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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Kastro said:
Thinking of just buying the HD episodes from itunes. I think this show will be worth that.
Definitely worth it - S2 has been brilliant so far.

The lack of HD for me (I'm on DTV) is a bit of a sore point.


beelzebozo said:
oh man.


i ended up watching the first nine episodes over the past couple of days. i'm completely in love.

It only gets better, my good man, as hard as it may be to believe. Even crazier? It gets EVEN BETTER in S3 (the best season in my eyes). S2 is kind of wobbly, and I while its still a great show, thats easily the worst season. Some of the stories get a bit more outlandish/soap opera-y, and the characters do some out of character stuff. S3 returns to greatness in a major way though. Everything is grounded again, and every. single. character. has a satisfying arc.

I said it in the FNL thread (which obviously you wouldnt visit to avoid spoilers), but Ill say it again here. S3 of FNL is my favorite season of a television show since S1 of Veronica Mars (and that is probably my favorite season of any show, ever).

beelzebozo said:
also, is it wrong that i kind of want to be tim riggins? i've got a nonsexual mancrush on him.

Wrong? Wrong? WRONG? It would be wrong NOT to have a mancrush on Riggins. However, Street is even more mancrush-worthy :lol


Man, with the FNL love in, I guess I check the first season on Hulu later tonight. Is the second season complete on there?
gdt5016 said:
Man, with the FNL love in, I guess I check the first season on Hulu later tonight. Is the second season complete on there?
I'm not sure about Hulu, but all of S2 is up on Netflix streaming if you have that. I finished S1 a while back (loved it), and I'll dig into S2 once things calm down on the new tv front.


gdt5016 said:
Man, with the FNL love in, I guess I check the first season on Hulu later tonight. Is the second season complete on there?

Hulu has all of S1, all of S2, and all of S3 that has aired so far. In other words, its got the entire series.

Personally, I would say skip Hulu and blind buy S1 on DVD. The seasons of this show are sold for dirt cheap.


Jealous Bastard
Solo said:
Wrong? Wrong? WRONG? It would be wrong NOT to have a mancrush on Riggins. However, Street is even more mancrush-worthy :lol

oh, SPEAKING of street, the whole murderball angle was really unexpected but makes total sense for someone who's competitive. that they so deftly incorporated that was really impressive.

honestly, the reason i hesitated so long to continue watching the show after the pilot is because, if my memory serves me correctly, that initial episode is all setup for the situations which unfold henceforth--in particular the crippling of street, which seems a little cliche at face value (ostensibly most talented player on the team has dreams crushed by crippling injury). but it's the way those scenarios play out in the subsequent episodes that is so impressive, because they're so unexpected. i find myself having a lot of really conflicting emotions about the characters: lyla i simultaneously admire for her loyalty, am annoyed by her naivete, and empathize with her vulnerability when she makes some really poor choices in the face of the extremely emotionally volatile realization that street isn't going to walk again; smash is abrasive and a little annoying when he tries to put on his smooth-operator persona, but that's balanced with the times when we see him buckling under the weight of having to be the hope of his family and even the black community at large.

nothing is obvious. nothing is taken for granted.

and yes, mr. & mrs. coach are wonderful characters. i'm not sure if they planned from square one to make mrs. coach the school counselor, but it was a nice bit of improvisation if nothing else, as it gives us a clear window into the emotional lives of these high school kids who are already so complex and fascinating.



Oh man, all this talk of FNL S1 and S3 greatness is actually making me remember S2 and all the things I hated about it. Like I said, its still a very good season overall, but in thinking about it the past few minutes, I can pick out something I HATED that they did with EVERY character during the season (off the top of my head, I have major issues with certain storylines for Saracen, Julie, Smash, Street, Riggins, Lyla, and ESPECIALLY Tyra and Landry; come to think of it, Eric and Tami are the only two who didnt have a WTF arc during S2 :lol ). Im so tempted to start listing them off, but a) this isnt a spoiler/discussion thread, and b) S3 is so balls out awesome that it washes away the bad taste from S2.

EDIT: fuck it, Im listin 'em w/spoiler tags

Tyra and Landry - murder plot straight out of a soap opera
Street - shark blood, lolz
Saracen - banging his hot Mexican housekeeper
Riggins - living with the sleazebag druggie dude
Lyla - finding god in what felt like another afterschool special
Julie - became an ungrateful bitch

Whats really amazing is how the writers/actors managed to fix all this in S3 and make everyone likable/the storylines believable again.


Jealous Bastard
i can get through one spotty season after one amazing season, just riding the momentum of the first. i'm just glad to hear they're back on their "a" game, especially with two more seasons on deck.


Cornballer said:
You're really getting me fired up to start S2, Solo. :lol

The MAJOR plot point (and worst offender of the "this show is too good for this shit") of the season comes at you in the season premiere, Cornballer. If you can handle that plotline, then maybe you'll like S2 more than I did :lol The last 5 minutes or so of the premiere makes me want to vomit.


