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tv display is messed up. can anyone help?

i just got a 19" magnavox flat-screen crt for my bedroom. it's nice and has a great picture, but there's a problem. all three of my consoles output is messed up on the tv. there's a black border on the right side and the top of the screen when playing games. it's as if the picture is not centered. what's even stranger is that my when i boot up my xbox and go into it's internal menu, the border is not present and the image fits the screen perfectly. also, i don't have this problem while using my dvd player. i tried both sets or a/v inputs and the problem exists for both. is my tv screwed?


If you don't have this problem with your DVD player then I guess it's not your TV. Did you try hooking up your consoles to another TV? if they work see if there's any differences and change it.
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