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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Chitown B

You know. I can suspend my disbelief for ghosts woodsmen. Atomic blasts birthing demons into our world. Heads exploding suddenly. Giant frog beetles. Yes I can accept a man being absorbed by an electrical plug into another dimension. And people turning into orbs.

This is OK.

What I can't accept is how this shit bag is nailing both Amanda Siegfried and Alicia Witt.

I'll give you Amanda Seyfried. Let's not pretend 2017 Alicia Witt is anything to write home about.

P.S. no one ever seems to be able to say or spell AS's name correctly.


What I didn't like about the episode was the scenes involving Lynch.
They're suspicious about Diane, yet they keep taking her along and possible showing her stuff that's interesting to Bad Coop.
Unless they're waiting for her to act, it's not exactly the best idea from FBI agents.
The whole scene with the smoking and coffee was just far to long.

I'd be shocked if they weren't deliberately feeding her info to see what she does with it and potentially setting a trap, either for Diane and/or DoppelCooper or whoever she's working with/for.

BTW in case anyone is curious, here's a screen of those numbers:


It's a little hard to read but in the full size image it seems to be: 4855142117263938
The last number is smudged (on her arm) so it's hard to make out. Assuming it's longitude and latitude that would be

which would be Slovakia...

If you assume the latter string is actually the latitude and the first string is longitude and they're both negative, that's Santa Cruz de Goiás, Brazil.


Yeah there's definitely parent relation theme there, with the sick kid though it gave me some flashes to the frogmoth. All those calls at the police station...mass illness? Invasion a comin?

My guess is the vomiting girl, the scratchy-arm rash girl from an episode or two ago, and all the calls to the Twin Peaks Sheriff's switchboard are foreshadowing a serious drug problem hitting Twin Peaks. Red is the obvious culprit and he's probably supplying the same stuff we see the "119" lady in Vegas taking and I wouldn't be surprised if Red was working for or with Doppelcoop either.

What I can't accept is how this shit bag is nailing both Amanda Siegfried and Alicia Witt.

You and me both, brother. That said, Gersten Hayward must have hit the skids if she's fucking around with Steven. In the episode with the dinner party with the Palmer's she says she was first in her class or something. I'm beginning to wonder if this season isn't Lynch's indictment of America since the 80s or something. All the shitty parents on display and whatnot, the general decline of...well, everything, even in a place like Twin Peaks. I don't think that's accidental. I think it's commentary.

Great episode though. I wasn't super thrilled with the visual effects Lynch went with in the scene in Buckhorn, but hey, they can't all be winners. The woodsman crushing Hasting's skull...I guess that's a thing with them. Was a little strange that Tammy didn't see him considering she was looking directly in that direction five seconds earlier.

This series is going to end with Dougie Coop joining the FBI with the entire cast laughing at something he just did while original Coop is screaming like Bob inside of him, isn't it?

I think I've finally accepted that we aren't going to see original Coop either at all or until the very end. It makes me sad but that is the main driving force of the show and the show is the greatest thing on TV right now so I guess it's fine. The Dougie scenes are getting old from a progression standpoint but it is still funny to see him getting dragged along and bumbling his way through scenes. It does seem like they are dragging him along faster too which is good.

It feels to me like Dougie's storyline is quickly progressing to its conclusion, or at least a dramatic shift. He's got riches, a son, coffee, love, friends, and cherry pie, and the casino subplot from the start of his adventure has (seemingly) come to a close.


Holy moly at this episode.

From Amanda Seyfried's scream, to Shelly on the hood of the car, to Gordon and co.'s Hobo portal adventure punctuated with Lynch's perfect "He's dead.", to oh my god the shooting scene with the kid and dad in matching camo and jeans and the constant horn blaring and Bobby's bewilderment and the arriving deputy's "I was at Big Ed's Gas Farm...and you know what? I heard shots." and the horn honking lady's rant and, lords above, the end with her passenger slowly rising up and drooling/vomiting green bile as Bobby just watches.
And then we get another round of MVP Candie at the finish.

This is what I tune in for. There is nothing else in TV or movies that has me agape, and hitting me in the face with another WTF while I am still processing the last WTF. Awkward family meeting to gunshots to screaming to honking to OH DEAR GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THAT CAR.

Also, the screaming lady quoting Robert Frost and honking and screaming and then so much screaming. I laughed, because what the fuck else can you do at that scene.


I thought I was gonna hate the Dougie stuff this episode but I absolutely loved it. I really enjoyed the touching moment with the homeless woman seeing Dougie again and the two casino dudes being buddy-buddy with Dougie. And Candie, goodness gracious that woman is just downright gorgeous. I haven't quite figured out why she seems so despondent or whatever all of a sudden. I thought it happened after she swatted her boss with the remote control but what the hell? Oh and the car honking scene, that shit had me laughing so damn hard, it was perfect.
My guess is the vomiting girl, the scratchy-arm rash girl from an episode or two ago, and all the calls to the Twin Peaks Sheriff's switchboard are foreshadowing a serious drug problem hitting Twin Peaks. Red is the obvious culprit and he's probably supplying the same stuff we see the "119" lady in Vegas taking and I wouldn't be surprised if Red was working for or with Doppelcoop either.

