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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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The guy from Mad Men who sells Lutz Nuts had a pretty terrible line in this episode.

"Do you recall my business rivals and bitter enemies the Mitchum brothers?"

I mean come on.
It has been posted a thousand times already, but I feel that "No Stars" deserves all the love in the world. Whether or not you agree with that artistic decision by Lynch and co, Twin Peaks has been killing it with the music selection for the end credits.

Holy shit it's the same singer from Club Silencio, I didn't recognize her. Was not a fan of all that autotune on her voice honestly. Spotted Moby on guitar instantly though.

No Hay Banda.


Kyle MacLachlan is a beautiful man. Bless him with all that is good in this world.

When Coop finally awakens, it will be the most beautiful and touching moment ever and Kyle will present this glorious gift like no other.


Kyle MacLachlan is a beautiful man. Bless him with all that is good in this world.

When Coop finally awakens, it will be the most beautiful and touching moment ever and Kyle will present this glorious gift like no other.
So weird watching an evil coop scene and then a dougie scene. It's the same actor with the same appearance but it just feeeeeeeels so different


The guy from Mad Men who sells Lutz Nuts had a pretty terrible line in this episode.

"Do you recall my business rivals and bitter enemies the Mitchum brothers?"

I mean come on.
Oh, come on... That was the Twin Peaksiest line in the history of time. He'd fit right in with Ben Horne's cartoon crooked businessman clique.


I was rewatching episode 3 where the real Dougie goes into the Red Room and Coop takes his place with Jade, between the two rides, and something struck me about the part where Dougie just kind of turns into a cloud of smoke and then there's a small gold orb and then a bigger, black, fleshy orb that starts to ooze something. It reminded me of imagery in Episode 8 of the Bob egg and the Laura orb.

I have to assume those different orbs are Lynchian short hand for good and evil or something to that effect. Dougie's gold orb about the same size as his black fleshy orb (so maybe Dougie was kind of a dick but not a terrible person?), whereas when we see the cute little kid get obliterated by Richard Horne in the pickup truck, it's only gold but it's more like a gas than a solid orb. Not sure if that signifies that's supposed to signify that humans all start out good natured or innocent but it's kind of influx from birth and open to corruption or something? Clearly there's a motif forming either way.


Remains of Dougie Jones


Golden cloud of the small kid


Bob orb and accompanying milieu


Giant's braingasm and Laura orb

Also I noticed there was a liquidy gold orb at the center of the atomic blast too

That one's a head-scratcher.

What got me thinking about this was I was listening to the Damn Fine Podcast for Ep. 10 at work and one of them floated the idea that maybe The Experiment was somehow Laura in the past or future or something, which he walked back pretty quick, but I found to be an interesting theory I had never considered before. I mean, Laura was in the Red Room and then she turned into a sheet and ascended to...somewhere not long before Cooper got out and the Experiment shows up in the box not long after Cooper. Probably not, but there's something about those fucking orbs...
So for some reason, Hermain Cain keeps tweeting pictures of unrelated (or in some cases sort of related) Twin Peaks pictures alongside his tweets.

Rand Paul: McConnell doesn't have the votes to pass healthcare bill ...again.

Al Gore: Fighting global warming is just like abolishing slavery

New York Times: Certain speech literally IS violence and it's probably KILLING YOU!

It's very strange. But I guess he is a strange man.



Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
So for some reason, Hermain Cain keeps tweeting pictures of unrelated (or in some cases sort of related) Twin Peaks pictures alongside his tweets.

Rand Paul: McConnell doesn't have the votes to pass healthcare bill ...again.

Al Gore: Fighting global warming is just like abolishing slavery

New York Times: Certain speech literally IS violence and it's probably KILLING YOU!

It's very strange. But I guess he is a strange man.


Dougie is fucking hilarious. I understand the frustration, but I haven't gone one episode without smiling or laughing out loud at those scenes. It helps that Kyle MacLachlan is killing it.

I agree, but if Lynch doesn't give us Cooper back until the very final episode, or like last 15 minutes of the final episode (lolz), I'll be a bit sad.

I doubt we're ever going to get any more Twin Peaks. I've wondered if there could be a new movie, but even that would probably be a nightmare to try and organise now.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I agree, but if Lynch doesn't give us Cooper back until the very final episode, or like last 15 minutes of the final episode (lolz), I'll be a bit sad.

Well, this is called "Twin Peaks: The Return", which suggests its about a process as much as a revival.

Also, I really don't see Lynch short-selling his own creation by blowing off Dale Cooper being stuck in alternate dimension for 25 years easily! Its a big deal, as is the presence of his evil doppelganger in our world for the same time.

Its maybe not what I expected, but the direction Lynch & Frost have taken makes perfect sense to me.


I agree Kyle is killing it as Boop but Kyle doesn't even have to act as Dougie other than one worded remarks and mild changes of facial reactions. You should give the credit to the other actors having to play off him. Dougie has really only been funny when he first started and that nutty sex scene. Anything else in between has been a test of what is art and what's indulgent with Dougie. It has no other meaning other than well, Dougie is missing his soul and it's gonna happen whenever or he never will. I mean Lynch can't even bother with Dougie getting progressively better ie talking more/moving more. He's just stuck at Johnny status. But again, some people are into that gag so good on them for digging it.
It's not just a gag to me and I find it hard to judge the Bad Coop performance detached from the Dougie one. We've had Cooper all this time, just split in two. Dougie's speech isn't just parroting back whatever has been said to him, he repeats select phrases with new meaning at important junctures. And the facial expressions are heart-breaking when he does that, they're so pure. The "it's like talking to a dog" analogy works quite well, it's not all random, there's a gulf that neither side can bridge. He shows a rich range of emotions; compare that to Bad Coop. To me, Bad Coop is what happens if you remove Dougie from Dale Cooper; Dougie is what happens if you remove Bad Coop from Dale Cooper. Helplessness (because you can't do the right thing all alone) has always been as big a part of Cooper as excellence and aptitude.
Well, this is called "Twin Peaks: The Return", which suggests its about a process as much as a revival.

