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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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I like how Bobby turned into a good person

Pretty cool how that actor can pull off crazy and unstable as well as the very opposite. All you need is 25 years!


"Damn good" in Coop mode, then back to Dougie. Kyle MacLachlan is so great.
It was the most overt Cooperism yet. The way he looked around the table was almost shocking, it's like switched on all of Young Coop's mannerisms. Seriously great performance.

I don't think I am the first nor the last. But I am actually okay with it if Dougie just stays like this. There is so much fantastic things going on besides Dougie.
But Dougie is the most fantastic thing of them all.
"Damn good" in Coop mode, then back to Dougie. Kyle MacLachlan is so great.

forreal. you saw a spark there for a brief moment. got me excited. loving the dougie scenes, and its great how he's developing a following around him. Mr. Jackpots brings joy to all.

The first half was fantastic too. Such a constant state of unease at Twin Peaks with the ominous shrieking music and sounds. When Bobby was out there investigating all that honking and shit got overwhelming haha.

The zombie kid and the crazy soot hobo was pretty creepy as well. Love that they established that Bobby was married to Shelly and had a kid. I hope he busts that dealer who is dating Shelly by the end of the series lol.
I love that Dana Ashbrook can still pull off that coiled, impatient, angry thing he used to do in the series. Look at his body language and face when he asks Becky if Steven ever hit her. That's a PERFECT Bobby scene right there. Like if he still had that 90s ass haircut, it would be 1:1.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
You know what? I bet the people who can see the Woodsmen currently are people who've been inside the Black Lodge/Other Dimension, though I'm assuming there's times everyone can see them when near certain places like the New Mexico occurrence.

It seems like Cole and Albert both know the other dimension so they've probably been, meanwhile Tammy sounds like she hasn't. We know "Shaggy" has been inside the dimension before and it seems like he saw it. In the Hospital episode it seems like that one army lady sensed someone was there but didn't see him which maybe has to do with knowing some things but not having been inside herself? And if this theory holds any water, that would imply Diane has been to the otherside, which as she's in talks with Mr. C might have some implications.


It was the most overt Cooperism yet. The way he looked around the table was almost shocking, it's like switched on all of Young Coop's mannerisms. Seriously great performance.

But Dougie is the most fantastic thing of them all.

He truly is indeed. But I do understand why some people are maybe growing tired of it. But I am loving him even more and more with each episode.

So I am just thinking out loud... Maybe there is some sort of virus going on in Twin Peaks? Which make people sick/super natural or so?
So on imdb the boy ''Playing catch'' is credited as Travis Frost. And 1 or 2 episodes ago I also saw someone casted with the last name Frost? Is Mark involving his family members in the Return as well? Because the actor playing Doc Hayward is his father right? Or is that someone else? I know his father plays in it as well...

You know what? I bet the people who can see the Woodsmen currently are people who've been inside the Black Lodge/Other Dimension, though I'm assuming there's times everyone can see them when near certain places like the New Mexico occurrence.

It seems like Cole and Albert both know the other dimension so they've probably been, meanwhile Tammy sounds like she hasn't. We know "Shaggy" has been inside the dimension before and it seems like he saw it. In the Hospital episode it seems like that one army lady sensed someone was there but didn't see him which maybe has to do with knowing some things but not having been inside herself? And if this theory holds any water, that would imply Diane has been to the otherside, which as she's in talks with Mr. C might have some implications.

Yeah I concur. I think it is indeed. And Diane is indeed working with Evil Coop.

I like how Bobby turned into a good person

Pretty cool how that actor can pull off crazy and unstable as well as the very opposite. All you need is 25 years!

Yeah I totally agree. Its quite amazing. But with the episode before this I read that someone said he is still running a drug business in Twin Peaks?


Also Bobby is just the best. What a great guy he is now. It's a shame that Shelly still wants the bad boy archetype. Heck, Bobby cleaning himself up is probably what made them split up in the first place.


Also Bobby is just the best. What a great guy he is now. It's a shame that Shelly still wants the bad boy archetype. Heck, Bobby cleaning himself up is probably what made them split up in the first place.

Maybe Shelly has a bit of stock holm syndrome for bad guys... She was also with Leo ofcourse but now its not looking at all she is even in the slightest afraid anymore of badguys....
I like how Bobby turned into a good person

Pretty cool how that actor can pull off crazy and unstable as well as the very opposite. All you need is 25 years!

