Yeah i'd say this was one of the problems too. Also found it wasn't as consistent as the previous seasons.TheOddOne said:The Rita plot was too long.
It's never to late to watch a great television show. Better later then never.dankir said:Going to watch Arrested Development for the first time soon.
Second said:Lost is finished. I needed another tv-show addiction.
So I started watching Supernatural. It's not bad so far. Very cheesy, the stories don't make any sense. But it's enjoyable.
How are seasons 2 to 5? Should I stick with this?
WyndhamPrice said:Season 2 to 5 are far better than season 1. 4 and 5 in particular are some of the best TV of the past couple of years IMO.
bumbillbee said:One of the local stations plays it on occasion. It's a lot of fun, much better than the movie, in my opinion. It can get a little repetitive, so I'm not sure if I'd buy it, but it's worth a watch.
tracky_dacks said:![]()
Just watched the pilot of Misfits. Wow, can't believe I sat on this for so long! Really liked it.
It's Skins meets Heroes meets I Know What You Did Last Summer.
Think I might get myself cosy and plow through the rest of the season (only 6 episodes long).
I dunno. Looks like something aimed at young teens.tracky_dacks said:Aaaaaaaaaand done! Over in a flash, but man, what a great surprise! Absolutely loved every minute of it. Story was great, if a little cliche at times, but it's the combination of characters, acting and script that makes the show.
Now bring on Season 2! I think you Supernatural fans might enjoy this. Definitely check it out.
Fake edit: Here's the trailer for those intrigued.
I wish I had good news for you, but....thekad said:So I'm almost done with Deadwood. I hear there was supposed to be a S4 or a movie or something. Does this mean that there isn't a satisfying end to the series? Someone talk me down.
thorin said:I wish I had good news for you, but....
M.Bluth said:Can someone recommend me something to watch for the summer?
Here's a list of what I watched and enjoyed:
30 Rock
Arrested Development
Bored to Death
Chappelle's Show
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Gilmore Girls
How I Met Your Mother
The Office (US and UK)
The Sopranos
The Wire
I also started watching Breaking Bad recently, but I do have a lot of free time so I dont mind two or three other shows
rezuth said:Desperate Housewives
Studio 60
Mad Men
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate SG-1
Parks & Recreations (Don't worry about the first season, the second season is one of the greatest seasons of all time)
Malcolm in the Middle
huh?rezuth said:Desperate Housewives
Studio 60
Mad Men
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate SG-1
Parks & Recreations (Don't worry about the first season, the second season is one of the greatest seasons of all time)
Malcolm in the Middle
Same exact episode I declared that as well :lolM.Bluth said:Been watching Breaking Bad (got to season 2) and the Shield... Fucking awesome shows.
Also, fuck Skyler (S02E04)
Meliorism said:Up there with the Wire?
It's entertaining for sure, but come on, man.
Battersea Power Station said:I'm 2 episodes into Mad Men, so I've basically seen none of it. One thing that bugs me is that I can almost hear the writer/director saying "Woah! Look how different life was back then; you'd never see this today! Crazy!" In other words, some of the showcases of 60s' life are too obviously shown just to get a reaction instead of being subtly intertwined into the plot.
I'm guessing this is just in the first few episodes though, as they can't possibly keep it up for 3 seasons.
Jay Sosa said:Just because it's not a drama series doesn't mean it can't be absolutely brilliant.
I never understand why comedies always gets kind overlooked, no matter if it's TV or cinema.
Why can't a comedy win an Oscar? Is it really that much easier to play an idiot?
Rabid Wolverine said:Got 6 Seasons of OZ.
Watched the first episode, holy crap how did i let this show pass. So many familiar faces.
big ander said:Just finished Firefly.
Witty writing, nine unique and awesome characters, and a quirky and captivating setting. Loved each episode. It's too bad that it was truncated the way it was, but I completely understand. From what I can tell, it was really costly, and there certainly weren't enough viewers (although Fox swapping pilots and messing with air order was a factor in that, I'm sure).
Regardless, I loved the show.
Jay Sosa said:Just because it's not a drama series doesn't mean it can't be absolutely brilliant.
I never understand why comedies always gets kind overlooked, no matter if it's TV or cinema.
Why can't a comedy win an Oscar? Is it really that much easier to play an idiot?
Yeah, it really would have been the perfect kind of show to get 3 or 4 seasons and then end, but oh well. There seemed to be a bunch of complaints about the environment from critics according to Wiki, but I LOVED it.Net_Wrecker said:One of my favorite shows (and movies, WATCH SERENITY) ever even with its short length. Absolutely loved the characters, dialogue, environment, etc. Great stuff.
I don't overlook comedies, hell Arrested Development is probably the best piece of entertainment ever in my eyes, but Chuck, as much as I love it, isn't in the top tier of programs IMO. Good stuff definitely, but not God tier.