My girlfriend actually suggested we watch FNL season 1 on the recommendation of a friend. We watched the first episode before her sister convinced her she wouldn't like a show about football. Anyway, this particular paragraph stood out to me because, I thought the first episode was okay but the football scene infuriated me. Seriously. It's the complete opposite of realistic. I remember watching it thinking, wow, this is interesting, they're actually going to have them lose their first game. Their star quarterback gets hurt, the backup comes in and he's so nervous he throws one of his passes into the shoulder pad of one of his lineman. But all it takes is a little pep talk from the coach and all of a sudden he's leading them towards a touchdown. But wait! They still need to score again and there's practically no time left. Well, not only do they get the onsides kick but on the last play of the game, one of their star players is left wide open to catch a touchdown pass. He catches it on something like the 20-yard line and there's no one anywhere near him as he runs it into the endzone!
That's how I remember it anyway - it was several weeks ago so the details may be off. I was so angry about that - I don't want to watch a sports show that plays that way. I haven't moved on to episode two yet - mostly because I've been watching other stuff, but I'm encouraged to hear that maybe the football scenes get better. I think I was eventually going to give it another shot but between all I have to catch up on, it's hard not to move onto something else when that's your first impression. End rant.