Hunky Nostradamus
So what kind of show is Southland? Is it a criminal of the week type thing, or is it more serialized?
So what kind of show is Southland? Is it a criminal of the week type thing, or is it more serialized?
Finishing up watching The Tudors via netflix streaming and largely felt compelled to post about it simply to say: I am genuinely a little bit upset that Showtime didn't give Sarah Bolger her own spin off to continue the story of Mary Tudor. As I get closer and closer to the end of the show, its a source of frustration to realize that this story won't be continued. Generally everyone has to be in agreement that the humanizing of Bloody Mary is the show's greatest accomplishment that doesn't involve nudity, right? She's so good and now she's relegated to a Shonda Rhimes show.
The world is unjust.
I haven't seen The Tudors, but I definitely want to watch it sometime. Have you seen The Borgias? It's pretty good, and it looks similar to The Tudors.
Finished season 3 of Mad Men and holy heck at that finale. I need to start S4 right now just to see how weird and different everything is gonna be. Totally didn't expect that.
I've been watching the Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon. The CG one, not the Tartakovsky one.
And it's actually really good. I don't understand it. They manage to take the world and characters and general story from the prequel trilogy, but make it all not suck. They manage to make Anakin an actually pretty likable character, but one you could also see turning to the Dark Side. They manage to take one of the most ridiculously forced fanservice retcons in the history of anything - everything involving Boba and Jango Fett in Episode II - and somehow manage to make a pretty good subplot about young Boba.
It's also shockingly violent for a kids' cartoon. You got dudes constantly dying in horrible ways on screen, getting lightsabered through the chest on screen, getting shot to death in cold blood on screen, getting executed or decapitated just slightly off screen, whatever.
I just finished season 2. Hopefully it keeps getting better.
About to finish season 1 of Justified.
Pretty awesome. Pretty awesome indeed.
Almost done with season 1 of Luther. Pretty good show.
Season 2 is better.
Season 2 is better.
Season 2 is the best of the first 3. The first 1/2 to 2/3 of S3 is pretty weak compared to the first two seasons, but the last 1/3 is awesome (on par with S2).I've been watching the Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon. The CG one, not the Tartakovsky one.
And it's actually really good. I don't understand it. They manage to take the world and characters and general story from the prequel trilogy, but make it all not suck. They manage to make Anakin an actually pretty likable character, but one you could also see turning to the Dark Side. They manage to take one of the most ridiculously forced fanservice retcons in the history of anything - everything involving Boba and Jango Fett in Episode II - and somehow manage to make a pretty good subplot about young Boba.
It's also shockingly violent for a kids' cartoon. You got dudes constantly dying in horrible ways on screen, getting lightsabered through the chest on screen, getting shot to death in cold blood on screen, getting executed or decapitated just slightly off screen, whatever.
I just finished season 2. Hopefully it keeps getting better.
Started season 3 of Mad Men. Is it just me, or is there a noticeable bump in quality? I'm way more invested in everything that's going on and way more interested throughout the episode than with seasons 1 and 2. Did I just get into it by season 3 or something?
Any recs?
Season 2 is better.
Any recs?
It feels like I've run out of TV shows to watch. Here are a list of the shows that I've enjoyed (with a letter indicating just how much I've enjoyed them).
I've watched a bunch of others, but that's a sampling. I'm looking for something dark-ish, gritty-ish, and potentially (though not necessarily) supernatural/sci-fi.
Give Breaking Bad another try. It doesn't get better than that. Also watch Supernatural and 24.
I'll second giving BB another go, if you can manage it, just because I think it's clearly the spiritual successor to The Shield. It's sort of like if The Shield had actually started during the time period in the season two 'Co-Pilot' episode, instead of starting with the event it did.
Also, if you were willing to try True Blood, have you given The Vampire Diaries a shot? (The best vampire show on TV!) The first few episodes are the CW-style blah-fest you'd expect, but then they drop the diary pretense entirely, turn into a Real Show, commit to an actual plot, and things get awesome. The series is astonishingly well paced, and manages to play fair with the audience by not stringing out any one mystery for longer than they should. Being on the CW definitely hurts the show's chances at legitimacy.
Are you tied exclusively to Netflix or just wanting things to watch regardless of where it comes from? If it's the latter:
Homicide: Life On the Street
Possibly Dollhouse since you liked the other Whedonverse shows.
And while you shy away from British shows, there's a good chance you might get into the numerous Louis Theroux specials. They're compelling, oddly humorous, sometimes dark and shocking, and always fascinating.
I'm looking for recommendations.
It feels like I've run out of TV shows to watch. Here are a list of the shows that I've enjoyed (with a letter indicating just how much I've enjoyed them).
The Shield: A
Sopranos: B+
Six Feet Under: B
The Wire: A-
Lost: C+
Game of Thrones: B+
Firefly: A-
Buffy: A-
Angel: A
Homeland: A-
I've watched a bunch of others, but that's a sampling. I'm looking for something dark-ish, gritty-ish, and potentially (though not necessarily) supernatural/sci-fi. I've tried to get into Breaking Bad (watched S1 and part of S2) and True Blood recently, but I just couldn't do it.
But, honestly, in addition to fucking loving vampires, I've got a soft spot for teen romance. (I've watched more Dawson's Creek, Party of Five, The OC, etc., than I care to admit.) Bad teen drama is as bad as bad gets. But decent teen drama + vamps? OK. Haha. I'll do it. VD and BB it is
British show => Sherlock
Breakout Kings. Been looking for a new "white collar crime" TV show. I guess this'll have to do for not.
Workaholics. Funny but also extremely dumb and simple humor.
And Inside Men.