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TV Shows you've watched recently

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Just finished Sons of Anarchy season 3... mother of... omg... is this the best season finale ever since Sopranos season 6? Unbelieveable. The whole season kind of felt a little off but this last episode made it all up. That song that playes during the last 10 mins or so.. perfection. What a brilliant series.

Agreed-the whole season was stretched out in Ireland-but that finale...man. Unreal. Very satisfying...especially what Ope does.
Done with The Shield. I feel real bad about
Ronnie. Absolutely nobody got away happy in this show, but I'm still here thinking about the horribly shitty deal that Ronnie got. Him being pretty pointless throughout the series makes the ending he gets way better, because he wasn't out there being actively horrible like Vic or Shane to make it feel like he deserves everything that's coming to him.

What I don't like about this show is that it's way too committed to its case-of-the-week thing. After season 5 I just wanted to see where the Strike Team story will go, but they still had a case per episode, even if they had to force it in. It almost gets down to Burn Notice levels, which is pretty bad. For that reason I would rank seasons 6 and 7 pretty low overall. They aren't bad seasons, the problem is that season 5 was just so good. If you are out there loving Breaking Bad and haven't seen this show, you should absolutely watch it as soon as possible.

Also, between this and Breaking Bad, I realized that I really love a good downward spiral storyline. What other shows do this?
Done with The Shield. I feel real bad about
Ronnie. Absolutely nobody got away happy in this show, but I'm still here thinking about the horribly shitty deal that Ronnie got. Him being pretty pointless throughout the series makes the ending he gets way better, because he wasn't out there being actively horrible like Vic or Shane to make it feel like he deserves everything that's coming to him.

What I don't like about this show is that it's way too committed to its case-of-the-week thing. After season 5 I just wanted to see where the Strike Team story will go, but they still had a case per episode, even if they had to force it in. It almost gets down to Burn Notice levels, which is pretty bad. For that reason I would rank seasons 6 and 7 pretty low overall. They aren't bad seasons, the problem is that season 5 was just so good. If you are out there loving Breaking Bad and haven't seen this show, you should absolutely watch it as soon as possible.

I loved the final aside from one confusing part.
When Vic is being interrogated, the woman said that if Vic's drug bust doesn't get everything they want, the deal is off. Now, the drug bust that Vic planned doesn't go according to plan. So why wasn't he arrested on the spot?

I finished the show recently myself, and I liked Ronnie the most out of any of the Strike Team.


Well I've been watching breaking bad since it premiered, but I just finished season 2 Sons of Anarchy. My god fucken brilliant show, I completely dismissed it because of the whole biker stuff. Great character development all around.
Still sad about the prospect and someone please tell me the ATF bitch gets it.


Just finished Sons of Anarchy season 3... mother of... omg... is this the best season finale ever since Sopranos season 6? Unbelieveable. The whole season kind of felt a little off but this last episode made it all up. That song that playes during the last 10 mins or so.. perfection. What a brilliant series.
S4 is my favourite :)


just finished season 3 Sons of Anarchy, I was kind of like where the fuck are they going with this throughout the whole season. Then the Soprano like ending...just beautiful.


Wrapped up the Sopranos this weekend. I knew about the very end through pop culture but I didn't know the context so I was expecting it to be a huge cop out or something. Turns out its one of my favorite endings of all time, hell, scenes of all time even. When I first saw it my gut reaction was that
Tony dies
, but then I read about the interpretation that its just showing you the anxiety he goes through everyday swayed me. Then however I read some in depth analysis and I'm 100% convinced my initial reaction was correct. I think you can even make a case that
Carmella and AJ die too
but that I'm less sure of. Anyway, absolutely genius ending to what now might be my #1 favorite show. It drags a little at times with soap opera like storylines but overall its pretty fucking amazing, especially the early seasons.

Next up is either West Wing or The Wire...


Just saw the pilot of Go On. Meh. It's a pilot.

Friend also forced me to watch Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and immediately gave up on life.


Hunky Nostradamus
I just finished watching all three seasons (and both specials) of Misfits. I really liked it. Season 1 felt very fresh and original, and was strong throughout. Season 2 was a bit of a low point for me, though I thought that it was still good.
It was a low point mainly because of the confusing and underwhelming future Simon arc. Meh.
Season 3 was a little underwhelming in the first three episodes, but I thought it bounced back with episode 4.
Yes, I liked the Nazi episode, sloppy writing and all. (It was fun!) I also really missed Nathan in those first few episodes, and despite Rudy coming into his own, I still felt his absence. I particularly liked the last two episodes, with all the zombie cheerleaders (and cat!) and spirits of the dead. I thought that they handled the reappearances of Sally, Tony, and Rachel very well.

