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Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| It's Just A Change, Not An End



Unexpected of someone involved to do something like this, however she did basically only give an answer to one question - the simultaneous viewing of the two episodes is not the intended way to watch 17 and 18.

Which y'know, was obvious because they were aired in sequence. The last scenes of 17 and 18 do match up in an interesting way, but my thinking is that this is just coincidence, even if the events in them ARE causally related.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So... what the fuck am I supposed to watch tonight?

Rick and Morty? Maybe?

There's nothing that will really fill up the hole for Twin Peaks, but yeah a new episode of Rick & Morty does air tonight. Also Season 4 of Bojack Horseman hit this week on Netflix. That shows pretty good if you haven't gotten into it (though if never seen it, Season 1 and the first few episodes of Season 1 are definitely the weakest part of the series).

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
This might just be me, but Twin Peaks finishing has put me in a huge mood to replay the Silent Hill games. Silent Hill is like Twin Peaks, but I cabn't really explain it but I do feel that something about Silent Hill 1-4 especially get the closest to capturing something Lynchian in a video game. It's not a precise thing, I doubt Lynch would ever make something like Silent Hill, and Silent Hill does have a lot of direct Lynch influence, but there's something that Twin Peaks captures for me that Silent Hill also captures that's very rare to see in works, despite being in the end quite different.


There's one thing I don't get. Why does the good ol Fireman appear in the Black Lodge at the end of S02 finale? Shouldn't he be in the place of goodness instead rather than sitting down with the Arm in the Black Lodge? Am I missing something there?

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
My friend has made many interesting posts over the years connecting Twin Peaks and Alice in Wonderland. Thought you guys might enjoy it. She has gone through S2E8 and just did a post with some visual comparisons of The Return.

Thanks! Love the surreal-ness of Alice in Wonderland, so this is just great.

There's nothing that will really fill up the hole for Twin Peaks, but yeah a new episode of Rick & Morty does air tonight. Also Season 4 of Bojack Horseman hit this week on Netflix. That shows pretty good if you haven't gotten into it (though if never seen it, Season 1 and the first few episodes of Season 1 are definitely the weakest part of the series).

I really ought to watch Bojack Horseman. The clips I've seen are pretty good.

This might just be me, but Twin Peaks finishing has put me in a huge mood to replay the Silent Hill games. Silent Hill is like Twin Peaks, but I cabn't really explain it but I do feel that something about Silent Hill 1-4 especially get the closest to capturing something Lynchian in a video game. It's not a precise thing, I doubt Lynch would ever make something like Silent Hill, and Silent Hill does have a lot of direct Lynch influence, but there's something that Twin Peaks captures for me that Silent Hill also captures that's very rare to see in works, despite being in the end quite different.

Now that you mention it, I got into David Lynch thanks to PT, many people were calling the resemblance between the fetus in the bathroom sink to the baby in Eraserhead. Being a bit heartbroken when it was cancelled, I wanted to look for things similar in nature, being weird and surreal. And so I found Lynch.

I only have the first one unfortunately.

I think I'm gonna finally play Life Is Strange to see if it'll sort of fill the TP void temporarily.

Before the Storm is so good. I love how the original just revels in being full of Twin Peaks references. Even Rachel is a Laura Palmer-like character at first.


[–]Crispy_socks241 34 points an hour ago
Hello, Sabrina, and thank you for taking time out of your schedule for this AMA. But more importantly, thank you for helping bring David Lynch and Mark Frost’s vision to the screen. I think everyone here appreciates the tireless effort it must have taken to craft this new season.
Have there been any discussions about a possible fourth season? What do you think the odds are?
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–]SabrinaSOfficial 44 points an hour ago
Thank you very much! We are still delivering final elements of this season, so it's still too early for me to even think about it.


Before the Storm is so good. I love how the original just revels in being full of Twin Peaks references. Even Rachel is a Laura Palmer-like character at first.

I haven't played it at all, but I saw that "fire walk with me" is written on a mirror at one point in the game.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't played it at all, but I saw that "fire walk with me" is written on a mirror at one point in the game.

