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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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I thought it was weird that they dubbed over David Bowie's original line in that scene. He originally pointed at Coop and yelled "Who do you think this is there?" They changed it to the grammatically correct, but less frantically delivered line reading "Who do you think that is there?" I know it's just a little thing, but I don't know why they bothered to dub it. I always loved Bowie's delivery in that scene.

Also, good lord that smile on Sarah Palmer's pulled-back face is nightmare fuel.
The line is from The Missing Pieces, deleted scenes from Fire Walk With Me.


No one is talking about Gordon's dream???

That may have been the biggest mystery of the entire episode (and season to date?) ---- who is the dreamer??? Is this entire season a dream? What did that all mean???
What an episode, so much to unpack.

When Andy returned from his visit to the Fireman, there was overlapped footage of the rest of the Sheriff's dept waking around on different timelines. I think this is relevant and not just a timelapse effect - I believe we're being shown a 'multiverse' of possibilities.

When we first met green glove man way back in Part 2 (which, I agree with the poster above - is set after this scene chronologically), i could have sworn he had a thick european accent, but in this scene he's a proper geezer. I need to go back and check that. The band was playing so that could have made his accent difficult to hear.

A weird artistic choice in the Andy info dump was using the still of the Woodsman and making it shake, instead of just using moving footage.

If Sarah's possessed by something nasty fine, but I hope this isn't a retcon 'she was Mother the entire time'. I'm still not convinced she was the girl from Part 8.

Ameri-GAF - I hope you enjoy the use of the word 'jobsworth'.

I hope next time I nap I have one of my MONICA BELLUCI DREAMS.

Oh, and sorry to dredge this up but Chrysta Bell was terrible in this episode. I was cringing at her inability to convey any type of emotion in response to Albert.

I'm expecting big things from next week...
Quick thought - when Andy was getting his info dump from the Fireman (a name predicted weeks ago on either Dugpa or Reddit btw), what was the relevance of his flashback with Lucy?

absolutely phenomenal episode. Every scene intrigued me, and the final roadhouse scene unsettled me almost as much as Sarah did.

Out of all of the little Roadhouse conversations, this one was easily the best. The actress was really good, she reminded me of Patrick "Mr Todd" Fischler in Mulholland Dr. talking about his dream in Winkies.

At first glance, did anyone else see the ponytailed trucker and think we were about to get a Leo cameo?

Another observation, that plays into the countdown theory as well. "We have one more before the roadhouse". There was one more scene - Sarah - before we got there. The 'one more' follows the countdown theory althoughtl, I'm not sure if that means GoodCoop back in episode 15 or 16 though.


Really strong episode, definitely bringing in a lot of loose ends together in advance of what I expect will be a fucked up finale.

The pay off with Sarah was a really good scene, the callback to the spiritual finger and Laura's white face really worked in this context.

I wonder if we've all been focusing on doppelganger Cooper for so long when the real threat has been coming from Sarah. Assuming that whatever is inside of her, mother and the experiment are all the same thing I'm keen to see how it plays out for her.

Not mad on green glove guy, I think if you're viewing this in the states his accent might not stick out as overdone or whatever, but it kinda grated for me. The guy who plays him does different accents as a thing on YouTube, so I'm going to assume that Lynch told him to really ham it up.

Also... What's your Mother's name? What's up with that? There was some damn ominous music playing after that line.
Some episodes like this one feel like a Lynch episode, while others don't. But he supposedly did them all

Haha, I can't think of a more laugh-out-loud scene of flagrant self-indulgence by a writer/director/star than "I HAD ONE OF MY MONICA BELLUCI DREAMS, STARRING ME AND THE BEAUTIFUL ACTRESS MONICA BELLUCI".

I loved this episode, can't wait for the second viewing later.

Anyone want to play 'let's unravel the timeline?"

James scene - pre-Roadhouse in both scenes featuring Chromatics.
Naido - does her appearance in the woods mean this scene was at the same time as Coop was in the Mauve Zone?


never left the stone age
Seriously though guys. What the fuck is wrong with Sarah Palmer.

This episode was so fucking good. Diane's connection with Janey-E, knowing of Dougie..
Though I suppose this can be info she's been fed by mysterious 3rd party and acting as if Janey-E is her half-sister is part of an act to give her a reason to know these things, but still, I'm glad the FBI Crew is finally going for Dougie.

And the FBI supervisor yelling at the guy was amazing
I'm starting to form a weird theory. Anyone notice everytime Billy disappearing is mentioned something weird happens? Audrey forgetting, the diner people changing, and now the conversation just looped.

Maybe something about speaking about Billy's disappearance is like... causing a disruption in reality?

And there's these characters we've never seen mentioned a few times now, but whenever they are strange things happen.

Yep, there's definitely something going on there! The people who were talking smack about David Lynch and his editor being sloppy are gonna have to eat crow big time!


I mean, there was literally an ominous music playing when Tina was mentioned :p .

And for the record, there HAS been actual sloppy editing (and very sloppy FX) in this season 3. It's just hard to tell which ones are intentional and which ones are lazy.
During Albert's story at the start of the episode, he mentioned how the Blue Rose lady was found in her room with her doppelganger, who was killed and vanished. Then the lady killed herself because she was arrested for her doppelganger's crimes.

