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Truth & Trolls |OT| The Brothers Were Right

I've found 50% of backers on ANY given project don't care because they don't know how things are made. Which is odd because KS is supposed to help with that.

On this project that percentage is probably closer to 90%.

Anyway, about Kickstarter helping out with making production processes more transparent... I don't believe it actually does that. Granted, there are some project creators that are relatively open about what they've been doing and where their updates are actually quite informative.

But, I think in general if you look at game related Kickstarters, all you get to see "earlier than normal" is some unfinished artwork, maybe some working beta code. Nothing you don't get to see if you participate in a closed or even open beta. And ofcourse you can input your own ideas and feel more involved with the game.

However, in most cases you don't really get a whole lot of background information on how a game is actually made. Developers might tell you they're in preproduction and you can get a general idea from what that entails. But you don't really get a true understanding of what makes game development hard, where the real challenges lie. The information you're getting is still heavily cut (for understandable reasons).

Also making games is just not for everyone, just like any other profession really. So there are always going to be a good deal of people who will not understand what is going on. Especially when you're getting incomplete information.

Now, in this specific case, backers have been given either no or simply false information. But then this was never a real game project.
Really, Roland?

Photos from the camp? :)

Kickstarter backer Roland said:
Roland Austinat about 18 hours ago

Three weeks after the last update ... any new developments? Maybe a few screenshots? Photos from the camp? Anything?
Susan said:
It's been two weeks of, "It'll be ready tomorrow." Meaning ready to roll out to backers via private beta because despite our best efforts we're fairly certain you guys will find some bugs and we want to be sure to capture them and also get feedback on the game, etc. Didn't do an official update b/c I didn't want to email everyone with an update only to finally have the game ready for you guys to play the next day. It's Murphy's Law. If I'd done an update a week ago, I'm sure Kenzie would have ok'd releasing the game the following day.

I do want to get some feedback though. We decided to use Prefinery to handle the beta testing process & logistics. Kenzie's finalized all of the automated emails which was no small feat! We also settled on Groove to handle support although we loved Kampyle (and still really want to use them but they're a little too pricey to start with). Curious if anyone feels strongly one way or another. Or if there's another start up or new solution that's come out that we should check out. Maybe one of you created a solution? Or has something we should incorporate into the site? It's always cool working with backers and incorporating their work into the final product.

So seriously, it is coming. I swear upon my life...Does anyone know about Versioning?


Unconfirmed Member
She should really just stop updating altogether. She could've left it at the last update with no-game-but-women-in-STEM-right-guys and never gone back.


There should be rules about updating backers in the comments section. It is a shady way to not have everyone get the "bad" news of "it will come out someday" and pile on their disappointment.


I feel obligated to tear that comment apart piece by piece

Susan Wilson about 2 hours ago

It's been two weeks of, "It'll be ready tomorrow."
It's been a lot longer than 2 weeks of that. :p
Meaning ready to roll out to backers via private beta because despite our best efforts we're fairly certain you guys will find some bugs and we want to be sure to capture them and also get feedback on the game, etc.
Laying the ground work for the backers to have the privilege of being a part of the team.
Didn't do an official update b/c I didn't want to email everyone with an update only to finally have the game ready for you guys to play the next day.
This makes no logical sense
It's Murphy's Law.
No, it's not.
If I'd done an update a week ago, I'm sure Kenzie would have ok'd releasing the game the following day.
What a fucking asshole. Blaming the kid again. LOL.
I do want to get some feedback though.
Because you've been so open to it these past 5 months?
We decided to use Prefinery to handle the beta testing process & logistics. Kenzie's finalized all of the automated emails which was no small feat! We also settled on Groove to handle support although we loved Kampyle (and still really want to use them but they're a little too pricey to start with).
What's the matter, $25k not enough? Burn too much cash on that free laptop from Dell?
Curious if anyone feels strongly one way or another.
There we go, soliciting "input" again. AKA, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing nor do I care so you guys figure it out. I'm too busy retweeting celebrities and my entrepreneurial heroes.
Or if there's another start up or new solution that's come out that we should check out.
Yes, "we" should. Or maybe you should do what you raised $25k to do...if you weren't a lying sociopath.
Maybe one of you created a solution?
Oooh, the backers should have anticipated this and already have 'created a solution'!
Or has something we should incorporate into the site? It's always cool working with backers and incorporating their work into the final product.
Yes, it's always cool to manipulate people and have them plan your budget, design your game, etc. then take all the credit while not even fulfilling the hollow scam of a goal you still hang over the gullible backers' heads as you laugh all the way to the bank.
Does she even know what Murphy's Law is?

