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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Finally started Breaking Bad recently. Just finished Season 1.

The acting is astonishingly good, as is much of the writing. One of the show's more striking elements is also that it feels quite true to life, from the way cancer is handled to the way crystal meth is.

Late to the party as fuck on this one, but man, so good. And I have two more seasons worth to blaze through like, well, a meth addict.


Zeliard said:
Finally started Breaking Bad recently. Just finished Season 1.

The acting is astonishingly good, as is much of the writing. One of the show's more striking elements is also that it feels quite true to life, from the way cancer is handled to the way crystal meth is.

Late to the party as fuck on this one, but man, so good. And I have two more seasons worth to blaze through like, well, a meth addict.

You're so lucky you don't have to endure the year-long gap between seasons 3 and 4. Luckier that you get to watch through the whole show in such a short amount of time.


Blader5489 said:
You're so lucky you don't have to endure the year-long gap between seasons 3 and 4. Luckier that you get to watch through the whole show in such a short amount of time.

I've been purposefully waiting on some shows to get well into their run because I adore watching episodes consecutively too much. The week-to-week thing is tantamount to torture, much less the several months+ wait in between seasons.

When I watch a great show like Breaking Bad (or also recently Rome), and I finish an episode, I want nothing more than to just start the next episode immediately after. I watched the first season of BB in like a day, heh (albeit it was just 7 episodes).


Zeliard said:
Finally started Breaking Bad recently. Just finished Season 1.
I just started my rewatch in preparation for the new season. You're in for some good shit, it just gets better as it goes.


I'm about halfway through Breaking Bad Season 3 and it's been great so far. Unfortunately I burned through all the ones I had on my DVR, so I need to wait for more repeats on AMC.

Sotha Sil

shorty_symd said:
I'm going through a Tintin phase so I picked up the TV show on DVD and will hopefully get through it this weekend.

Great choice!

Giving Fringe a chance. The beginning of the first season is quite bad, but I've seen a lot of praise for the show on the OT. In Gaf I trust.


I just hammered through the 1st season of Dexter. It was great. Because of it I never touched LA Noir for a week. All my free time was dedicated to this...


I just finished the first season of Twin Peaks, its... interesting to say the least. The beginning was kind of boring and extremely weird(the dad dancing with the photo), I almost gave up on it then I got around to the fourth episode and I ended up watching the next four episodes in one sitting, it was addicting.

I got one question to the people who have watched it all already, I heard the reveal to who killed Laura and why is disappointing. Is that true?
JaCy said:
I just finished the first season of Twin Peaks, its... interesting to say the least. The beginning was kind of boring and extremely weird(the dad dancing with the photo), I almost gave up on it then I got around to the fourth episode and I ended up watching the next four episodes in one sitting, it was addicting.

I got one question to the people who have watched it all already, I heard the reveal to who killed Laura and why is disappointing. Is that true?

People found it disappointing? I found it to be the most shocking moment of the series, and it's an incredible episode. I think what people mean by disappointing is how early they revealed the killer. Apparently ratings weren't doing so well in the second season, so ABC pushed them to make the reveal earlier than planned. As a result, the rest of season two takes a pretty big hit in quality with several character plots that range from mediocre to insufferable. The finale is great, but can easily disappoint.


listen to the mad man
From the exchange on cable vs network:

Goodman's article is dumb and clearly intentionally myopic, but Todd's article struck me as significantly worse.

"And one by one, the big cable drama series for the year flopped either with critics or viewers—sometimes both."

Yikes, this is such a cynical sentence. Are we really saying that "great" television must be a hit with a wide audience of viewers? There's no evidence to suggest that the audience who watched Terriers didn't like it, simply that there weren't enough bodies to get it renewed. Applying the same standard would basically preclude Mad Men from being "great", which Todd later categorizes it as.

Who cares if a channel can't launch a show or it gets shitcanned after a season? Clone High? Wonderfalls? Roots? Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy? Faulty Towers? The Office? Firefly? Party Down (nope, apparently not great, because it got cancelled, Todd explicitly says this) Are we really saying that a show needs to be renewed or continued for five seasons and sold into syndication to qualify as "great" tv.