Besides catching up on Breaking Bad S2 I'm.. kinda running out of stuff to watch. :(

Can anyone recommend something based on what I've seen?

24 (bailed after S4)
30 Rock
Battlestar Galactica
Breaking Bad
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Friday Night Lights
Mad Men (waiting for S2 on BR)
Nip/Tuck (only S1)
The Office (UK & US)
Prison Break (bailed after S2)
The Shield (waiting for final season on DVD)
The Simpsons
Six Feet Under
The Sopranos
Terminator: Sarah Conor Chronicles (waiting for S2 BR)
True Blood
Twin Peaks
Veronica Mars
The Wire

I'm sure I'm missing some even still. :lol

Thinking of continuing on with Nip/Tuck or starting Tudors. Is Alias any good?
Solo said:
The MAJOR plot point (and worst offender of the "this show is too good for this shit") of the season comes at you in the season premiere, Cornballer. If you can handle that plotline, then maybe you'll like S2 more than I did :lol
Now you've got me curious, and I'm trying to guess what it is. Hmmm, maybe I'll burn through the premiere tonight just to see what the fuss is about.
Teen pregnancy? Saracen gets a DUI? Lyla's experimentation with being a lesbian? Landry caught with a sheep out in the pasture? :p
I'll report back once I've seen it.
Kastro said:
Can anyone recommend something based on what I've seen?
Deadwood, Chuck, Californication, or Sons of Anarchy? Not sure if you've seen those. Generation Kill was pretty good, too, but that might not be out on DVD/BR yet. Depends what you're looking for at the moment (comedy, drama, etc...)
Kastro said:
Besides catching up on Breaking Bad S2 I'm.. kinda running out of stuff to watch. :(

Can anyone recommend something based on what I've seen?

I'm sure I'm missing some even still. :lol

Thinking of continuing on with Nip/Tuck or starting Tudors. Is Alias any good?
Arrested Development. Yeah, it's that good.


Cornballer said:
Now you've got me curious, and I'm trying to guess what it is. Hmmm, maybe I'll burn through the premiere tonight just to see what the fuss is about.
Teen pregnancy? Saracen gets a DUI? Lyla's experimentation with being a lesbian? Landry caught with a sheep out in the pasture? :p
I'll report back once I've seen it.

None of the above :lol Definitely check it out and report in.
Also one other thing - if you're like me and really liked Julie Taylor in S1, prepare to HATE her in S2, lolz. And then love her again in S3.

Kastro: Ill throw in a vote for Californication.


Jealous Bastard
also in terms of cartoon comedies, FUTURAMA, HOME MOVIES, and DOCTOR KATZ may be to your liking.

and have you tried BUFFY? i see you like FIREFLY, and though i can't personally vouch for BUFFY or ANGEL, everyone i speak with who has checked them out extensively say they rock the socks. may be worth checking out.

and oh yeah, one more: THE O.C., especially the first season.


how the hell did I forget Arrested Development. Course I saw that.

Also saw

Californication (havent seen S2 yet)
Deadwood (how did I forget this one too)
Generation Kill


beelzebozo said:
and oh yeah, one more: THE O.C., especially the first season.

Most people dont know because they had long since bailed on the show, but the fourth (and final) season of The O.C. is excellent also. It actually gets right back up to S1 levels, which was both surprising (given how bad the show got in the middle seasons) and extremely pleasing (to see the show go out on a high note).
Have you seen Damages, Kastro? The first season is great. Second season is a little soft.
Solo said:
Also one other thing - if you're like me and really liked Julie Taylor in S1, prepare to HATE her in S2, lolz. And then love her again in S3.
Nooooooooooo! :(


Haven't seen Damages yet either.

OZ, Damages, Chuck and The O.C. it is then. That should keep my busy.

Oh yeah, I watched S1 of Buffy and liked it but didn't love it. I've heard it gets better but I didn't love S1 enough to go right into S2. I'll get back to it eventually.
Cornballer said:
Now you've got me curious, and I'm trying to guess what it is. Hmmm, maybe I'll burn through the premiere tonight just to see what the fuss is about.
Teen pregnancy? Saracen gets a DUI? Lyla's experimentation with being a lesbian? Landry caught with a sheep out in the pasture? :p
I'll report back once I've seen it.
:lol I eagerly await you coming into this thread and bitching about it. God knows i did my fair share of bitching!

Thankfully the season improves drastically towards the end and season 3 completely wipes any bad taste the show ever gave. :D


Jules makes some bad decisions in S2 but sometimes I forget these are just high school kids (even though few actually like like one.. heh). But like Solo said S3 redeems everything.


