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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Cornballer said:
Great - I can only imagine how ridiculous it's going to get.
The best scene with Julie from the first four episodes was her driving PSA at the end of 2.4.
Guess I'll burn through these quickly and get onto S3.

Its not ALL bad. The second half of the season is markedly better, once some of the more outlandish storylines die down..... then again, have you gotten to the Saracen stuff yet? :lol
Solo said:
Its not ALL bad. The second half of the season is markedly better, once some of the more outlandish storylines die down..... then again, have you gotten to the Saracen stuff yet? :lol
I'm four episodes in. Coach just got his job back and Tyra went to the police station regarding the body. Saracen hasn't gotten into any wacky hijinks yet, but I can only imagine where they're going with the nurse plot line. Bow-chicka-bow-wow.
And again, it's been fine so far and quite enjoyable, just seems to have a layer of implausibility and overworked plotting.


Cornballer said:
I'm four episodes in. Coach just got his job back and Tyra went to the police station regarding the body. Saracen hasn't gotten into any wacky hijinks yet, but I can only imagine where they're going with the nurse plot line. Bow-chicka-bow-wow.
And again, it's been fine so far and quite enjoyable, just seems to have a layer of implausibility and overworked plotting.

Exactly. Thats how I feel about S2. Its still FNL, and therefore still one of the best things out there, but it really throws believability and the grounded stance of S1 out the window. This is why most of us love S3. Its like S2 never happened in a lot of ways.


I didn't find myself nearly as frustrated as you guys seem to be with Season 2. I guess I just love the characters so much.

Maybe if I were watching it live it would have been different.


Jealous Bastard
buddy garrity is such a real character. i don't know who the hell this actor is, but his performance is just flawless.
I powered through all of S1 of Supernatural between last week and this week and started S2 last night.

It is now one of my favorite shows ever made and the first episode of S2 almost made me cry which is something that hasn't happened in forever.


beelzebozo said:
the other things that i find very impressive are the football scenes. nothing comes across as false, even to people very familiar with the game, because it's shot in such a way that doesn't emphasize individual heroics. rather, it just appears to be good fundamentals and good execution that wins them games. the lack of dramatic framing of big plays also helps make it feel real and honest. because they don't zoom in and play slow music as someone catches the game-winning pass, it feels like you're watching a real football game.

My girlfriend actually suggested we watch FNL season 1 on the recommendation of a friend. We watched the first episode before her sister convinced her she wouldn't like a show about football. Anyway, this particular paragraph stood out to me because, I thought the first episode was okay but the football scene infuriated me. Seriously. It's the complete opposite of realistic. I remember watching it thinking, wow, this is interesting, they're actually going to have them lose their first game. Their star quarterback gets hurt, the backup comes in and he's so nervous he throws one of his passes into the shoulder pad of one of his lineman. But all it takes is a little pep talk from the coach and all of a sudden he's leading them towards a touchdown. But wait! They still need to score again and there's practically no time left. Well, not only do they get the onsides kick but on the last play of the game, one of their star players is left wide open to catch a touchdown pass. He catches it on something like the 20-yard line and there's no one anywhere near him as he runs it into the endzone!

That's how I remember it anyway - it was several weeks ago so the details may be off. I was so angry about that - I don't want to watch a sports show that plays that way. I haven't moved on to episode two yet - mostly because I've been watching other stuff, but I'm encouraged to hear that maybe the football scenes get better. I think I was eventually going to give it another shot but between all I have to catch up on, it's hard not to move onto something else when that's your first impression. End rant. :)
Heh. I couldn't care less about the football, to be honest. I don't even know the rules, so i guess realism in regards to the accuracy of the games never bugged me. There's way too many come from behind victories in this show, which are obviously for dramatic purposes, for me to be truly riveted by them. The character reactions and experiences on the field are what involve me, as well as how Dillon's unhealthy obsession with everything football leaks into their everyday lives.

So much agreement on the Buddy love. Fantastic character and actor.

Noone compares to Tami or Eric, though. The chemistry between Connie and Kyle is insane.
Veronica Mars season 1 - awesome!

Really well done for a long form network show. Doesn't suffer from atrocious filler episodes as a series like 24 tends to do.
polyh3dron said:
Breaking Bad - Best currently running show that is not called Friday Night Lights.

