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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Have people on here discussed the whole "Sarah Palmer's face is superimposed onto the Jumping Man's" thing yet?


Guess she isn't possessed by the Mother, but by him?

maybe they're all one in the same


There are definitely different reasons why we all watched twin peaks. I find some of them alien and hard to empathize with like those who watched for the murder mystery plot and who find the lack of a mystery (and scenes that don't forward the plot) maddening.

Like someone specifically called out the drooling kid in the car as a bad moment of the series. To me it's a stand out moment. It's terrifying yet hilarious too, in the way only a handful of people can pull off. It's also really fun to quote and act out.

This series is full of stuff like that. Every scene, no matter how unrelated to the plot or drawn out it may seem, has a purpose. Sometimes it's only there to be funny, or to show us interesting visuals.

I also feel sorry for people who haven't been 'struck twice by lightning'. It's been an amazing thing to wait quarter of a century and have my expectations blown out the water. To have a new favorite episode of tv and to know there is chance that could change in the next week and a half.

I have very high expectations for the last hour of the show, but I can't see it failing to deliver. Will it top Part 8? Maybe.

But whether you like it or not, the show is absolutely what it intends to be. There are small flaws and editing issues (trust me guys, there isn't some statement or twist or intent), but that sort of seems like not picking. Heck the original series has similar errors (the mink oil scene as I recall screws up the timeline a shade).

It's a success if we measure it in terms of what it tried to be. That isn't for everyone, but I think that's the worst you can say about it all considered. Twin Peaks The Return isn't what everyone wanted. But it absolutely is what it wanted to be, despite a budget that was evidently just a notch too tight.

I hope Showtime see it as an unqualified success, because artistically I think it has been. Again not everyone's cup of tea, but a huge achievement that will be rewatched and analysed and enjoyed for the next quarter of a century at least.

And who knows, maybe there will be a fourth season at some point. I'd certainly be down for one.


I used the word lazy about the editing & lack of reshoots before, but you nailed exactly what I meant at the time. And everything else.

I've no clue what journey we're going in these last few episodes, but it's been damn good getting there, and it's going to be damn good following along.
Put me in the group that adores this season and all of its weirdness and beautiful imagery. I love how they brought back most of the big players and continued the story in an unexpected and interesting way, something tells me if Cooper were to wake up any sooner this series would be 3 episodes long. Cooper was and probably still is a master at solving shit and reading body language, like I don't know what you would be doing with him as Evil Coop is out on the loose moving from one place to another. I guess I'm surprised that some people thought this is going to be stuck in Twin Peaks for the entirety of the show? which is a weird thing to want since we got 2 full seasons of that and the logical next step forward for a roaming menace in the world is to expand the scope of what's happening as they more or less will all end up in Twin Peaks by the end since that's where shit started. I mean, the show is very self aware and even parodies itself which is fantastic.

Like it's been a while that a show made me think about certain scenes for a while or make me want to go listen to what other people think or discuss with other people about it and share ideas. It's not only a very fun show to watch but to discuss and think about as well because of the depth and wealth of material we have. At the same time I'm not really a big fan of introducing so many threads within a story only to end up tying half of them BUT this is Lynch after all so I guess I shouldn't expect him to do so. Still, not a fan though.

Absolutely adore zombie Coop and all the tragedy that surrounds him. He's not only bittersweet but also a very fun and funny character as well. Even in the state he's in, he's still doing good. There are little wonderful character moments here and there but it's obviously not comparable to the original because well 1) it was set in one place and 2) it was a product of its time as it parodied soap operas. This is a much darker, sinister, creepy yet funny and insane from one moment to the next. It feels right, to me at least, like it feels that this is where the series is meant to go after what happened at the end of S2. I just don't see any other way for the story to continue in an interesting and thought provoking manner.

