You guys gotta get outta this troll generation mindstate.
- Audrey's scenes were clearly used to set up the fact that something just ain't right. Each of them got successively weirder, more frustrating, and let on to the fact that she's trapped somewhere and not operating in reality. Then she shows up at the Roadhouse which is supposed to shake your theories until it's finally revealed that, yes, she IS actually trapped somewhere.
- Ed eating alone was supposed to be a momentum stopping scene because it's showing how lonely and unfulfilled he is, still, and setting up the big classic romantic Double R scene in 15. Plus WTF was up with his glitched out creepy reflection.
- The sweeping scene was a commentary on nature vs nurture in modern day America, and why the Tulpa, as a storytelling device, is being used to sweep up the broken pieces of modern day Twin Peaks through the rumination of Dougie's post-comatose effervescence.