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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Just caught up on season 3 of White Collar. Was hoping for a bigger plot twist, but I guess I'll just have to live with it for now.
big ander said:
I love saying it as many times as possible: I don't think Scrubs is the best comedy I've seen even, but it's likely my favorite. Fantastic.
That might just be how I feel. As a comedy it's not the best but still it's my favorite.
big ander said:
Probably going to watch Forbrydelsen eventually to see if it's better than its shitpile remake.
Season 1 was definitely better than the remake.


big ander said:
The UK equivalent of Friends/HIMYM, from the mind of Steven Moffat. It's something like 28 episodes total, so it's a quick watch. It's quite funny and as clever as a laugh track sitcom gets. Every character is hilariously quirky and the way so many stories dovetail is great. Sally was my second favorite character after Jeff. Sucks that Jeff's actor didn't want to stay on the show past season 3, the replacement guy was pretty bad.


Melty Man.
Junior Patrick.
The Giggle Loop.

Show is fucking great. The women are hot. The laugh track cuts in for shit that is actually funny.


Had a weekend The Wrong Door / Look Around You fest at the weekend.

Both short run series, but like Fawlty Towers, short but sweet.

The Wrong Door should mostly appeal to GAF readership - the basic premise it's a sketch show, but with the overblown CGI you see in Hollywood movies applied to everyday situations. And it's very funny.



sevenchaos said:
Four episodes away from the end of season 4 of Supernatural. Hot damn this show keeps getting better and better.
Oh it gets even better. S4 finale is amazing... then you see the S5 finale. Fucking incredible series.


I just finished up Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy. Very good show. I can't wait to watch more. Going to borrow Season 2 from my brother tomorrow. It's his favorite show (still on at least) and he's always wanted me to watch it. I wish I would have started watching it sooner.


I wish Supernatural was on Netflix so I could zoom through them. I have disk 4 from s1 in my queue, but doing disks with TV shows is annoying.


Before I went through Breaking Bad I went through Rome for the first time and that's another fantastic show.

Though that is one rare show that could have benefited hugely from an additional season or so. Towards the end of Season 2 you start having these huge jumps in time, and they skip over relatively important events, like almost everything having to do with Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

But a really absorbing show, and the set/costume design was remarkable.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Just finished Arrested Development

Absolutely amazing show, i do hope the rumoured 4th season actually comes into fruition.

big ander

bjaelke said:
Season 1 was definitely better than the remake.
That's what I keep hearing. It's not like it has a high bar to clear, though.
Salazar said:

Melty Man.
Junior Patrick.
The Giggle Loop.

Show is fucking great. The women are hot. The laugh track cuts in for shit that is actually funny.
The funniest/most painful moment in the series for me was probably
Jeff stripping in front of his entire office.
Simultaneously cringe-worthy and gut-busting.
Black_Stride said:
Just finished Arrested Development

Absolutely amazing show, i do hope the rumoured 4th season actually comes into fruition.
. . .

There will never be a fourth season and there will likely never be a movie either. Just watch the show over again, it's worth it.

I've been watching Childrens Hospital because it has a ton of my favorite comedic actors and is super short. Halfway through season 2 right now, and it's hysterical.
Black_Stride said:
Just finished Arrested Development

Absolutely amazing show, i do hope the rumoured 4th season actually comes into fruition.

Not happening. The most we can hope for right now is a movie that's been in planning for what seems like an eternity, and who knows if everyone will actually WANT to do it after they're finished writing it (supposedly) by next year.


you speak so well
Black_Stride said:
Just finished Arrested Development

Absolutely amazing show, i do hope the rumoured 4th season actually comes into fruition.

First thing to know about being an AD fan - there will never be a fourth season and no matter how much they talk about a movie it's also not coming for a long time, if ever.

Watch the show again, no matter how much you enjoyed it the first time it's even better on rewatches.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Just started season 3 of Friday Night Lights and its still pretty ridiculous.