Chloe's pickup truck license plate is "TWNPKS" or something along those lines as well.

On gaming stuff, I'd say that the most similar thing that's coming would be The Evil Within 2. Complete with a Red Room aesthetics and all.



This might just be me, but Twin Peaks finishing has put me in a huge mood to replay the Silent Hill games. Silent Hill is like Twin Peaks, but I cabn't really explain it but I do feel that something about Silent Hill 1-4 especially get the closest to capturing something Lynchian in a video game. It's not a precise thing, I doubt Lynch would ever make something like Silent Hill, and Silent Hill does have a lot of direct Lynch influence, but there's something that Twin Peaks captures for me that Silent Hill also captures that's very rare to see in works, despite being in the end quite different.

I know exactly the abstract thing you're talking about, without being able to put it into words. I didn't watch Twin Peaks until I was maybe 20, around that time I think I watched all of David Lynch's stuff, and everything he's done has this. I had played Silent Hill earlier, so I recognised the relation, and I've seen it in other things since - in a more diluted or bastarised form, like part of True Detective S1, X-files, Deadly Premonition, and things I'm forgetting. They all share a fascination with a certain kind of mystery and darkness, a certain kind of horror, I suppose. They also all share this sense that we never fully get the full thing, it's always diluted with other elements, there's always more left unseen and unsaid, or they miss the mark. So I've been pretty obsessed with it for nearly a decade - I spent months looking for a horror writer who wrote novels in this area, but I wasn't able to find any who went after this exact thing, so I gave up. I think it's because David Lynch pretty much invented it about 30 years ago, and the rest imitate it (sometimes successfully) to various extents. It's in a LOT of music, which makes sense, because it's a more emotional and abstract thing, which is something music can do like nothing else.

I feel differently after The Return, though. I had been feeling this a little before...a little tired of it. A little like maybe there's isn't as much there as I thought, it's just one man's extremely compelling fascinations and fetishes, rippling out into the wider world of entertainment and art.

I think overall, The Return was a sporadically entertaining mess with a good ending. Yeah, I actually like the ending - not most of episode 18, but the last 20 minutes or so, quite a lot. I think it's because it says something to me that in the end, all of this mystery and abstraction and fascination with 'darkness' in general eventually leads you to nothing but bewilderment and emptiness. There was never anything there, it was all a kind of collective dream of something important, but there are no hidden truths. It's just dark emotion, and I feel like I've utterly explored and felt everything this thing has to offer now, and I'm ready to move on a bit, so for that I'm glad it came back. I think this might even have been a big part of why David Lynch decided to do it - he hasn't made a movie in over a decade, and seems very ambivalent about it all now. I don't think he wanted people left nostalgic about Twin Peaks, or wanting to stay in this same old dark dreamland, so he gave us this to take it away.

Maybe I'd have got there in the end anyway, like I said I was already feeling a little tired of it, but now I've really spent some time looking at it directly - this season is that darkness in it's purest form seen so far (about 50% pure darkness!) and what's the end result of getting such a concentrated dose of it? Bewilderment and emptiness. I don't think there's any point in going down this particular rabbit hole any deeper when there are so many others in the world I haven't yet explored. It's been an obsession of mine, I've even tried to replicate it myself in music and games and writing, looked for it everywhere, and I never felt like I could get to the heart of it and now I think that's because it doesn't have one. It was fascinating, but less endless and primary than I thought.

Something like that, anyway.
Such an empty feeling not having any new Twin Peaks to look forward to tonight.....

.....however, Season 3 was such a masterpiece, that I am perfectly content with what we received.

Every episode was a special event, with countless memorable moments throughout the season.

Certain moments continue to stick in my brain and will likely intrigue and haunt me for the rest of my life.

In particular, I can't get the Axolotl Roadhouse song and scene out of my head. There were so many amazing, memorable and haunting moments in the final 4 episodes, and that part in particular was when things really started to ramp up.