I don't know, I'm kind of rambling here but I just really REALLY love it. I can't remember the last time when a show shifts and balances tones so effortlessly. You feel the shift in tones but you never feel it to be wrong, you embrace it. That's how I felt. Like it's totally fine for me to be creeped out, laughing and then tearing up in a span of a few minutes or so. Kyle MacLachlan should win all the awards as far as I'm concerned. If I were to say what my favorite scene is so far? In a show where there's full of them? I think the "Cherry Pie At The Table" scene(I'd probably count it with the desert as one long scene) might be my favorite for a number of things. The Mitchum Brothers embracing Zombie Coop/Dougie, the music which fits the entire general atmosphere and it almost feels like Candie is about to break out into a song when she speaks, The Mitchum brothers reaction to the pie, Zombie Coop/Dougie's reaction to them calling him a friend and the fucking scene just goes on and on and it's a shame that it's not the scene in full on youtube but it's so warm and beautiful. Such a wonderful scene. Also, how could I forget? much like the original show, this one is filled with amazing music in general.
This season is without a doubt the best TV show I've watched all year. No doubt. It is frustrating at times, but as a whole I will certainly look back on this fondly.

Let's see how the last few eps play out before giving a final judgement, but even if they are all duds this show has done enough to earn a spot on my special list. Who knows how long it will be before something like this comes along again... if ever. That's what makes this so special to me. It's so different to anything else out there.


Junior Member
Just went on facebook and an advert from Stan, the Australian streaming service, had posted a nice big spoilery image of part 16 saying now streaming!

WTF. I don't know why this ad came up as I live in the UK. Any Aussie GAFers confirm if it has been published early? I'm really annoyed I got spoiled!
Just went on facebook and an advert from Stan, the Australian streaming service, had posted a nice big spoilery image of part 16 saying now streaming!

WTF. I don't know why this ad came up as I live in the UK. Any Aussie GAFers confirm if it has been published early? I'm really annoyed I got spoiled!

Sorry to hear that happened, man. Stan still advertises episode 15 for me and episode 16 is not available for streaming at all. Just up to 15.


Watch Dale be back but still be like dougie. His mind is still fried. Maybe the only thing he got back was his memories and his primary goal.
I think this is a masterpiece. I haven't been this obsessed with the story unfolding before my eyes since The Wire. The only episode I didn't enjoy was 12, and I'm sure that will be fine during a binge rewatch.

Nice touch that I noticed. Earlier in the series when we meet Becky, she gets high and you have the amazing shot where she's in the car staring up to the sky. In the latest episode, following Ed and Norma's reunion, the camera pans up to the sky for the benefit of the audience.

In Andy's Fireman scene, he's enlightened when he stares upwards.

Dunno if it means anything but worth pointing out.

Watch Dale be back but still be like dougie. His mind is still fried. Maybe the only thing he got back was his memories and his primary goal.

I still believe that once Coop has sorted stuff out, he's heading to the White Lodge.


Junior Member
Sorry to hear that happened, man. Stan still advertises episode 15 for me and episode 16 is not available for streaming at all. Just up to 15.

Everyone that saw it on Facebook were fuming. They've removed it now. I guess the social media intern posted Mondays advert too soon!


Let's not make a Love it vs Hate it camp or anything that first and foremost. Secondly it's fine either way. I don't think anyone has been strucked by lightning either once let alone twice. Some people love it, some don't and there is no need to feel sorry for those who don't. I think it's amazing and for me episode 8 has been blown away twice already. With episode 11 ''MVP Bobby Briggs' and episode 15 for me as well. Let's not make a US vs Them camp as in people who love it and who hate it. This for me has some of the best and magical moments in television ever, so far. But I am dissapointed that my best friend stopped watching and is waiting for the whole season to finish. I don't a lot of people in my comfort zone and outside of that in real life who watch this show. Many people I know even haven't seen season 1 yet.
Some people are just really into giving criticism and that is just FINE doesn't matter. And sometimes it makes no sense and that's okay too in my opinion.
And it's David Fucking Lynch. I am not expecting any closure what so ever.


