I'm looking for recommendations.
It feels like I've run out of TV shows to watch. Here are a list of the shows that I've enjoyed (with a letter indicating just how much I've enjoyed them).
The Shield: A
Sopranos: B+
Six Feet Under: B
The Wire: A-
Lost: C+
Game of Thrones: B+
Firefly: A-
Buffy: A-
Angel: A
Homeland: A-
I've watched a bunch of others, but that's a sampling. I'm looking for something dark-ish, gritty-ish, and potentially (though not necessarily) supernatural/sci-fi. I've tried to get into Breaking Bad (watched S1 and part of S2) and True Blood recently, but I just couldn't do it.
I tend not to be able to get into British or European stuff. (Sorry.)
Any recs?
Not all that gritty, but if you enjoyed Firefly and want some more Nathan Fillion in your life, you should look into Castle.
Also, I'd recommend Justified. More gritty and serious, but there is some levity to most episodes. The violence is quick and often a little shocking (mostly due to how sudden it can be) and, beyond episodes 3-5ish, the villains are really well realized. Plus Timothy Olyphant is a badass and absolutely owns his character in the show.