Also from Todd's article - "Shameless... was [not] a ratings smash". Yes, it was. Good god, ratings coverage is terrible. Shameless was absolutely a ratings smash regardless of any judgments about the series' quality.

Todd then argues that The Office and How I Met Your Mother, as "network comedies long past their prime but still able to provide solid laughs". I'm sorry, but you can't spend a paragraph marginalizing cable comedies on the basis that they're merely good, not great, and then evoke two shows that even you admit are running on empty to own them. I mean, literally, the paragraph starts with "Curb is an amazing comedy but it's well past its prime" and then ends with "Cable TV can't compete with well past their prime shows like The Office", errr, okay.

"At the same time, the broadcast networks have discovered there’s money to be made in programming to niche audiences, again, if the programming in question is cheap enough." <-- this argument is also not true. Broadcast networks aren't intentionally programming to niche audiences, and claiming that Community and Parks & Rec would have been cancelled five years ago doesn't support that claim. NBC is a struggling network. They cancel shows that underperform. They don't cancel shows that don't underperform. The bar for underperforming is lower than five years ago because they're a struggling network. If NBC had CBS' ratings, they wouldn't renew those programs today.

Poniewozik's article is better, if only because of the three he's the only one actually asking the question rather than advocating a side in a horserace.

I have essentially no input to the question. As a non-American, the terms "network" and "cable" are pretty different in my country, I tend to receive American content from all over the place in that NBC shows might air before/after FOX/ABC shows on the same network, "cable" shows might air on the majors here, "broadcast" shows might air on obscure networks here, etc. There's never been a year of television where there hasn't been more good stuff to watch than time to watch it, so I don't really care where the content is coming from.


you speak so well
Just finished up the third season of Fringe. What a fantastic season, I was completely hooked from start to finish. I loved how most episodes moved the overal mythos forward, as that's always been one of the most fascinating parts of the series. I cannot wait to see where it goes next and I'm so glad that Fox continues to give the show a chance and renew it.


Tucah said:
Just finished up the third season of Fringe. What a fantastic season, I was completely hooked from start to finish. I loved how most episodes moved the overal mythos forward, as that's always been one of the most fascinating parts of the series. I cannot wait to see where it goes next and I'm so glad that Fox continues to give the show a chance and renew it.
Yeah, I loved it too. I didn't watch the show for about eighteen months, then watched it all at once, very cool. I'm thinking of waiting till season four is over before I watch it.

I've just finished watching Alias yesterday. Season one was really good, it doesn't hold up though. It's practically Fringe lite most the time, just without enjoyable characters, everyone on the show is a twat, except the real bad guy, which is pretty strange.


Finished Season 2 of Breaking Bad.

I think this show has cracked my top 5 of all-time. May start a LTTP thread when I'm done with Season 3. It's just a remarkable television show. So many compelling scenarios and some really clever ways of tying seemingly disparate things together in unforeseen ways.

And really, the acting? Probably the best out there right now on television, unless Season 3 somehow drops the ball in that department, which I rather doubt.

Sotha Sil

Zeliard said:
Finished Season 2 of Breaking Bad.

I think this show has cracked my top 5 of all-time. May start a LTTP thread when I'm done with Season 3. It's just a remarkable television show. So many compelling scenarios and some really clever ways of tying seemingly disparate things together in unforeseen ways.

And really, the acting? Probably the best out there right now on television, unless Season 3 somehow drops the ball in that department, which I rather doubt.

Season 3 is incredible. Better than 2, in my opinion. Enjoy!


Oh I will :D

I'm actually about to start Season 3 in a few minutes. If it's even better than Season 2 I can't wait to see what's in store.


Zeliard said:
Oh I will :D

I'm actually about to start Season 3 in a few minutes. If it's even better than Season 2 I can't wait to see what's in store.
How's the progress? S3 is the best season yet, in my opinion. It's so fucking good.

