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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Jealous Bastard
sweet panda of uganda. i just watched the first episode of CARNIVALE. already such a moody, wonderful show. nick stahl is actually really likable here, and i've never really liked him in anything. additionally, the lynchian aspects that had been played up to me by some people i spoke with in person about the show are not so thick that i get perturbed by them. it's very nicely balanced between the murky and the abundantly clear, which is a tenuous balance to strike indeed.

does hbo do pilots for their series, or do they pretty much know they're doing at least a season when they start production? the first episodes of their series always have a very steady sense of continuity of style and substance with the rest of the seasons, and don't stand alone like a lot of pilots. just curious.

anyway, CARNIVALE. it's awesome. thanks to everyone who recommended it.
im watching Magnum PI again :lol


Jealous Bastard
TOM f'N CRUISE said:
im watching Magnum PI again :lol

did you watch the story about tom selleck on cbs sunday morning today? pretty interesting stuff. it's amazing how they can take someone you haven't thought about in years and really humanize and endear them to you. i came away feeling like the biggest tom selleck fan in the world; in past weekends, it's been steve miller, ernest borgnine, and so on. great stuff.


beelzebozo said:
nick stahl is actually really likable here, and i've never really liked him in anything.

really? I'm up to the 9th episode now and he's probably my least favorite character. I just find him boring and moody.


I was shown the first two episodes each of Death Note and Bleach, having not seen an anime since the dubs of Sailor Moon were the hot thing about 10 years ago. I thoroughly enjoyed them both and can't wait to see more.


Almost done with S3 of Babylon 5.

Jesus Christ. How can a show with such a mediocre S1 have absolutely stellar following seasons?

Seriously. S2 and 3 have been some of the most powerful TV I've ever seen. For anyone interested please please please slug through S1. This show will go down as one of my favorites.


gdt5016 said:
Almost done with S3 of Babylon 5.

Jesus Christ. How can a show with such a mediocre S1 have absolutely stellar following seasons?

Seriously. S2 and 3 have been some of the most powerful TV I've ever seen. For anyone interested please please please slug through S1. This show will go down as one of my favorites.

The 4th season is the best by far, the 5th season... well it has a couple of good episodes near the end


Jealous Bastard
Kastro said:
really? I'm up to the 9th episode now and he's probably my least favorite character. I just find him boring and moody.

i guess i should draw a distinct difference between liking his character and liking his performance. i don't necessarily have much of a feel for his character yet, but i like him more as a performer here than i did in terminator 3, or even in the bedroom, which seemed more like the tom wilkinson show than anything else.

i'm not entirely sure i really like like LIKE any of the carnies yet anyway. they're all a little too defined by their weirdness right now (2 eps in) and i'm waiting for their intricacies to come to light. the girl who talks to her catatonic mother and seems to get responses from her is a pretty goofy act. not sure how much i dig that.

but anyway, yeah, it's really just the aesthetic and general concept of the show to which i'm reacting. very strong mood.


I'm now up to "Remember Me" in The Next Generation. The episode where Wesley Crusher's experiment traps his mother in an alternate universe that begins to collapse and take the ship with it causing people who used to exist to have never existed making her think she is going crazy. "What is the nature of the universe?" "The universe is a spheroid shape."

But I'm taking a break to watch the 10 Trek movies today.


Jealous Bastard
on the advice of spotless mind and a few others, i checked out a couple of episodes of DOCTOR WHO and loved it. the show has a cool, goofy, british X-FILES quality, which is something i am very much all about. i also see a lot of HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE and that douglas adams sense of humor in it. my only complaint is that i wish it had the budget of an american show like the X-FILES; it has those trademark bbc special effects which can be a little distracting. they have their own charm though, and i'm getting used to them.

also, 30 ROCK. holy shit. how did i not know how funny this show was? i think i mistakenly made the connection between 30 ROCK and SNL and presumed that if SNL was so tragically unfunny, 30 ROCK must be equally so. so fucking mistaken. i have torn through ten episodes in the past two days while doing menial shit at work and laughed my ass off. tracy morgan is hilarious, which is not something i knew.


i finally finished season 4 of it's always sunny in philadelphia and i can't say it was good. there were only a handful of episodes that i liked--''mac's banging the waitress'' and ''the gang solves the gas crisis'' were enjoyable. it's gone downhill after season 1--which they'll never improve on, i'm guessing.

and they seriously have to get rid of dee--she's annoying and adds absolutely nothing to the show.


