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TV Shows you've watched recently

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beelzebozo said:
you'd be accurate in postulating this.
Eh it continues to a certain degree throughout, but it's definitely toned down very much as it continues. There's a moment in season 2 where the family is packing up a picnic blanket, and there's a really gratuitous shot of Don just blatantly littering like: "This would never happen today! So different!" So there are still moments you get that feeling, but the characters very much take center stage over the setting.

I just bought the complete series of Carnivale for 30 bucks on impulse today, very little clue what it's about, but I've heard good things. Also heard it got canceled before anything could be wrapped up :( Should be interesting anyways.

Jay Sosa

BTW: Whatever happened to 30 Rock? It's still funny sometimes but it's more like Gilmore Girls meets Sex and the City. If it wasn't for Tracy the show wouldn't even qualify as comedy anymore.

Thank god someone recommended me Father Ted, too bad I'm already near the end.


6 or 7 episodes into season 1 of the shield, here. It's definitely latched a hook into me, so I guess that'll be me sorted for good tv to watch for a while!

I might take another swing at the sopranos after I'm done with that. Too many folk say it's good, so I presume it gets a bit better than the fairly bland first 4 or so episodes I watched.

Jay Sosa

Love the Sopranos but some of the episodes were utterly boring.

I say try to atleast watch the entire first season and if you still don't like it it's just not your cup of tea.


I just started watching Life on Mars UK and Rome. Both first episodes were fantastic and I can't wait to watch more.

Any recommendations for good UK television?


hamchan said:
I just started watching Life on Mars UK and Rome. Both first episodes were fantastic and I can't wait to watch more.

Any recommendations for good UK television?

peep show!


Jay Sosa said:
Love the Sopranos but some of the episodes were utterly boring.

I say try to atleast watch the entire first season and if you still don't like it it's just not your cup of tea.
Yeah, I started it and got to about episode 10, and kind of stopped for a little bit. It's not really grabbing me like I would like it to. I think Tony is an awesome character, and I like it a lot, but I just can't seem to stay interested. I'm never dying to know what happens in the next episode.


Junior Member
Going through Modern Family at the moment. Just 5 episodes in, this show is amazing :lol I should've watched earlier. Community's got competition for the spot of favorite comedy of the last season!

At the same time, I'm also making my way through Arrested Development. I'm at episode 10 of the first season, but I'm having trouble clicking with it. I'll watch one every few weeks, but I can't get myself to watch a few in a row, I just get tired of it. I get a few chuckles here and there, but nothing more. It's entertaining, but really underwhelming for the GAF-approved best comedy of all time.


Jealous Bastard
FilthyLies said:
Eh it continues to a certain degree throughout, but it's definitely toned down very much as it continues. There's a moment in season 2 where the family is packing up a picnic blanket, and there's a really gratuitous shot of Don just blatantly littering like: "This would never happen today! So different!" So there are still moments you get that feeling, but the characters very much take center stage over the setting.

those moments are there because i think they're accurate to the time. i understand the decision to have a character do something is obviously intentional, and that there's gotta be some restraint, but i think MAD MEN practices it. characters never descend into parodies or stand in for "types" of the time; they're always much more complex than that. the alternative i don't like so much, i.e., not having the characters do what someone in the 60s would do. a person like don probably would litter, people probably would make sexist and racist remarks in a dismissive and thoughtless fashion, even if they were good people who we grew to like. see betty saying something like, "i'm just not sure we're ready for civil rights" to her african american maid. whoaaaaa
I tore through Parks and Rec S1 today - didn't realize that it was only 6 episodes. Amusing show that I'm happy to continue, plus most people seem to love the second season.

So I take it there isn't anywhere to legally watch S2 online right now? I couldn't find the beginning of S2 on Hulu or NBC.com. DVD's might not be out for a while...


hamchan said:
I just started watching Life on Mars UK and Rome. Both first episodes were fantastic and I can't wait to watch more.

Any recommendations for good UK television?

state of play - political thriller. miniseries. gripping, expertly paced and boasts a great cast
peep show - awkward style of british comedy. a grounded but brilliant sitcom.
the thick of it - comedy based on incompetent politicians and the most hilarious streams of swearing you'll hear.
spaced - simon pegg, edgar wright, nick frost made a sitcom. it's kinda like a very british version of scott pilgrim, if you're familiar with that, except way before scott pilgrim.