We'd just experienced an amazing, touching and tantalizing episode.......whether Coop would come back, and whether Dougie is OK after his crawl up to the wall socket..............touching tribute to the Log Lady..............then culminating it what was the strongest case to date of Audrey being trapped in self-induced dream. The scene with Audrey is so frustrating and eerie, as she refuses to let herself leave, and then emotionally intense as she leaps on Charlie, screaming and cursing at him....................we're totally engaged and overwhelmed at this point, from all that has happened in the episode..............and then cue the Roadhouse end scene with Axolotl, and the mysterious crawling girl. The scene drips of Lynchian surrealness as two huge men move the girl to get her table, and she continues to stay squatting in a strange position. The music and entire scene are just so mesmerizing, with the strobe lit stage performance enhancing the emotions of the crawling girl so well as it leads up to her disturbing scream.

It's just so weird, so emotionally draining, and so hauntingly fantastic. It would have been great as a standalone scene, but put at the end of that episode, coupled with everything that has happened......viewing it for the first time was a truly mesmerizing and special experience.

....and that's just episode 15. Episodes 16-18 ramp it up even further, with Audrey's dance being the next amazingly memorable moment, followed by Coop's "We live in a dream" and everything after that, particularly the very end of the show.

This season has leapt to my favorite TV viewing experience of all time ---- I'm not sure how it can ever be surpassed.

We all just experienced something truly special. 1st time viewing of this season is something that I will always remember very fondly and wish that I could experience again.


[–]picturepack 7 points an hour ago
Now that twin peaks is wrapped, what are you working on that you can tell us about?
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[–]SabrinaSOfficial [score hidden] 43 minutes ago
I am not wrapped yet. Close, but I am still delivering some final elements. I am also helping with a retrospective on David's work that will be later this year




So it stays bad then, alright. I'll continue watching but I won't subject my loved ones to this.
You realize The Return got near endless rave reviews right? This season from episode 1 on was a revelation and heralded as one of the greatest modern tv seasons by many.

You are aren't going to find many friends here with what you are saying.


[–]picturepack 7 points an hour ago
Now that twin peaks is wrapped, what are you working on that you can tell us about?
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[–]SabrinaSOfficial [score hidden] 43 minutes ago
I am not wrapped yet. Close, but I am still delivering some final elements. I am also helping with a retrospective on David's work that will be later this year



She was talking about editing a free tv version of it, and probably DVD special features and stuff like that.

You realize The Return got near endless rave reviews right? This season from episode 1 on was a revelation and heralded as one of the greatest modern tv seasons by many.

You are aren't going to find many friends here with what you are saying.

It got good reviews, it got bad reviews, whatever - the reaction was a lot more complex than that. A lot of people didn't like it, a lot of people stuck with it hoping it would become something else. A lot of people love it, too.

He doesn't need to come in here and just gush about how good it was, his opinions don't need to have friends.
If you guys are looking for something to watch tonight, maybe check out Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories

It's comedy obviously, but its a particular brand of weird and darkness that crosses over with a lot of The Return. Each episode is like a short film based on some sort of nightmarish concept. It's absurd and rad

Two episodes tonight, I saw the first on their last tour and it was pretty fantastic

(I mean.....it's not like there's anything else to watch tonight :'(( )


I've totally been in the mood for some Silent Hill. Life is Strange too, though I hadn't heard of any Twin Peaks connections? Huh.

Trouble is I'm not sure how I want to tackle the former, neither the PC or PS2 versions are particularly accessible and the HD collection is a mess. Life is strange I do own the PC version of, but last time I tried to run it I got terrible audio bugs. I should've refunded that and bought the PS4 version but it's too late now.

Not sure what other games could give me some Twin Peaks vibes. I've already played Deadly Premonition and Alan Wake for what it's worth. I could really go for a point and click adventure game but the ones I've seen mentioned in relation to Peaks, or Lynch in general, don't look that appealing to me. Anything else?

Um, that ain't the symbol in Twin Peaks, that's a rune that white supremacists use. Upside down, but still the same shape.

