I'm pretty sure Shelly's response there was supposed to throw a lot of shade, but I feel Shelly may get her act together.
Here she is saying all of this stuff about her daughter and her situation, and then immediately after gets woo'd away by some bad boy who we all know has some bizarre dimensional dime trick and threatened he'd crack open a guys skull and eat his head out (also there was one old movie he really liked).
It's also related to later I'm pretty sure when Bobby see's the kid in the car who shot a gun who is wearing the same clothes as his father, Becky is Bobby and Shelly's child. While the easier comparison to make for Becky is she's similar to Shelly because she's a girl and she's with a shitbag husband, there's also been a lot in Becky that reminds of Bobby; her drug ring involvement, emotional side turned to anger as we saw this episode, and her passiveness to her parents in the diner to them like Bobby did to his parents in the first season. Becky has some of the worst traits of both Bobby and Shelly from the original run, and though it's easy to dislike Shelly as she ran off to smooch, in many ways I think Bobby realized he was being like his father and not especially in a good way. IE, like his father he's away most of the time with his work (even though a cop and not 'that's classified'), and his talk with her this episode felt less like parental guidance and more like an authority figure talking to her. He brings up a lot how the only reason she's not arrested is because of him, he'll arrest her boyfriend, he takes on a role of authority, and I think he realizes what's happening in that scene with the car where he seems calm to the kind of bizarre things going on the road, but I think it's more he's consumed with a certain feeling to what he's witnessing and how it relates to his relationship with his daughter.
I also feel like Shelly may have a similar revelation soon. Also as Shelly's boyfriend is one of the more mysterious characters right now honestly; we've only seen one full scene of him so far and outside of that seen him a couple of times giving flirtatious looks at Shelly, but we don't hear much of what he says. We do know that Richard's bitchass is working under him, and he did something very bizarre with a dime to Richard that might imply there's a lot more to him than initially is apparent.
Weird out there theory I just thought of, but I wonder if he's "Phillip Jeffries"? I need to recheck the voice stuff left by "Jeffries" to see if it lines up with Shelly's Boyfriend (I seriously need to memorize his name), but he's the villain character in the show that seems like he'd be involved in gang stuff like Mr. C is involved in but hasn't been given much screen time yet a lot of mystery, and also briefly shows something otherworldly about himself. Also as Richard is connected to him, and Richard (and Linda) eventually are going to be important to Cooper, and Mr. C could be tied in if he is indeed "Jeffries", I think him being in that sort of role could be very interesting. Of course, I need a bit more behind this to be a proper 'theory', but it was a misc thought I just had.