That's like me going into a political debate and answering a question about my opponent's ideas vs. mine with "Occum's Razor".


Quickly scanned the thread and page and saw exactly zero screenshots of a game that was supposed to be released two months ago?
Quickly scanned the thread and page and saw exactly zero screenshots of a game that was supposed to be released two months ago?

Oh Ledsen, you Swedish troll! There were 5 (FIVE!) generic screenshots in the 2 minute video she posted on truthandtrolls.com!

5 screenshots, man!

FIVE! On a 2 minute video! That's 25x60x2 frames, so only 3000 frames!

How could you have missed those?



Creator Susan Wilson about 12 hours ago

It's been two weeks of, "It'll be ready tomorrow." Meaning ready to roll out to backers via private beta because despite our best efforts we're fairly certain you guys will find some bugs and we want to be sure to capture them and also get feedback on the game, etc. Didn't do an official update b/c I didn't want to email everyone with an update only to finally have the game ready for you guys to play the next day. It's Murphy's Law. If I'd done an update a week ago, I'm sure Kenzie would have ok'd releasing the game the following day.

This woman really never ceases to amaze me.


What the hell is going on here?
Why will nobody call out this woman?

The gaming press flocked to support Susan blindly instead of checking the facts because at the time it felt good to them to go after those angry internet trolls.

They're too cowardly to admit they were wrong.
So tomorrow Susan's going to be "final beta testing" Truth & Trolls for a full month now.

Let's assume she spend about 2 hours a day on average "testing" this past month, that's 60 hours. And it's a 15 minute game, so it takes just 15 mins to run through it completely.

Which means she has tested it about 240 times now!

I must say I'm very impressed with that level of commitment. Triple A studios could learn from that! Yes, looking at you, Bethesda! Hope you will go to Indiecade and learn from that panel Kenzie is in!

Edit: updated my post, because apparently the panel hasn't happened yet. :)


Obsidian could use a few tips from Susan for Project Eternity. I hope Chris Avellone gets to pick Susan's brain at Indiecade.


Ladies and gentlemen, "Keep Up!" just went global.
Helen 2 days ago

Hi Kenzie, just wanted to say how much I love my new t shirt, thanks so much! Only warn it once and got lots of positive feedback.
Helen, UK.
Truthandtrolls.com got a new look. More window dressing than ever!

Also 43yo Kenzie got cocky. (or "even more cocky" depending on your feelings towards her)

Wait is the game actually out now?

The Kickstarter page hasn't been updated, so I assume it isn't.

Also the "Custom art" tab on the updated game site was empty earlier today, and now contains 3 ... sketches. So they probably started working on the art yesterday.

I guess they want to have the site ready for the "imminent release", which has been imminent for over a month now.
Damn that quote on the webpage, completely throwing those poor brothers under the bus AGAIN.

I can't believe a mother would use her sons like that to try and eek out a small profit. It seems so awful.
So I'm guessing we're just supposed to tell her "You can't" through the "Contact" section on the website, ya?

I suppose. Surprisingly, Susan removed the "if you send us something nasty, we'll put you on a wall of shame and have a journalist investigate you" warning from the Contact page.


I'm ready for this sordid affair to be over.

Beta Birthday Weekend!
Update #21 · Sep 27, 2013 · 1 comment

The new site is live (click here to see Truth & Trolls new website). The game has been tested a bit but I want to spend the weekend with you guys beta testing because you made it all possible.

