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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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when is Audrey showing up
Episode 11

when is Dougie ending
Episode 17/18

when is Annie's status getting explained
Episode ???????

when is Andy going to punch Chad
Episode Never! Chad and Richard are working for Andy. That's how he can afford the Rolex. Andy is Bob and he's running the drugs in Twin Peaks. He's also the anonymous billionaire and the White Horse! It was all a ruse!
when is Audrey showing up
when is Dougie ending
when is Annie's status getting explained
when is Andy going to punch Chad

help me understand

Next episode.

No wait in 2 eps.

No wait, probably never.

No wait, definitely in the finale.

Nobody can predict this show. Just smile, nod, and keep watching.


Death Prophet
I'm really getting nervous about Audrey. I thought this episode would be it for sure... now I think next episode definitely... please!

Also the second I saw Miriam I knew Lynch would brutally kill her that sadistic bastard. Just surprised we didn't have to watch it happen.
People watching Twin Peaks hoping to get answers in a timely fashion...

Good for you, but I can't see why you'd think you'd get them.

I waited more than 25 years to find out exactly what was going on with Coop at the end of episode 29 and if Audrey died or not. I can enjoy the next couple of months of new Twin Peaks even if things don't pay off until part 18.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I said this before, I will say it again. I just go into each episode with an open mind and not expecting anything, see what I get out of it, and so far I've been very happy and enjoying it, putting things together.

I'm noticing most who are vocally unhappy with things on the show is almost always because they're expecting something and not getting it. I can understand to some extent, but I think this is the sort of show where it's best enjoyed just going along for the ride rather than seeking specific things from it.


I said this before, I will say it again. I just go into each episode with an open mind and not expecting anything, see what I get out of it, and so far I've been very happy and enjoying it, putting things together.

I'm noticing most who are vocally unhappy with things on the show is almost always because they're expecting something and not getting it. I can understand to some extent, but I think this is the sort of show where it's best enjoyed just going along for the ride rather than seeking specific things from it.

Dusk Golem speakin' the truth in the Twin Peaks thread again.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Some analysis I've seen was saying that Dale actually left the Red Room ahead of schedule which is (part of) why he ends up replacing Dougie instead of replacing Evil Cooper. Either way, if he left ahead of schedule, perhaps that's why Cooper took a detour to the box first. I don't think Cooper ending up in the box was part of the plan, but The Experiment ending up there, I have to assume was. My guess is Bob is searching for his "mother". I'm beginning to think Bob is on a voyage of self discovery/search for his creator. Looking back on how it happened, I think Bob was basically an abandoned child and now maybe he's looking for the meaning to his existence. Or maybe he just wants his Mommy.

I have been under the impression since episode 3 that evil Cooper knowing to hold back the toxic garmonbozia vomit (and Dougie having no idea) is what kept evil Cooper from going back. Between Ray constantly mentioning Coop being worried about the next 48 hours (as of the season premiere), Mike telling Dougie he was manufactured, and Dougie emerging out of nowhere in 1997, it seems like a long term plan.

Evil coop being a billionaire would make sense with the house in Rio and his seeming ability to pull information out of thin air. The dude watching the box was not equipped to kill Dale, even if he had been seated there when Dale appeared. He might have just been food for "mom" and there is a video on YouTube from a channel "Welcome to Twin Peaks" where watcher dude and his lady friend's movements coincided with "mother" making noise outside the door.

All I can figure at this point is that Evil Coop knew that Dale returning was inevitable, but wants him dead before 2:53 PM on October 1st. Maybe being the only Cooper there reaps rewards.


Going back to Lynch getting women killed in this season, here's the body count so far:

Tracey w/ Sam getting torn apart by 'Mother'.

Darya getting shot in the head by Boop

Ruth (Hastings' lover) getting beheaded and eyeball pulled out.

Phyllis (Hastings' wife) shot dead.

Naido (Eyeless woman) electrocuted and flung into space?

Lorraine and 2 other women getting stabbed to death by Ike the Spike.

Receptionist in New Mexico getting her skull crushed by a Woodsman.

Miriam beaten to death by Richard.