I think i'm the only one that watched the 1st season of V's re-imagining? :D
It was full of plot holes and bad writing, but on occasion it was also mindless fun :D Plus, i wanted an alien invasion show.
I think i'll also watch season 2.

Recently i caught the 1st episode of Spartacus: Blood and Sand on a local network (well they aired the 1st 2 episodes, but i've only watched the 1st). I hate the fake blood. The show looks interesting so far... might consider following it.


Been catching up on Breaking Bad lately, since I didn't have a lot of time watching the season 3 episodes. Well, just got to episode 8, and this season has been AMAZING thus far. Awesome, awesome show.

I was wondering if someone could recommend me a new show to watch. The shows below are the ones I've watched (or stopped watching), with some ratings to show off my taste better:

- The Sopranos (10/10): best show in history, have watched it fully twice.
- The Shield (9+/10): the second best show in history, love pretty much everything about it.
- The Wire (9+/10): an inch behind The Shield as my second favorite show, awesome and demanding show.
- Sons of Anarchy (9/10): a new favorite of mine, great characters and a good setup.
- Dexter (9-/10): very good show, and this last season was super-awesome.
- Rome (8/10): great and raunchy show, too bad it didn't live on for too long.
- Deadwood (8/10): amazing production values, and some very good characters (the Swear-engine is probably the best TV character in history). Too bad it was cut short.
- Mad Men (8-/10): very nice period piece, great characterizations but sometimes a bit too slow. Still need to watch season 3 though.
- Lost (6+/10): the show was extremely uneven, and in my opinion, leaving so many threads hanging is just poor writing. Still, had great characters and some terrific episodes that kept me watching.
- Prison Break (5/10): great start, but it became more retarded as the seasons passed. Still, gotta say it was good, dumb entertainment all the way through, but it obviously couldn't compare to the above-mentioned shows.

So, phew. I may have exhausted the options, but if anyone can recommend a new show for me to watch (akin to something above?), I'd really appreciate it.
Empty said:
state of play - political thriller. miniseries. gripping, expertly paced and boasts a great cast
spaced - simon pegg, edgar wright, nick frost made a sitcom. it's kinda like a very british version of scott pilgrim, if you're familiar with that, except way before scott pilgrim.
I'll second the recommendation for those two.
BeeDog said:
I was wondering if someone could recommend me a new show to watch.

So, phew. I may have exhausted the options, but if anyone can recommend a new show for me to watch (akin to something above?), I'd really appreciate it.
Have you been watching Justified? It fits your FX/AMC/HBO sensibilities. Worth checking out. The season finale for S1 is this Tuesday.

Generation Kill and Band of Brothers are a couple great miniseries from HBO.

You might like the first season of Damages, though the second season isn't as good.


BeeDog said:
I was wondering if someone could recommend me a new show to watch. The shows below are the ones I've watched (or stopped watching), with some ratings to show off my taste better:
Well, it's not really like anything else on your list, but Friday Night Lights is a really great TV.


Thanks guys for the replies!

Cornballer said:
I'll second the recommendation for those two.
Have you been watching Justified? It fits your FX/AMC/HBO sensibilities. Worth checking out. The season finale for S1 is this Tuesday.

Generation Kill and Band of Brothers are a couple great miniseries from HBO.

You might like the first season of Damages, though the second season isn't as good.

Justified is noted, many thanks for that recommendation. Just saw it's the same lead as in Deadwood, and Walton Goggins also appears in it. Consider me interested!

I've seen both Generation Kill and Band of Brothers, didn't list them because they're mini-series. But yeah, they're awesome. :>

Forgot to add Damages to my list, but I bought the season 1 box, good show. Too bad it seems seasons 2 and 3 will never be released here in Sweden, so I unfortunately have to put it on hold. :(

Drewsky said:
Well, it's not really like anything else on your list, but Friday Night Lights is a really great TV.

Thanks for the recommendation, but that show's definitely not my cup of tea. I'm eurotrash, and American football is of no interest to me. :)


BeeDog said:
Thanks for the recommendation, but that show's definitely not my cup of tea. I'm eurotrash, and American football is of no interest to me. :)

i thought exactly the same too before watching it, i'm even openly hostile towards hand-egg, but the show isn't really about the sport at all; i mean it is, but only in the sense that it uses it to drive the narrative structure, shape the characters, and explore how the sport impacts the town, but it's not that the game itself is really that important. it could be about a town in love with lacross and it'd still be amazing. you need no understanding of the game to enjoy it all, so i wouldn't write off one of the finest dramas around because of it.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
BeeDog said:
Been catching up on Breaking Bad lately, since I didn't have a lot of time watching the season 3 episodes. Well, just got to episode 8, and this season has been AMAZING thus far. Awesome, awesome show.