It's quite poetic that Simon and Alisha are caught in a never ending (?) cycle of love/misery, but I'm okay with their departures from the show, as their storylines came full circle and we got some closure. I just wish Kelly had gotten more of a sendoff. Maybe she'll get a "Vegas Baby!" style webisode? I think that might be unlikely though, due to Lauen Socha's imprisonment. :/ They could have made the excuse that she and Seth went to Morocco, but seeing as how Seth is returning for season 4 as a regular, I guess that's out of the question.

I can't wait to see how they handle the mostly new cast/dynamic in season 4.

Anyway, great series. There's a good balance between the silly comedic stuff and the drama, coupled with some good actors and some hilarious dialogue.


I just finished all four seasons of Fringe. Loved the show, great scifi and characters, a wonderful successor in the style of the X-Files. Can't wait for Season 5 to hit now.

Next I'll go back to Farscape, which I put on the backburner after a few episodes after Fringe hit Amazon Prime.

They could have made the excuse that she and Seth went to Morocco, but seeing as how Seth is returning for season 4 as a regular, I guess that's out of the question.

I was wondering how they were handling him, since everything I read said just Curtis was remaining, no mention of Seth. Curious what they'll do with him now.
Also, a vaguely spoilery thing about The Shield I find hilarious. When I watched the pilot, the twist was pretty much the best goddamn thing I've ever seen. Thing is though, the further I get into the series, the worse the twist becomes. The twist is obviously done for shock value, but is completely out of character. I cannot imagine the scene where these guys talked about their plan of doing what they did in the pilot, without it ending up like the end of season 3.

You're right, it's extremely out of character, but it makes a little bit more sense when you consider that only
Vic and Shane were involved in planning it, and they're obviously far more ruthless than Lem or Ronnie
. Still, it was indeed done primarily for shock value, but it continues to payoff throughout the series.


Rewatching The Vampire Diaries in preparation for season 4, this show is extremely amazing except for the first 3 episodes or so, it's sad no one gives it a chance because of its title.


Rewatching The Vampire Diaries in preparation for season 4, this show is extremely amazing except for the first 3 episodes or so, it's sad no one gives it a chance because of its title.

This is probably my second favorite show airing still. I watched the first two seasons for the first time this past winter and then when they started replaying the third season this summer I was watching it to try and catch up, but then they skipped like four episodes :| So I am now waiting for the Blu-ray to release or Netflix to have it to watch the second half of season 3. Awesome show though.


Just finished the first season of White Collar. Really liking it a lot.

Even though Kate's character doesn't have a lot screen time, I've quickly gotten annoyed of her. "where's Kate, gotta find Kate. KATEE!!" I really hope Season 2 doesn't become "Who killed Kate".


Water is not wet!
Recently ive been watching Teen Titans because im on a DC kick courtesy of DCUO. Anyway.. the first season was a consistently good show. The second season started off with a really great episode.. the meta-arc stuff finally gaining traction vs S1's Dr. Klaw routine.. but the Larry episode. The Larry episode. Every second is brilliant. Best music sequence thus far too.


I'm approaching a complete 180 on Breaking Bad. I watched season 1 and the first 3/4 of season 2 sporadically early this year, and I just wasn't into it at all. Not sure what happened, but I was pretty turned off by it.

I've gone back with Netflix and restarted from the beginning, trying to stick with it, and now I can't get enough. Already a few episodes into the third season. I don't like it as much as Mad Men or Boardwalk Empire, but I like it a lot.


Junior Member
Currently watching:

Fringe Season 3 (Bluray)
Firefly (Bluray)
Generation Kill (Bluray)
Breaking Bad Season 5
Twin Peaks Season 2 (up to ep15)
Veronica Mars Season 2 (just bought the dvd about to start this, i loved season 1.)
Deadwood Season 2 (Up to Ep9)
The Lost Room (Up to Ep3)

Also finished Arrested Development Season 2 recently, just need to see S3 now.


Started Boardwalk Empire yesterday, amazing reconstruction, but not super captivating so far, though i'll stick with it, since i've only seen 2 episodes.


30 Rock

Just started watching it, it's pretty good, easy-watching humour. Every player has his/her reason to appear in this. A well-written sitcom that kicks the crap out of most USA-mass-produced garbage out there. It also seems to be pretty consistent in terms of seasons, which is a bonus. It also reminded me a lot of Ally McBeal, but since I hadn't watched that since it was first on I was pretty eager to watch and scrutinise the living hell out of it.