Jealous Bastard
i've never liked it's always sunny. i just don't get, i guess. it's always seemed really malicious and mean and retarded in a way that i just never thought was that witty. maybe i need to give it another try though--i only watched a few episodes.


yeah, it does get crazier with each season and it's certainly not for everyone, i've noticed. but if you do wanna give it another try, then only season 1 is really worth checking out.


ok, so I need to decide on my next run of sci-fi - can't hold it off any longer. Atlantis is gone, BSG only has a week or so left, I only have 5 episodes of firefly left on my ipod - then nothing...

so, put these in the order I should watch them, and feel free to suggest others.

- farscape (I know nothing about it)
- Enterprise (watched a few eps of season 1 - kind of liked the feel, scott bakula was good, the guy who was also a wraith in Atlantis had an annoying accent.)
- DS9 (never watched any of it)

er - can't think of anything else.

Seen SG-1, Atlantis, Voyager, enough of next gen to not know which ones to look out for so forget that (don't know if I saw the end though?), Babylon 5 (awesome), BSG, others I can't remember


beelzebozo said:
this is the doctor who spinoff, right? what do you think of that?

It's just flat out bad. The acting and writing is mediocre at best (and it's usually not up to even that quality). But worse than that is that the show takes itself too seriously. It has that same kind of subject material, special effects, etc. that Doctor Who has. And if you've seen Doctor Who, you know that that kind of budget does not lend itself to being taken as serious drama; it's just too cheesy. That's why it works for Doctor Who. But when something like Torchwood is going to create a more serious interpretation of that, it just falls flat.
mrklaw said:
ok, so I need to decide on my next run of sci-fi - can't hold it off any longer. Atlantis is gone, BSG only has a week or so left, I only have 5 episodes of firefly left on my ipod - then nothing...

so, put these in the order I should watch them, and feel free to suggest others.

- farscape (I know nothing about it)
- Enterprise (watched a few eps of season 1 - kind of liked the feel, scott bakula was good, the guy who was also a wraith in Atlantis had an annoying accent.)
- DS9 (never watched any of it)
DS9 first, just skip Enterprise.
Blader5489 said:
It's just flat out bad. The acting and writing is mediocre at best (and it's usually not up to even that quality). But worse than that is that the show takes itself too seriously. It has that same kind of subject material, special effects, etc. that Doctor Who has. And if you've seen Doctor Who, you know that that kind of budget does not lend itself to being taken as serious drama; it's just too cheesy. That's why it works for Doctor Who. But when something like Torchwood is going to create a more serious interpretation of that, it just falls flat.
Bu-but Torchwood is so adult! Sex, violence, swearing, more sex!! and morally reprehensible characters!! It is so deep and mature!

I'd probably suggest watching the season 2 episodes where Martha guest stars, but somehow they even turn her into a moronic damsel in distress.

It's the worst show i have ever watched a full season of.


Jealous Bastard
i have watched nothing lately but 30 ROCK, and i am convinced it's the best half-hour comedy since ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. it may not be as intelligent, but the writing is really sharp and the jokes can be very obscure, and the characters are just excellent and hilarious. baldwin is absolutely gold here, and even tina fey is charming and stellar. the guest spots are also always really funny--i'm thinking of dean winters (of OZ fame) playing tina fey's scummy boyfriend dennis (his line about his cousin teddy's dog licking his feet :lol ) and isabella rosellini as baldwin's ex-wife ("oh dammit johnny you know i love my big beef and cheddar!").

i find it ironic that a show parodying the behind-the-scenes activity of SNL is ten times funnier than anything SNL has done in ten years. if you haven't watched the first season of this show, it's on netflix watch instantly, and you will get addicted and laugh your ass off.


Jealous Bastard
oh icarus, don't even bother wishing me luck. i gave up on ROME long ago, sadly. four episodes in and it was just too. . . too. . . historical for me. i couldn't really get into it, and i can't really pinpoint one thing that drove me away. there was a lot of political intrigue and backstabbing, and maybe that stuff just doesn't interest me that much. i can look at it and say to myself, "this is extremely well done," but simultaneously want to turn it off and watch QUANTUM LEAP :lol


speaking of QUANTUM LEAP, watched a fantastic episode last night from the fourth season called "the wrong stuff." it's the one where sam leaps into a chimp in the space program and has to get him to be one of the finalists to go up. what's really great about it, i think, is bakula, who strikes this wonderful balance of composing his body movements like a man and a chimp. consider the difficulty of the premise: he's supposed to be a man, and move like a man, but outwardly appears to be a chimp. acting too much like a person would draw a lot of suspicion (walking upright being the first thing that comes to mind), while sam acting like a chimp too much would come across as completely stupid and ridiculous in the context of QL's conceit. he juggles it really nicely, stooping just a little when he runs, and a lot of other little touches that only someone very talented could bring to the part. he actually won an emmy for this one!