Odds are high that some more women are probably gonna die too. Who's it gonna be? Janey-E, Annie (off screen death?), Rebecca, Sky Ferriera's character, etc.

I'm noticing most who are vocally unhappy with things on the show is almost always because they're expecting something and not getting it. I can understand to some extent, but I think this is the sort of show where it's best enjoyed just going along for the ride rather than seeking specific things from it.

I expect the stuff that is suppose to replace what I love about the show to be real good and so far it hasn't hit the mark that I felt when I saw Episodes 1 and 2. Episode 8 was a fascinating detour but other than that, it's been a more of what's Lynch gonna do next instead of the story hitting its stride.

DJ Gunner

Not at all. I admire their optimism. I just don't understand where it comes from.

Watch with whatever expectations you want.

It comes from 27 episodes of real character development that made folks care about the (majority) of Twin Peaks residents enough to want to see them engaged in this Return, not be set decorations to be pointed at when hey happen to pop on screen every three episodes "hey look, it's Shelley!".

And for me, it's not even so much that we don't get any real exploration of where these people have been or what they've gone through in the last 25 years- it's what it's being replaced with that's much more frustrating. Instead of discovering just how fragile Sarah Palmer's state of mind is these days, we are treated to full length musical performances. Instead of discovering what happened between Bobby and Shelley, we get to watch someone sweep a bar floor for two minutes straight. And most infuriating of all, the "Lynchpin" of the entire Twin Peaks Saga, Dale Cooper, who is the very reason we've wanted to go back and find out just what the fuck happened, walks around in a complete stupor episode after episode while we literally shout at the screen "wake up!!! WAKE UP!!"

I 100% realize I'm going to get flamed, all the Lynchians dismissing my thoughts because I'm clearly not operating on the same advanced level of consciousness that they and David Lynch are, but I've just about had enough of this show. It's just bad, compared to the original series, EVEN MID-SEASON TWO, this is just fucking bad. I was hoping for the twistedness of Fire Walk With Me, as that's what pulled me into the TP universe to begin with. Instead I find myself staring every week at someone's student film project that nearly every scene tries to make you dislike it. It's finally worked for me.
I said this before, I will say it again. I just go into each episode with an open mind and not expecting anything, see what I get out of it, and so far I've been very happy and enjoying it, putting things together.

I'm noticing most who are vocally unhappy with things on the show is almost always because they're expecting something and not getting it. I can understand to some extent, but I think this is the sort of show where it's best enjoyed just going along for the ride rather than seeking specific things from it.

I'm enjoying the heck out of the new season for what it is. I came to terms with this not being in line with the original Twin Peaks since the premiere.

However, I think the problem isn't just that this is the sort of show that you have to go along with, but that it shouldn't be this type of show. Lynch is using Showtime's blank check and the draw of the Twin Peaks name to put all of his random thoughts, dead projects, and favorite actors from the past 50 years onto film - which I want to reiterate I am enjoying more than any other show or film in years - and it's not really fair to the viewers, the characters, or the actors. Lynch has basically disowned more than half of the original series, and he constantly complained about the rest being compromised by outside influence, and now people are saying that David Lynch is the sole arbiter of what is Twin Peaks. That was never the case.

To put it another way, Twin Peaks may have been Lynch's brainchild, but it grew into something much bigger and collaborative than that. As an exploratory writer, Lynch should appreciate and respect that stories can become something other than what you may have intended.

Chitown B

It comes from 27 episodes of real character development that made folks care about the (majority) of Twin Peaks residents enough to want to see them engaged in this Return, not be set decorations to be pointed at when hey happen to pop on screen every three episodes "hey look, it's Shelley!".

And for me, it's not even so much that we don't get any real exploration of where these people have been or what they've gone through in the last 25 years- it's what it's being replaced with that's much more frustrating. Instead of discovering just how fragile Sarah Palmer's state of mind is these days, we are treated to full length musical performances. Instead of discovering what happened between Bobby and Shelley, we get to watch someone sweep a bar floor for two minutes straight. And most infuriating of all, the "Lynchpin" of the entire Twin Peaks Saga, Dale Cooper, who is the very reason we've wanted to go back and find out just what the fuck happened, walks around in a complete stupor episode after episode while we literally shout at the screen "wake up!!! WAKE UP!!"