Seeing Bobby in this show has made me question why Dana Ashbrook hasn't been in everything for the last 25 years. I really like the character of Bobby and it's almost 100% because of the acting

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I can say before the new season started, I wouldn't of expected Bobby to be one of the bigger characters for it from the old series. Bobby was actually up there on my favorite characters in the original run, I actually liked every plotline he was involved with, he treaded the line of being an asshole but emotional well, and I thought he got a number of very memorable scenes through the whole original run.

I think his character arc in the original series and going into Season 3 is phenomenal, and Dana is giving one hell of a performance this season. Bobby was already fairly high on my favorite TP characters list, but this season has certainly been elevating him even higher for me.
Watching back, all I can think is that on a normal show with normal payoffs, this would definitely be the end of Dougie's arc. He's had all of life's pleasures, he's helped people, he's made enemies, he's overcome adversity (even if he had no idea), then he has a celebration thrown for him by his new best friends with the poor lady from the casino making a guest appearance. And he's eating cherry pie while showing the most humanity he's shown since way back in episode 3. On top of that, this strange wave of nasty seems to be hitting a fever pitch in Twin Peaks all while Hawk, Frank, Bobby, and The Log Lady are tracking something heavy. AND episode 12 is subtitled "Let's Rock"

But then this is Twin Peaks The Return, so I'm totally expecting the Dougie power hour for 4 more episodes :p


Becky was kind of scary in this episode. Maybe she's the real abuser, and last episode was an anomaly.

I mean, jesus, she was whipping that car around while her mom was clinging to the hood, then didn't even hesitate after sending her flying off.
Its certainly possible. But last episode Steven was pretty terrifying against her.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Watching back, all I can think is that on a normal show with normal payoffs, this would definitely be the end of Dougie's arc. He's had all of life's pleasures, he's helped people, he's made enemies, he's overcome adversity (even if he had no idea), then he has a celebration thrown for him by his new best friends with the poor lady from the casino making a guest appearance. And he's eating cherry pie while showing the most humanity he's shown since way back in episode 3. On top of that, this strange wave of nasty seems to be hitting a fever pitch in Twin Peaks all while Hawk, Frank, Bobby, and The Log Lady are tracking something heavy. AND episode 12 is subtitled "Let's Rock"

But then this is Twin Peaks The Return, so I'm totally expecting the Dougie power hour for 4 more episodes :p

The one last thing to suggest he MIGHT be coming back is right before he's sent back to his dimension in Part 3, the American Girl checks her watch and it's October 2nd, 2:53 PM. But it's not October 2nd in Dougie's timeline yet it seems, October 2nd should be next episode as that's where everyone is about to head to, the Sherrif's department, the FBI gang, Mr. C, etc., are all headed towards this one location at the same time, and it was the time on the woman's watch before sending Dougie away.

We might not get Cooper back, like what if he just fucking needs his damn shoes to go back to normal and they manage to fetch them when the portal opens but not give them to him yet? But things are certainly pushing for what's going to unravel in the next episode or two.

Given for Dogie's arc, he still has the 'final bosses', the Mulholland Drive guy told the other guy if the brothers didn't kill him, he'd have to. And Cooper/Dougie still hadn't met Mr. C yet.


RE: Why certain people can see the woodsmen and others cannot.

Maybe it's a bit far fetched but I'm assuming it has something to do with what Mike once said about people who can see BOB:

MIKE said:
This is his true face, but few can see it; the gifted... and the damned.

So I think you either have to have be gifted/in tune with your spiritual side (which was made very clear to us very early in the season that that is the case with Cooper) or one of the (future) victims of the Black Lodge residents/Woodsmen.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
RE: Why certain people can see the woodsmen and others cannot.

Maybe it's a bit far fetched but I'm assuming it has something to do with what Mike once said about people who can see BOB:
If the Woodsman work like BOB, this is also certainly one strong possibility.
Didn't realise the magic coin gangster is Pete from Lost Highway!

