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TV Shows you've watched recently

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During another bout of procrastination I got sucked back into watching Chuck. I had watched the first 2 episodes a couple of years and didn't particularly like what I saw (much to Solo's annoyance :lol sorry dude, should've taken your advice and kept watching). But my sister has made me get back into it, and I'm quite thankful that she did, I'm enjoying it waaaaaaay more than I'll admit. In the middle of season 2 right now and its really at its best right now.
I find a lot of the Buy More plotlines to be kinda irritating but they are at their best when they are integrated into the main plot somehow (which cant be too often of course), so I loved Chuck Vs Tom Sawyer and Chuck Vs Santa Claus, which I just watched.

Also, love anything about Sarah. <3
moojito said:
I'm almost half way through season 5 of the west wing, and I'm still loving it. Does this make me a bad person?
Nope. I thoroughly enjoyed The West Wing all the way up until the end. I will admit, though, that the best seasons are 1-4.

I've recently started a rewatch of The West Wing myself. Currently on episode five or six of season one.


Never being able to get into it, I finally checked out Avatar for the first time (properly) and am really enjoying it. Only seen the first two episodes but the premise, setting and characters are all equally charming.

It also helps that I'm a total sucker for giant flying animal sidekicks that respond only to "yip yip." :p
TheOddOne said:
Anybody watch the pilot for '100 Questions'? Its a How I Met Your Mother ripoff, but kinda was awesome. Will have to see a couple of episodes to see if I'll still around.

Also teh hotness:


Sophie Winkleman


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I did catch the pilot for 100 Questions. I have absolutely nothing positive to say about it. But I did come across this interesting little nugget. It is the trailer for the original pilot, looks like they made A LOT of changes. Recasts up to wazoo, set changes, even the tone of some of the scenes is way different.


big ander

I've started Party Down thanks to the recommendation by GAF. Very funny show. "Investors Dinner" was amazing. :lol I'm excited to work through the show.

On my short-term list, I've got:
Firefly-1st season BD is coming in a week or so, and I got Serenity recently too.
V-I'll try to watch the spring part of the season soon.
Arrested Development-Finishing up my 4th rewatch.
Glee-I'm about 4 episodes behind. Hoping to catch up soon.
24- Stopped watching halfway through season 8, should get the dvd set as soon as it's out.
Twin Peaks-The 1st season DVDs should be Netflixing in soon. I watched the pilot and second episode online, but I'd rather watch it on DVD, no commercials, etc.

After I finish those, I don't know what's next. All possible shows for this summer:
Scrubs- I'd like to rewatch seasons 1-8.
Always Sunny
The Shield
Flight of the Conchords
The Wire
Breaking Bad
Burn Notice
30 Rock
Parks and Rec
Six Feet Under
Mad Men
Office UK

I doubt I'll get through half of those. :lol Still, anything GAF thinks I should add? What should I have at the top of my list?


Just finished Gurren Lagann. No words.

Started Fist of the North Star: Legends of the Dark King.

Pretty god damned badass so far.
anaron said:
Never being able to get into it, I finally checked out Avatar for the first time (properly) and am really enjoying it. Only seen the first two episodes but the premise, setting and characters are all equally charming.

It also helps that I'm a total sucker for giant flying animal sidekicks that respond only to "yip yip." :p

Avatar is one of my favourite shows of recent years, such good fun. You are in for a treat, it just gets better and better.


randomlyrossy said:
Avatar is one of my favourite shows of recent years, such good fun. You are in for a treat, it just gets better and better.
I'm thinking about rewatching Avatar. Should I? I loved it the first time but it's not like some shows where you can skip it for a few weeks and not really feel like you'll have to rewatch the previous episode to feel comfortable.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Archer - Season 1 via Netflix instant streaming. Only 10 20+ minute episodes, but every single one of them had me in tears. Anyone with a Netflix account should take the 3 hours and watch the whole season, it's awesome.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Applesauce said:
Archer - Season 1 via Netflix instant streaming. Only 10 20+ minute episodes, but every single one of them had me in tears. Anyone with a Netflix account should take the 3 hours and watch the whole season, it's awesome.