Jealous Bastard
it's pretty awesome that they produced 22 episode seasons. if there's one thing that is perhaps a detriment about hbo series, it's that they produce those truncated 8-12 episode seasons for their hour long dramas. i like a good hefty load of stuff to watch once i get hooked on something.


S2 (15 episodes, shortened due to the WGA strike), S3 (13 episodes as per the D-TV deal), and S4/S5 (13 episodes apiece, like S3) are shorter, beelzebozo.

Personally, I prefer the 13 episode season. Makes every moment count, and eliminates filler like the S1 Lyla episode. I dont remember what the one is called (yet stangely I recall that they play Nelly Furtado's "Maneater" in it :lol ), but its probably the worst episode of the series.
beelzebozo said:
it's pretty awesome that they produced 22 episode seasons. if there's one thing that is perhaps a detriment about hbo series, it's that they produce those truncated 8-12 episode seasons for their hour long dramas. i like a good hefty load of stuff to watch once i get hooked on something.
Only the first season is. Season 2 was hit by the writers strike, meaning they only got 15 episodes out the door. NBC struck a deal with DirecTV to prevent its cancellation, resulting in shortened 13 episode third season, but with longer running times (about 50 mins). I much prefer the HBO approach, to be honest. Cuts out a lot of the fat and keeps them more focused.

Edit: What Solo said!


Jealous Bastard
really? i haven't seen a lot of fat thus far in the first season. or maybe i just find value in the stuff that's really not that important, and it all blurs into this glorious melange of. . . high school football goodness.

doesn't it feel weird to care so much about high school football again, so suddenly? i'm usually the guy who gets a bit creeped out at the 30-50 year old men without kids playing who still manage to give a shit.
beelzebozo said:
really? i haven't seen a lot of fat thus far in the first season. or maybe i just find value in the stuff that's really not that important, and it all blurs into this glorious melange of. . . high school football goodness.

doesn't it feel weird to care so much about high school football again, so suddenly? i'm usually the guy who gets a bit creeped out at the 30-50 year old men without kids playing who still manage to give a shit.
Oh no, i agree with you on season 1. One of the few 22 episode + seasons i've seen that was consistently great. Past the first season of most shows, however, i think writers become stretched too thin, so i think shorter seasons are for the best.


beelzebozo said:
doesn't it feel weird to care so much about high school football again, so suddenly? i'm usually the guy who gets a bit creeped out at the 30-50 year old men without kids playing who still manage to give a shit.

Doesn't feel weird at all, because the writers/cast to such a fantastic job of getting you invested in the characters. Once you've got emotional hooks in them, then the football stuff actually means something to you. Thats all part of the brilliance of the show.

Hell, look at what you're currently watching in S1 - how can you not root for Saracen? Hes quiet, awkward, and in way over his head after Street goes down. Yet you go on the ride with him, through the ups and downs, and you really want to see him succeed. If they didnt do such an incredible job of developing the characters, we wouldnt care.


Jealous Bastard
you wan' go on a, uh, a date with me?

i mean, yeah, probably a bad idea, just wanted to uh, you know, throw that out there



Man, you gotta love Saracen. I dont know who has the more hilarious line delivery, Saracen or Riggins. The difference is that I always feel Im laughing with Riggins, and laughing at poor Matt.


Jealous Bastard
ah, riggins. i just, you know, he's got kind of a james dean thing going on. i know they're stroking my "cool guy" gland and that i'm being manipulated into rooting for him, but god damn it, he's just bad ass.

it's like, "just shut up, eat your food really slow, and always be scowling. you'll look really troubled and deep."

. . . dude makes me want a pair of cowboy boots


beelzebozo said:
ah, riggins. i just, you know, he's got kind of a james dean thing going on. i know they're stroking my "cool guy" gland and that i'm being manipulated into rooting for him, but god damn it, he's just bad ass.

it's like, "just shut up, eat your food really slow, and always be scowling. you'll look really troubled and deep."

. . . dude makes me want a pair of cowboy boots

That is all very true in S1. But they really do a nice job over S2 and especially S3 of developing him. He actually feels like a fully rounded, compassionate person by the end of S3. His has been the slowest, most subtle development throughout the show, but in a lot of ways, the most fulfilling. Theres a few things he does/says in S3 that the S1 Riggins would never have been capable of in a million years.


Jealous Bastard
i've got "GOOD TV BUZZ" right now. discovering a new show you love is really ace.

gives me something to talk about again :lol
I HATED Riggins during season 1. I did eventually come around to his awesomeness though. lol

Kastro said:
Besides catching up on Breaking Bad S2 I'm.. kinda running out of stuff to watch. :(

Can anyone recommend something based on what I've seen?
It's not for everyone and it kind of takes a little while to warm up, but Farscape is a great Sci-Fi/Adventure show that is well worth watching. Doctor Who, also, if you are looking for a gloriously fun sci-fi/adventure romp.