I watched the first couple eps of Kings and i found it almost as embarrassingly cringe-worthy as Lost.
Just finished watching the first season of Entourage. The pilot kind of sucked, but it really picked up toward the end. The only character I don't like is Johnny Drama.

I found their short length led to episode binging though.


Spotless Mind said:

I watched the first couple eps of Kings and i found it almost as embarrassingly cringe-worthy as Lost.

I'm...gonna...kinda...sorta...agree...kinda...not completely...agree with...you.

Kings has these scenes that come off just plain wierd. Those scenes don't stop me from enjoying it though.

Breaking Bad or Chuck are the best shows not named LOST. I'm going to start FNL tomorrow.


The Biggest Loser.

I'm not a reality show fan but I AM trying to loose a lot of weight so I'm really enjoying reruns of this series. It actually gives me a lot of confidence and support to work harder.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Just finished watching the first season of Entourage. The pilot kind of sucked, but it really picked up toward the end. The only character I don't like is Johnny Drama.

I found their short length led to episode binging though.

Definitely. I burned through all 5 seasons in about six weeks.



I love when you hear a great song on TV, then you got to Youtube to listen to it properly, only to realise that many other people have done the exact same thing.

This occurred to me with the latest episode of Supernatural when they played 'The Kinks - A well respected man'.



I think I'm also going to watch FNL's pilot tomorrow. I've always heard sooo many good things and I feel like getting into a few series with BSG being over.


anaron said:
I think I'm also going to watch FNL's pilot tomorrow. I've always heard sooo many good things and with BSG being over I think up for getting into a new show.

Disappointed, you will not be, except for parts of the season between one and three.


Jealous Bastard
Memles said:
Disappointed, you will not be, except for parts of the season between one and three.


glorious, poetic evaluation. i would expect nothing less from you memles

Cush said:
My girlfriend actually suggested we watch FNL season 1 on the recommendation of a friend. We watched the first episode before her sister convinced her she wouldn't like a show about football. Anyway, this particular paragraph stood out to me because, I thought the first episode was okay but the football scene infuriated me. Seriously. It's the complete opposite of realistic. I remember watching it thinking, wow, this is interesting, they're actually going to have them lose their first game. Their star quarterback gets hurt, the backup comes in and he's so nervous he throws one of his passes into the shoulder pad of one of his lineman. But all it takes is a little pep talk from the coach and all of a sudden he's leading them towards a touchdown. But wait! They still need to score again and there's practically no time left. Well, not only do they get the onsides kick but on the last play of the game, one of their star players is left wide open to catch a touchdown pass. He catches it on something like the 20-yard line and there's no one anywhere near him as he runs it into the endzone!

That's how I remember it anyway - it was several weeks ago so the details may be off. I was so angry about that - I don't want to watch a sports show that plays that way. I haven't moved on to episode two yet - mostly because I've been watching other stuff, but I'm encouraged to hear that maybe the football scenes get better. I think I was eventually going to give it another shot but between all I have to catch up on, it's hard not to move onto something else when that's your first impression. End rant. :)

i also had issues with realism and cliches in that first episode, but the situations set up in that first episode are consequently handled in the most unexpected ways possible henceforth in the season. i just finished the first 22 episodes last night and it's easily the best football-related anything ever made.

go give it another chance. SERIOUSLY.
beelzebozo said:
the swede's band SUCKS
:lol I'm right there with you. What episode are you on? I got through the first four of S2 then stalled because of Reaper, Damages, Lost, etc... I'll try and plow through some more this weekend.

Does anyone know if DTV still has S3 episodes up on demand or anything like that?


Jealous Bastard
i'm just finishing the second episode. the OMG DRAMA has definitely been stepped up to the next level thus far. landry & tyra's story in particular is not something i think would have happened in the first season.
We're at almost the same spot, though I suspect you'll pass me pretty soon. You can read my spoilertagged ramblings above once you're done with ep 4.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (S1 and three eps from S2)... And holy shit ! This show is so freaking funny :lol Probably my favorite episode so far is Charlie Got Molested or Charlie Wants an Abortion.

Creepy brothers made me :lol so many times.

Does anyone know if the S1&2 DVD pack (US release) has subtitles for hearing impaired ?


CiSTM said:
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (S1 and three eps from S2)... And holy shit ! This show is so freaking funny :lol Probably my favorite episode so far is Charlie Got Molested or Charlie Wants an Abortion.

Creepy brothers made me :lol so many times.