Also, the credit roll in this episode with Dougie echoing Cooper plus the melancholic piano by Badalamenti destroyed me.
The one last thing to suggest he MIGHT be coming back is right before he's sent back to his dimension in Part 3, the American Girl checks her watch and it's October 2nd, 2:53 PM. But it's not October 2nd in Dougie's timeline yet it seems, October 2nd should be next episode as that's where everyone is about to head to, the Sherrif's department, the FBI gang, Mr. C, etc., are all headed towards this one location at the same time, and it was the time on the woman's watch before sending Dougie away.

Yep. Already forgot about this.

We might not get Cooper back, like what if he just fucking needs his damn shoes to go back to normal and they manage to fetch them when the portal opens but not give them to him yet? But things are certainly pushing for what's going to unravel in the next episode or two.

Given for Dogie's arc, he still has the 'final bosses', the Mulholland Drive guy told the other guy if the brothers didn't kill him, he'd have to. And Cooper/Dougie still hadn't met Mr. C yet.

lol if it's the shoes.

I think the Super Mitchum Bros will protect and take the bullets for Dougie. 30 million dollars buys a lot of meat shields.


I think in general the woodsmen are supposed to be a "replacement" for BOB and so far they managed to pull the series off in a way that doesn't make his absence painfully obvious and the story etc. don't feel as though they had to work around the deaths of Frank Silva and Don Davis.
Watching back, all I can think is that on a normal show with normal payoffs, this would definitely be the end of Dougie's arc. He's had all of life's pleasures, he's helped people, he's made enemies, he's overcome adversity (even if he had no idea), then he has a celebration thrown for him by his new best friends with the poor lady from the casino making a guest appearance. And he's eating cherry pie while showing the most humanity he's shown since way back in episode 3. On top of that, this strange wave of nasty seems to be hitting a fever pitch in Twin Peaks all while Hawk, Frank, Bobby, and The Log Lady are tracking something heavy. AND episode 12 is subtitled "Let's Rock"

But then this is Twin Peaks The Return, so I'm totally expecting the Dougie power hour for 4 more episodes :p

There was a strong sense of closure in the Dougie/Mitchums scene, especially when the casino lady appeared to thank 'Mr Jackpots'.

There's still some threads to tie up in Vegas though - Anthony & Duncan Todd, plus the fate of the family Jones. At some point Hutch has to turn up for his double header, but I presume Warden Murphy has to die first.

Of course, in light of this episode the 'double header' could actually be The Mitchums.


Of course, in light of this episode the 'double header' could actually be The Mitchums.

Or, considering that Dark Coop essentially told Duncan Todd not to fail again "or else", the hit could be Duncan Todd and Dougie. I haven't yet got the impression that Dark Coop has an axe to grind with the Mitchums themselves. Plus with all the hits Todd has put out for Dark Coop, it'd be the easiest way for Dark Coop to cover his tracks, if that's even something doppelgangers worry about doing.


I just found myself two-handed Dougie Jonesing some coffee right now. To the face.

In other news, I really enjoyed last nights episode. It had it all. I can't wait for more.


That whole RR scene was in-fucking-credible. From Shelly breaking Bobby's heart to HONK HONK HOOOONK lady, I love David Lynch.
When Cole was looking up at the portal in the sky, I wondered what how Lynch would have delivered that weather report on his early 00s website. "Bright blue skies, thin clouds, 88 degrees, and a swirling portal to another dimension with dirty bearded men in a room."

Also, big shout out to Norma, creeping on everyone and knowing all their secrets.


When Cole was looking up at the portal in the sky, I wondered what how Lynch would have delivered that weather report on his early 00s website. "Bright blue skies, thin clouds, 88 degrees, and a swirling portal to another dimension with dirty bearded men in a room."
I love how he said "dirty bearded men in a room" in the Lynchiest possible way. It seriously sounded like he was recalling pitching the idea to Frost.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Las Vegas is looking pretty good right now compared to Twin Peaks.

This episode kind of cemented something I've been thinking this whole season a bit but was really evident in this episode in particular, the Las Vegas storyline despite everyone complaining about Dougie is more Twin Peaks-like than the actual town of Twin Peaks is right now, but which I mean almost all the soap opera light-hearted but edge of noire mystery stuff and quirky characters is basically happening in Las Vegas right now, all the characters from the Las Vegas scenes outside of Dougie who's his own being would probably feel right at home in the original series mostly. From Janey-E's bit dramatic but passionate persona to the three laughing copes to the Ganster Brothers and Candie to Cooper's boss at work and the coffee guy, to even some that maybe wouldn't have been in the original series but fit the sort of quirky tone in their own way like Ike or Jade. People keep on complaining about Dougie but there's been a lot of interesting quirky characters involved around the Dougie stuff and the Dougie stuff feels more in the light-hearted field even despite some brutality here and there.