I don't know how you had time to watch Archer while you were in the DANZER ZONE.
PounchEnvy said:
I'm thinking about rewatching Avatar. Should I? I loved it the first time but it's not like some shows where you can skip it for a few weeks and not really feel like you'll have to rewatch the previous episode to feel comfortable.

Definetly, I rewatched Season 3 a month or 2 ago when the trailers for the movie starting appearing. I think you can definetly skip about abit more if you've seen it already. I left out an ep or two I wasn't keen on or just went to ones I particularly liked.

The finale eps are still absolutely amazing. The scene with Zuko fighting Azula still gives me chills, it's stunning.


Just finished watching the Last Ep. of FlashForward. man it was really great and i enjoyed it. too bad there won't be a 2nd season as there were lot of potential to have.


well not really...yet
Im up to episode 4 of Breaking Bad season 2

Really awesome show, but damn I'm really starting to hate the shit out Skyler. Don't care for the kid either.


Blader5489 said:
At what point does Supernatural ditch the MOTW format and become more serialized (if it ever does)?

Last 1/3 of S1.

From then on, it's more of a blend, with a lot of episodes riding the line between MOTW and mythology episodes.

Even then, the MOTW episodes get pretty damn good, with a few being the best of the show.


Subconscious Brolonging
Blader5489 said:
At what point does Supernatural ditch the MOTW format and become more serialized (if it ever does)?

Supernatural gets really damn good at doing MotW episodes, so don't be so hasty to wish them gone.
Speaking of Supernatural, I finished watching all the current seasons, took me like 2 months. Cheesy at times but overall a fun show. Really hated when the show tried to be emotional, I just never felt that connection to Sam or Dean. Also disliked the fact that the writers
killed off every intriguing female character they had, for what seemed to be no reason at all, damn the fangirls.
Also hated the Ghostfacers.


Just finished streaming the first season of Dexter. I'm enjoying most of the side characters, and got a kick out of who the villain turned out to be. Though I called who it was from - literally - the very first scene he was in many episodes back. The last episode ended surprisingly emotionally. I really dig Dexter's character, and how I initially thought his back story was being interwoven with the main plot. When it turns out
the entire season was really his back story, main plot included. I wasn't thrilled with the whole "someone knows his secret" nature of it, but they tied it up well.

Got season two queued up on Netflix instant watch.


Anime GAF: I finished Gurren Lagann, and am on the hunt for something similar for when I have finished Hellsing and Fist of the North Star.

Good ideas ?
Salazar said:
Anime GAF: I finished Gurren Lagann, and am on the hunt for something similar for when I have finished Hellsing and Fist of the North Star.

Good ideas ?

Gunbuster then Diebuster (in that order) if you haven't. They're both six episodes each.


Just finished Season 1 of Deadwood. I have to say, the show is pretty amazing. Wonderful production and atmosphere, an amazing cast of characters who can really act, and great writing. Just an overall standout from most TV. HBO usually does pretty damn amazing when it comes to TV though.
Merguson said:
Anyone watched Get Smart? Any opinions?

I'm talking about the old TV series btw.

One of the local stations plays it on occasion. It's a lot of fun, much better than the movie, in my opinion. It can get a little repetitive, so I'm not sure if I'd buy it, but it's worth a watch.
PounchEnvy said:
I'm thinking about rewatching Avatar. Should I? I loved it the first time but it's not like some shows where you can skip it for a few weeks and not really feel like you'll have to rewatch the previous episode to feel comfortable.

I just went through my own rewatch and loved every minute of it (except for every minute of The Beach, ugh). Season 2 is even better than I remembered, only 1 weak episode from memory, the rest of the season is fantastic. The Empire Strikes Back of Avatar indeed.

Also, have fun anaron! You'll love it.


Watching the season 4 of Battlestar Galactica. The series have been AWESOME so far, but now things seem to be dragging somewhat, hopefully it'll pick up soon


I just finished the first season of Deadwood.