I can see this being the case, Sparkle or whatever it's called, though that girl in the car looked pretty young. Then again this is Lynch we're talking about...he had Sailor from Wild at Heart say he started smoking cigs at four years old :p

Great episode though. I wasn't super thrilled with the visual effects Lynch went with in the scene in Buckhorn, but hey, they can't all be winners. The woodsman crushing Hasting's skull...I guess that's a thing with them. Was a little strange that Tammy didn't see him considering she was looking directly in that direction five seconds earlier.

Yeah I wish the effects budget was more consistent. I think this from a couple days ago from SDCC with Deming's (DP) comment is telling:


Which is odd cause I thought someone pegged the per-episode budget as being on par with other high profile dramas, and that Lynch wanted to ensure most of the budget was allocated "in front of the camera" rather than on talent fees and what not. I think Kyle was the only actor not paid scale.


lol, ouch.

I feel like they blew their wad on episode 8. Granted, it was impressive, but yeah, most of the other effects have been kind of mediocre. At least the Laura Palmer at-the-door effect felt like old Twin Peaks, so it had that going for it. In any other modern show that would have been laughed right off the air.

Sky Chief

Hahaha, The screaming mother and vomiting girl was just amazing!

What did Dougie say as the last line of the episode? Couldn't make it out.


I shot people I like more for less.
This episode was an absolute delight. Finished watching with a big smile on my face. Glad we got the casino lady back again lol. All the Mitchum brothers+Dougie stuff just cracked me up, as did that lady in the car. That was a total what the fuck moment.





Cole has completely usurped Coop's role as master of folksy one-liners.
The crazy lady's "miles to go" reminded me of Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening":

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Seems a fitting accompaniment to the themes and locale in the show. Sleep could either be dream states or death.


Someone on r/TwinPeaks suggested this on the return of Coop:

The old woman thanking Dougie (Mr. Jackpots) was a very meta "wink wink" at us the audience as a way of saying farwell to the character. It was also a very blatant yet polite way of saying "Thank you very much for being here, you are important and NOT pointless."

Point is, Lynch and Frost knew to a degree that people would be irritated by this character (I enjoy him mostly, but also yearn for Coop, who doesn't). But I think his wholesome obliviousness is rubbing off on everyone, and my God is it going to be fucking ORGASMIC when we see the light bulb "click" on for Dale Cooper.

Makes a lot of sense to me. I'm all fucking in.


I guess that makes sense. I was convinced Coop is back next week when he said "Damn Good" but that's good supporting evidence.

Looks like those coordinates from the arm earlier were off. If you figure one of the 1s in the middle is a dash, it becomes


which is way the fuck in the middle of nowhere northern Canada. At least that's in the same hemisphere though.


I love how Lynch has transformed Twin Peaks into its natural conclusion - the crisis of the white middle class communities. Seeing Bobby deal with it first hand was incredibly interesting. Here we have the quintessential 'troubled teen' from the 90s, who compared to the heroin addled caucasian youth looks like a saint.

Lynch can be an incredibly powerful storyteller when it comes to looking beneath social trends. And the white middle class crisis is something that is being written about, but hasn't been depicted so clearly in a show before. True Detective kind of tried it, but that felt more like a southern cult issue, as opposed to what's been happening all across America over the last decade or two - white communities finding themselves highly unemployed, addicted to drugs, and not living up to the whole American Dream bs their parents peddled to them.


My guess is the vomiting girl, the scratchy-arm rash girl from an episode or two ago, and all the calls to the Twin Peaks Sheriff's switchboard are foreshadowing a serious drug problem hitting Twin Peaks. Red is the obvious culprit and he's probably supplying the same stuff we see the "119" lady in Vegas taking and I wouldn't be surprised if Red was working for or with Doppelcoop either.

The switchboard was ringing with callers from the apartment building that Becky had just lit up. That's why the dispatcher was able to say so quickly that someone was on the way (Bobby)


So there's something going on with Candy right? That scene near the end where she was behind Dougie seemed to be alluding to something....

Some have speculated she's Laura or Annie in a Dougie-like daze. I don't quite buy that but SOMETHING is up with here.
Was Alicia Witt dressed an awful lot like Darya from early in the season or am i imagining things?

Loved the episode, especially the Dougie stuff. Twin Peaks itself has become a real shithole, wow. The vomiting zombie-like kid was freaky as fuck.

Shelly still has a thing for assholes then.

The Dougie scene felt perfect, like a closing point to act 2.

Before I forget, Al Strobel is not credited as MIKE in the credits but Philip Gerard? I am confuse.

Oh, and could Peggy Lipton not make the shooting day? Because she looks like she's edited in with nobody else there to the point where I'm beginning to wonder if she's a g-g-g-g-g-g-ghost. Only Shelly seems to have interacted with her, and that can be taken as Shelly taking to Norma's 'memory' for advice.

