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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Speaking of scenes out of order, I'm pretty sure the James & Freddie scene took place prior to them showing up in the Roadhouse back in Part 2. James seemed to be saying that he was going to introduce Freddie to the Roadhouse after their shift. In Part 2, they walk in together and Freddie looks around like he's never been there before.


Is Lynch religious? Because FWWM's ending and this story sure makes me think he is.


"The kingdom of heaven, God the almighty merciful father, is that totality. It’s that level. It’s the almighty merciful father, and the divine mother, the kingdom of heaven, the absolute, divine being, bliss consciousness, creative intelligence. These are all names, but it is that."

"It is unchanging, eternal. It is. There is nothing. It's that level that never had a beginning, it is, and it will be forever more. That, I think, if you said that's God, you wouldn't be wrong."

"I sort of think that the great religions are like rivers. Each one is beautiful and they all flow into one ocean."

He was raised as Presbyterian Christian, but he doesn't follow any certain religion. I would say he is a "spiritual" person who definitely believes in the existence of God, but maybe perhaps in a more "New Age" style.


The window washer sounded a bit like the jumping man. Also he wasn't doing a very good job washing.
I'm 100% positive that was supposed to be evocative of the Jumping Man.

And, man oh man, was this an episode.

We got some quality Tammy time.
"Wilson, how many times have I told youuuu, this is what we do in the FBI!"
The window washer/Jumping Man.
The Monica Bellucci dream that shifts into the Bowie scene from Fire Walk With Me.
And on and on and on.

Plus a "Glove of Piledriver Strength" for good measure.
so does anyone buy into the theory that Richard is Audrey and Dark Cooper's kid
I think it's pretty much confirmed at this point, given his reaction to seeing Mr. C arm wrestle last week.

Just to clarify, we haven't seen The Jumping Man's actor yet, right? I'm hoping that his return is that same character.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Speaking of scenes out of order, I'm pretty sure the James & Freddie scene took place prior to them showing up in the Roadhouse back in Part 2. James seemed to be saying that he was going to introduce Freddie to the Roadhouse after their shift. In Part 2, they walk in together and Freddie looks around like he's never been there before.

I was pretty sure the scene was out of order too, though we've only seen Freddie in Part 2 so far, right? I think it's one of the most solid pieces of evidence that they're not showing this series in chronological order.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Okay, that guy in the prison cell bleeding out of his mouth is definitely some supernatural thing. I was just watching the scene again, when he's copying the words that Chad are making his drool is going normal, but when he begins to copy the Asian Lady his drool begins to go in reverse with some jump cuts.

Weird observation, but I just noticed it.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member

"The kingdom of heaven, God the almighty merciful father, is that totality. It’s that level. It’s the almighty merciful father, and the divine mother, the kingdom of heaven, the absolute, divine being, bliss consciousness, creative intelligence. These are all names, but it is that."

"It is unchanging, eternal. It is. There is nothing. It's that level that never had a beginning, it is, and it will be forever more. That, I think, if you said that's God, you wouldn't be wrong."

"I sort of think that the great religions are like rivers. Each one is beautiful and they all flow into one ocean."

He was raised as Presbyterian Christian, but he doesn't follow any certain religion. I would say he is a "spiritual" person who definitely believes in the existence of God, but maybe perhaps in a more "New Age" style.

Thanks for the answer! Lynch definitely shows his life experiences in his work.


Okay, that guy in the prison cell bleeding out of his mouth is definitely some supernatural thing. I was just watching the scene again, when he's copying the words that Chad are making his drool is going normal, but when he begins to copy the Asian Lady his drool begins to go in reverse with some jump cuts.

Weird observation, but I just noticed it.
I noticed it when it panned down to the pool of it on the floor, the "drops" were definitely reversed.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016


Wow, that was a fantastic episode. Just when I thought I was out, Lynch pulls me back in. I'm so glad I avoided all the spoilers.

- I'm just theorizing here but seeing Andy's demeanor when he came back from meeting the Fireman is making me think that scene where he's supposed to meet Billy/the owner of the truck Richard was driving happens after this, because Andy seemed all business then too. But that wouldn't track with the timeline since they arrested Chad this episode and Andy was supposed to be getting info about Richard from Billy/the trucker.

- James going into the furnace room immediately gave me vibes of BOB doing his "death bag" monologue which we see in much more extended fashion in Northwest Passage or whatever the extended European pilot was called. Am I crazy or was that also in the basement of the Great Northern? Nope, in that case it was the hospital basement. I did notice while watching that again that the circle of candles BOB makes is 12 candles. Glastonbury Grove was 12 sycamores in a circle.

- Sarah Palmer: as others pointed out, the spiritual finger is black as pitch. It's hard to know exactly what that could be inside her now. My gut leans toward the Frogmoth but it could just as easily be The Experiment.