A small little piss ant school like the one Smash committed to is going to pull his scholarship offer because of his knee injury when every major school in D1 was banging down his door? I don't fucking think so. Then again every time they've tried to deal with college recruiting it has been pretty cringe worthy.

Or Tyra can't get into any school in the university in the country because of a bad freshman year? Just stupid stupid writing.

big ander

Brian Fellows said:
Just started season 3 of Friday Night Lights and its still pretty ridiculous.

A small little piss ant school like the one Smash committed to is going to pull his scholarship offer because of his knee injury when every major school in D1 was banging down his door? I don't fucking think so. Then again every time they've tried to deal with college recruiting it has been pretty cringe worthy.

Or Tyra can't get into any school in the university in the country because of a bad freshman year? Just stupid stupid writing.
I'd disagree. The
Smash stuff is a convenient thing for the writers and probably not wholly realistic, sure. But where it takes Smash and Coach is one of the best arcs in the entire show. Still, I don't think it's anywhere close to cringe-worthy. Again, it's not completely realistic, but it's not like they're fucking making up the rules to football and recruiting. They're bending them. If that results in a stronger show, you should be happy and tell them to bend away.

And Tyra did not just have a bad freshman year. She had bad to okay grades pretty much through all of high school up until the present of season 3, from what I remember. That coupled with a complete lack of extracurriculars means it's rough for her to get into any medium level school. Did they ever say she couldn't get into ANY university? Anyway, that might be true too. She could get into a two-year community college or something easy, but a legitimate university? I don't know.

Summary: calling the writing of season 3 of FNL stupid means I disagree with you in every way and probably don't want to talk to you. :p

Jay Sosa

xcrunner529 said:
I wish Supernatural was on Netflix so I could zoom through them. I have disk 4 from s1 in my queue, but doing disks with TV shows is annoying.

This...so much. I think I won't even bother with DVD sets no more.

At least SN does have a play all option. I could kill any studios that doesn't include this. Sooo awesome having to go back to the menu EVERY fucking time.

The UK equivalent of Friends/HIMYM, from the mind of Steven Moffat. It's something like 28 episodes total, so it's a quick watch. It's quite funny and as clever as a laugh track sitcom gets. Every character is hilariously quirky and the way so many stories dovetail is great. Sally was my second favorite character after Jeff. Sucks that Jeff's actor didn't want to stay on the show past season 3, the replacement guy was pretty bad.

Yeah not as awful as the guy from the 70 show but pretty close.

Started watching Spaced so far it's rather weird than funny. But it always takes me quite some time to like comedy shows (see Community or AD)


Hunky Nostradamus
Justified episode 3:

Not a very good episode. It felt completely different tonally from the first two episodes. The music was terrible; except for the scene where Raylan and blonde husband-killer are playing pool. Ugh, please, stay away from her. It was a little too bad guy of the week feeling for my tastes. Hopefully the rest of the episodes are like the first two and nothing like episode 3.


Subconscious Brolonging
RatskyWatsky said:
Justified episode 3:

Not a very good episode. It felt completely different tonally from the first two episodes. The music was terrible; except for the scene where Raylan and blonde husband-killer are playing pool. Ugh, please, stay away from her. It was a little too bad guy of the week feeling for my tastes. Hopefully the rest of the episodes are like the first two and nothing like episode 3.

The back half of season 1 of Justified is better than the first half, I'd stick with it.
Yeah, keep going. The network mucked around with Justified a lot at the beginning of the season. It gets better once they found their legs and worked more on the main story arc. S2 is fantastic.

Question for the rest of the TV threaders: is Falling Skies worth my time? I watched the first 30 min the other night and thought it was decent, but I'm wondering if it gets better from there.


Hunky Nostradamus
Spire said:
The back half of season 1 of Justified is better than the first half, I'd stick with it.

Cornballer said:
Yeah, keep going. The network mucked around with Justified a lot at the beginning of the season. It gets better once they found their legs and worked more on the main story arc. S2 is fantastic.