Oh, I'm aware that it's off, but I'm quite sure it's supposed to be a twin peaks reference considering the username and it being upside down, which doesn't appear to be a thing in the slightest with the rune. I do hope it's a genuine mistake and not some white supremacist fan.
This does bring up the topic of the symbol totally being based on the odal rune, and I'm not sure what the significance of that is supposed to be outside of general wacky season 2 mysticism in Twin Peaks lore, and a passing resemblance with an owl. But it's something I've wondered about. I probably shouldn't care too much considering its Twin Peaks origins though, it has only become memorable through being used in some cooler stuff later on.

Anyway I'm petty sure the moral of the story is don't get own cave tattoos kids


[–]Backinstylegum 2 points an hour ago
Are you able to comment as to why Michael J. Anderson was not in the new series?
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[–]SabrinaSOfficial [score hidden] 8 minutes ago
David loves Michael. David wanted Michael to be in the show. We asked Michael, but he declined the offer.




You are going to be very, very disappointed if "old Peaks" is your touchstone, FYI.

Yes, he will, but that doesn't make him stupid or wrong. There's this strange thing that's happened with Twin Peaks that everyone who showed up for it, they pretty much showed up because of old Twin Peaks - and then when it became clear that this way in no way old Twin Peaks, a lot of people started being condescending about wanting old Twin Peaks. 'you like twin peaks? ha, okay, maybe you're not smart enough for twin peaks.'.

There's a lack of judgment and allowance for ambiguity that is extended to The Return, but which isn't extended to people's thoughts on it. I find that hypocritical.


What else would your touchstone be for a show called Twin Peaks: The Return? I liked Fire Walk with Me too. Haven't read the new book yet.

What I'm trying to say is that OG Peaks was a network television show, and therefore was subject to the whims of the network management. And David Lynch only directed 6 of 30 episodes. I won't call it a compromised vision, because clearly it is still a lasting piece of art.

But The Return is an 18 hour David Lynch film made with full creative control on premium cable with no network meddling. First and foremost it's a Lynch film and explores the thematic territory that interests him. That it's set in Twin Peaks and continues that narrative is almost secondary.

It's actually more of a commentary on the fans wanting "old Peaks" than anything else.


I love old Twin Peaks? I'm watching for the nuggets of weird good and I want to know how it wraps up. My friends and family are less invested.

Keep watching if you want to know how Twin Peaks ends. Stop watching if you're content with the first two seasons and FWWM, and you don't care to know how Lynch & Frost concluded this saga after 25+ years of leaving us all hanging.

A different way of looking at it might be: the same way Twin Peaks was a Lynchian spin on soap operas of the day, Twin Peaks: The Return instead plays around with the classic Twin Peaks. It isn't the same thing as that show you enjoyed, but it's definitely about what has or hasn't changed and why.


Yes, he will, but that doesn't make him stupid or wrong. There's this strange thing that's happened with Twin Peaks that everyone who showed up for it, they pretty much showed up because of old Twin Peaks - and then when it became clear that this way in no way old Twin Peaks, a lot of people started being condescending about wanting old Twin Peaks. 'you like twin peaks? ha, okay, maybe you're not smart enough for twin peaks.'.

There's a lack of judgment and allowance for ambiguity that is extended to The Return, but which isn't extended to people's thoughts on it. I find that hypocritical.

Eh, I'm not calling anyone wrong or stupid. I haven't done that nor will you see me doing it. The Return absolutely is not for everyone. My GF thinks it's awful and thinks I was crazy for watching it. I'm just saying that based on what he has said, he is going to be very disappointed.

But you'll not find me being condescending towards anyone.
Yes, he will, but that doesn't make him stupid or wrong. There's this strange thing that's happened with Twin Peaks that everyone who showed up for it, they pretty much showed up because of old Twin Peaks - and then when it became clear that this way in no way old Twin Peaks, a lot of people started being condescending about wanting old Twin Peaks. 'you like twin peaks? ha, okay, maybe you're not smart enough for twin peaks.'.