Also, I really don't see Lynch short-selling his own creation by blowing off Dale Cooper being stuck in alternate dimension for 25 years easily! Its a big deal, as is the presence of his evil doppelganger in our world for the same time.

Its maybe not what I expected, but the direction Lynch & Frost have taken makes perfect sense to me.

I agree.

If Cooper left the Black Lodge and was totally chipper, drinking his coffee and eating pie I feel like there may be a certain amount of dissonance.



I thought the black, fleshy orb looked like The Arm's (new) mouth, or whatever it is he speaks from. Then I thought maybe it was The Arm's doppleganger.

Would The Arm's doppleganger allow DoppleCoop\BOBmaybe? to turn him into Dougie?

I dunno.
I thought the black, fleshy orb looked like The Arm's (new) mouth, or whatever it is he speaks from. Then I thought maybe it was The Arm's doppleganger.

Would The Arm's doppleganger allow DoppleCoop\BOBmaybe? to turn him into Dougie?

I dunno.

The fleshy orb looks a lot like the hatching egg from episode 8 when in motion.


Kyle is in ridiculous shape. He's almost 60!

The guy from Mad Men who sells Lutz Nuts had a pretty terrible line in this episode.

"Do you recall my business rivals and bitter enemies the Mitchum brothers?"

I mean come on.

I don't know how to articulate it, but I felt like the tone of his delivery made the line work.


The fleshy orb looks a lot like the hatching egg from episode 8 when in motion.

Yeah that's my bad. I was trying to get a screen cap of both in the same frame so it was kind of hard to get the full picture of it all because the fleshy orb moves and changes a lot.


Well, this is called "Twin Peaks: The Return", which suggests its about a process as much as a revival.

Also, I really don't see Lynch short-selling his own creation by blowing off Dale Cooper being stuck in alternate dimension for 25 years easily! Its a big deal, as is the presence of his evil doppelganger in our world for the same time.

Its maybe not what I expected, but the direction Lynch & Frost have taken makes perfect sense to me.

It's Lynch, he gives zero fucks about trolling. I almost expect real Cooper to get 15 minutes in the finale and then Twin Peaks being finished for good. Maybe with Lynch being interviewed in 2 years and saying he'd maybe probably could might should will possibly make a movie if he can sometime before his health goes downhill in the near but not so near future. Then next thing we know the genius himself is sadly passing on and Twin Peaks will forever remain with only 15 minutes of real Cooper.


It has been posted a thousand times already, but I feel that "No Stars" deserves all the love in the world. Whether or not you agree with that artistic decision by Lynch and co, Twin Peaks has been killing it with the music selection for the end credits.

agreed. the song really stood out to me, fantastic singing too


Am I the only one who doesn't care that they moved on from the old characters? If anything, there's too much Lucy and Andy so far. I'm glad that they don't feel too beholden to the original seasons and to do lazy fanservice. I don't want to find out that a young Leland Palmer built C3PO.

You say that but episode 8 was pretty much the Phantom Menace of Twin Peaks.


This episode was incredibly boring. And if it wasn't boring it was unpleasant. The first episodes felt like they were building up to something and were charging forth with quite some momentum, despite their very, very slow pace. I loved them. And Ep 8 felt like the shift that would kick things into gear but then...nothing.

Most of this episode was nothing but a clipshow of completely unrelated "Today in the Life of Twin Peaks Characters"-clips. I feel like Lynch just shot almost random stuff with Jacoby, Nadine, the Hornes etc. to just insert them into the show whenever there is no plot´-related stuff to fill the gap.

This is baffling to me. He got all these amazing actors and then decided to make them completely superfluous to anything in the story. This is turning into kind of a bummer for me.
I thought, for once outside of Xmen First Class, Caleb Landry Jones wasn't gonna play a violent asshole. I thought he might just be a weak deadbeat, but nope, he's a violent asshole.


I thought, for once outside of Xmen First Class, Caleb Landry Jones wasn't gonna play a violent asshole. I thought he might just be a weak deadbeat, but nope, he's a violent asshole.

I almost rolled my eyes at that revelation. Like, we really need another of these guys?


Yeah, this week's episode was probably the first one I didn't really love. Last week felt like there was a lot of progress for the most part. It just felt odd when there was so much momentum.

I guess I'm getting to the point that we are over half way through I hope we start seeing some stuff happen. The dougie stuff is enjoyable but every episode that passes is one less episode with Good Coop.


This episode was incredibly boring. And if it wasn't boring it was unpleasant. The first episodes felt like they were building up to something and were charging forth with quite some momentum, despite their very, very slow pace. I loved them. And Ep 8 felt like the shift that would kick things into gear but then...nothing.
I completely agree. I really loved all the episodes to 8 included. I thought 8 was really amazing.
But for the first time, i was a bit disappointed by 9. And 10 was irritating. The casino thing was boring and felt off to me.

Maybe episode 8 went too early in the season. It is more a final or pre final episode for me.
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