points to self
"Dougie Jones."
wait is it on in 45 mins or 1hr 45mins, they changed the air time i thought.
This is where Cooper realizes he's Cooper. The episode ends with him, machine gun in-hand, looking at the camera and saying "Let's rock."
And then all of the negative nancies stand up from their living room lawn chairs, tears in their eyes, and proclaim "this is the greatest, moment, in my life."
That doesn't answer the question for non american plebs.
How long till it airs ?
That doesn't answer the question for non american plebs.
How long till it airs ?
Part 8: The Sequel 12 pls.
Can't wait for The Misadventure of Dougie Jones Pt. 12
The Twin Peaks opening never fails to get me pumped each week.
So Tammy won't make it to morning then right? That'd be too easy an exposition dump?