For comedy, i say give Peep Show, Spaced and Coupling a go. All brilliant.

Avoid Alias like the plague. First 2 seasons are good to great, but it relies on a mythology that it NEVER delivers on, or delivers on in SHITACULAR ways.


Jealous Bastard
i still need to take icarus-d up on her rec of BABYLON-5. haven't figured out how to preview it first without having to buy the dvd, though. working on hunting down someone who has a copy.


Jealous Bastard
Spotless Mind said:
I HATED Riggins during season 1. I did eventually come around to his awesomeness though. lol

chalk it up to my "tony from seinfeld"-esque mimbo mancrush

"hey riggins, i made you some sandwiches!"


beelzebozo said:
i still need to take icarus-d up on her rec of BABYLON-5. haven't figured out how to preview it first without having to buy the dvd, though. working on hunting down someone who has a copy.

Well, season 1 (and the pilot movie) and 2 are on Hulu. And all of them are on AOL video (except maybe 1). Check out the Babylon 5 S3 thread (its ok, 90% of it is spoilered) where I started watching the show. Be warned though, S1 is pretty horrible, worse than you might think. But S2, S3, and S4 are some of the best TV of all time.


beelzebozo said:
i still need to take icarus-d up on her rec of BABYLON-5. haven't figured out how to preview it first without having to buy the dvd, though. working on hunting down someone who has a copy.

Do you not live in the US? The first two seasons are on Hulu. Though, as everyone will tell you, if you base the entire show on the first season, you're going to miss out. The first season can be tedious but it sets up some excellent television, especially seasons 3 and 4.
The Gathering (listed as S1:E23 for some reason) is actually the pilot so watch that first.

Edit: Beated but I provided a link :p


Jealous Bastard
gdt5016 said:
Well, season 1 (and the pilot movie) and 2 are on Hulu. And all of them are on AOL video (except maybe 1). Check out the Babylon 5 S3 thread (its ok, 90% of it is spoilered) where I started watching the show. Be warned though, S1 is pretty horrible, worse than you might think. But S2, S3, and S4 are some of the best TV of all time.

how the fuck does this happen? :lol

i mean, i know it DOES, but it's usually the reverse.


beelzebozo said:
how the fuck does this happen? :lol

i mean, i know it DOES, but it's usually the reverse.

In retrospect, S1 sets up alot of stuff. It's mostly episodic, while getting more serialized towards the end. But the acting, dialog (criiiiiiinge), cgi, acting, dialog etc are awful. You have to watch it, but it will hurt. But stick through it. The show will get better.

Edit: Seriously, I don't know what the fuck happened. S2 immediately ramps it all up (though the S1 finale was pretty good). And the show becomes supremely serialized. Most of the aspects improve (acting, dialog, etc), and the plotting and development becomes so so awesome.


Jealous Bastard
gdt5016 said:
In retrospect, S1 sets up alot of stuff. It's mostly episodic, while getting more serialized towards the end. But the acting, dialog (criiiiiiinge), cgi, acting, dialog etc are awful. You have to watch it, but it will hurt. But stick through it. The show will get better.

sounds a lot like DS9 season 1. i can do that.
FNL S2 - burned through the first three episodes tonight...

The Swede? The motherfucking Swede? Are you shitting me, Julie? *knocks over a magazine rack*

Some good and some bad through the first three episodes. Coach and coach's wife are rock solid as always. The Landry-killed-a-man plotline is weak so far, but at least Landry kicking it with Tyra is getting amusing again. Smash being Smash is annoying.

Street is going to Mexico? Really? Booooooo!

I guess my problem with a lot of the plotlines is that they're taking is that they go the obvious route. I like a little subtlety and diversion in my drama.


Cornballer said:
FNL S2 - burned through the first three episodes tonight...

The Swede? The motherfucking Swede? Are you shitting me, Julie? *knocks over a magazine rack*

Some good and some bad through the first three episodes. Coach and coach's wife are rock solid as always. The Landry-killed-a-man plotline is weak so far, but at least Landry kicking it with Tyra is getting amusing again. Smash being Smash is annoying.

Street is going to Mexico? Really? Booooooo!

I guess my problem with a lot of the plotlines is that they're taking is that they go the obvious route. I like a little subtlety and diversion in my drama.

The murder plotline is the worst one, and had me pulling me hair out. It seems so below the show. The Street thing is almost as bad, just wait and see where that one goes :lol
Solo said:
The murder plotline is the worst one, and had me pulling me hair out. It seems so below the show. The Street thing is almost as bad, just wait and see where that one goes :lol
Great - I can only imagine how ridiculous it's going to get.
The best scene with Julie from the first four episodes was her driving PSA at the end of 2.4.
Guess I'll burn through these quickly and get onto S3.
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