I 100% realize I'm going to get flamed, all the Lynchians dismissing my thoughts because I'm clearly not operating on the same advanced level of consciousness that they and David Lynch are, but I've just about had enough of this show. It's just bad, compared to the original series, EVEN MID-SEASON TWO, this is just fucking bad. I was hoping for the twistedness of Fire Walk With Me, as that's what pulled me into the TP universe to begin with. Instead I find myself staring every week at someone's student film project that nearly every scene tries to make you dislike it. It's finally worked for me.

I'm with you. I'm starting to be over it.
I 100% realize I'm going to get flamed, all the Lynchians dismissing my thoughts because I'm clearly not operating on the same advanced level of consciousness that they and David Lynch are, but I've just about had enough of this show. It's just bad, compared to the original series, EVEN MID-SEASON TWO, this is just fucking bad. I was hoping for the twistedness of Fire Walk With Me, as that's what pulled me into the TP universe to begin with. Instead I find myself staring every week at someone's student film project that nearly every scene tries to make you dislike it. It's finally worked for me.

Hey man, it's fine to feel disappointed and annoyed by this show but saying condescending shit like what I bolded above is just looking for a fight. Some people like this series, others don't. It's fine. There is no right or wrong way to feel about this show.

I actually like this more than the original show, which I rewatched immediately before the return started. It's just different strokes for different folks is all, don't let anyone try to devalue your opinion but we can have a proper discussion without resorting to sweeping judgements.


I have been under the impression since episode 3 that evil Cooper knowing to hold back the toxic garmonbozia vomit (and Dougie having no idea) is what kept evil Cooper from going back. Between Ray constantly mentioning Coop being worried about the next 48 hours (as of the season premiere), Mike telling Dougie he was manufactured, and Dougie emerging out of nowhere in 1997, it seems like a long term plan.

Evil coop being a billionaire would make sense with the house in Rio and his seeming ability to pull information out of thin air. The dude watching the box was not equipped to kill Dale, even if he had been seated there when Dale appeared. He might have just been food for "mom" and there is a video on YouTube from a channel "Welcome to Twin Peaks" where watcher dude and his lady friend's movements coincided with "mother" making noise outside the door.

All I can figure at this point is that Evil Coop knew that Dale returning was inevitable, but wants him dead before 2:53 PM on October 1st. Maybe being the only Cooper there reaps rewards.

Oh, I'm with you on all of that. Or at least most of it. I don't think Evil Coop is the billionaire but that's just a hunch. But yeah, clearly Dougie was manufactured (still wondering how) and Evil Coop's talk with Darya right before he kills her confirms he knew he was supposed to go back in (presumably like the door to the Lodges opening in S2, it's something to do with astronomy and planetary alignment) and that's how he knew. Unfortunately the door opening in S2 or this time in S3 do not actually correlate to known dates of Jupiter and Saturn being in conjunction like the show mentions.

Past that, it's hard to say why exactly Cooper "missed" Evil Coop and landed in Dougie, or why the detour to the glass box. Was it because Evil Coop kept some garmonbozia down and Dougie vomited what little he had up? Did the Evolution of the Arm stopping Cooper in the Red Room fuck up the timing? Hard to say. Like I said previously, I don't think Cooper ending up in the glass box was the plan, but maybe it was.


The show revival is for the fans, not for Lynch to put all the music bands he likes in the spotlight. Honestly, the whole season seems like a lost opportunity so far. Some great episodes, but Lynch doesn't seem to care about TP fans that much
The show revival is for the fans, not for Lynch to put all the music bands he likes in the spotlight. Honestly, the whole season seems like a lost opportunity so far. Some great episodes, but Lynch doesn't seem to care about TP fans that much

I have a million questions, but the only one I'd really like you to answer is: What does "This show revival is for the fans" mean? Did you honestly- honestly- think Frost and Lynch were about to come back after 25 years, with Lynch's last major release being a decade ago, after fighting for total creative freedom for 18 hours, just to dump winks and nudges into the trough of rabid Twin Peaks fans? Fans who've lived with this property, frozen in time, for a quarter of a century even though its creators, particularly on the directorial side, have shifted and evolved.