Does anyone know if the S1&2 DVD pack (US release) has subtitles for hearing impaired ?
I believe it does.


Costanza said:
I believe it does.

How sure you are ? Amazon says it has Spanish subs but no mention of subtitles for hearing impaired. I always assumed they were kind of standard in every dvd release but US stargate dvd boxes proved me wrong.


Jealous Bastard
Cornballer said:
I'm four episodes in. Coach just got his job back and Tyra went to the police station regarding the body. Saracen hasn't gotten into any wacky hijinks yet, but I can only imagine where they're going with the nurse plot line. Bow-chicka-bow-wow.
And again, it's been fine so far and quite enjoyable, just seems to have a layer of implausibility and overworked plotting.

agree with all this.
i wouldn't blame matt for shooting for that nurse, though. . . they've written in that motherly quality to him, he's totally vulnerable, and the fact that she helps take care of his gramma just inevitably is going to endear her to him.

and for the record, when someone asks, i will not admit that i threw up my hands in victory at the end of the third episode of season 2.


beelzebozo said:
agree with all this.
i wouldn't blame matt for shooting for that nurse, though. . . they've written in that motherly quality to him, he's totally vulnerable, and the fact that she helps take care of his gramma just inevitably is going to endear her to him.

and for the record, when someone asks, i will not admit that i threw up my hands in victory at the end of the third episode of season 2.

but.. nurses that hot don't exist :( .. that was my only problem with it. Just that she conveniently happened to be hot.


Jealous Bastard
icarus-daedelus said:
Season 2 of FNL is just... I remember watching the first episode and wondering where the hell the humor had gone. One of the best things about the show when it is on its game is the subtle humor interweaved with the drama, and it felt like they just chucked that out of the window during the second season in favor of more DARKNESS and DRAMA!! How NBC expected that to attract more viewers, I'm not sure.

one of my favorite funny moments from season 1:

landry: "what're you doin'?"
tyra: "just sittin' here wishin' i could make a time machine and go back to kill the guy who invented algebra."
landry: "see, that's a catch-22, 'cause you'd need algebra to make the time machine."

beelzebozo said:
one of my favorite funny moments from season 1:

landry: "what're you doin'?"
tyra: "just sittin' here wishin' i could make a time machine and go back to kill the guy who invented algebra."
landry: "see, that's a catch-22, 'cause you'd need algebra to make the time machine."

Watch Babylon 5 now.
CiSTM said:
How sure you are ? Amazon says it has Spanish subs but no mention of subtitles for hearing impaired. I always assumed they were kind of standard in every dvd release but US stargate dvd boxes proved me wrong.
I'm looking at the box right now and it says that it has English subtitles.


I've been watching the 6 episode Jekyll mini series lately, and found it the best thing on TV since Babylon 5, Twin Peaks and Profit.

The lead actor portraying Jekyll/Hyde is fantastic.


Jekyll is a British television drama series produced by Hartswood Films and Stagescreen Productions for BBC One. It was written by Steven Moffat and stars James Nesbitt as Tom Jackman, a modern-day descendant of Dr. Jekyll, who has recently begun transforming into a version of Mr. Hyde (also played by Nesbitt). He uses modern technology in an attempt to keep Hyde in check and the two for a while have a peaceful co-existence until it is revealed that they are the key to a secret-organisation's one-hundred year old plot.

The series is described by its creators as a sequel to the novella Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, rather than an adaptation of it, and the Robert Louis Stevenson tale is used within the series as a backstory. The series was first transmitted on BBC One in June and July 2007.



Watched FNL S2 #5 last night.
Whoa, Street went for a swim in the ocean! Aside from that I thought this episode was more on track. Coach explaining to Mrs. Coach about how he was giving her a night off was hilarious because he was using his coaching voice: "What you're going to do is go to book club. You're going to have a nice time. Drink a few glasses of wine." Good to see Saracen standing up to Boooolie and bagging the Decemberists concert. The part where Tyra tells Landry (after his big game) that she doesn't want to see him any more reminded me of that 30 Rock episode this season where they reference Harry and the Hendersons.
icarus-daedelus said:
Watched the first episode of Breaking Bad and found the setting abrasively dull - this could be the self-loathing southwesterner in me talking, though! - and some of the characters, particularly Walt's wife, kind of obnoxious. Bryan Cranston is gud, though, so I will try to get back to it.
BB is a tough show to watch at times - the content depressing and it's questionable whether any of the characters are likeable. It's not a show that everyone is going to enjoy. That being said, the acting is sublime (Anna Gunn grew on me as the series developed) and I love it.
Zeliard said:
Peabody just laughed.
Entourage won a Peabody this year. I'm just sayin'.... (Though I agree with your point that Lost isn't cringe-worthy aside from the rare missteps)


