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Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| It's Just A Change, Not An End

Actually it is pretty genius on Lynch's part:
  1. Showtime or another network green lights a season 4.
  2. He makes another Twin Peaks movie.
    [*]He can write a Twin Peaks book.
  3. If none of the above happen, he has people talking about theories until the end of time about the mysteries of Twin Peaks. What is better then knowing that people will be talking about your work far after you are gone?



Stormy Grey
We were never going to get answers. Twin Peaks has always been just as much about the mystery of things as it has been about every other aspect people have come to love and crystallize as part of pop culture for the past three decades. It's unfortunate that people aren't happy with what we got, but I honestly can't think of a better way to keep the spirit of the show alive than by dangling this as its potential grand finale.

Dale Cooper is a tragic hero, who keeps finding himself above his head. He tried to erase the past but did so much more than that without realizing the repercussions of his actions.

"Do you really want to fuck with this?"


If anyone is interested in what the Russian leaked descriptions were for Part 17 and 18, here they are.

Part 17: Cole makes a statement. Cooper's doppelgänger arrives at Twin Peaks. Sheriff Truman gets an unexpected call. Freddie fulfills his destiny. Laura runs away from James in the past, and Pete goes fishing.

Part 18: Dougie returns to Janey-E. Cooper and Diane go into the motel, but she disappears next morning. In Odessa, Cooper finds Carrie Page and takes her to Twin Peaks.


Well I think that sneaky magician has something to do with it. Both names dropped at the Palmer house? Cmon. There was definitely shades of the dark side in Cooper after the shift. It's as if lynch is trying to say 'you never mess with the mystery!" and we all get to dwell on that watching the secret being whispered in Cooper's ear.

Big One

I think we can, as a starting point, understand what objectively happened is this:

Dale Cooper prevents Laura from being murdered. She gets sucked into another timeline, dimension, or story. Dale Cooper crosses over with Diane to that dimension and awakens as a different character in a different story with different plots already in motion. He finds Laura Palmer, but she's not Laura Palmer anymore, so it doesn't matter.

The conclusion we see is a conclusion to a different story. Imagine Twin Peaks ended when Cooper and Diane drove through the electrical barrier and episode 18 was an episode of a show called Odessa.

What stands out to me most dramatically is that the Cooper that emerges from the Lodge and travels with Diane is very still, discourteous, and robotic. I don't think it's the real Dale Cooper. Although he exhibits some moments of earnestness, overall, he is dark and inexpressive. I think this character is the doppelgänger.
I think this too. I think Cooper is essentially what Bob was for him with Mr. C for this new "Richard" character. It isn't that Cooper is evil, however, he just isn't his true self.


Not Wario
I just want to know how, or more pertinently I guess, when the Final Dossier fits into all of this. When the Secret History came out, it seemed fairly straightforward- there's one timeline. Now, I have no clue what Twin Peaks history even means anymore.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I think we can, as a starting point, understand what objectively happened is this:

Dale Cooper prevents Laura from being murdered. She gets sucked into another timeline, dimension, or story. Dale Cooper crosses over with Diane to that dimension and awakens as a different character in a different story with different plots already in motion. He finds Laura Palmer, but she's not Laura Palmer anymore, so it doesn't matter.

The conclusion we see is a conclusion to a different story. Imagine Twin Peaks ended when Cooper and Diane drove through the electrical barrier and episode 18 was an episode of a show called Odessa.

What stands out to me most dramatically is that the Cooper that emerges from the Lodge and travels with Diane is very still, discourteous, and robotic. I don't think it's the real Dale Cooper. Although he exhibits some moments of earnestness, overall, he is dark and inexpressive. I think this character is the doppelgänger.

I agree with this, but I think the Cooper we see is Cooper and Mr. C 'merged' together. At the start of Part 18 we see Mr. C in the chair on fire, and then it's replaced by Cooper. I think they conjoined, Mr. C is Cooper's shadow self and so they became 'whole', and the character that comes out, "Richard" I guess, has traits both of Cooper and Mr. C within him.


I think we can, as a starting point, understand what objectively happened is this:

Dale Cooper prevents Laura from being murdered. She gets sucked into another timeline, dimension, or story. Dale Cooper crosses over with Diane to that dimension and awakens as a different character in a different story with different plots already in motion. He finds Laura Palmer, but she's not Laura Palmer anymore, so it doesn't matter.