You'll get an official invite and instructions shortly and you can even share it with friends if you want (smart ones ideally). I would like you to read one page of the site because I just finished it and it's important I got it right. You can read it here or just click on MY STORY on the site. PLEASE let me know if it sounds okay.

And then on Monday, I turn 10! So I'm going to celebrate by giving ten random beta testers ten swanky Truth & Trolls Swag Bags! Don't ask what's in them because it's a surprise and I can't wait for word to spread. I love birthdays and I Iove sharing mine with all of you doing something so cool!

Anestis Kozakis 4 minutes ago

Hi Kenzie,

The website looks great, and your My Story page is very well written and is a great read.

Haha when will these people realize they aren't talking to 'Kenzie' and instead are talking to a 43-year-old child-like sociopath?


Unconfirmed Member
Aw man! I want a Swag Bag! I'd give up all the Comic-Con swag I've accumulated over the years for a Truth & Trolls tote!


Could resist posting.

Ok I know the game is like 2 months behind release date, I just want to clarify that it takes 15 minutes to play from start to completion right? And it's two months behind release date. And cost $1,600 a minute.

Looking forward to the official release!
I'm ready for this sordid affair to be over.

Haha when will these people realize they aren't talking to 'Kenzie' and instead are talking to a 43-year-old child-like sociopath?

I love the part where she says that "it's tested a bit" after a full month of "final beta testing". :)

These people (read: Susan) shy away so badly from putting any effort at all into any of their ventures. Crowd manipulating beta testing ftw!

Crash55118 said:
Let optimism reign!

Indiecade is next week. Gotta release that 15 minute first episode before the panel!

Keep Up!

In order not to look like complete fools on the panel, they have to at least pretend that they've actually done something on the game. Which is why their backers got the promise they will get a link "soon" to beta test a 15 minute game. So Susan can tell Chris Avellone they are currently in beta, and expect to go gold soon. She can then go on to say that they have been delayed because of the self imposed stretch goal of making it an episodic game, which they think will make the story and thus the gamer's experience even more exciting.

Susan: "You know, Chris... can I say Chris? ... we wanted to make the writing epic like in an Obsidian game."
Take a look at the My Story tab at truthandtrolls.com....

Susan Wilson said:
Half of the Kickstarter money went to fulfilling & shipping rewards but the rest I got to use to spend on other kids and even a few grown ups - to buy them technology and equipment so they could learn along with me and help me make my game.

So, Susan burned $12k on shipping koozies to 372 backers? :) (372 is the amount of people pledging $15 or higher, so that they would receive at least a koozie.) That's $32 a person. Those are some expensive koozies.

I love how she then admits she also spent the other $12K on "technology and equipment". Probably a new iPhone and some shoes. Surely Susan needs to be able to make a few important phone calls to make this the best game ever. And she needs to represent Kenzie at Indiecade. You need classy shoes for that.


Gold Member
Take a look at the My Story tab truthandtrolls.com....

So, Susan burned $12k on shipping koozies to 372 backers? :) (372 is the amount of people pledging $15 or higher, so that they would receive at least a koozie.) That's $32 a person. Those are some expensive koozies.

I love how she then admits she also spent the other $12K on "technology and equipment". Probably a new iPhone and some shoes. Surely Susan needs to be able to make a few important phone calls to make this the best game ever. And she needs to represent Kenzie at Indiecade. You need classy shoes for that.
Lol, for an entrepreneur she's crap with figures. Sorry lets try that again, for an entrepreneur she's crap at fudging figures. Honestly between this and her original budget halfway through the KS, there are some dumb mother fuckers out there - she's not even trying!

Still no game, I am disappoint :( What am I meant to play this weekend Susan? Lmao
Lol, for an entrepreneur she's crap with figures. Sorry lets try that again, for an entrepreneur she's crap at fudging figures. Honestly between this and her original budget halfway through the KS, there are some dumb mother fuckers out there - she's not even trying!

Still no game, I am disappoint :( What am I meant to play this weekend Susan? Lmao

What do you mean, no game?

People are "final beta testing" as we speak!


For just $9.99 you can join in on the fun and grab that chance of a swag bag!
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