Fried Food
9PM EST on the dot.
9PM EST on the dot.
How would you guys feel if Cooper never comes back?
You don't want to see him, or you do?
I don't get it!
To be honest, I would fucking lose my shit if I saw David Bowie, or his voice (the one in Episode 1 was most definitely not Bowie and even Mr. C was doubting it was Jeffries).
I very much do want to see him. It's one of the things I want most for this season. Things I want this season : Chet Desmond. Bowie. Julee Cruise singing a song. Jimmy Scott singing a song. I believe Jimmy Scott died before filming though so I know that is not happening.
I'm hoping against hope that we see Bowie one last time. That's one of the things I most want from this season. Please great lodge spirits grant my wish.
if dougie is an honest allegory for Alzheimers/Dementia/how the elderly are mistreated in todays society, I could see cooper not coming backI am not considering this possibility just yet hahaha.
Lynch is one who bases on how right his work feels, and it would definitely feel wrong if he didn't come back.
How would you guys feel if Cooper never comes back?
I actually am excited for more Dougie. I need to know what Dougie's boss saw in his scribbles, how people treat him after his heroics, and how the Las Vegas gangs after him will go.
if dougie is an honest allegory for Alzheimers/Dementia/how the elderly are mistreated in todays society, I could see cooper not coming back
I think Cooper is coming back or this whole storyline will be pointless atm. That's the end-game essentially.
I think Cooper is coming back or this whole storyline will be pointless atm. That's the end-game essentially.
You guys think this is the last we'll see of Twin Peaks, or Lynch might be cooking up something more? How are the ratings, anyway?
You guys think this is the last we'll see of Twin Peaks, or Lynch might be cooking up something more? How are the ratings, anyway?
This old teaser does show a bit of what I presume to be normal Coop, so I think we'll have time to enjoy Coop.
Dougie/Coop enters the Red Room. "HELLOOOO" Holy shit it's Jimmy Scott. "..and I'll see you in the branches that blow. In the breeze."
Wait, who is that mysterious figure ahead? Oh my fucking god it's David freaking Bowie! "Now, were not going to talk about Judy. Were going to keep her out of it. Agent Cooper it's time to wake up."
Coop wakes up in the real world fully cognizant and conscious. "I sure could use a damn fine cup of joe and a nice slice of cherry pie." He's back! The crowd goes wild.
Hmm, I think Lynch still has more left in him. I want him to do a completely original series next with Showtime or HBO where he has full creative control. Give us a whole new mystery to chew on and fuck our minds over. I hope something like that happens.
I could see him doing a one off miniseries or something. I don't think he'd want to get too tied down with a full series, but you never know.
I definitely think he's done with Twin Peaks after this though, no doubt in my mind about that. The stars had to align perfectly for us to even get S3.
HIT THE LEVER!Rumor going around is that tonight's episode will be the first round of a single-elimination pachinko tournament storyline.
Pachinkohead, a David Lynch
As much as I'd like to see Chester Desmond again, I really hope it's not a character who hasn't been established as having been "with Bob" before.Here's hoping Chet is the guy impersonating "Philip Jefferies". I'm thinking they might be using him in place of whatever role Bowie was supposed to have on the show.
"I laid plans within plans within plans! How did you get back!? How!?"Imagine if Cooper didn't come back and he still got Mr. C while in Dougie mode. Lmao, that would be amazing.
Second thing - in fire, presumably the centre of the bomb, we see a ball of gold. The camera zooms in on this, and then takes us to the purple sea. Is it possible that Gold - which seems to be connected with The Giant and Dido - is used to transmit information to them?
Were you happy with the way Twin Peaks ended?
Oh, it could have gone on forever. The problem was we never meant to follow the murder for a long time. The Black Dahlia has never been solved... these things keep pulling you, and you keep thinking about them and it's beautiful. So once it's solved, it really kills the magnet. It's terrible. We were put under so much pressure by ABC and people in general to solve that, that we killed the goose that laid the golden egg.
Pachinkohead, a David Lynchgamenightmare.
i think this is something he has wanted to do for a long time. this is an interview from 2001:
Btw, what is the small round pool of water in front of opening of the red room/black lodge? Just an artistic choice or some deeper meaning?
And is Season 3 more in line with the final episode of Season 2? I want more of that
I don't think I've been this invested in a show since The Wire was airing (back when like 6 people knew about it). Both 2 week breaks we've had (after the big Part 1-4 drop, and after Part 8) were physically painful. I don't even care about any other visual entertainment right now, tbh. Since May 21st, 2017 I've been watching everything else with a blank Dougie expression on my face.
Whenever Twin Peaks isn't on screen, all I'm asking is "Where's Twin Peaks?"
Talking about "Which will you watch first, Game of Thrones or Twin Peaks?" Game of Thrones is in the bushes, breh. I'm not thinking about the bad pussy right now.
I think that's going to protect him from a potential Woodsmen invasion later.
Pachinkohead, a David Lynchgamenightmare.
As much as I'd like to see Chester Desmond again, I really hope it's not a character who hasn't been established as having been "with Bob" before.
"And I will be with Bob again" is a fantastic ominous tease, but only if "again" actually means again and not "for the first time."
i think this is something he has wanted to do for a long time. the mystery of Laura Palmer was the "golden egg" in many interviews that mentions the network killing in the first series. them forcing the murder to be solved. the mysteries were the golden eggs. this is an interview from 2001:
episode 8 has a number of eggs, and this is a golden egg with Laura's image in it. this is symbolic of the original spirit of pursuing mysteries.
Haha yeah he's been banging on about his Goose for years. Every interview i've seen where he's asked about it he says the same damn thing! He seems happier talking about his little quinoas.
Gold also comes up in TSHOTP, and of course Doc Jacoby is spraying shovels gold. I think that's going to protect him from a potential Woodsmen invasion later.
Yeah putting out one of the greatest episodes of television ever such a waste of timeIf the real Cooper never comes back, I will spend the rest of my life disparaging Twin Peaks to anyone who asks. What a colossal waste of time this will have all been.
Hoping I'm wrong.
Yeah putting out one of the greatest episodes of television ever such a waste of time
At the very least they want us to consider the parallels between his show that tells you to wake up and not to swallow what the man is feeding you and the Woodsmen making people unconscious to swallow their bug.The fact that he has a radio show makes me worried about another "This is the Water" moment that kills him.
I'd take just about every episode of The Wire before I sit down to watch that poorly paced film school experiment and that's just one good TV show. There are countless others out there that can tell a riveting story without fixating on the same scene for 10 minutes while nothing happens.
What do you think of 2001: A Space Odyssey?I'd take just about every episode of The Wire before I sit down to watch that poorly paced film school experiment and that's just one good TV show. There are countless others out there that can tell a riveting story without fixating on the same scene for 10 minutes while nothing happens.
What do you think of 2001: A Space Odyssey?
What do you think of 2001: A Space Odyssey?
I think it was a masterpiece that Lynch should try to emulate in something that's not called Twin Peaks. Because what he's doing now is coming up well short in terms of being anywhere near 2001 while simultaneously shitting all over everything Twin Peaks was supposed to be.
What was twin peaks supposed to be?I think it was a masterpiece that Lynch should try to emulate in something that's not called Twin Peaks. Because what he's doing now is coming up well short in terms of being anywhere near 2001 while simultaneously shitting all over everything Twin Peaks was supposed to be.