The conclusion we see is a conclusion to a different story. Imagine Twin Peaks ended when Cooper and Diane drove through the electrical barrier and episode 18 was an episode of a show called Odessa.

What stands out to me most dramatically is that the Cooper that emerges from the Lodge and travels with Diane is very still, discourteous, and robotic. I don't think it's the real Dale Cooper. Although he exhibits some moments of earnestness, overall, he is dark and inexpressive. I think this character is the doppelgänger.

I don't think it's the doppleganger. Evil Cooper would have killed those assholes at the diner. If anything, I'd say they merged.

But, once this shit kicks off, I think Cooper just gets, like, super serious. It's not like he was happily chugging coffee, scarfing pie, widdling, and taking in the fresh air in the Black Lodge either.


I actually thought episode 18 was fucking awesome. bit disappointing as the finale though, sure would have loved another 9 or 18 episodes
Yeah I was at least expecting more with The Mother/Sarah and Audrey. Pretty bold to have the kinds of set ups those character arcs had and not come back to them. I feel like this ending could potentially be a bargaining chip to make more if the demand is there (and according to their streaming numbers it certainly is). If they do decide to make more and are given the greenlight can they please not take years to write the next installment this time. I can't take the wait!

To reiterate I really did like that ending though. Leaves a gulf of mystery and potential open. Wasn't wanting everything to be tidied up neatly with everyone munching on cherry pie at the RR.
The mother is Judy is Sarah. That all makes sense to me.

The plan was to kill two birds with one stone, Bob and Judy. But... the fireman references that and Richard and Linda... so there may still be a way. Right? That's your glint of hope.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
So Ganon is BOB, right?

Lynch should do a Zelda film series. Those video games have quite a bit of Lynch in them. Hell, one of them was inspired by Twin Peaks.



fire walk with me 2 is to twin peaks what end of evangelion was to NGE

The funny thing is I don't know the first thing about Evangelion other than the existence of that song, and I haven't seen/heard/read any of Lynch's work outside of the TP universe. Guess what I'll be doing this month!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Also yeah, Cooper is a tragic hero. In the Season 2 finale he goes in over his head and is overcome by his shadow self, which leads to Mr. C and him being trapped in the lodge. He went in to save Annie with good intentions, but it backfires.

Now in Season 3 he tries to save Laura and all of this from ever happening, but suffers the consequences from another good intention.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
The timeline Coop ended up in after waking up in the motel is not the one where Laura lives. The timeline where we Laura's dead body disappears is a third timeline.

If there's any answer to this the hints are probably in the scenes where Laura screams. Could there be other people manipulating time besides Coop?
Apparently Sabrina Sutherland, the executive producer is doing a special AMA on September 10th and said there are things that she can't answer despite the finale having aired.

Possible continuation/season 4 news?
This is why I'm ok with the time travel. Normally, pulling something like sending Coop to the past to undo Laura's murder would be an instant sharkjumper for me; I absolutely despise time travel being used to undo plot points/deus ex machina things, but there's a real sense of consequence to messing with all these threads here that you don't get in other works that contain it.

In many ways, I'm finding myself on the opposite end of the reaction- seeing Coop show up the night of Laura's murder was a negative thing when it happened to me, and the Bob showdown was probably the worst part of the whole finale.

That final shot, though, with Laura hearing her name and the house going dark as she screams, is absolutely one of the most haunting images I've ever seen. I really think the reaction to this episode would be completely different- in a positive way- were it a season finale and not a series finale.

Is it confirmed a series finale?
Apparently Sabrina Sutherland, the executive producer is doing a special AMA on September 10th and said there are things that she can't answer despite the finale having aired.

Possible continuation/season 4 news?

Oh god, as much as I think I actually love the ending, I don't want to get my hopes up for more


The funny thing is I don't know the first thing about Evangelion other than the existence of that song, and I haven't seen/heard/read any of Lynch's work outside of the TP universe. Guess what I'll be doing this month!

Hey, enjoy it! I love that show. I made that comparison because End of Evangelion exists due to fans being mad at the finale.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
I think we can, as a starting point, understand what objectively happened is this:

Dale Cooper prevents Laura from being murdered. She gets sucked into another timeline, dimension, or story. Dale Cooper crosses over with Diane to that dimension and awakens as a different character in a different story with different plots already in motion. He finds Laura Palmer, but she's not Laura Palmer anymore, so it doesn't matter.