I agree with you btw, Breaking Bad is probably my second favorite show all time. It comes so close to The Wire, but I just can't bear to give it the top spot.

big ander

Yep, Breaking Bad is spectacular. Acting is amazing, action-packed, great characters.

Though I don't know why you'd need an LTTP thread after you've finished season 3, since you'll probably finish just a few weeks before season 4 starts and the season 3 thread is still really active.


Drewsky said:
How's the progress? S3 is the best season yet, in my opinion. It's so fucking good.

I agree with you btw, Breaking Bad is probably my second favorite show all time. It comes so close to The Wire, but I just can't bear to give it the top spot.

Progress has been great. The show basically just gets better as it continues.

big ander said:
Yep, Breaking Bad is spectacular. Acting is amazing, action-packed, great characters.

Though I don't know why you'd need an LTTP thread after you've finished season 3, since you'll probably finish just a few weeks before season 4 starts and the season 3 thread is still really active.

True, it just feels like a show that begs to be talked about. I just finished the 7th episode of season 3 and man, the relentless forward momentum is amazing. And that particular episode ends on quite a note.

I just listened to the latest Filmcast and they talked with Rian Johnson about him directing the 10th episode of S3. I'm interested to see how that one turns out, especially since it's a bottle episode.
I've found two new shows for myself...

Look - made as if it's all security cam footage, it's a very interesting premise that is pretty well done and funny too. Apparently there's a film too which I'll check out.

Nitro Circus - these guys are crazy. Good fun to watch.


I just finished Season 7 of Star Trek The Next Generation. Goddamn, it's been a great ride that I'm really sad to see end, it really was a fantastic show. There were some duds here and there in every season, but overall it was awesome.

Up next I'm debating between Voyager and Deep Space 9. I'm going to do both, just not sure of the order yet. DS9 is chronologically closer, but Voyager will be easier to get into.
I recently watched season 1 of Archer on netflix and it was pretty damn funny. There were so many simple lines by Archer that caused me to burst out into laughter. Guess I'll have to wait for the DVD release of season 2. How is season 2? Even better than the first?


Net_Wrecker said:
Coming up on the end of Six Feet Under.

Gotdamn 5x10. Just gotdamn, man.




Amazing series.

Best series ever and series finale. Absolutely love that show.
psykomyko said:
Best series ever and series finale. Absolutely love that show.

SOOO draining though, especially because I watched it at a rapid fire pace instead of over 5 years. Ugh, I need something happy to watch.

Jay Sosa

Finished SE 5 of the Shield

GODDAMN. Forest Whitaker is fucking amazing as Kavanaugh and all the other storylines were pretty well done too. Usually there are always some uninteresting subplots, not in this show

Poor Lem, I cried like a baby but I can't even be mad at Shane it's all that fucking IAD faults. Fucking rats.

I'm inclined to say that so far it's even better than the Wire which suffers form a very boring second season (which in hindsight is necessary and ties a lot strings together but while watching it I hated it) and a ridicoulus plot in the last.

Although nothing will ever come close to SE 3 and 4
besides Buffy :D


Jay Sosa said:
Poor Lem, I cried like a baby but I can't even be mad at Shane it's all that fucking IAD faults. Fucking rats.
Spoilers for S5 of The Shield:

You didn't hate Shane after that? I fucking despised him. I never really liked Shane though. That whole scene was amazing though, right before Shane drops the nade. It seemed like they both knew something bad was gonna happen. Excellently acted.

Slappers Only

Junior Member
Blasted through all of Jericho over the past couple weeks. I don't even know what makes a TV show "good" or "bad", but man, I loved that show.


Got through Scrubs (8 seasons) yesterday. Still a superb show with only a few misses. It might be the best show, current or past, when it comes to dealing with death.

Started watching Pillars of the Earth and season 2 of Forbrydelsen (the Danish version of the Killing).

Jay Sosa

Drewsky said:
Spoilers for S5 of The Shield:

You didn't hate Shane after that? I fucking despised him. I never really liked Shane though. That whole scene was amazing though, right before Shane drops the nade. It seemed like they both knew something bad was gonna happen. Excellently acted.