Meanwhile, Twin Peaks has boiled over with its shadiness and the town is dealing with all sorts of shit. Rampant drug problems, corruption that's somehow undetected, literal disease, people dying more and more often in the town (I think one of the early telltale signs of this is in Part 4 when we first really see the sheriff's department and one of the first things said is a kid overdosed at the local high school, which people dying in the original series was a pretty big deal for the small town as everyone knew everyone, but now it's just something they're used to and that sense of unity has been completely lost to the town), and I'm not sure if this point is intentional or just a result of how they're filming the new season to the original, but the town itself just feels a LOT more crowded than it once was and I notice so many scenes set in TP focus on how crowded everything is, yet it's still a small town and doesn't equipped to handle this many people in it evidence by all the shit going down around it unchecked.

I think this contrast is completely intentional. Las Vegas of course has a lot of people, has corruption, etc., but it all almost feels light-hearted compared to what's going down in Twin Peaks.

When Cole was looking up at the portal in the sky, I wondered what how Lynch would have delivered that weather report on his early 00s website. "Bright blue skies, thin clouds, 88 degrees, and a swirling portal to another dimension with dirty bearded men in a room."

Also, big shout out to Norma, creeping on everyone and knowing all their secrets.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this. Norma has been mostly quiet and not had much plot this season (outside of telling shelly she should deal with Becky's issues with her husband now rather than later), but they do so many shots showing she's listening in to what everyone's saying and everything going on around her diner. I have the sneaking suspicion she's going to lay some truth down somewhere in the future or realized or pick up on something many others haven't because they so deliberately show her secretly listening in on a lot of conversations yet she might have the clearest idea out many of the characters about what's going on with them because she's been hearing all sides.


AND episode 12 is subtitled "Let's Rock"

In Twin Peaks: The Return "Let's Rock" means that someone says "Let's rock" and the other people in the scene say "yes, let's do that!"
Then they all turn into rocks and the camera stays on the still rocks on the ground for the rest of the episode
rest of the season


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
That final scene was just absolute magic. What a wonderful episode all round.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
In Twin Peaks: The Return "Let's Rock" mean that someone says "Let's rock" and the other people in the scene say "yes, let's do that!"
Then they all turn into rocks and the camera stays on the still rocks on the ground for the rest of the episode
rest of the season

It could very well be a troll, but if the timeline progresses like it looks like it is, then this episode should be October 2nd, which is when the Sherrif's department is going to Jack Rabbit's Palace at the allotted time which Bill more than hinted is going to be when the worlds connect there. Plus the FBI seem to be headed for it now too and this seems like it's related to the coordinates that Mr. C has been looking for.

And we all know which character in Twin Peaks uses the phrase, "Let's rock!," pretty iconically. Though knowing Lynch and Frost it may be someone else who says it, though I admit I want to hear the Arm Tree say it.


(it still could be very different than what we expect and I tend to go into each episode seeing what happens rather than expecting something, but with that episode title and the fact it's related to Major Brigg's Note and the time and date that's been painted as important several times in the series now ever since Part 3, I'm thinking there is a chance something interesting could happen.)
"I was at Big Ed's Gas Farm...and you know what? I heard shots."

I want more Jesse.

I want more Jesse and I want more Candie.

That scene in the diner where Shelley just up and left what seemed like a rather important family get together to kiss her boyfriend made me really dislike her.
In Twin Peaks: The Return "Let's Rock" means that someone says "Let's rock" and the other people in the scene say "yes, let's do that!"
Then they all turn into rocks and the camera stays on the still rocks on the ground for the rest of the episode
rest of the season

Let's Rock

Damn this season has been phenomenal! Is it just me that finds every other show airing at the moment boring as hell?


never left the stone age
The Mr Jackpots lady ;-;

Edit: Lol. I fucking lost it when Coop said "Damn good". Didn't sound like repeating Dougie-Speak either
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