Yeah, when I start watching a TV show, I usually stick with it for the long haul. I rarely drop TV shows unless they're completely horrible. Like Entourage. lol

That quality can be a blessing or a curse sometimes. ;_;

That's why it takes me forever to pick a show to watch. I picked Justified mainly because so many people were raving about the amazing second season.


Hunky Nostradamus
BTW, this doesn't count as a double post does it? If it does, I can ask a mod to delete it. I don't want to get banned. :X

Justified episode 4:

Really great opening. Pulling out that guy's teeth? Didn't expect that. It was a pretty good episode overall, but the tone still felt a little too lighthearted. I think they could have spent some more time developing Rachel a bit more than they did. I liked the scene at the end where she tries on Raylan's hat, though.

Episode 5:

Much better. The best episode since the pilot. The dad was pretty good; well cast, I think. The way the show is shot is still too cheap looking, like a show from the late 80s, but the tone was much more like it was in the pilot, so that's good. I liked that they expanded the, what I assume is the overarching story this season. I can't wait to find out what happens when Ava's ex father in law gets out of prison. I also liked that they had a smaller story within this episode; the stakeout, yard work, and subsequent arrest of the fugitive. It was great that they told us more about Raylan's childhood/family. The blow job joke and the baseball scene were also great.

Episode 6:

Another good episode. I like that Raylan is so shrewd. Nothing seems to get past him. The art dealer story was OK. Nothing amazing, but not too bad either. Boyd is back, which is a good thing, but only briefly, which is not. I wonder where they'll take his character's storyline later on down the line. Buster is always awesome. The blonde woman's performance was weak;certainly not up to par with the rest of the cast this episode. It also seems Raylan might still have feelings for his icky ex. I wonder what her husband is up to?
Did you finish up S1 of Justified, Ratsky? I'm curious what you thought of it.

In other news, Sepinwall put up his "If I had an Emmy ballot 2011" list for dramas.

I like his picks: Mad Men, FNL, Justified, Terriers, Boardwalk Empire, and Game of Thrones

He also mentions: Men of a Certain Age, Treme, Lights Out, Rubicon, Fringe, Grey's Anatomy, The Good Wife, Parenthood, In Treatment, and Shameless


Watching Weeds, am currently midway through session 3. How in gods name has the anti-heroine not been gang-raped yet? U-turn and the Spanish gang bit with the brick dance made me almost od on sod.
I saw BBC's The Trip 6-part miniseries.

It's pretty good, and definitely draws inspiration from Ricky Gervais' work in the post-series specials of The Office and even moreso Extras. It's interesting to wonder if the series is meant to showcase Steve Coogan as the serious actor as which the character "Steve Coogan" so desperately wants to be perceived.

big ander

Battersea Power Station said:
I saw BBC's The Trip 6-part miniseries.

It's pretty good, and definitely draws inspiration from Ricky Gervais' work in the post-series specials of The Office and even moreso Extras. It's interesting to wonder if the series is meant to showcase Steve Coogan as the serious actor as which the character "Steve Coogan" so desperately wants to be perceived.
I thought about this a lot while watching is also. Coogan has to do some "real" acting, and I constantly wondered if he was truly trying to land spots in projects similar to the ones he discusses with his agent. But after watching some interviews with Coogan and Brydon, I'm convinced that on-screen Coogan is uncomfortable with where he is while real-life Coogan is very comfortable being the sublimely hilarious B-level celeb he is.


Hunky Nostradamus
Cornballer said:
Did you finish up S1 of Justified, Ratsky? I'm curious what you thought of it.

Thanks! Not quite; 3 more episodes to go.

Justified episode 7:

Reading the recap spoiled the bit where someone "tries to kill Ava", but even so, I wasn't expecting it to happen like that. Also, it turns out they were after Raylan, which makes sense that someone would try to kill him after all of the enemies he's made. I loved that this episode had so many arcing story lines coming together. I suspected that something was up with Brent Sexton's character. I figured that there's no way he would have signed on to just play a random, unimportant character. I didn't think he would be a villain though. The ending was also really great. I think M. C. Gainey (had to look his name up, but I recognized him from Lost) was some great casting as Bo.