To be honest, I'm shocked at how much connective tissue, continuity, and how many callbacks The Return actually does have with Seasons 1 + 2, and Fire Walk With Me. This feels way more like Twin Peaks than I ever thought it would. In some scenes it's distilled, in some scenes it's "the 2017 version of." I came into this expected some off the wall Inland Empire x procedural craziness, which we got for about 2 episodes, but this is still very much Twin Peaks.


I wasn't saying this is bad, or nothing like previous TP. I quite liked a bunch of episodes.

I just don't see why does he needs to waste so much time on pointless things that add nothing to the story.

People have waited 25 years. We got 18 episodes. At least make a good use of that time, don't think that's much to ask.
I wasn't saying this is bad, or nothing like previous TP. I quite liked a bunch of episodes.

I just don't see why does he needs to waste so much time on pointless things that add nothing to the story.

People have waited 25 years. We got 18 episodes. At least make a good use of that time, don't think that's much to ask.

Is it just the musical acts you have a problem with then? Because I can't think of any actual pointless scenes.


Is it just the musical acts you have a problem with then? Because I can't think of any actual pointless scenes.
Those almost 2 hours of Dougie action could have been cut down a bit. Principal having a wife who cheated and is shot dead anyways so that plot is closed. Certain stuff in the Black Lodge could have been sped up. Plot with the key being returned to the Great Northern cause Ben hasn't brought it up since he received it. Casino owners' angry at Coop plot feels like eh unless Candie has a major role to play.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Dougie is fucking hilarious. I understand the frustration, but I haven't gone one episode without smiling or laughing out loud at those scenes. It helps that Kyle MacLachlan is killing it.


Dougie is fucking hilarious. I understand the frustration, but I haven't gone one episode without smiling or laughing out loud at those scenes. It helps that Kyle MacLachlan is killing it.

I agree Kyle is killing it as Boop but Kyle doesn't even have to act as Dougie other than one worded remarks and mild changes of facial reactions. You should give the credit to the other actors having to play off him. Dougie has really only been funny when he first started and that nutty sex scene. Anything else in between has been a test of what is art and what's indulgent with Dougie. It has no other meaning other than well, Dougie is missing his soul and it's gonna happen whenever or he never will. I mean Lynch can't even bother with Dougie getting progressively better ie talking more/moving more. He's just stuck at Johnny status. But again, some people are into that gag so good on them for digging it.


I agree Kyle is killing it as Boop. Kyle doesn't even have to act as Dougie other than one worded remarks and mild changes of facial reactions. You should give the credit to the other actors having to play off him. Dougie has really only been funny when he first started and that nutty sex scene. Anything else in between has been a test of what is art and what's indulgent with Dougie. It has no other meaning other than well, Dougie is gonna get better at some point or he never will. I mean Lynch can't even bother with Dougie getting progressively better ie talking more/moving more. He's just stuck at Johnny status. But again, some people are into that gag so good on them for digging it.

Duuuuuuuuuude. What if that's what happened to Johnny too?!

Ben should have taken Johnny to Vegas and then we wouldn't have needed that goddamned John Justice Wheeler subplot.


I think what it comes down to is that even though the original is known for breaking ground for the kind of content that could air on broadcast TV in the early 90s, it still had to air on ABC in primetime and draw in a mainstream audience. It was dark and weird and violent but it also fell back on the soap opera cliches and soap opera story beats (with a wink) so as to not be totally alienating.

The Return is 100% Lynch and Frost's project to do whatever they want. Lynch is into experimental film and unconventional storytelling so we are going to get some of that here. It is what it is. Lynch is getting 100% creative control on a project probably for the last time in his life so he's flexing his muscles and giving us a little of everything he's got. I take enjoyment in that and I end up appreciating the end result more.

Coop will be back. I don't take Lynch to be someone to troll fans by leaving Coop within the Dougie stupor for 18 hours. Lynch is weird and defies expectations but he will deliver.