If GoodCoop comes back, he meets a similar fate? If he stays as Dougie Jones though, perhaps not?


During Albert's story at the start of the episode, he mentioned how the Blue Rose lady was found in her room with her doppelganger, who was killed and vanished. Then the lady killed herself because she was arrested for her doppelganger's crimes.

If GoodCoop comes back, he meets a similar fate? If he stays as Dougie Jones though, perhaps not?

Nah, Cole won't let his boy Coop take the fall for Mr C's stuff.


I am back bitcheszz. Glad my two week ban is over. So we had one really awful episode,.one quite alright and now one that is glorious and excellent. Still have to see Thrones, but I think its fair to say Twin Peaks is back at the races again. Sarah was fantastic. Andy was awesome and Monica Belucci dream alone was enough merit for this to be a terirific episode. I stand corrected and I am glad. We got Bowie hell yeah <3 This one and 11? I think the one with the honking lady are my favourite episodes.


"We are like the dreamer who dreams and lives inside the dream, but who is the dreamer?"

Is David Lynch the dreamer, and Gordon Cole the one who lives inside the dream? I'm not even really kidding - I'm not sure they'll really go there narratively within the show, but I feel like the world of Twin Peaks is a world of cinema.

The weird editing, disjointed continuity, the red curtains, the obviously-fake special effects...

And the way the Fireman and Dido sent Laura to this world, with a projector on a screen...

Again, I'm not sure they're going to go there within the narrative of the show explicitly, but...its form is part of the story on a meta level (for anyone who played MGS2, the same way it being a game was key to understanding what was going on).

I dunno. Maybe not. I sure cried at the end of that incredible episode though, whew, powerful stuff and killer music.
Such a good episode. That story from James' friend was great. I hope he uses his piledriver hand to whoop Mr. C's ass.

Sarah Palmer stuff in the bar (and the Window Washer) was real creepy. I'm curious what is going on with her. Is Sarah Palmer also gone and replaced with this monstrosity?

Janey being related to Diane is hilarious. So damn excited for Gordon Cole to meet the Jones family. I really hope it happens.

Loved that chad got what was coming to him too, and its always nice to hear some ominous Badalamenti/Jonny Jewel(?) music in the background in many of these scenes now.
Loved that chad got what was coming to him too, and its always nice to hear some ominous Badalamenti/Jonny Jewel(?) music in the background in many of these scenes now.

I think the ambient stuff is usually Lynch & Dean Hurley.

What's the small pool of liquid on the floor at Jack Rabbit's Palace?


I wonder if Diane was the one who set up her own sister to meet and eventually get married to the fake manufactured Cooper.

Coz that seems messed up.
Potentially big spoiler for those who haven't seen pretty popular leaked set photos from last year:
the images of Cooper and Laura approaching the Palmer house suddenly feel a lot different in light of Sarah's reveal tonight. What I once imagined would be an otherworldly happy reunion might end up being the opposite.

That's a good point. What felt like a massive spoiler (and still is I suppose) now has a lot more mystery to it. While it still seems to give away that Laura will actually be alive outside the lodges, we have no idea what purpose she might serve with Sarah's...situation. Whatever it is.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Potentially big spoiler for those who haven't seen pretty popular leaked set photos from last year:
the images of Cooper and Laura approaching the Palmer house suddenly feel a lot different in light of Sarah's reveal tonight. What I once imagined would be an otherworldly happy reunion might end up being the opposite.

well. you did warn me, but i really, really wish I hadn't read this. oh well.
Amazing episode, I don't have the slightest clue where the hell this is going. Also I noticed that Bob was in the credits but don't recall seeing him, which scene was he in?
Sorry, I have to compliment Grace Zabriskie's performance as Sarah Palmer this season one more time. She's really done an amazing job in all of her scenes this season. She has pulled off both seeming senile, hysterical, depressed, alongside chillingly evil, cold-blooded in a way similar to Mr. C, in control, through her few scenes alone. It's hard to make a character convincingly jump between seeming fragile and broken to suddenly cold-blooded and intimidatingly in power. I just have to give her compliments for that.

And also of course:


That piece of imagery is sticking with me.

Why would anyone screengrab this


I wonder if Diane was the one who set up her own sister to meet and eventually get married to the fake manufactured Cooper.

Coz that seems messed up.

I don't think that Diane knows who she is actually texting to or who she is helping. I don't think she is willfully helping bad Coop, but it being duped. I suspect she thinks she is texting someone else, maybe Phillip Jeffries? It will be interesting when the FBI gang goes the Vegas and meets Dougie and Janey-E. Really interesting.


Sitting on this for a week was agonising, especially since so much happened compared to episodes 12+13. I'm glad I can finally gush about it with everyone.
I hope we get some more Leland and Denise before the run is up.

Had my second viewing, not sure how I missed it but the Road House conversation at the end loops, before turning into an awkward silence and the band kicking in.

Was the window cleaner credited? We've had the emphasis on Gordon's issues when his hearing aid is 'cranked up to the max' that, much like Chekov's green glove, I can't help but feel like it's going to play into the ending somewhere.
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