Episode 8:

Another great episode. Creepy intro with Bo threatening Ava at the restaurant. I'm really loving all of these Deadwood guest stars. W. Earl Brown played the crazy, dangerous inmate/hostage holder, very well. I liked that his character had no illusions about leaving. He knew there were only two ways out of the situation, and one was with him dead. And they lured him out of the situation with fried chicken? A ridiculous idea, but the writers somehow made it work. (cowboy) Hats off to them. I also had no idea that the Velasquez guy is brothers with Joshua Gomez from Chuck! Awesome. And the ending once again was really great. I really like Boyd's character, and he gets to go free? Yes! More Boyd plx.

Episode 9:

Sort of a disconcerting intro. Raylan drunk, beaten, and his hat gets stolen? This isn't the in control Raylan I know. He isn't a superhuman marshal after all, and I liked that they showed him in such a vulnerable state. We finally get the sitch on Winona's husband, and I like that it's not really connected to the Miami stuff. That would have been too predictable, and having the conflict come from just a "regular source" was a relief. I also like that they brought back Pinter. I hope they keep bringing various guest stars back every now and then. I liked the scene near the end with Raylan and his ex's husband. I liked that they made sort of a connection; maybe..google...Gary isn't so bad after all. Although, now that that conflict is gone, what role will Winona and Gary play now? I wonder if Raylan and Winona will eventually get back together? And I liked that Raylan makes nice with the guys that took his hat. :) Very good music, too.

Episode 10:

More Boyd! Yes! I really like the...backwoods characters the show produces. They're scary, mean, unwashed and are always packing. But the scariest thing is that they all look and "feel" authentic. They're not the wacky jewel thief-types the earlier episodes, sans the pilot, produced. You feel like all of them, even the ones seen in the background, are very malleable and dangerous. Perfect for Boyd to play with. I really can't wait to find out where they go with him.

The judge...the first scene he's in he's getting his speedo area sucked clean of snake venom? lol When he and Raylan are at the "titty bar", is that woman riding the mechanical bull or whatever really topless? I couldn't quite tell. Was that censored on FX?

One thing that I'm super happy about is that the show returned to the darker, grittier tone and atmosphere of the pilot. In fact, it may be exceeding it, on every level. I really enjoy the show now, and if the second season is really better than the first, then I think the show will be something really special.


Been watching NBC's "Community" - I find it to be really hilarious. Maybe it's just because I'm not in college yet. I dunno. Solid set of characters - Pierce really cracks me up.


Just finished Season 3 of Breaking Bad. Great all the way through the season I think. I feel like each season of this show has gotten better. Can't wait for the new season!


Hunky Nostradamus
Justified episodes 11 and 12:

I just watched the finale, so I'd rather talk about that. lol Some thoughts though:

Even though Arlo was BSing (or was he? I'm not sure if he said he was lying because he was embarrassed Raylan was listening.), I really liked his exchange with the scared military guy in the veteran's bar.

Raylan and Winona have a fling? Nooo. What about wanting "to make your marriage work", Winona? That lasted like, what, 2 weeks? I actually feel bad for Ava.

The scene where Ava points the "sawed off" at Bo was really great.

Episode 13:

AMAZING finale! The scene where Bo and his crew go into Boyd's camp was so well done. Boyd just standing there while Johnny beats him silly and Bo having absolutely no qualms about any of it. Then they "exile" him, string up his gang, and kill them. No mercy. The manner in which they're strung up, some by their necks, others just dangling by their arm, was horrifying. And then Boyd screams in pain. Even though they were all "bad guys" I found the scene to be really moving. It's a testament to the tremendous writing and acting, I think, that they can make these murderous, racist, "bad" guys seem so....sympathetic? I'm not sure what word to use there, but unlike so many characters like that on TV, like the guy on The Walking Dead (you know which one I'm referring to) who was just so poorly written and charicature-y, these guys were/are so realistic. They're not terrible monsters; they're racist and awful, but they're still human. That quality really shines through on this show.