There's a lack of judgment and allowance for ambiguity that is extended to The Return, but which isn't extended to people's thoughts on it. I find that hypocritical.
No one is saying he's stupid or wrong

We're saying if you think it's bad, don't waste your time because it's not going to become something else

Nothing wrong with being disappointed but it's another to constantly come in here and say YEAH BUT IT SUCKED, RIGHT? I HATED IT AND IT WAS THE WORST

Feel free to voice negative reactions but if you're not planning on contributing to discussion and you're obviously not going to budge from how you felt, it comes off as an annoyance.

I've read annoying impressions from people who liked the show with overly artsy condescension, that doesn't help much either. Don't think it's popped up as much for a while though



Fucking Sunday.

I don't even know what the fuck a Ray Donovan is, I never watched The Return on Showtime due to not being from the US so I haven't been exposed to it in any way, and I still knew this was a Ray Donovan thing.

I'm not okay with this


Fair enough guys - I didn't extend benefit of the doubt, because others have acted very condescending about people who don't like the new season. I'm on the negative end about it overall, but I'm still here and hell, I'm still thinking about it, I think I've just got a different end in mind than simply appreciating it. My post above was about that and I dunno if anyone read it - I doubt you'll agree! - but I'm curious what people think about that aspect.


I'm only about 5 episodes in. Does the return ever get good?
I'm not sure why you're getting such negative responses, given how this thread exploded with fanboy freakouts whenever the show started to resemble a more conventional TV show, but whatever.
There's a chance you'll like part 7 and some later parts, but the show never settles into that Classic Peaks mode for very long.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Any other interesting stuff from the AMA?


But seriously:

From /u/LittleRudiger: What kind of expansion happened when the script ended up doubling from 9 to 18?
Was it purely due to how long storylines were, or did it allow for the addition of new arcs?
Were there any actors or locations that you were unable to lock down that David and Mark initially planned on using?
Are there any surprises in store for the future Blu-ray release? Perhaps an in-depth making of, or some deleted scenes?
Finally, and obviously most importantly; when should I start brewing coffee for the next season? I adored this series!

Lots and lots of questions!!! Okay, let me start...
1. Although David ended up writing more scenes for the final show, it wasn't like all the material doubled. There was a difference of opinion of how much time the script would take when it was translated onto the screen. There is a formula that people use to figure how long a page of script will take onscreen. This formula is not necessarily accurate when it comes to how David envisions a scene.
2. There were new scenes added and then there were additions/changes to already written scenes.
3. There are always going to be people and places that are unavailable, but the film became the film it should be because of it. David went with the flow and new ideas came, and we went in his new direction.
4. Surprises are just that. :)
Thank you! We're so glad you like it!!


Any other interesting stuff from the AMA?

I thought it was interesting how she didn't want to say who voiced the Arm, I've been wondering myself. Personally I've been thinking it was David Lynch himself?

BWPhoenix: Who provided the voice for the (Evolution of the) Arm?

Did Bowie know how his character was going to be tackled in his absence? (really, any Bowie-related detail would be awesome)

...and the real good question that I don't want to actually have an answer for: is it future, or is it past?

1. Unfortunately, I think this question should remain a mystery and not be answered.

2. Bowie did give us permission to use his clips in this season.

3. I don't have an answer for that one either. Sorry!

Also, her answer regarding Annie's absence:

ideanuk: My question is in respect of the Annie character; do you have any information to provide as to whether Heather Graham was approached for the new season?

I love Heather Graham too!! The script we shot did not have Annie included. I did not approach her for this one, unfortunately. If she was in it, I hope she would have done it!

And her answer regarding Donna's absence:

beenawhilehuh: What happened to Donna?
Donna didn't work out this season, unfortunately

I feel like the difference is telling, but maybe I'm reading too much into it.


Love that first one. Thanks guys. I'm waiting for this My Brother My Brother and Me thing to start so I haven't got time to read over the whole thing.

Hope you enjoy it! I was at the earlier one and it was fantastic; I've seen them live twice before and it was the best by far.
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