Jealous Bastard
Cornballer said:
Watched FNL S2 #5 last night.
Whoa, Street went for a swim in the ocean! Aside from that I thought this episode was more on track. Coach explaining to Mrs. Coach about how he was giving her a night off was hilarious because he was using his coaching voice: "What you're going to do is go to book club. You're going to have a nice time. Drink a few glasses of wine." Good to see Saracen standing up to Boooolie and bagging the Decemberists concert. The part where Tyra tells Landry (after his big game) that she doesn't want to see him any more reminded me of that 30 Rock episode this season where they reference Harry and the Hendersons.

i just watched this episode last night too, dude, and enjoyed it immensely. i'm not sure i like the sort of cliche
"person being forced to break up with someone by outside forces but not able to tell that person about it"
thing they've got going, but the smaller moments feel genuine to me. the coach-mrs. coach exchange you mention is wonderful; and i really liked
matt asking mrs. coach if he was a chump for going back out wih julie to the decemberists concert. so vulnerable. that was a moment where you really had an opportunity to learn something about her character and how honest she was willing to be with the students she professed to love. i'm still not sure what to make of it, as she seemed to squirm her way out with platitudes.

icarus-d is right in that it's missing some of its humor, but on the whole, i'm not altogether opposed to where the season is going. i don't think it's awful, even if it does have a bit of sophomore slump going on. it's a bearable sophomore slump, lessened by the idea that s.3 is apparently back on its a-game.
icarus-daedelus said:
I'm not against shows that are tough to watch, and I'm certainly not against unlikeable characters, with the caveat that they have to be either interesting, complex, or somewhat understandable/sympathetic, preferably all three. I found most of the non-Walt characters to be rather one-dimensional, although Walt himself so far is more fascinating for me than, say, anyone on Rome or Mad Men - two other shows whose characters largely failed to engage or hold my interest. So, I am not hating on the show or anything, and I definitely want to get back to it.
I had trouble warming to the first few eps of Breaking Bad and the characters in general as well. The last couple episodes of season 1 and all of season 2 thus far have stepped up the supporting cast considerably. I love what they have done with Hank and Walt's wife in particular.

I agree on Mad Men. There is some some great writing there, but the ensemble of characters just don't click for me. I feel like i'm slogging through the show at times and i'm not truly invested in anything happening.


WyndhamPrice said:
I powered through all of S1 of Supernatural between last week and this week and started S2 last night.

It is now one of my favorite shows ever made and the first episode of S2 almost made me cry which is something that hasn't happened in forever.

wow, really? I just thought it was some low budget internet TV spinoff from sci-fi/syfy. If its good I'll give it a watch - scifi are showing it in the UK at the moment


Wow, Hulu just added the 4th season of Rescue Me, meaning the entire series is up. I'll check it out.

Watching the FNL pilot now BTW.


Well, finished the Pilot. I liked it alot, will definitely keep watching. Hope we get to see more of the coach.

Also, all the girls are waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy hot.

Edit: Lol at the random girl crying in episode 2.

"Jason Street was right over there!"

Double D

Spotless Mind said:
Just watched the first few eps of United States of Tara. Really, really liking it. Toni Collette is like a million shades of awesome in this. She's awesome in everything, but this role let's her stretch her comedic talents to their limit. It has some of those usual Juno-esque Diablo Cody forced one-liners. Otherwise, good stuff. Worth watching for Toni Collette pulling off the various personalities alone.

I was sick last week and my wife and I watched the entire season on demand. I really like this show a lot. Toni Collete being awesome, as well as the family dynamic here really makes the show.

I had dismissed the show until last week because I'd just catch snippets of it here and there and thought it looked stupid. I couldn't have been more wrong and encourage anyone to check this out. The entire first season is on demand, so for those of you with access should definitely watch it.

Ford Prefect

Just started Battlestar Galactica, watched the miniseries and the first episode.


Watching it on my recently purchased HD-DVD 360 add-on makes it so much better, too. mmmm, Tricia Helfer in HD...
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