I was wondering if someone could recommend me a new show to watch. The shows below are the ones I've watched (or stopped watching), with some ratings to show off my taste better:

- The Sopranos (10/10): best show in history, have watched it fully twice.
- The Shield (9+/10): the second best show in history, love pretty much everything about it.
- The Wire (9+/10): an inch behind The Shield as my second favorite show, awesome and demanding show.
- Sons of Anarchy (9/10): a new favorite of mine, great characters and a good setup.
- Dexter (9-/10): very good show, and this last season was super-awesome.
- Rome (8/10): great and raunchy show, too bad it didn't live on for too long.
- Deadwood (8/10): amazing production values, and some very good characters (the Swear-engine is probably the best TV character in history). Too bad it was cut short.
- Mad Men (8-/10): very nice period piece, great characterizations but sometimes a bit too slow. Still need to watch season 3 though.
- Lost (6+/10): the show was extremely uneven, and in my opinion, leaving so many threads hanging is just poor writing. Still, had great characters and some terrific episodes that kept me watching.
- Prison Break (5/10): great start, but it became more retarded as the seasons passed. Still, gotta say it was good, dumb entertainment all the way through, but it obviously couldn't compare to the above-mentioned shows.

So, phew. I may have exhausted the options, but if anyone can recommend a new show for me to watch (akin to something above?), I'd really appreciate it.

Big Love

The show just keeps getting better for the first 3 seasons.


Yeah, I'd give it a shot at least even if you're not into football. I'm not that into sports in general but I love FNL.


So I finished Dexter last night, woot! S5 can't come fast enough. Sept come here you. But goddamn the ending of s4 just pissed me off
why did they have to kill rita :(

So I'd rate the season 2-1-4-3. 2/1/4 being very good and 3 being good


Thanks for the recommendation, but that show's definitely not my cup of tea. I'm eurotrash, and American football is of no interest to me. :)
No no no.

Watch it, you'll thank me later.


BeeDog said:
Thanks for the recommendation, but that show's definitely not my cup of tea. I'm eurotrash, and American football is of no interest to me. :)

That shouldn't be a problem. Seems that most of the people who love FNL also dislike/don't know anything about football. :lol


bud said:
peep show!

Empty said:
state of play - political thriller. miniseries. gripping, expertly paced and boasts a great cast
peep show - awkward style of british comedy. a grounded but brilliant sitcom.
the thick of it - comedy based on incompetent politicians and the most hilarious streams of swearing you'll hear.
spaced - simon pegg, edgar wright, nick frost made a sitcom. it's kinda like a very british version of scott pilgrim, if you're familiar with that, except way before scott pilgrim.

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll check them out.


Blader5489 said:
That shouldn't be a problem. Seems that most of the people who love FNL also dislike/don't know anything about football. :lol

Just to underscore what everyone else has said, FNL barely features any football.

But if you think LOST was uneven then you might have a considerable problem with FNL. But the character interactions/drama will keep you glued.

BTW, I will never forgive you for your LOST score.


Brian Fellows said:
Big Love

The show just keeps getting better for the first 3 seasons.

And then shits all over those three seasons in its fourth.

By comparison, Friday Night Lights loses its momentum more quickly, but also shows an ability to gain it back, something that Big Love struggled with a great deal in Season 4.

Big Love's third season is fantastic, and there's some nice moments in 1/2 as well, but Season 4 is a complete and total mess.
BeeDog said:
Thanks for the recommendation, but that show's definitely not my cup of tea. I'm eurotrash, and American football is of no interest to me. :)
NONONONONONNOO. It is a MUST watch. I and practically everyone else said the same thing before watching. Just watch it. You have good taste. Also, ignore Iceman. Thinking the garbage that is Lost is uneven would have no bearing on your opinion of Friday Night Lights. Lost is fucking awful character drama. Friday Night Lights is arguably the best character drama on the air with Breaking Bad.
The Tudors: Yay or nay?
Need a new show to sink into and I've been eying this for a while. Liked Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the few movies I've seen him in.


tracky_dacks said:
The Tudors: Yay or nay?
Need a new show to sink into and I've been eying this for a while. Liked Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the few movies I've seen him in.

Mein gott, nein.