Since everyone else is weighing in, I have either really liked or loved every episode from 1-11 and 13 to 15, and hated 12.

So yes, it's a damned amazing season of television so far, or at least like 90% of it. It feels familiar in some ways and yet a complete breath of fresh air in others, and Kyle has been a revelation in all his forms, some of the original cast have gotten to shine finally (like Bobby), and the new cast and characters are fantastic and have seamlessly fit in (special props to Janey-E, the Mitchum bros/Candie, and Bushnell).

The final 3 episodes can't ruin something that is batting 14/15 so far, but it will determine whether The Return is an all time classic or merely great.
I've been enjoying every episode (episodes 2-3, 8, and 14 in particular).

But I've also been enjoying the ride. Like a lot of people I was a little too young for Twin Peaks when it first aired, and only watched it years later, in somewhat of a binge format, on my own. It's possible that my opinion of the current series has been momentarily enhanced by the fact that I've been able to watch the series in real time, with everyone else, and forced to see it on a mostly-weekly schedule leaving time to digest each episode, rewatch them, and build anticipation for the next. I'm really glad they didn't do a full-season episode dump for this show.


I'm still in the camp that Candie is basically someone else's Dougie Jones and I'm tempted to say that maybe Audrey or even possibly Annie in the one inside of her.
I've always been down for whatever Lynch/Frost wanted to create for us. This season was never about my wants and desires for what should happen on Twin Peaks. I like Twin Peaks because it shattered my expectations. The series has done that even more. So much so that it's become irrelevant for me to pick out the things I don't like. This is a "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" piece of art. I am certain changing the lesser parts would lessen the whole experience. This was a long thought about, long crafted, piece of art. The process that created the disagreeable elements, also created the fantastic ones. The next 3 Parts could shit the bed but they still won't take away the experience I've had with the 15 hours so far.

I begrudge no one for disliking what was presented and really appreciate those that can clearly state their criticisms without insulting those that enjoy it.


The finale will be very important to the overall assessment, but this is the most fun I've had experiencing any piece of entertainment in years. No other show makes me stare slack-jawed at the screen each week, in utter disbelief of what I'm seeing!

I still think Dougie-Coop is key to the "point" of this season, which has a lot to do with lost time, growing old, trying to keep your sense of self as you grow old, trying to recapture your youth, "going through the motions" in your job and your life ... it's feeling very profound to me right now, but again it's up to the finale to crystallize these feelings.

The original Twin Peaks is "youth", this season is "old age" ... that's all I've got right now.


Junior Member
It's been an incredible journey for sure. I have loved not knowing at all what will happen next and the weekly distribution has only added to the intrigue. Like many I found 12 difficult and unsatisfactory, but as a whole its been a brilliant ride, with great online discussions to be had.

I do however hope this is it for the series. I would welcome more lynch and frost on TV but I don't want Twin Peaks to be overrun.
The highs have been incredibly high and lows have still been thoroughly enjoyable.

So many bold and clever moments for this show. The soundtrack, with Roadhouse songs at the end of every episode, is brilliant and the Roadhouse songs range from groovy to haunting, and are all mesmerizing. Can't wait to see how the Roadhouse ties in for these last few episodes.

Episode 8 was a seminal moment for TV/movie watching for me --- just a mesmerizing and unforgettable experience. Evil Coop's surprising scene. The extended Nine Inch Nails Roadhouse song in the middle of the episode. The boldness of subjecting a general viewing audience to Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima for 10+ minutes with all that weird, haunting imagery. Absolutely brilliant.