Are you still watching Carnivale beelz?

I have one episode left. I'm sad to see it end. I've loved it. Show has possibly the best mythology in any show I've seen, more so than even Lost.

Brother Justin is such perfectly cast. One minute he can be calm and warming and the next just utterly creep you out by his cold intensity.


Jealous Bastard
i am still watching CARNIVALE. i'm 9 episodes into the first season. i've gotten sidetracked lately by a few things--most notably that i'm splitting my television time with resident evil 5, and now a replay of bioshock. i tend not to force it when my natural proclivities lead me to other leisure, since i think turning leisure into a chore makes you a pretty miserable person. i'll finish the first season within the next week, i'm sure. it's a really great show.

you're right about brother justin, too. wasn't he the guy who played the crazy, creepy stepfather in pet cemetery 2 who killed the kid with the dirtbike wheel? YIKES


beelzebozo said:
you're right about brother justin, too. wasn't he the guy who played the crazy, creepy stepfather in pet cemetery 2 who killed the kid with the dirtbike wheel? YIKES

Not sure.. I remember him most as the crooked guard from Shawshank Redemption.


Jealous Bastard
oh yeah, that's right.

for some reason, i always think he should play the brother of the guy who played biff in back to the future.
I haven't been watching any older stuff recently since there's a lot currently on the airwaves. I'm probably keeping too many shows at the moment, but some of them have recently finished.

Capsule summaries...

Flight of the Conchords S2: Wasn't quite as entertaining as S1 for me, but when it's good, it's a lot of fun. Still very unclear if this is coming back for another season.
Eastbound and Down: I wasn't sold on the premiere of this six-episode miniseries, but it grew on me. Certainly not for everyone given how offensive and abrasive it is at times, but I got a lot of laughs out of it.
Breaking Bad S2: Probably the best thing I'm watching right now in terms of quality. The first three episodes of S2 have been spectacular - acting, writing, direction, etc... are all stellar. Firing on all cylinders.
Chuck S2: Continues to excel this season. My favorite show at the moment and something I look forwards to every Monday night. I'd be extremely disappointed if NBC doesn't give Chuck another season, but it's on the bubble right now.
Reaper S2: Consistently amusing.
Fringe S1: I'm still behind about 3-4 episodes. Should I marathon through those at some point?
Damages S2: Not delivering on the promise of S1, but still entertaining on some level due to the acting. Not a high priority for me at the moment.
Lost S5: Excellent season. Nice to see them pull it all together this year. Great water cooler show to discuss with friends.
The Office & 30 Rock: My interest in the Office has diminshed a bit this season, but it's still worth tuning in. 30 Rock is as good as ever.
Terminator S2: Very hit or miss. Last week's episode was quite good, but there have been some clunkers recently. Feels like they're ramping it up for the home stretch and the finale (which will likely be the series finale since it's probably going to get canceled.)
Dollhouse S1: First few episodes were decent enough, then they really picked things up last week with a great episode.

I'll continue working through FNL S2, Dexter S3, and Mad Men S2 once a few more of the new shows are finished up.


Cornballer said:
Fringe S1: I'm still behind about 3-4 episodes. Should I marathon through those at some point?

I'm still not convinced by the show, but the last few episodes before the hiatus were really getting good. Im cautiously optimistic that this show may develop into something really good eventually.
Hmm, I can't decide whether to start watching Breaking Bad or go back and rewatch the first season of Arrested Development and then check out the second and third seasons, which I've never seen in order. Help me, GAF.
Thanks, Solo. I'll get around to watching those sooner or later.
backflip10019 said:
Hmm, I can't decide whether to start watching Breaking Bad or go back and rewatch the first season of Arrested Development and then check out the second and third seasons, which I've never seen in order. Help me, GAF.
You can't really go wrong with either show. Just depends if you want to watch a comedy or a drama.

Its awesome. Watch it, GAF! Don't let it get canceled. Main character looks like he could be Heath Ledger's younger brother and I know how much you guys like to slobber on Heath's necrotic balls.


Cornballer said:
Breaking Bad S2: Probably the best thing I'm watching right now in terms of quality. The first three episodes of S2 have been spectacular - acting, writing, direction, etc... are all stellar. Firing on all cylinders.

