Mikey Jr.
If there's one thing I've learned about tsilon it's never wait until the last day if you plan to use one of the perks.
Ohhh really? Why not? I mean, if you request the code and get it, how is tsilon a factor anymore?
If there's one thing I've learned about tsilon it's never wait until the last day if you plan to use one of the perks.
It's not tsilon, Future Shop has a nasty habit of disabling codes early.Ohhh really? Why not? I mean, if you request the code and get it, how is tsilon a factor anymore?
Ohhh really? Why not? I mean, if you request the code and get it, how is tsilon a factor anymore?
Correct.Just making sure, everyone's code is pending as of right now?
http://www.tsilon.ca/core/index.php?topic=1267.0Mister J said:New things? New things. Let's go down the list.
1. SPARTAN SQUAD RECRUITMENT (details not yet final): Throughout December is a squad recruiting event for Halo 4 on G-LIST. Your goal as a member is to recruit NEW G-LIST members and create a squad of five spartans using your new recruits. Each squad will be entered into both competitions and contests, with the leader earning a prize for goal completion. They are listed below:
a. Once a squad of five is created, the leader will receive a code for the Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack, and the squad will be entered into a league competition and an ordinance contest.
b. The highest recruiting G-LIST member will receive a prize for success rate, including 3 months of live gold for each of their primary squad mates (them and their first four), and possibly a game from the vault for themselves.
c. Each successful recruited squad of five earns an entry into an ordinance contest to equip each spartan in the group with necessary gear, including a Halo 4 wireless controller, Halo 4 steelbook, Crimson Map Pack (should they not have it), and more. The squad leader will earn a VERY nice currently secret prize on top of that.
d. Each successful squad will ALSO be entered into a Halo 4 TEAM league tournament occurring in January. The winning squad will earn prizes of their own, most likely each member netting a game from the vault.
e. More info to come. Check in as the days go by for updates on this front.
HOW DO I RECRUIT? Starting on Friday, December 7th, a referral field will be added to registration for new members. Once it is active, have new members fill YOUR member name into that field on registration. It's the easiest way to track this and least issue for members and logistics, so that's how it will work.
2. LEAGUE FINALS, VOTING, AND STREAM VIEWERSHIP: As many members know, the Halo 4 league finals are fast approaching on December 16th-17th. Winners in the Halo 4 league finals will earn prizes from the vault, with the top winner ALSO earning a $50 gift card. To spread the love to members who do NOT play Halo 4, or perhaps those who were eliminated prior, members will be able to vote on who THEY think the tournament winner will be. Once voted, members can follow the finals in the G-LIST league video stream. If they're there when the winner is determined, they'll be entered into a draw on the spot for a prize of their own for guessing properly, and for attendance. The Misters wish to test the stream's breadth, and what better way than to offer a stake in who wins for viewers watching?
HOW DO I VOTE AND VIEW? Voting will commence once Monday's semi-final ends with its own forum topic open to all members. A link to the stream will be found in that same topic.
3. HALO 4 LIVE EVENT IN VANCOUVER: The Misters love events, and the last one for Vancouver was FAR too long ago.
WHO. G-LIST members level 40 and higher earn first dibs at passes to the event. Members 30 through 10 will have access after the 40+ have claimed their stake. Trickle down perks, something to look forward to in the new year.
WHAT. A Halo 4 event, on location tournament and member gathering with prizes and perks for attending.
WHERE. Event will be held at the EXP Restaurant and Bar at 309 W. Pender Street in Vancouver, BC.
WHEN. Saturday, December 15th from 2-4pm PST.
WHY. Events are fun, meeting members is great, and because Halo, damnit.
PRIZES AND PERKS? Correct. All members in the tournament will be competing for prizes, and all attending members will earn perks for attending, including a dual sided Grand Theft Auto V poster, access to the Bioshock Infinite Industrial Revolution, an Xbox Live 3 month gold card OR Xbox Live 1 month + 480 points card for the first 30 arriving members, and a Halo 4 t-shirt for the first 20 arriving members. Tournament prizes to be determined.
4. DECEMBER'S OTHER NOTES: As of today (December 4th), there is a new perk for $20 off Far Cry 3 on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 (seeing about PC, but no guarantees). On December 14th, some primary information on January's perks will be revealed. The Gran Turismo 5 League final will occur tonight (December 4th), and the Fight League finals will take place on Thursday, December 6th. The first prize challenge for Skylanders Giants will complete this Friday, December 7th with more prize challenges to come later in the month.
