main foreign policy adviser, we all knew Trump needed to respond strong, and damn, did he.
Note that Turkey is part of NATO and therefore will never attack us btw.
Summary of the article for those confused.
-Montana decided to give rights to a dam to Native Americans tribe.
-Asshole state Senators sued and one of their main reasons was "Well, this tribe is trading with Turkey and who knows what the Turks are doing there?!? They could be spreading Islam or they could get yellowcake from the tribe! Therefore, the tribe isn't trustworthy and shouldn't own this dam."
-Schmitz supported this lawsuit.
-Trump hired Schmitz.