Ally Mcbeal

Filled with 90s cheese about how love doesn't grow on trees and that men are engimas wrapped in mysteries and that happiness can be found in the bottom of a takeout noodle box. But, it's really watchable and most of the characters are superb and I don't feel any less of a man for watching it. Come at me bros.


Started Boardwalk Empire yesterday, amazing reconstruction, but not super captivating so far, though i'll stick with it, since i've only seen 2 episodes.

Hard show to get into, but it only gets better from there on. Try sticking with it, season 2 is amazing.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Community. Watched the first episode a couple of years ago and never bothered to watch more.

Loving it now.


The Wonder Years.
I realized that it's about my father and his generation. What's so odd about it is that the things portrayed in Wonder Years are much, much closer to my childhood than his. That's what a difference growing up in Poland in the 60s/70s makes. From his stories, life couldn't be farther away from what you see in the Wonder Years.

I have to watch this with him sometime.


Started Boardwalk Empire yesterday, amazing reconstruction, but not super captivating so far, though i'll stick with it, since i've only seen 2 episodes.
I second what BeeDog said. It's an incredibly rewarding show once things get going. Especially season 2. One of the better seasons of television that I've seen in years.


Hard show to get into, but it only gets better from there on. Try sticking with it, season 2 is amazing.

I second what BeeDog said. It's an incredibly rewarding show once things get going. Especially season 2. One of the better seasons of television that I've seen in years.

Thanks, will do.
It's not so bad anyway.

Deadwood and The Wire were also kind of slow burning, but they delivered in spades.


Hunky Nostradamus
Has anyone seen the show "XIII" on Reelz channel? It's based off the comic/video game. I can't really find any information on it. I'm hoping that it's a hidden gem.

T Dollarz

Just finished the first two seasons of Louie. This has to be the best comedy on television, right? Fucking love this show. It's hilarious, but yet very thought provoking. Great how it touches on different themes like religion, sex, family, masturbation, friendship, etc.
is on netflix

this show is pretty good and would recommend it


Nearing the home stretch of Breaking Bad's third season. Just finished "The Fly". What a fantastic episode. Pretty different from most of the series and a great look at Walt and Jesse as characters and the dynamic between them.

This show really continues to stomp all over my initial judgment of it.


Nearing the home stretch of Breaking Bad's third season. Just finished "The Fly". What a fantastic episode. Pretty different from most of the series and a great look at Walt and Jesse as characters and the dynamic between them.

This show really continues to stomp all over my initial judgment of it.

Good man.


Nearing the home stretch of Breaking Bad's third season. Just finished "The Fly". What a fantastic episode. Pretty different from most of the series and a great look at Walt and Jesse as characters and the dynamic between them.

This show really continues to stomp all over my initial judgment of it.

You've passed the test.
Nearing the home stretch of Breaking Bad's third season. Just finished "The Fly". What a fantastic episode. Pretty different from most of the series and a great look at Walt and Jesse as characters and the dynamic between them.

This show really continues to stomp all over my initial judgment of it.

I finished up the first season of Hit & Miss the other night. Cool show with Chloe Sevigny as a transvestite assassin. It's a tough show to watch at times, but the acting is great (even the kids!) and it's well written for the most part. The first season is six episodes and ends on a cliffhanger, so hopefully it'll be back for more sometime in the future.



Just finished the third season of Community. Simply amazing, I'm looking forward to the fourth season in October.

I'll probably start watching Fringe again.
I kept going with Friends. Still don't like it that much. Season 2 episode 3 (The one where
Heckles dies
) was the first legitimately great episode. If the quality of the show was closer to that my opinion of it would probably be greater than "eh..."

My main problem with the show so far is that most of the jokes just don't flow naturally at allllllllll. Considering how well the cast works together it would be great if the humor took advantage of that and had the characters play off everyone's quirks, instead of having 6 characters sit in a circle and read unrelated jokes off a page, which is what an average episode seems like. The whole bit with Phoebe not believing in evolution and Ross going crazy at that? That was great. Funny and completely natural. I'd want more of that, instead of Joey standing up going "HEY GUYS I AM STUPID" and sitting back down, then Phoebe standing up and going "HEY GUYS I'M WEIRD" and sitting back down. Whenever the show gets it right I don't laugh because I'm too busy yelling YES! THAT! BE THAT! at the screen. The show has all the pieces it needs to make me love it, it just needs to put them together.

I'll keep going with it because it's a quick and simple watch to fill time with or something to watch if I don't feel like watching something more serious instead.


Started watching Supernatural. Cheesy but really fun. I love the anthology and mystery style of the show. Also, some parts are pretty creepy for a TV show. Way creepier than Buffy or Angel.
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