That should provide a decent overview of some things happening in the month of December! If there are any questions or suggestions, please feel free to provide them in the replies of this topic.
Good luck, and enjoy the final month of 2012! The Misters have learned much, seen some odd events occur within the system, and have LOTS is in store for 2013.
Some big things coming.
EDIT: I have 3 codes for full games on Xbox 360. I don't have an Xbox 360 so I'm giving them to GAFers. The games are:
Fable 3
Halo Reach
Gears of War 2 (yes, 2)
Post here which game you want and I'll PM you the code. First come first served.
EDIT: I have 3 codes for full games on Xbox 360. I don't have an Xbox 360 so I'm giving them to GAFers. The games are:
Fable 3
Halo Reach
Gears of War 2 (yes, 2)
Post here which game you want and I'll PM you the code. First come first served.
Some big things coming.
EDIT: I have 3 codes for full games on Xbox 360. I don't have an Xbox 360 so I'm giving them to GAFers. The games are:
Fable 3
Halo Reach
Gears of War 2 (yes, 2)
Post here which game you want and I'll PM you the code. First come first served.
What a waste. You'll never play it.I`ll take Reach please!![]()
how do i go about getting more invites? I have sent two already but I'm unclear as to how I obtained them in the first place.
Got my FC3 code this morning but it is for 360 and PS3 only, really would rather play this on PC so I have a code, first person that PM me gets it
As of today (December 4th), there is a new perk for $20 off Far Cry 3 on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 (seeing about PC, but no guarantees)
one of this misters said something about trying to get these code to work with the PC version too.
Oh really, I didn't know, currently it doesn't work (tried right away). I guess I'll hold onto it for a little while then. Thanks for letting me know
Haha, yup. I got the code thinking it would work for pc and came here to give it away. Guess I'll hold onto it for a bit. Then again, Far Cry 3 will undoubtedly be $20 for download on amazon at Christmas.
I just hit LV40. Anyone up for Vancouver meetup there?
Just noticed there's a challenge for "This is Living" for PS All Stars...guess I know what I'm gonna try for this week.
Play 2v2 custom match. FFA is too chaotic.
Yea been trying to do this with FFA and 5 kill limit, I got really close after the 10th try, 10sec left and with 4 kills and no deaths and someone got a level 3 and destroyed meI nearly threw my vita across the room.
Add me on PSN and we can partner up: EGM92
wow, so I wanted to use that FC3 code on the PC but it was only for PS360. I ended up ordering the 360 version on wednesday. then today i was watching some dude streaming on twitch and ended up winning FC3 in a giveaway 10min before I went down to canada post.
What's the daily? I'm think they're refering to The Phantom Pains but everytime I enter, it doesn't work.Moby Dick Studios
Congrats dude!HELL YEA! I won the Scribblenauts ContestGot myself a Skylanders 3DS starter kit.
Also just hit Level 61quickly heading into the top 10.
HELL YEA! I won the Scribblenauts ContestGot myself a Skylanders 3DS starter kit.
Also just hit Level 61quickly heading into the top 10.
Holy god...
So I decided I may as well grab Far Cry at $39.99.
Except that Futureshop's site is SO AWFUL. Holy fuck. I haven't used it in a long time, and just...what the hell. I've been trying to order this game for the past 20 minutes. Site doesn't load half the time and when it does load, it gives me errors ("You don't have an address! Input an address!" ... use default address. "THANKS FOR ADDRESS. I CAN SEE IT BUT YOU DON'T HAVE AN ADDRESS INPUT ADDRESS").
Like wow. This is just unbelievably terrible. I've given it my address about 15 times. It looks at the address...and then goes back and deletes it and asks me for it again. I've created the address four times as separate addresses in case it was rejecting my default address, but nope.
lol why do I even have tsilon when the site it uses is SO DETERMINED not to let me buy from it?
Never mind, I guess I don't need Far Cry 3. :/
Edit: lmao at it working on the mobile site. Mobile > actual site apparently.
That's so weird, FS' new mobile site made me want to chuck my tablet against the wall multiple times. Maybe it's better now though, who knows.
lol, Future Shop's site isn't great, but that sounds abnormally awful. Sorry to hear![]()