Only complaints - the FX are a bit rough around the edges, and the weekly drip feed is becoming very difficult to deal with. It's giving me blue balls of the heart, as Vince Vaughan might say in another show with a disappointing second season.
Yeah I think in this episode it’s become painfully obvious that Candy is the same as Dougie.

Such a fucking good episode.

I wonder if Shelly left Bobby before or after he got his shit together.. I’m guessing after. Seems hardwired to like the bad boys.
Bradley's obsession with his dream was very Mulholland Drive, I loved it.

Another revelation for me was that people are apparently seeing the Woodsmen - Cole, Albert and Diane in particular.

Not sure Tammy (whose performance seems to have been toned down a lot) or the detective could see them though.

Co-ordinates then - FBI ad Sheriff Dept reunion next episode?


Yeah I think in this episode it’s become painfully obvious that Candy is the same as Dougie.

Such a fucking good episode.

I wonder if Shelly left Bobby before or after he got his shit together.. I’m guessing after. Seems hardwired to like the bad boys.

It seems that Bobby grew up and moved on from the person he used to be-but Shelly couldn't. He was a slimy small time drug dealer, but matured and became a seemingly well respected police officer. Shelly is still working st the same diner and getting weak in the knees running off with a bad boy.

That look on Bobby's face when she ran out the door. Poor guy.


I just watched the ending again--that sure sounds like Sycamore Trees on the piano to me.

God, the way Dougie responds to it gives me the biggest chills.

JC Sera

Im interested if Bobby's look of heartbreak is either his romantic feelings for shelly, or his heart is just breaking watching the mother of his child make the same mistakes over and over again when hes clearly grown up an matured


Bradley's obsession was his dream was very Mulholland Drive, I loved it.

Another revelation for me was that people are apparently seeing the Woodsmen - Cole, Albert and Diane in particular.

Not sure Tammy (whose performance seems to have been toned down a lot) or the detective could see them though.

Co-ordinates then - FBI ad Sheriff Dept reunion next episode?

This intrigued me a lot, the subject of who could see the Woodsmen. Albert in particular was interesting, because wasn't he the guy who was there to keep Cooper grounded in the previous series? If he's seeing the extraordinary stuff, then the two "normals" in Tammy and the detective are essentially stuck in the Albert role from before.


Bobby might be my favorite character this season.

I've been enjoying Dougie the past couple episodes but I really hope Cooper's return is soon approaching. The pie and the music seemed to start the process.
First half of that episode was charged with some strange energy. omg I loved all of that so much. The scene with Bobby in the street after the gunshot went off was so good.

The Dougie stuff in the back half remains entertaining as well. Building himself a nice little odd squad army in Vegas thanks to Mike and cherry pie. WOW @ the way MacLachlan channeled OG Cooper when he said "Damn Good!"

Inching our way to some kind of collision. The weeks are getting longer.


That was FANTASTIC. I absolutely loved. I felt my heart racing the first 16-20 minutes. Absolutely A+ the best episode so far this season and on par with the best episodes of season 1. That was just brilliant, thank you Frost and Lynch <3
And Dougie is even saying two words at a time now instead of 1. Put down my watch and shut my phone off while watching this. I absolutely loved it, so many good things. The homeless dude with the beard was Bob or a doppelganger Bob right who killed William Hastings?

Twin Peaks is so fucking good.

Hear hear. Fuck yeah it is :D
The weirdest thing about the agents seeing the Woodsman is that they didn't really acknowledge it as supernatural. Cole or Albert says that they saw someone, and that they looked homeless. Even if these guys are seasoned vets when it comes to this stuff, I wouldn't expect them to just shrug it off like that.


I've been kinda falling off because of dougie but these past few episodes have been really good. EP11 is definitely my favorite of the season. Love that we're getting more TP centric stuff. I really think my biggest problem was going into this season with the mindset of
"Oh normal Cooper will be back in 5 episodes max."
then it just kept going and going and going. But now that I've gotten over that and just accepted it for what it is I'm enjoying it much more.
That was such a great episode. The first half especially, but also probably the most I’ve enjoyed any of the Dougie stuff. Really loved the Ben and Jerry vibes from the Mitchums.
I can’t wait to see how those other two guys, creepy mulholland dr coffee shop guy and Tom Sizemore, react to Dougie not only being alive, but being loved by the Mitchum Bros. And how the Mitchum Bros will react to the attempt to fool them.


I don't think I am the first nor the last. But I am actually okay with it if Dougie just stays like this. There is so much fantastic things going on besides Dougie.
Why is that Steven dude so abusive against Becky if he is actually seeing an other total different girl?
I don't think I am the first nor the last. But I am actually okay with it if Dougie just stays like this. There is so much fantastic things going on besides Dougie.
Why is that Steven dude so abusive against Becky if he is actually seeing an other total different girl?

Becky was kind of scary in this episode. Maybe she's the real abuser, and last episode was an anomaly.

I mean, jesus, she was whipping that car around while her mom was clinging to the hood, then didn't even hesitate after sending her flying off.
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