The conclusion we see is a conclusion to a different story. Imagine Twin Peaks ended when Cooper and Diane drove through the electrical barrier and episode 18 was an episode of a show called Odessa.

What stands out to me most dramatically is that the Cooper that emerges from the Lodge and travels with Diane is very still, discourteous, and robotic. I don't think it's the real Dale Cooper. Although he exhibits some moments of earnestness, overall, he is dark and inexpressive. I think this character is the doppelgänger.

But what about the reality Diane and Coop were in where they go to the cheap motel and she sees a copy of herself? That's different than the reality Coop woke up to.

I agree that Coop at the end was acting more like DoppleCoop though.


Loved it. That entire last episode, oh my lord, I could've spent hours with them just driving through the dark. And ending it the way they did after all this time, hilarious and glorious in equal measure.

But sadly the world is a bleaker place now that I have no more Tammy, Candy, and Janey-E to look forward to.
Time travel endings always make stories worse. ALWAYS.

I can't think of a single piece of media that tried to wrap things up with time travel nonsense that didn't ruin it for me.
Actually it is pretty genius on Lynch's part:
  1. Showtime or another network green lights a season 4.
  2. He makes another Twin Peaks movie.
  3. He can write a Twin Peaks book.
  4. If none of the above happen, he has people talking about theories until the end of time about the mysteries of Twin Peaks. What is better then knowing that people will be talking about your work far after you are gone?

did TP:TR get enough viewers to even warrant any networks to greenlight it?
last i heard, the amount of people watching the show wasn't holding up to expectations
I REALLY do not think the last half takes place in "reality". Something about the lights shutting down when Laura screams confirms that for me. I think Laura is trapped in a dream similar to Audrey, and Coop is trapped in there with her.

Big One

There was a rotary phone in the hotel room.
Hrm if so, that's interesting. Maybe Coops "What year is this? has more meaning than we thought. Maybe Coop traveled to the past, taking over a body of someone in one of his previous lives. "Richard" is Coop in the past, "Linda" is Diane in the past, and "Carrie Page" is Laura in the past.
We were never going to get answers. Twin Peaks has always been just as much about the mystery of things as it has been about every other aspect people have come to love and crystallize as part of pop culture for the past three decades.

It's honestly this

Even if we get a season 4, the only thing I can absolutely predict about it is the same reaction people had to season 2's ending, and this ending, they'll have to this one. It'll end on a cliffhanger just like those, and you'll have a million questions now just like then, and most of them will not ever be answered even if he's given more years and more seasons and more ways to provide them

Definitely not going to say it's good or bad because that opinion will vary on the person, but it's David Lynch's Twin Peaks.


did TP:TR get enough viewers to even warrant any networks to greenlight it?
last i heard, the amount of people watching the show wasn't holding up to expectations

The ratings weren't great but the amount of new subscriptions to Showtime made up for it. They mentioned during their financial call that they were happy with the boost that their numbers got.


Does anyone other than me still think that the Cooper we saw in most of episode 18 wasn’t really Cooper? He acted more like Mr. C

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Does anyone other than me still think that the Cooper we saw in most of episode 18 wasn’t really Cooper? He acted more like Mr. C

I personally think Cooper and Mr. C 'fused', according to Hawk in Season 2 Mr. C is just Cooper's shadow self, and we know him as his doppelganger. I think the beginning of Part 18 hints that they kind of are one now. Cooper acts in some places like Mr. C and other places like Cooper, is something of note.


Not Wario
Is it confirmed a series finale?

It is assumed to be a series finale until stated otherwise. I will say I can actually see them being able to do a season 4 without the cast members we've lost whereas before the finale I would have said that's impossible. The line given both before and throughout the season, however, was that season 3 is a complete story they wanted to tell and, while there's room for a season 4 if it can happen, 3 is complete on its own.

gonna send one of these out on behalf of neogaf, what should i say?

I REALLY do not think the last half takes place in "reality". Something about the lights shutting down when Laura screams confirms that for me. I think Laura is trapped in a dream similar to Audrey, and Coop is trapped in there with her.

This is most likely it. I really do think he has crossed over into her dreamscape and we cut to black just as she wakes up.
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