This show is incredible. One of the best cast of characters on any series I've seen, and the writing is consistently excellent. It's going to suck when I finish it. =/


Chaser said:
I just finished the first season of Deadwood.

This show is incredible. One of the best cast of characters on any series I've seen, and the writing is consistently excellent. It's going to suck when I finish it. =/

A friend at uni is writing a scholarly book on it. He's met David Milch (lots of stories there), and has copies of the work Milch had done for Season 4.


Salazar said:
A friend at uni is writing a scholarly book on it. He's met David Milch (lots of stories there), and has copies of the work Milch had done for Season 4.
Oh wow, that is awesome.
I don't know much about the production surrounding this series, so I had no idea there were plans for a fourth season.

Keep me updated on his book if you can, I'd love to check it out.
Anyone in UK-GAF catch the series finale of Later with Jools Holland on Friday? This series has been kinda naff, but that episode was one of the few I've ever seen where I genuinely enjoyed each and every act, with the exception of Corrine Bailey Rae (booooooooring). Heck, even Tom Jones was good.


Blader5489 said:
At what point does Supernatural ditch the MOTW format and become more serialized (if it ever does)?
I'm 3/4 through season 2. And it feels pretty serialized already in a way, there's enough continuity in some of the plot-lines currently building up. The show being completely serialized wouldn't make sense in the setting and current plot ATM. Plus i love the MOTW episodes as much as the serialized one. Although i noticed they seem to use "ghosts" a lot.

One thing i like, is one of the MOTW episodes in season 1 (the doppledanger episode) seems to have some long-standing consequence for dean.:lol

Speaking of Supernatural, I finished watching all the current seasons, took me like 2 months. Cheesy at times but overall a fun show. Really hated when the show tried to be emotional.
I really hated the execution of this one "werewolf" episode in season 2. Sams acting was really corny, and although the ending was sad it just couldn't invoke a emotional reaction from me. Even worse, it doesn't seem to have any bearing on any of the episodes past it.

Just watched the pilot of Misfits. Wow, can't believe I sat on this for so long! Really liked it.
It's Skins meets Heroes meets I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Think I might get myself cosy and plow through the rest of the season (only 6 episodes long).


Finished "supernatural" season 2. That was awesome.

Funny enough this is the kind of supernatural show i've been wanting to watch for a while, can't wait to see what happens with the
demon war they seem to be hinting about


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Four episodes away from finishing my first viewing of entire series of Arrested Development. There were a handful of comments in the most recent AD thread suggesting the third season wasn't quite up to par with the previous two, but I'm not seeing it.

Favourite episode has to be the one in which Tobias begins dressing up as Mrs. Doubtfire and takes on the persona of Mrs. Featherbottom.

Best. Show. Ever.


JaseC said:
Four episodes away from finishing my first viewing of entire series of Arrested Development. There were a handful of comments in the most recent AD thread suggesting the third season wasn't quite up to par with the previous two, but I'm not seeing it.

Favourite episode has to be the one in which Tobias begins dressing up as Mrs. Doubtfire and takes on the persona of Mrs. Featherbottom.

Best. Show. Ever.
The Rita plot was too long.

bart jr

Neo Member
VGChampion said:
Show keeps getting better. Season 4 was some of the finest television I've seen in a long time.

I am 2/3 of the way through season 3 and can't wait to start season 4. Although I'm extremely disappointed because I was reading a thread on another forum that was COMPLETELY unrelated to Dexter and stumbled across a huge spoiler for season 4. So bummed.

The only show that I've been actively keeping up with is Fringe.

I am looking forward to starting: Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Eastbound & Down, and Six Feet Under.

I noticed a few people mentioned Burn Notice. I've watched a couple episodes and the story itself seemed pretty good, but for some reason the main character(Jeffrey Donovan) annoys me to the point to where I almost can't watch it. I think it is because he reminds me of a person I can't stand in real life, :lol
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