Even if we just get Coop back for the last two episodes, that's an entire movie's length of Coop back and kicking ass.

I'm not trying to discount anyone's opinion who doesn't enjoy or feel let down so far. Just trying to show why I've been very happy.


There's an irony to Twin Peaks fans insisting what the show should be, when the whole reason folks had to wait 25 years for a third season is because fans insisted the show needed to reveal who killed Laura Palmer.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
But seriously, guys, was that Moby? Like seriously confirmed?


The show revival is for the fans, not for Lynch to put all the music bands he likes in the spotlight. Honestly, the whole season seems like a lost opportunity so far. Some great episodes, but Lynch doesn't seem to care about TP fans that much
Haha, wowie. No. Just... nooooooooooooooo.
This show is a fucking miracle, it would be the most soul-crushing waste if instead of being able to create something truly unique, Lynch/Frost were forced to pander to an old-ass show's equally old-ass fanbase.


There's an irony to Twin Peaks fans insisting what the show should be, when the whole reason folks had to wait 25 years for a third season is because fans insisted the show needed to reveal who killed Laura Palmer.

If you want to blame someone, that's on the executives pressuring Lynch and Frost, not on the fans. Sure fans clamored for it, but it's not like they wanted the answer less than halfway into a season. Fans are just fans at the end of the days. If people wanted to give in to their demands that's on them. Lynch left because of all thay so there was his answer to that.
There's an irony to Twin Peaks fans insisting what the show should be, when the whole reason folks had to wait 25 years for a third season is because fans insisted the show needed to reveal who killed Laura Palmer.
I know this is sacrilege, but honestly, that was the best thing that ever happened to the show. Instead of getting another song that never ends, we got two of the most incredible and memorable seasons of television ever aired.

Twin Peaks was the culmination of so many minds and desires and restrictions that the "David Lynch's singular vision" angle seems 25 years out of date.


So for some reason, Hermain Cain keeps tweeting pictures of unrelated (or in some cases sort of related) Twin Peaks pictures alongside his tweets.

Rand Paul: McConnell doesn't have the votes to pass healthcare bill ...again.

Al Gore: Fighting global warming is just like abolishing slavery

New York Times: Certain speech literally IS violence and it's probably KILLING YOU!

It's very strange. But I guess he is a strange man.


Haha, wowie. No. Just... nooooooooooooooo.
This show is a fucking miracle, it would be the most soul-crushing waste if instead of being able to create something truly unique, Lynch/Frost were forced to pander to an old-ass show's equally old-ass fanbase.

And you're right. This season should not be happening. Lynch and Frost should have not gotten this money or the creative freedom. But they did. And bless them, Lynch and Frost probably believe that this is their magnum opus. But it still goes back to me thinking about this show and their lack of restraint with holding back the surreal and odd. I want them to be unique but it's also has to not waste my time with so many long shots because 'art'. It's the same problem I have with modern avant garde stuff like Refn's work and Gaspar Noé's work. They can be unique and different but if it continually beats me down on the head with those things without a good sense of payoff that keeps getting delayed, it starts becoming less special and just simply becomes a scene with no substance that you want to move on from. And sometimes those scenes aren't even that interesting. It's not about pandering to the base, it's about making this season mean something besides Lynch's and Frost's ode to creative control. I'll be down for whatever Lynch wants to do, but it has to be worthwhile and not constantly be obtuse for the sake of it. I think we all get it. But again, let's find out at the end and maybe I'll eat crow still. At least Lynch is finally letting Badalamenti's and Jewel's stuff be heard more in backgrounds.


Wait a minute?!

Was that the
girl with the coffee who got killed in ep 1 walking past in the restaurant scene

Also, what's the deal with Evil Cooper right now then if
Bob's been removed from him


Neo Member
Gonna need a screencap. Theres no way.


looks similar, but not her


Am I the only one who doesn't care that they moved on from the old characters? If anything, there's too much Lucy and Andy so far. I'm glad that they don't feel too beholden to the original seasons and to do lazy fanservice. I don't want to find out that a young Leland Palmer built C3PO.


So for some reason, Hermain Cain keeps tweeting pictures of unrelated (or in some cases sort of related) Twin Peaks pictures alongside his tweets.