Just the fact that they had the stones to keep good Coop locked away for almost (maybe even all?) of the entire season, but still give the actor the chance to play 4 different characters (Coop in lodge, normal Dougie, Coop-Dougie, and DoppleCoop) was a huge, gutsy gamble that paid off bigtime, IMO. Dougie and his escapades are one of the standout highlights of Season 3.
I've loved this. There is a degree of dismantling the current culture of Internet discussion about a week to week program such as this, people picking apart every trailer, every scene, every line of dialogue and every inconsistent use of editing to create some narrative, when in reality what Lynch and Frost have ended up creating defies any manner of prediction and convention.

The laundry list of unexpected and absolutely out of nowhere memorable scenes in this will forever be cemented in my memories as classics. There is literally nothing else like this on television, and probably never will be again.

I'm going to enjoy these last two weeks. I expect to be mystified, transfixed, and more often than not, confused as fuck. Wouldn't have it any other way.
I've enjoyed the season a lot more as I've gone on. I think it's because every character's plot thread/story arc has become a lot more clear. With the way he structured this season like one long movie, there are a bunch of super random one-off scenes early in the season introducing characters with no immediate obvious tie to the overarching plot, and then there'd be no word from that character for another two or three episodes, but we're finally at a point where they're all starting to come together.


It's great TV. Better than most things I've watched on the ol' tele. Having a ball. I won't be able to tell you if it's a masterpiece or a disappointment until I've slept on it for about a year and then revisited the series. But I'm having a blast, so the journey's been worth it either way.


The finale will be very important to the overall assessment, but this is the most fun I've had experiencing any piece of entertainment in years. No other show makes me stare slack-jawed at the screen each week, in utter disbelief of what I'm seeing!

I still think Dougie-Coop is key to the "point" of this season, which has a lot to do with lost time, growing old, trying to keep your sense of self as you grow old, trying to recapture your youth, "going through the motions" in your job and your life ... it's feeling very profound to me right now, but again it's up to the finale to crystallize these feelings.

The original Twin Peaks is "youth", this season is "old age" ... that's all I've got right now.
I hadn't thought about it that way, I like it.
The finale will be very important to the overall assessment, but this is the most fun I've had experiencing any piece of entertainment in years. No other show makes me stare slack-jawed at the screen each week, in utter disbelief of what I'm seeing!

I still think Dougie-Coop is key to the "point" of this season, which has a lot to do with lost time, growing old, trying to keep your sense of self as you grow old, trying to recapture your youth, "going through the motions" in your job and your life ... it's feeling very profound to me right now, but again it's up to the finale to crystallize these feelings.

The original Twin Peaks is "youth", this season is "old age" ... that's all I've got right now.

Absolutely. Warren Frost was suffering with Alzheimers before he passed away, and I can't help but feel this impacted the writing of the show including Dougie's creation.


I think in years from now the general consensus of Twin Peaks: The Return will be that it is a masterpiece and far exceeded the original. You will see endless "LTTP"'s for this in the years to come I am certain.

Episode 8 is the 2001: A Space Odyssey of television and will be discussed and and analyzed for a long, long time.


Unconfirmed Member
If anything I hope that Cooper will retain his optimism and charm from the original series thanks to all the characters and personalities he has encountered and turning the worst characteristics out of some of the bad guys into genuine good positive and eccentric attitudes (the casino brothers for example).

To me that will be the best outcome to get out of Coop and all the trauma he has experienced over 25 years.


will there be a Season 4 or can I finally start watching Twin Peak from season 1 since I didn't when I heard there was rumor of a third season. Is the S3 finale season?
will there be a Season 4 or can I finally start watching Twin Peak from season 1 since I didn't when I heard there was rumor of a third season. Is the S3 finale season?

It's probably the final season. No one's ruling anything out, but the story seems to be answering things that it wouldn't if this were to continue.

Jump on in! (And watch Fire Walk With Me after Season Two).
It's probably the final season. No one's ruling anything out, but the story seems to be answering things that it wouldn't if this were to continue.

Jump on in! (And watch Fire Walk With Me after Season Two).