- I thought the Monica Bellucci dream was going to be another lame Cole monologue that went nowhere and boy did Lynch shut me up good and fast with that one.

- More interesting Blue Rose backstory. I just wish Lynch had found a less abrupt way for Albert to give all these info dumps the past two episodes. They're great but they feel apropos of nothing.

- Finally the fucking wedding ring they found like 10 episodes ago gets investigated! Didn't expect Janey-E to be Diane's half sister though. Makes me wonder though then if Janey-E isn't more than she seems. Maybe she's the last assassin to try to take Dougie Coop down and Candie saves him. I guess the opposite is just as plausible, but it seems weird that Bad Coop would manufacture Dougie and he marries Janey-E, Diane's sister without Janey-E being in on it. I wonder if Janey-E isn't the one that Diane is texting...

- Additional thought concerning Dougie. It might just be a coincidence or maybe I'm the last person on Earth to put it together, but Dougie...Douglas. Cooper was obsessed with Douglas Firs. I wonder if Diane didn't come up with his name.

- That band at the end was actually pretty awesome, but my God that was some of the worst dubbing I've ever seen. Absolutely atrocious.

Also strange: the women telling the story couldn't remember if her uncle was there and repeated that more than once.

For whatever reason uncles, missing uncles, seem to be a thing. In FWWM Gordon introduces Lil as "my mother's sister's girl" and Chet points out "what's missing in that sentence? The uncle". In that case it referred to Sheriff Cable's uncle being in federal prison, probably for drugs. Next, in episode 11 of The Return, the crazy screaming lady in traffic with the sick girl says "Her uncle is joining us. She hasn't seen him in a very long while". Now this girl in the Roadhouse can't remember if her uncle was there or not.

Dunno if it means anything but it's a strange recurring theme.
Forty-five minutes of a Windows screen saver followed up with a musical performance by Lynch's once removed second cousin's band from college.
"Wow seriously WTF why isn't Cooper normal eating pie and drinking coffee"

"As a higher being, I am absolutely enthralled here. Lynch is just playing with his food here, relishing in the mis en scene and deconstructing the very nature of television, nay, the language of seeing itself"

Twin Peaks: The Return, 8pm EST only on Showtime


Give me a Sarah Palmer spin off movie showing a closer look at her descent into madness. Would be sweet if this is all leading up to showdown between Sarah and Evil Coop to bring real Coop back.

Even without the central character getting any screen time, this was a great episode.

p.s. I just was watching through some random scenes from previous episodes.... the end of episode 5 with Dougie looking up at the statue at his office park with the jazz music playing is so great. Damn fine show.


Stormy Grey
Going back to the scene in Episode 2 where James arrives at the bar with Freddie, it amazes me that Twin Peaks Season 3 is such a strange beast that none of us ever stopped to wonder why he was only wearing the one green glove at the Roadhouse.

In Lynch & Frost I trust!

I'm still processing everything that happened. Lynch was on the top of his game with some of the most delightfully draining sound design yet, and choice of claustrophobic shots. The shots in the bar with Mrs. Palmer were practically suffocating just before the big reveal, and even the exposition dump in the White Lodge felt uncomfortably cramped. I'm sure there will be one more big troll episode, but if this is what they're putting out now? I can't wait to see what they're saving for the two-hour finale.


This episode pretty much confirmed that the girl in episode 8 is Sarah Palmer. The Fireman saw this and made Laura in order to counter attack the Mother.

Fuck now it feels like Sarah Palmer was behind it all or some shit.
Potentially big spoiler for those who haven't seen pretty popular leaked set photos from last year:
the images of Cooper and Laura approaching the Palmer house suddenly feel a lot different in light of Sarah's reveal tonight. What I once imagined would be an otherworldly happy reunion might end up being the opposite.


Speaking of scenes out of order, I'm pretty sure the James & Freddie scene took place prior to them showing up in the Roadhouse back in Part 2. James seemed to be saying that he was going to introduce Freddie to the Roadhouse after their shift. In Part 2, they walk in together and Freddie looks around like he's never been there before.
Yep, James even says something like, "see I told you this place was great" as they walk in.


All I remember from that scene is thinking "Why does James have an English friend out of fucking nowhere?" I didn't even notice the glove.


Man, I didn't make the connection that Diane might be lying about Janey-E on behalf of doppelganger Cooper. That reveal was waaaay too convenient and didn't sit right with me at all.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Sorry, I have to compliment Grace Zabriskie's performance as Sarah Palmer this season one more time. She's really done an amazing job in all of her scenes this season. She has pulled off both seeming senile, hysterical, depressed, alongside chillingly evil, cold-blooded in a way similar to Mr. C, in control, through her few scenes alone. It's hard to make a character convincingly jump between seeming fragile and broken to suddenly cold-blooded and intimidatingly in power. I just have to give her compliments for that.

And also of course:


That piece of imagery is sticking with me.


