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Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| It's Just A Change, Not An End

JC Sera

i felt audrey's plotline served a pretty good purpose; to set up what happens to someone if the are trapped in a dream world, and how catastrophic it can be to them when they wake up


What was the point of all the Jerry being high scenes in the show?

It's worth remembering that the overwhelming majority of OG Twin Peaks storylines had literally no effect on the Season 2 finale (or really anything for that matter). Jerry was always a marginal character who existed purely to (a) concretize a dumb joke about ice cream and (b) provide dumb physical comedy. In this season he existed to (a) incarnate dumb jokes about legal weed and (b) provide dumb physical comedy cuz (a).
It might just be the lack of sleep talking, but I don't think i'm a fan of the finale at all, or how Bob and Bad Coop went out.


dude got bodied by these lol


It might just be the lack of sleep talking, but I don't think i'm a fan of the finale at all, or how Bob and Bad Coop went out.
what makes it work for me is that, while Lucy and One Punch Man were able to defeat the various entities, without Cooper's encouragement and quick wit with the ring and the phones, it wouldn't have mattered much


In retrospect it seems kind of a waste not to have a scene where the two coopers meet each other and interact. Oh well.


The entirety of episode 18 had me going, "Okay Lynch, let's gooooo already!" No Audrey wrap-up, no clue where Richard Horne is, Bad Cooper taken care of like that and by Lucy of all people, no closure on who built the glass box or what came out of it...there are just way too many unanswered things and I'm losing my mind right now.


I'm sitting here in bed about to sleep and the more I think about the finale the more terrifying it gets

Yep. I was exhausted before the finale even aired. Now it's 4am and I'm about to just give up on sleeping at all.

So glad tomorrow's a holiday.

JC Sera

It might just be the lack of sleep talking, but I don't think i'm a fan of the finale at all, or how Bob and Bad Coop went out.
I like how Mr C went out (reminds me somewhat of how windom earle went out, a moment I loved, someone being built up to be so sinister and competent and then go out like a jobber)
I feel like bob should have been more climatic
but on the other hand

The moment I twigged why the fireman made laura in episode 8 felt really satisfying to me
(to save her mother with love; I fear that love is not enough when laura died, the bug had 25 years of gambozia to eat sarah up from the inside out)

I feel that purpose works a lot better than was created to combat bob. Bob was never the be all and end all just a very powerful lodge spirit that not only abused mortals but other spirits. Having him defeated by some kid from britain who was mainly chosen because he had a realization that he wants to help people, isn't so bad.

honestly I think the fbi overestimates the supernatural forces; yes sarah palmer is possessed by a horrible demon. What does it do? Drink all day and occasionally murder someone who pokes to far into its business. No lodge spirit has caused more damage than what a normal human being is capable of. Mr C is the only one so far that has done large scale damage, and I find its really interesting he ended up with a similar fate to windom earle, who also attempted to do wide scale damage with the supernatural.

sorry I'm rambling


I feel like episode 18 is a classic "distraction" , where everything in the episode becomes more relevant than years old mysteries.

It's always a cop out but damn is this episode in particular fascinating.

That ending is incredibly well shot and disturbing. The sex scene is also insanely creepy. Cooper's change of personality despite remaining "good" and keeping his memories, is also striking.

I enjoyed that more than punching bob into hell and time travelling to go meet creepy fake Laura.
Hope Lynch really does a S4.

Showtime seems game despite the low viewership. Maybe with the GOT hiatus they think they can close in on some decent numbers?

This is all assuming if they were to get a season done within a year of course.
Hope Lynch really does a S4.

Showtime seems game despite the low viewership. Maybe with the GOT hiatus they think they can close in on some decent numbers?

This is all assuming if they were to get a season done within a year of course.

They'll seem more game when the subscribers drop. I just cancelled Now TV... or at least, I tried to but they offered me four months for £3.49 so I've stuck with it for now.
The more I think about it, the more terrifying the ending is. That feeling of hopelessness after trying everything. Its fucking real man.
A huge amount of my first watch of episode 18 was clouded by wondering if/when they’d show something more of Audrey. I expect I’ll find a lot more to enjoy in a second watch knowing what is coming.
I just finished it and have got about 30 pages to catch up on in this thread. I'm feeling a wide range of emotions. Grateful, confused, angry, happy, shocked, sad, and a bit frightened. The light in my kitchen also made a buzzing sound and flicked on/off a few times.