Another way of putting it, season 3 was written with absolutely no presumption that there would be more. So there might be more, there might not be, but we aren't getting cliffhangered (however open for interpretation the ending might be) like we did with season 2.

So yeah, jump on in. Discussion as to whether or not more will happen, aren't due to begin until after the series has completely aired, according to Showtime and the production company. Sounds like it's going to mostly come down to whether or not Lynch wants to do more, but we shall see. The network and the rest of the cast and crew seem open to it.

And who knows just how final that last episode is going to be. Everyone could be dead in ten days.


Count me in as someone who thinks that this is one of the greatest seasons of television of all time. There have been so many brilliant moments, and I can't wait for these last few episodes.

Even though the blind entity lady creeps me out, I could listen to her and the bleeding guy in jail tormenting that one shithead cop every single episode.


I like this season more than the original and I loved the original. Yeah there are some weak points this season, but there were a few in the original as well.

Overall I love what they have done so far. I just miss Coop 1.0, as he was so full of life and his interactions with the town and the other characters was my favorite thing from the original series.


Episode 8 gets all the mentions but I think Episode 11 was the highlight so far for me. The last scene in the restaurant and the piano playing was just perfect. It's also the episode with the gunshots and Bobby runs out into the street and all hell breaks loose.

So pumped for the last 3 hours.


Random thought #560556

Is it possible that Naida is actually the monkey evolved from the one that appears in FWWM? If the Arm can evolve into a tree, perhaps she could evolve into a person??? She certainly does make "monkey sounds"...


Personally, although I do like this new season of Twin Peaks, I think people are perfectly justified in criticising it as not being "Twin Peaks", because for a lot of it, it hasn't been. It's been David Lynch The TV Show With a Setting Of Twin Peaks, especially in the first half of the season.

It was never marketed as such (just see that banner image a few pages ago) and it's understandable that frustration has arisen in the move from the show having one foot in the bizarre, to going "Full Lynch".

If they want to vent, this is the thread to do it in. It shouldn't be a love-in, that's counterproductive to any discussion, regardless of how much someone flounces off saying that they're done with the series.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Episode 8 gets all the mentions but I think Episode 11 was the highlight so far for me. The last scene in the restaurant and the piano playing was just perfect. It's also the episode with the gunshots and Bobby runs out into the street and all hell breaks loose.

So pumped for the last 3 hours.

I think episode 11 is also my favourite so far. Such a huge gamut of emotions evoked throughout.


Personally, although I do like this new season of Twin Peaks, I think people are perfectly justified in criticising it as not being "Twin Peaks", because for a lot of it, it hasn't been. It's been David Lynch The TV Show With a Setting Of Twin Peaks, especially in the first half of the season.

It was never marketed as such (just see that banner image a few pages ago) and it's understandable that frustration has arisen in the move from the show having one foot in the bizarre, to going "Full Lynch".

If they want to vent, this is the thread to do it in. It shouldn't be a love-in, that's counterproductive to any discussion, regardless of how much someone flounces off saying that they're done with the series.

Meh, I think it's very much "What if we made the last episode of season 2/its style across a whole season?" This is very much Twin Peaks, just not what most of the original seasons were (and I think it's better for that)


After 15 episodes I'm more than confident in declaring Twin Peaks S3 an absolute masterpiece. It's easily my favorite single season of any show I've seen on cable since probably The Shield Season 7.
It's probably the final season. No one's ruling anything out, but the story seems to be answering things that it wouldn't if this were to continue.

Jump on in! (And watch Fire Walk With Me after Season Two).

The Watch had the main guy from Showtime on their podcast and he was so all over the show's success. They would be gagging for it if Lynch is down for it.

I wouldn't really look at answered questions as a lack of potential. Think about the span of a season with Coop at full capacity with Black and White Lodges at war, Jeffries maybe still calling the shots from his kettle. And there's so many cities left in America! What the fuck is Twin Peaks Boston like?!?!