Rand Paul: McConnell doesn't have the votes to pass healthcare bill ...again.

Al Gore: Fighting global warming is just like abolishing slavery

New York Times: Certain speech literally IS violence and it's probably KILLING YOU!

It's very strange. But I guess he is a strange man.

The fucks are at it again!


The "Do you find me attractive?" and Candie scenes were nothing short of hilarious, IMO. Saving an otherwise pretty weak, flat and forgettable episode.
Even the song was worse than usual...
Am I the only one who doesn't care that they moved on from the old characters? If anything, there's too much Lucy and Andy so far. I'm glad that they don't feel too beholden to the original seasons and to do lazy fanservice. I don't want to find out that a young Leland Palmer built C3PO.
I feel like we crossed that threshold when we found out that Laura was sent to Earth by aliens in the 1950s :p

At the same time, the Chromatics performance from early in the series and literally all of the promo material felt like it was setting up the final chapter to the story of Twin Peaks' characters.
So for some reason, Hermain Cain keeps tweeting pictures of unrelated (or in some cases sort of related) Twin Peaks pictures alongside his tweets.

Rand Paul: McConnell doesn't have the votes to pass healthcare bill ...again.

Al Gore: Fighting global warming is just like abolishing slavery

New York Times: Certain speech literally IS violence and it's probably KILLING YOU!

It's very strange. But I guess he is a strange man.

What the hell? There's a couple of others that you didn't link, but... hwat


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
The "Do you find me attractive?" and Candie scenes were nothing short of hilarious, IMO. Saving an otherwise pretty weak, flat and forgettable episode.
Even the song was worse than usual...
Wtf No Stars is incredible. Fully hooked on it after a couple of listens.
I think Twin Peaks The Return is at its weakest when its doing basic exposition and infodumps. It's the one aspect of the show I'm not really in love with. Every scene kinda feels like Wally Brando scene in terms of pacing and response time from other characters and the dead air left in between. Didn't much care for the Fusco scenes last episode, or the two insurance guy scenes telling us the same thing twice, or the Casino brothers awkwardly talking about how they hate Dougie even though we already know they hate Dougie.

And it's really to no real benefit. That kind of methodical pacing works for Dougie cause he's Dougie. It works for Albert and Gordon cause of the nature of their job. It works for Log Lady because she speaks in riddles about supernatural things. It even worked for the New York couple that got clawed up by the mother because there was an amazing sense of atmosphere and dread where the odd dialogue lent to the otherworldly feeling of the whole scenario. But it doesn't work for the three Fusco detectives or Jim Belushi and Robert Knepper because it just comes off as awkward ad libbing and improvisation.


I think what it comes down to is that even though the original is known for breaking ground for the kind of content that could air on broadcast TV in the early 90s, it still had to air on ABC in primetime and draw in a mainstream audience. It was dark and weird and violent but it also fell back on the soap opera cliches and soap opera story beats (with a wink) so as to not be totally alienating.

The Return is 100% Lynch and Frost's project to do whatever they want. Lynch is into experimental film and unconventional storytelling so we are going to get some of that here. It is what it is. Lynch is getting 100% creative control on a project probably for the last time in his life so he's flexing his muscles and giving us a little of everything he's got. I take enjoyment in that and I end up appreciating the end result more.

Coop will be back. I don't take Lynch to be someone to troll fans by leaving Coop within the Dougie stupor for 18 hours. Lynch is weird and defies expectations but he will deliver.

Even if we just get Coop back for the last two episodes, that's an entire movie's length of Coop back and kicking ass.

I'm not trying to discount anyone's opinion who doesn't enjoy or feel let down so far. Just trying to show why I've been very happy.


Someone posted this earlier on, a really good interview he gave before the season aired: -


I think people get caught up with this idea that Lynch is somehow the commander in chief of the entire operation but based on what he says, I think the reality is that his input is more on the directorial & abstract front where as Frosts is more on the plotting and cohesiveness.

I still cant figure out... Why on earth is she holding a flag?!??! I don't see anyone else there doing that, wtf

Italian Birthday Party maybe?
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