Nooo Johnny! I hope he isn't dead. I sort of liked him (kinda hot lol) and his pleasedon'tbefinal scene was really sad and well done; like everything else on this show.

Arlo was actually going to kill his son? Wow. He's really out for himself isn't he? I wouldn't be surprised if he also tried to kill his wife at some point as well, if it was in his best interest to do so.

The final showdown/shootout was incredible. I wasn't expecting Bo to die in such a way. It's great that the Miami story line seems to still be going, and as if we didn't before, we know they mean business.

The way Raylan navigated through the house, systematically killing the guys reminded me of the train scene in Once Upon a Time in the West. I loved that even though Raylan, Boyd and Ava were all in danger, Boyd still managed to bring some humor in with the "No, I'M Raylan Givens!" shout to the bad guys. lol

I loved the amazing Raylan/Boyd exchange at the end:

Boyd: Are you gonna shoot to stop me?
Raylan: Maybe.
Boyd: I'm pretty sure you're empty.
Raylan: Are you gonna bet your life on that?
Boyd: No Raylan, I'm going to bet my life on you being the only friend I have left in this world.

Incredible. I remember a similar exchange between those same two guys in the pilot.

The ending song was great, and it fit perfectly. The final scene with Raylan pointing the gun at Boyd's car and making the "pew" noise was a great way to end the season.

Overall...as if you couldn't tell from all of the "I loved..'s" I used, I did love it.
I've started watching Freaks and Geeks and it's pretty good. I'm up to episode 3 and I'm failing to remember a high-school coming of age themed show (even perhaps film) as good as this besides Friday Night Lights. (which is better)

Zeliard said:
Before I went through Breaking Bad I went through Rome for the first time and that's another fantastic show.

Though that is one rare show that could have benefited hugely from an additional season or so. Towards the end of Season 2 you start having these huge jumps in time, and they skip over relatively important events, like almost everything having to do with Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

But a really absorbing show, and the set/costume design was remarkable.

Yep it's a shame that the end of Season 2 was so cluttered but I'm glad we got that far before it was cancelled. Apparently Rome was one of the most expensive shows ever made. The creators plan for the next seasons were pretty interesting:

I discovered halfway through writing the second season the show was going to end. The second was going to end with the death of Brutus. Third and fourth season would be set in Egypt. Fifth was going to be the rise of the messiah in Palestine. But because we got the heads-up that the second season would be it, I telescoped the third and fourth season into the second one, which accounts for the blazing speed we go through history near the end. There's certainly more than enough history to go around

big ander

roosters93 said:
I've started watching Freaks and Geeks and it's pretty good. I'm up to episode 3 and I'm failing to remember a high-school coming of age themed show (even perhaps film) as good as this besides Friday Night Lights. (which is better)
They're different to me. FNL is more generally about youth but also stretches beyond to face many very serious issues. Freaks and Geeks is a perfect portrait of finding a role in high school; it's a specific expression as opposed to the more sweeping statements FNL makes.
JaskoX1 said:
Been watching NBC's "Community" - I find it to be really hilarious. Maybe it's just because I'm not in college yet. I dunno. Solid set of characters - Pierce really cracks me up.
"Oh please. If you Chinese were psychic you people would've started using birth control centuries ago."


Mr I don't see what the fuss about Seinfeld is about, has almost finished season 6 :) I think I do like it...

Watching season 3 of boondocks. I love it. Finished season 2 of Dexter. Great show.

Got my brother to watch deadwood, he thought it'd be shit now he's upset its finished. For those who haven't seen it do so. I just wish I could convince him to watch twin peaks.

Las Vegas

Neo Member
Recently finished watching Skins (UK) version, and I must admit it surprised me in a positive way.

Especially Kaya Scodelario's part as Effy Stonem, stunning performance. Really love how she displays the way some kiddies travel down the wrong path in life.


Hunky Nostradamus
Effy was, like, the only good character in gen 3/4. Cook was OK, I guess. I didn't really understand what her deal was toward the end of her arc though.