I just seen some shit basically. That just happened whether I want to like it or not.
The entirety of episode 18 had me going, "Okay Lynch, let's gooooo already!" No Audrey wrap-up, no clue where Richard Horne is, Bad Cooper taken care of like that and by Lucy of all people, no closure on who built the glass box or what came out of it...there are just way too many unanswered things and I'm losing my mind right now.

The way I look at it:

- Audrey's story is emotionally finished. She's either in a coma or died in the explosion, and is living in her dream. She has some kind of awakening in Part 16, but more importantly, it feeds into where the show's going with Laura and Coop later on.
- Richard Horne poofed and disappeared. People tend to do that in this series.
- Mr. C is still just a doppelganger/shadow self. The physical body is not superhuman. He was taken care of by Lucy because of whatever the hell the Fireman showed Andy (his vision seems to imply it's up to him to make sure all the pieces are in place at the station)
- It's safe to assume Mr. C funded and ran the Glass Box operation as a gateway to find or capture or bring back Judy, but Coop being ejected from the Waiting Room/Black Lodge the way he was screwed everything up.


Divided on Part 18 but I'm just so glad Lynch was able to make 18 hours of TV on his own terms. Part 8 was a goddamn masterpiece and justifies TP coming back alone IMO.


A huge amount of my first watch of episode 18 was clouded by wondering if/when they’d show something more of Audrey. I expect I’ll find a lot more to enjoy in a second watch knowing what is coming.

I might be suffering from this as well. If they ever announce a season 4 my reaction to episode 18 might change from "letdown" to "great setup".

17 was pretty damn satisfying though.
Now that we've reached the conclusion, I really, really dislike the addition of Diane and the importance her character was given. It NEEDED to be Annie waiting on the other side of that curtain.

The finale was haunting and trippy as fuck, and I love it in a vacuum - the credit roll is perfection - but as the ending to both Twin Peaks and The Return, it just really disappoints. It was juggling so much, and in the end it just kind of dumped it all on the ground.


Divided on Part 18 but I'm just so glad Lynch was able to make 18 hours of TV on his own terms. Part 8 was a goddamn masterpiece and justifies TP coming back alone IMO.

I mean, if you disconnect part 18 from the actual narrative of the rest of the season (as in not focusing on lack of answers / satisfaction), I'd stay it's a pretty strong episode of TV too.

Lots of incredible scenes in that ep, the delivery/performance of the actors was just on point.

It's funny because part 17 felt more like " a dream " where everyone runs into each other at once, everything conveniently in one place etc... lots of cartoony moments.

And 18 felt like a much darker version of that. Everything is twisted. Cooper doesn't smile anymore. I like the "dream and nightmare" comparison.


I don't really understand The Fireman the more I think about it. I think it was easy to view him as a source of good based on factors, and he may be, but I'm not really sure what he was aiming for when I think on it or outside of a few things what he guided people towards did. Andy is a bit more clear since he aids in hiding Naido and letting the events of the finale transpire. But again, keeping Naido safe is what leads to the outcome in Part 18, so I'm curious why The Fireman wants the result of Part 18 so badly.

Only thing I can think of is it's the best possible outcome for Laura and maybe Cooper too. Perhaps every other sequence of events leads to Dale trapped in the Black Lodge and Laura raped and murdered.

As a result of the finale though I've definitely found myself questioning The Fireman's motives and what exactly he's after.

As for the finale itself, I'm actually more or less okay with episode 18. I still have many many unanswered questions about it, but it's a fascinating series of events. If anything, I was a little let down by the dispatching of Mr. C and BOB in Episode 17. Actually Mr. C's ending wasn't too bad, apart from the ridiculous little jump Truman's hat does when Mr. C shoots at him. Speaking of which, what the fuck happened there? Mr. C shoots right at Frank, his hat jumps but Frank is fine, no hole in the wall, the hat, or him.

After that though it just devolves into one of the single most moronic scenes I can think of on TV with Freddie boxing the the fucking Cacodemon BOB orb. While I agree with the sentiments of others that something is off about that scene once there's the big Cooper head overlayed or underlayed in that scene, this horseshit happens before that and it's flat out disappointing that is the best they came up with for getting rid of BOB.