If you need something involving and historical, watch Rome.

Jay Sosa

RevoDS said:
Going through Modern Family at the moment. Just 5 episodes in, this show is amazing :lol I should've watched earlier. Community's got competition for the spot of favorite comedy of the last season!

At the same time, I'm also making my way through Arrested Development. I'm at episode 10 of the first season, but I'm having trouble clicking with it. I'll watch one every few weeks, but I can't get myself to watch a few in a row, I just get tired of it. I get a few chuckles here and there, but nothing more. It's entertaining, but really underwhelming for the GAF-approved best comedy of all time.

Well, duh..

Blader5489 said:
That shouldn't be a problem. Seems that most of the people who love FNL also dislike/don't know anything about football. :lol

And vice versa..


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
Shiv47 said:
Finished watching Garth Merenghi's Darkplace, and just got bargain-priced DVDs of Snuff Box and Man to Man With Dean Lerner.

Excellent choice. The man is a writer, visionary, dreamweaver AND an actor!
Darkplace, daarkplace, darkplace, darkplace. Loved it.
Over the last two months or so the wife and I have been introduced to and became completely addicted to Dexter. We finished off season 4 last night (watched 7 episodes in a row :) ) Can't wait for season 5.


BeeDog said:
I was wondering if someone could recommend me a new show to watch.

Looking at the list, your tastes seem pretty similar to mine. If so, you'll love the west wing. If you could pick any episode as a sampler, I'd suggest episode 6 of season 1 'Mr. Willis of Ohio'. It's early enough that you're not expected to know all the characters, but has hefty slices of awesome throughout. The entire show is like that! Apart from the start of the pilot, which really put me off for some time.
THR Live Feed said:
AMC to air 'Rubicon' after 'Breaking Bad' finale

AMC's new conspiracy drama "Rubicon" doesn't officially premiere until Aug. 1, but the network is going to air the entire first episode this Sunday after the must-see "Breaking Bad" finale.

The network isn't promoting the airing, and has dubbed it a "sneak," but hopes "Bad" fans stick around to check out its new show. Here's a brief promo, but it doesn't tell you much:
Sweet! Guess I'll start putting a thread together.


tracky_dacks said:
The Tudors: Yay or nay?
Need a new show to sink into and I've been eying this for a while. Liked Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the few movies I've seen him in.

As someone who's been watching the Tudors since season 2, let me spoil the series for you.

Someone gets their head cut off, someone has sex, someone gets their head cut off, someone has sex, someone gets their head cut off, someone has sex, someone has sex again, someone gets their head cut off for having sex, someone gets their head cut off for cutting someone else's head off, someone has sex.
TheOddOne said:
Anymore info about the new show Cornballer? 'Teaser' doesn't paint a very good picture.
I don't know very much about it. It has James Badge Dale and Miranda Richardson. It's labeled as a "conspiracy thriller" and it's set in New York. Other than that, they're playing this one close to the vest. I'm looking for more info on the interwebs, and I'll put whatever I find into a new thread.


Cornballer said:
I don't know very much about it. It has James Badge Dale and Miranda Richardson. It's labeled as a "conspiracy thriller" and it's set in New York. Other than that, they're playing this one close to the vest. I'm looking for more info on the interwebs, and I'll put whatever I find into a new thread.
Hey, it's Leckie from The Pacific. Maybe I'll give it a try.
Is Fringe worth continuing past S1E8 or so? I enjoyed the first few episodes as a sci-fi procedural, but as the plot widens a bit, I'm finding myself liking it less and less. Thoughts?


backflip10019 said:
Is Fringe worth continuing past S1E8 or so? I enjoyed the first few episodes as a sci-fi procedural, but as the plot widens a bit, I'm finding myself liking it less and less. Thoughts?
I quit around this time in Season 1 too. I started watching Season 2 though and got all the way through it and really liked it, so I would keep trucking if I were you. It gets really get next season.


backflip10019 said:
Is Fringe worth continuing past S1E8 or so? I enjoyed the first few episodes as a sci-fi procedural, but as the plot widens a bit, I'm finding myself liking it less and less. Thoughts?

It gets better and better, but that's 100% because of them moving the mythology forward and the character relationships strengthening (Walter/Peter, Walter/Astrid).

I say keep going, but it seems you're not digging the stuff that makes it better, I guess.


The fiancee and I are currently going through LOST on BD. We are on Disc 4, Episode 13. Planning to watch all 6 seasons this summer.
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