Of course it all depends on where the finale leaves us.
Personally, although I do like this new season of Twin Peaks, I think people are perfectly justified in criticising it as not being "Twin Peaks", because for a lot of it, it hasn't been. It's been David Lynch The TV Show With a Setting Of Twin Peaks, especially in the first half of the season.

It was never marketed as such (just see that banner image a few pages ago) and it's understandable that frustration has arisen in the move from the show having one foot in the bizarre, to going "Full Lynch".

If they want to vent, this is the thread to do it in. It shouldn't be a love-in, that's counterproductive to any discussion, regardless of how much someone flounces off saying that they're done with the series.

I think it's misguided separating Twin Peaks from the rest of his oeuvre. He's worked with plenty of collaborators before and we don't doubt they are "David Lynch" movies. I mean Wild at Heart is an adaptation. He shares writings credits on The Elephant Man, which is adapted from 2 books. He share writing credit on Lost Highway. He has no writing credit for The Straight Story.

I simply don't see a point in qualifying Twin Peaks as it's own thing. Is it because it was the clear pop culture breakthrough? Many of the most identifiable Twin Peaks from the original run are "Full Lynch". I've said it before, but Twin Peaks 1990 was clearly a culmination of his career up to that point. Which is the exact same case for Twin Peaks 2017. In many ways Twin Peaks is the defining work on his career. To separate it from him does a disservice to studying it.

And that's not to say Mark Frost is irrelevant. It's also clearly Mark Frost's defining work. A collaboration is just another way for an artist to work. And the chemistry reveals another part of the artists, but not a separate part.

Going back to this idea that it somehow isn't Twin Peaks. You can very much so say the same for Season 2. So much of that season flipped what people liked about the first season. That doesn't somehow make it less Twin Peaks. And of course FWWM.

To criticize Twin Peaks for not being Twin Peaks just doesn't work. The only thing it reveals is that a fan had a different idea about a piece of art than the artist. That's nothing new or special. It's only relevant to the person making the criticism and only gives insight into that person. It's not actually criticism of the work.

If you don't allow the artists to define their own work, then there is no point to art. It's why Lynch disowns Dune. And the same goes for revealing the killer on Twin Peaks, it wasn't a move he wanted to make. These were not things he was allowed to define. They were moments where someone else was telling Lynch and/or Frost what there art was.


The Watch had the main guy from Showtime on their podcast and he was so all over the show's success. They would be gagging for it if Lynch is down for it.

Don't forget how unlikely it was that Lynch did this season in the first place. He's not the youngest anymore, and his output has become very, very limited in quantity in recent years. Him suddenly doing 18 hours of new material sounded almost impossible when it was announced (and it still does to me really - hell the original 9 sounded too good to be true). And getting these episodes out took years as well.

I just don't see Lynch doing this again. I'd love to be proven wrong, but this happening in the first place was already a bit of a miracle.
Don't forget how unlikely it was that Lynch did this season in the first place. He's not the youngest anymore, and his output has become very, very limited in quantity in recent years. Him suddenly doing 18 hours of new material sounded almost impossible when it was announced (and it still does to me really - hell the original 9 sounded too good to be true). And getting these episodes out took years as well.

I just don't see Lynch doing this again. I'd love to be proven wrong, but this happening in the first place was already a bit of a miracle.

It did sound like he had a blast though.

I'm very curious about how definitive the finale will be.


Don't forget how unlikely it was that Lynch did this season in the first place. He's not the youngest anymore, and his output has become very, very limited in quantity in recent years. Him suddenly doing 18 hours of new material sounded almost impossible when it was announced (and it still does to me really - hell the original 9 sounded too good to be true). And getting these episodes out took years as well.

I just don't see Lynch doing this again. I'd love to be proven wrong, but this happening in the first place was already a bit of a miracle.

Know what I'd like to see? A movie.
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