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TV Shows you've watched recently

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I know I'm loving this show too. I'm almost done with season 4 on netflix though and I'm not sure how to get the first half of season 5 now. By my tivo it looks like I've missed most of the episodes for season 5's first half (and I am NOT watching out of order) and they aren't running reruns and it doesn't look like you can stream them off the web site so I might have to pony up the $3 an episode on amazon so I can watch the second half of season 5 when it airs next year. I'm assuming netflix won't get season 5 till its done and released on blu-ray.


The Walking Dead. Great show, kings of suspense. Believe the hype. Shame the seasons are so short but i hear 3 will have 16 which bonds well for the future


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
For the last few days I've been completely hooked on Breaking Bad. Just finished season 2, which didn't top the perfect first season for me, but it's still fantastic. I want to catch up to the current season asap.


Well my TV has been unusable due to the HDMI cable not working, so I haven't watched any Netflix since I prefer doing it on my TV/PS3. Instead, I started watching Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated on Amazon due to hearing positive things. Only up to episode 8, but damn, this is a great show. Loving it.
Is Party Down any fun? One friend said it would be nice but he also put me through the hell that was The Killing.

Give it three or four episodes. I thought the pilot was underwhelming, but it becomes a wonderful sitcom. Not always the most laugh-out-loud, but I found myself happy to just watch the characters interact for hours.


I have been mainly rewatching Fringe before Season 5 starts. Just finished that run from Jacksonville to Marionette which is pretty much perfect. Hoping to finish up Season 3 before the Season 4 set comes out next week.

Is Party Down any fun? One friend said it would be nice but he also put me through the hell that was The Killing.

Party Down is great. Definitely watch it.


Hunky Nostradamus
I've been thinking about watching The X Files on Hulu, and I have a question about the chronology. I know that there are several movies, and I was wondering how they fit into the series. Do I watch them in between certain seasons, or would I watch them after I finish the entire series?


I've been thinking about watching The X Files on Hulu, and I have a question about the chronology. I know that there are several movies, and I was wondering how they fit into the series. Do I watch them in between certain seasons, or would I watch them after I finish the entire series?

Here are the seasons and where the two movies go:

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - (M1) Fight The Future - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - (M2) I Want To Believe

It's not particularly good, but if you want to include the short-lived "The Lone Gunmen" series, it would run parallel to Season 8 and be resolved in Season 9.

Plus, that second Carter series "Millennium", which is at least really good and at times excellent, runs next to Seasons 4, 5 and 6, with a Millennium/X-Files crossover episode in XF Season 7.

Hope that helps. :)


Hunky Nostradamus
Here are the seasons and where the two movies go:

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - (M1) Fight The Future - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - (M2) I Want To Believe

It's not particularly good, but if you want to include the short-lived "The Lone Gunmen" series, it would run parallel to Season 8 and be resolved in Season 9.

Plus, that second Carter series "Millennium", which is at least really good and at times excellent, runs next to Seasons 4, 5 and 6, with a Millennium/X-Files crossover episode in XF Season 7.

Hope that helps. :)

Very helpful, that's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks! :)

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Rome. Very boring.

Absolutely agree but the cast is great and I enjoy watching the slow an episode or two a week. Can't marathon it though.

I've been thinking about watching The X Files on Hulu, and I have a question about the chronology. I know that there are several movies, and I was wondering how they fit into the series. Do I watch them in between certain seasons, or would I watch them after I finish the entire series?

I just started a rewatch and though the monster of the week eps are good there are just so many of them. By season 2 I just grabbed a mythology only eps list and went from there. The show is absolutely brutal when you go from one heart pounding ep to another with the main arc.


I'm finished with my Vampire Diaries rewatch, can't fucking wait for season 4.

This show is amazing, seriously give it a chance you won't regret it.

First 4 episodes or so suck though.
Rome. Very boring.

Give it a while. I thought it was pretty boring for the first several episodes as well. Some of the stuff that happens later is pretty damn awesome. The friendship between Titus Pullo and Lucius is one of my favorites I have seen on TV. It gets better, trust me.

About to finally embark on watching Breaking Bad.