Sweet, I just started watching this show the other day. I'm only on season 1, episode 3 but it's been pretty good so far.
Breaking Bad S2: Probably the best thing I'm watching right now in terms of quality. The first three episodes of S2 have been spectacular - acting, writing, direction, etc... are all stellar. Firing on all cylinders.


First 3 episodes of Season 2 have been nothing short of Spectacular.

Ill weep when Season 2 finishes, but at least Mad Men will return.
beelzebozo said:
sweet panda of uganda. i just watched the first episode of CARNIVALE. already such a moody, wonderful show. nick stahl is actually really likable here, and i've never really liked him in anything. additionally, the lynchian aspects that had been played up to me by some people i spoke with in person about the show are not so thick that i get perturbed by them. it's very nicely balanced between the murky and the abundantly clear, which is a tenuous balance to strike indeed.

does hbo do pilots for their series, or do they pretty much know they're doing at least a season when they start production? the first episodes of their series always have a very steady sense of continuity of style and substance with the rest of the seasons, and don't stand alone like a lot of pilots. just curious.

anyway, CARNIVALE. it's awesome. thanks to everyone who recommended it.

Just about to finish the second season, man this show is pretty damn creepy. I don't think ive felt like this about a show since some of the early days of the xfiles.
Looved arrested development up until the last seaons. I thought it just lost its flair by then, but could have been they were rushed to finish the series cuz of ratings.
Is anyone going to check out "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" on HBO? It starts up on Sunday night. Early reviews have been mediocre, so I'll probably skip this one.


Finished Carnivale.. fuckkkkkkk. So good but also frustrating because of where it ends. I can see why this show, more than almost any other, caused fans to be angry with HBO.

Still awesome though, the good outweighs the tiny bit of frustration at the end.


Jealous Bastard
Cornballer said:
Is anyone going to check out "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" on HBO? It starts up on Sunday night. Early reviews have been mediocre, so I'll probably skip this one.

what exactly is it? it sounds like a skinemax movie my mum would catch me watching when i was twelve.


Jealous Bastard
the premise is poised to be preachy and teach lessons about diverse cultures. if nothing else, we'll show it to racists when we strap them to chairs for attitude readjustment, clockwork orange style
beelzebozo said:
the premise is poised to be preachy and teach lessons about diverse cultures. if nothing else, we'll show it to racists when we strap them to chairs for attitude readjustment, clockwork orange style
The words "sunny diversion" and "saccharine mush" used in reviews sort of killed any interest I had in it.


Kind of random question, but whatever - has Showtime renewed Californication for another season? I know Dexter got 2 more, but I cant recall hearing about Californication one way or the other.


Jealous Bastard
oh man.



after hearing it had been picked up for at least two more seasons, i finally decided it was time to move past the pilot--where i'd stalled with so many other things to watch--and see if a few episodes would draw me in. as you can guess, it totally did. i ended up watching the first nine episodes over the past couple of days. i'm completely in love.

a couple of observations:

the relationship dynamics are really interesting and surprising, and rarely go where you think they will. they're not easy to understand; tim and his brother is the first example that comes to mind. though brian (i think that's his name) is kind of a prick sometimes, it's also clear he's under quite a lot of pressure, and deep down, loves the hell out of tim.

the other things that i find very impressive are the football scenes. nothing comes across as false, even to people very familiar with the game, because it's shot in such a way that doesn't emphasize individual heroics. rather, it just appears to be good fundamentals and good execution that wins them games. the lack of dramatic framing of big plays also helps make it feel real and honest. because they don't zoom in and play slow music as someone catches the game-winning pass, it feels like you're watching a real football game.

anyway, this is awesome. and now i'll have four more seasons to catch up with! :D

also, is it wrong that i kind of want to be tim riggins? i've got a nonsexual mancrush on him.


PS: Finished Breaking Bad Season 1. Fucking awesome.

I was gonna record Season 2 anyway but I don't get AMC HD. :(

Thinking of just buying the HD episodes from itunes. I think this show will be worth that.
Awesome beezle! :) You have yet to see the best of season 1. The second half is superb. The last few episodes especially.

You are spot on about the relationship dynamics. The best being Mr and Mrs Coach. Oh god, i'm gonna go rewatch some season 1 episodes. :)

Kastro said:
Thinking of just buying the HD episodes from itunes. I think this show will be worth that.
TOTALLY worth it. The first few episodes have been fucking awesome.
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