I shot people I like more for less.
This episode was really good. Some great use of sound, glad I watched with headphones on. The part with the FBI dude was fucking hilarious. The part with Gordon's dream was really great, and the Diane tie to Janey-E was totally unexpected. Fucking bitch Chad getting arrested was awesome. Loved that it was Andy going into the White Lodge (or White Lodge waiting room maybe?), of all people. It almost seemed like it had something to do with him holding onto Naido's hand, but I don't know. The part with Sarah was fucking crazy and terrifying. Song at the end was quite good. Really solid overall.


Felium Defensor
Twas a fantastic episode. Saw some "animal life" go down in the jail cells too.
Looking forward to next week's.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Sorry, I have to compliment Grace Zabriskie's performance as Sarah Palmer this season one more time. She's really done an amazing job in all of her scenes this season. She has pulled off both seeming senile, hysterical, depressed, alongside chillingly evil, cold-blooded in a way similar to Mr. C, in control, through her few scenes alone. It's hard to make a character convincingly jump between seeming fragile and broken to suddenly cold-blooded and intimidatingly in power. I just have to give her compliments for that.

And also of course:


That piece of imagery is sticking with me.

Yup she's up there with Maclachan and Watts as the best this season, even with her limited screen time.

Those teeth remind me of the Lol wut pear.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Okay, one more Sarah Palmer thing...

Any theories why she's wearing 'two' masks? First Sarah pulls off her face, but then the thing inside of her face pulls off another mask which reveals the smile we see.

But why is the thing under her face wearing a mask?

And more so why does the mark form like... A nose twice that quickly disappears?


It makes me think of the jumping man, but I don't know why this entity would be the jumping man in the slightest.
I still can't even believe the last hour just happened. I don't think I've screamed at my TV in a single hour more than this. Especially when Andy went into the vortex (and then I breathed the biggest sigh of relief when it turns out he's in the White Lodge, thank god).

Monica Bellucci actually showing up in the Monica Bellucci dream was the greatest thing ever.

RIP, David Bowie. :(

I have to compliment Grace Zabriskie's performance as Sarah Palmer this season one more time.[snip]

Yeah, this was my big takeaway this episode (or really the last few episodes now). In just a few short scenes, she has delivered a tour de force performance. When she turns to the bartender at the end and says, "Yeah, it's a mystery," chills went down my spine.


Potentially big spoiler for those who haven't seen pretty popular leaked set photos from last year:
the images of Cooper and Laura approaching the Palmer house suddenly feel a lot different in light of Sarah's reveal tonight. What I once imagined would be an otherworldly happy reunion might end up being the opposite.

I thought the exact same thing tonight.

And yes Grace Zabriskie is amazing. She was great on Big Love.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Looks like the beak of locust frog.

Actually, you know what... Jumping Man.... Frog thing... Frogs jump... the Jumping Man is an entity we see wearing a mask with a pointy noise, the entity that reveals itself is wearing a mask with a pointy nose...



I caught up from the beginning of the season this week and holy shit am I glad I did. This has honestly been an experience unlike any other. I barely understand it but fuck it feels amazing.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
James has always been cool.

This episode helped me realize James would've been cooler in the original series if he hung out with people more than just ladies who linger over him and seem to love him no matter what with heaploads of teen soap drama. Not to say male or female companions, just not everyone he spends most of the series with drooling over him all the time.

While James didn't say much this episode, I appreciated the fact he was actually being cool with somebody who wasn't another one of his love interests. My opinion, bromance James > romance James.
Easily one of the best episodes. Really fantastic.

I got a lot of Mulholland Dr vibes from it. More than I usually do.

Absolutely loved the smokeachine and strobes in the forest.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Easily one of the best episodes. Really fantastic.

I got a lot of Mulholland Dr vibes from it. More than I usually do.

Absolutely loved the smokeachine and strobes in the forest.

I kind of do a personal mental analysis of what I think and compare episodes to a bit after watching them, and this episode I think had some of the strongest Mulholland Drive and Fire Walk With Me vibes from the series so far. Not that I'm complaining.


never left the stone age
So fucking glad Chad got his. That prick.

Easily one of the best episodes. Really fantastic.

I got a lot of Mulholland Dr vibes from it. More than I usually do.

Absolutely loved the smokeachine and strobes in the forest.

Gordon talking about his dream was very Winkie's Diner-like, I thought.

Edit: What the FUCK Sarah.


I thought it was weird that they dubbed over David Bowie's original line in that scene. He originally pointed at Coop and yelled "Who do you think this is there?" They changed it to the grammatically correct, but less frantically delivered line reading "Who do you think that is there?" I know it's just a little thing, but I don't know why they bothered to dub it. I always loved Bowie's delivery in that scene.

Also, good lord that smile on Sarah Palmer's pulled-back face is nightmare fuel.
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