Most of the disappointment I feel regarding the finale (and it's not all disappointment either) is the threads they left hanging. I don't really give a shit about Red or the weirdo in the jail cell or all the towns people we hear about but never see so much. It'd be interesting to find out, but I don't really need closure there. The Experiment, the girl from Episode 8 with the bug in her, and Sarah, on the other hand, I really could have used some more information on. I'm a fan of Lynch and while I don't need the entire story to be wrapped up and easily summed up on a wiki, it seems at the very least wasteful to introduce things as interesting as these and then never fully capitalize on it when you had 18 fucking hours to do so. I'd put the Woodsmen up there too or at least what the fuck was up with their intervention in Episode 8.
Kinda a silly question but do we know what Laura is saying in Coop's ear? Don't remember.

I think that's purposely being set up as the new "Who Killed Laura Palmer?" except Lynch isn't going to reveal it. My guess is Laura is explaining the ramification of what Cooper's done.


Now that we've reached the conclusion, I really, really dislike the addition of Diane and the importance her character was given. It NEEDED to be Annie waiting on the other side of that curtain.

The finale was haunting and trippy as fuck, and I love it in a vacuum - the credit roll is perfection - but as the ending to both Twin Peaks and The Return, it just really disappoints. It was juggling so much, and in the end it just kind of dumped it all on the ground.

This is kinda initially me.

Even if it wasn't Annie, I think Audrey would have worked a little better. I liked Diane in the series but her use in 17/18 was lost on me.

I think 16 and 17 were more personally satisfying as episodes. 18 felt meandering. In a series that's seemingly gone to great lengths to remind us it's the journey, not the destination, I probably should be more at peace with it. I've often delighted in Lynch being obtuse, but here I felt it was just too unsatisfying in a wider context to just that aloof, 'I don't owe the audience anything' way.

In terms of pure viewing satisfication (and I'm talking as a 'did I have a good time'), it's early days but I'd rank it just a par above Season 2 with its peaks and troughs (though naturally The Return from a visual and artistic standpoint blows it away).


The way I look at it:

- Audrey's story is emotionally finished. She's either in a coma or died in the explosion, and is living in her dream. She has some kind of awakening in Part 16, but more importantly, it feeds into where the show's going with Laura and Coop later on.
- Richard Horne poofed and disappeared. People tend to do that in this series.
- Mr. C is still just a doppelganger/shadow self. The physical body is not superhuman. He was taken care of by Lucy because of whatever the hell the Fireman showed Andy (his vision seems to imply it's up to him to make sure all the pieces are in place at the station)
- It's safe to assume Mr. C funded and ran the Glass Box operation as a gateway to find or capture or bring back Judy, but Coop being ejected from the Waiting Room/Black Lodge the way he was screwed everything up.

I appreciate the response! Season 3 seems to be a whole 'nother beast compared to seasons 1 and 2. As a whole, I love all 3 seasons and Fire Walk With Me. I guess the series just leaves me wanting more. Maybe I should read those dossiers finally (I know there's a new one coming out pretty soon, never read the original though).
honestly i'm fine with the ending. i'm mostly disappointed they didn't follow up on the incredible last seconds of the audrey story. it's really the only plotline i feel unsatisfied with


Its a shame they never followed up on the 50s setting. Loved that stuff. I take it that was Sarah/Judy?
This is kinda initially me.

Even if it wasn't Annie, I think Audrey would have worked a little better. I liked Diane in the series but her use in 17/18 was lost on me.

I think 16 and 17 were more personally satisfying as episodes. 18 felt meandering. In a series that's seemingly gone to great lengths to remind us it's the journey, not the destination, I probably should be more at peace with it. I've often delighted in Lynch being obtuse, but here I felt it was just too unsatisfying in a wider context to just that aloof, 'I don't owe the audience anything' way.

In terms of pure viewing satisfication (and I'm talking as a 'did I have a good time'), it's early days but I'd rank it just a par above Season 2 with its peaks and troughs (though naturally The Return from a visual and artistic standpoint blows it away).
I think the feelings of meandering and unsatisfaction in episode 18 would have been fixed if Annie was in Diane's role. I mean, the whole thing was about returning to where the original finale left off.



Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
So, that Platters song.... I just googled for information. Imagine my shock when I discovered that a member of the band is called David Lynch.


- Audrey's story is emotionally finished. She's either in a coma or died in the explosion, and is living in her dream. She has some kind of awakening in Part 16, but more importantly, it feeds into where the show's going with Laura and Coop later on.

well you can rule her out dying in the explosion, as she was richard's mom. (and i think she was confirmed as having survived in the book).

but ultimately i agree her story was done.


Soooo add me to those who are confused, I was expeting a WTF ending so I can't say I'm disappointed. I was just expecting more closure to the Audrey stuff.
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