Nah oddly enough I always disliked him but he seemed so honestly devasted after that and like you said the entire scene was so amazing with him knowing what he has to do but hating himself for it before he even did it

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Zeliard said:
I just listened to the latest Filmcast and they talked with Rian Johnson about him directing the 10th episode of S3. I'm interested to see how that one turns out, especially since it's a bottle episode.
GAF is very divided on that episode. I dare not speak its name.

big ander

bjaelke said:
Got through Scrubs (8 seasons) yesterday. Still a superb show with only a few misses. It might be the best show, current or past, when it comes to dealing with death.

Started watching Pillars of the Earth and season 2 of Forbrydelsen (the Danish version of the Killing).
I love saying it as many times as possible: I don't think Scrubs is the best comedy I've seen even, but it's likely my favorite. Fantastic.
Pillars of the Earth is good. Definitely worth the time, and most of the acting is excellent, but some of the narrative felt a little sloppy.
Probably going to watch Forbrydelsen eventually to see if it's better than its shitpile remake.
Jay Sosa said:
Nah oddly enough I always disliked him but he seemed so honestly devasted after that and like you said the entire scene was so amazing with him knowing what he has to do but hating himself for it before he even did it
shield spoilers continued
Yep, I never hated Shane. I pitied him. He was always such a weak individual. Compelling stuff.
dave is ok said:
GAF is very divided on that episode. I dare not speak its name.
Come at me bros.


Damn it, I'm over hearing my brother watching Deadwood.... I gues I';m going to have "cock sucker" back in my vocabulary again :3

There's too much to watch, I wish I could rewatch this (amongst others, like Twin Peaks) but alas guess I have to carry on enjoying Dexter #whitewhine


I'm about 8 episodes into Season 1 of Sons of Anarachy. It's starting to get really good. Also, 9 episodes into Season 3 of Breaking Bad. The whole season has been great so far.
Just started the first episode of Sons of Anarchy (don't know why it's taken so long, huge Shield fan and Kurt Sutter wrote some of the best episodes). Still at the beginning but I was pleasently surprised to see a Shield reference (the One-Niners).

big ander

The UK equivalent of Friends/HIMYM, from the mind of Steven Moffat. It's something like 28 episodes total, so it's a quick watch. It's quite funny and as clever as a laugh track sitcom gets. Every character is hilariously quirky and the way so many stories dovetail is great. Sally was my second favorite character after Jeff. Sucks that Jeff's actor didn't want to stay on the show past season 3, the replacement guy was pretty bad.


So yeah Breaking Bad Season 3 was, unsurprisingly, as amazing as everyone said it would be. Nothing much to add other than I was sad when I had no episodes left and eagerly anticipate the start of S4 with the rest of you.

And I loved the Fly episode. I think it was very amusing and a fun change of pace; loved all the silly back-and-forth between Cranston and Paul and just the whole inanity of the fly situation.

I assume some didn't like it because the show had built such crazy forward momentum, and that episode clearly pulled the reigns back, but I thought it was very enjoyable.
Re-watching The Walking Dead and it seems much much better this time around. I'm not sure if its because i'm already aware of its shortcomings (like not to expect great acting from certain people) or because watching the episodes back to back makes these things less noticeable.

Either way it is making me feel like retiring my itunes copy and picking up the bluray.


erotic butter maelstrom
Zeliard said:
And I loved the Fly episode. I think it was very amusing and a fun change of pace; loved all the silly back-and-forth between Cranston and Paul and just the whole inanity of the fly situation.

It's one of the best episodes of Breaking Bad, but I guess some people don't get it.

"I'm sorry"


Hunky Nostradamus
Justified season 1, episodes 1 & 2. Pretty great. Getting a True Blood vibe from the intro, some of the side characters and the setting. I like the stories so far, but they're a little too on the stand alone side. I hope they introduce an overarching story line soon.

Spoiler for episodes 1 and 2

Why does Raylan keep hanging around that chick that killed her husband? She's sort of hot, I guess, but still creepy...plus she, you know, killed her husband. It was justified, but still. Also his ex seems kinda bitchy. Hope he avoids her too.
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