Lucky bastard. If I could erase that part of my memory and watch over again anew I most certainly would. Being able to just marathon that makes me jealous.
i saw an episode of "Spartacus: Vengeance" (or Blood and Sand i guess) on TV yesterday, having never seen anything of this series...

Meh, not sure what to think of it to be honest, i kinda kept watching but somehow i expected more after some people hyped it up and the good ratings it got..

Is it worth investing into watching this one or not? the whole thing just seemed kinda "fast paced" if you know what i mean...

The first four episodes of Spartacus: Blood In the Sand aren't much to write home about. But after a certain point the script starts to get much better, and you start to care more about the characters. The combat scenes also start to improve as the show goes on. But most importantly you really begin to care about the characters, and there are many twists in turns in the plot. The human drama starts to get really good, and it isn't just about the fighting and gore.

But take my word and keep watching. It's almost hard to keep track of how many incredible moments are in this show. And the season 1 finale is one of the greatest moments in TV history imo.

But start at the beginning and watch it all.

The first four episodes of Spartacus: Blood In the Sand aren't much to write home about. But after a certain point the script starts to get much better, and you start to care more about the characters. The combat scenes also start to improve as the show goes on. But most importantly you really begin to care about the characters, and there are many twists in turns in the plot. The human drama starts to get really good, and it isn't just about the fighting and gore.

But take my word and keep watching. It's almost hard to keep track of how many incredible moments are in this show. And the season 1 finale is one of the greatest moments in TV history imo.

But start at the beginning and watch it all.

thanks for the impressions, i might give it another chance then actually... i was tired when i watched it yesterday and maybe i got the wrong idea of the show hmm

What i saw was something about a mine where Spartacus and his gang went to rescue some girl or whatever, not sure how far into the show that was!
thanks for the impressions, i might give it another chance then actually... i was tired when i watched it yesterday and maybe i got the wrong idea of the show hmm

What i saw was something about a mine where Spartacus and his gang went to rescue some girl or whatever, not sure how far into the show that was!

That's a couple of episodes into Season 2. If that was the first ep. I saw I wouldn't know what was going on. Spartacus: Blood and Sand, and Spartacus: Gods of The Arena miniseries are required viewing.

But yeah, I almost quit the show thinking it was absolute trash. But ended up pleasantly surprised with what I got in the end.


Thinking about giving a few new shows a go at some point:

Supernatural - I vaguely recall giving it a try some years ago and thinking the first few episodes were "OK". I hear it gets better. Is it worth getting into? Also, is there an solid, overarching storyline? Not the hugest fan of procedurals. Since there are so many seasons and episodes the investment is pretty big.

Strike Back - Half way through the original 6 episode series and am loving it. How does the second season measure up? I know it is being co-produced by some American channel, so I want to make sure the quality hasn't tanked. I'm looking into buying the blu.

Nikita - Watched the first episode a year or so ago and thought it was pretty good, particularly for a CW show. Worth pursuing? Does the action/violence keep up or is it pretty toned down?



Hunky Nostradamus
Thinking about giving a few new shows a go at some point:

Strike Back - Half way through the original 6 episode series and am loving it. How does the second season measure up? I know it is being co-produced by some American channel, so I want to make sure the quality hasn't tanked. I'm looking into buying the blu.


It holds up quite well. It's a co production with Cinemax, so the nudity and profanity has been upped considerably, but the action is as good as ever.


Already? That was fast. I personally wasn't gripped by the first couple of episodes, but it certainly gets better as it goes on.

I'll probably plow through the rest of S1 today, seeing as its only 6 episodes. We'll see how I feel then, but I really enjoyed the pilot. Cranston is great.


Arrested Development, just seen the first two episodes of season 1. Pretty funny so far, it looks like it could get funnier.


Finished Suits a few weeks ago. Wow I did not know how good this show was until I watched it. Harvey Specter is a true boss.

Started up Shameless earlier this week. Pretty good so far. Some of the stuff so far is ridiculous (Only halfway through S 1)
I watched all 6 episodes of Sherlock in the past weeks. Fantastic show. Just wow.
Cumberbach and Freeman are the perfect Holmes and Watson.
I loved all of the episodes expect for the second one in series 1 which just didn't hold my attention very well.
And holy crap at the guy who played Moriarty; he was downright disturbing to watch. Cannot wait for Series 3. So good.
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