Water is not wet!
So Leverage has returned for its fourth season and, like the last four years, nobody cares lol

Not only is The Long Way Down Job the best season opener for Leverage, its possibly the best episode of the series. Attention Burn Notice team: this is how you do it. Great, great episode.
RatskyWatsky said:
Justified episodes 11 and 12:


Overall...as if you couldn't tell from all of the "I loved..'s" I used, I did love it.
Check out S2 when you have a chance. It's better than the first season: more Boyd, great guest stars, and all of the good stuff from S1.


Hunky Nostradamus
Cornballer said:
Check out S2 when you have a chance. It's better than the first season: more Boyd, great guest stars, and all of the good stuff from S1.

One of my friends has it on his DVR so I'll try to watch it ASAP. I'm pumped!


Anyone looking for some incredibly dark and macabre shit needs to check out Millennium. I watch all 3 seasons like once every 2 years or so, never loses its effect. It was basically the sister series to the X-Files, both created by Chris Carter. They both exist in the same universe too, as there was a crossover episode containing characters from both shows in XFiles season 7. Its a really amazing show that would never get green-lit on basic cable during current times.



Water is not wet!
~Kinggi~ said:
Anyone looking for some incredibly dark and macabre shit needs to check out Millennium. I watch all 3 seasons like once every 2 years or so, never loses its effect. It was basically the sister series to the X-Files, both created by Chris Carter. They both exist in the same universe too, as there was a crossover episode containing characters from both shows in XFiles season 7. Its a really amazing show that would never get green-lit on basic cable during current times.

This. But i cant watch S3. When i saw the finale to S2 i couldnt believe what i was seeing. Probably one of the gutsiest moves in TV. And to have what happened become a retcon in throwaway line of dialogue. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
~Kinggi~ said:
Anyone looking for some incredibly dark and macabre shit needs to check out Millennium. I watch all 3 seasons like once every 2 years or so, never loses its effect. It was basically the sister series to the X-Files, both created by Chris Carter. They both exist in the same universe too, as there was a crossover episode containing characters from both shows in XFiles season 7. Its a really amazing show that would never get green-lit on basic cable during current times.


I think you sold me on this. I know I felt like I needed a happier show after Six Feet Under, but at this point I'm running out of stuff to watch, and I'll take any series as long as it's good.

I feel like i need to get around to The X-Files eventually too.

Jay Sosa

Half through Supernatural SE2, love that they try to be creative. Seems Like Buffy/Whedon was a big influence.

~Kinggi~ said:
Anyone looking for some incredibly dark and macabre shit needs to check out Millennium. I watch all 3 seasons like once every 2 years or so, never loses its effect. It was basically the sister series to the X-Files, both created by Chris Carter. They both exist in the same universe too, as there was a crossover episode containing characters from both shows in XFiles season 7. Its a really amazing show that would never get green-lit on basic cable during current times.

Sounds great, will check it out.

Jay Sosa

Community gets a lot better once you get to know the characters and it usually is a 2/1/1 ratio..2 good episodes 1 phenomal one and then one where you have to wonder if the writers were substituted with brainless monkeys that watched too many telenovelas.


~Kinggi~ said:
Anyone looking for some incredibly dark and macabre shit needs to check out Millennium. I watch all 3 seasons like once every 2 years or so, never loses its effect. It was basically the sister series to the X-Files, both created by Chris Carter. They both exist in the same universe too, as there was a crossover episode containing characters from both shows in XFiles season 7. Its a really amazing show that would never get green-lit on basic cable during current times.


Hmm I'm intrigued, £37 for all three on amazon, I'll check HMV, if there's no difference I'll pick it up...


RatskyWatsky said:
One of my friends has it on his DVR so I'll try to watch it ASAP. I'm pumped!
Yay a new Justified fan!

The show is just fantastic and season 2 imo was even more amazing than the first season.

Also if you ever get the chance, watch Terriers. One of the best shows ive ever seen and it still pains me deeply that it was cancelled after 1 season :_(
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