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Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| It's Just A Change, Not An End


Man looking back, nothing in TV filled me with so much pure dread as when Mr C ran into Andy outside the sheriff's office.

Goddamn was episode 17 an incredible emotional roller coaster...

You and me both... I just thought the word "no" in my mind repeatedly.

Having slept on it, I'm beginning to accept this ending more and more.

I'm glad we got to hear Mike say this one last time:
Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see, one chants out between two worlds, fire walk with me!


Loved the line 'Wait... what year is it?'

So good, and funnily enough literally seconds before me and my gf had been shouting


and laughing

Like most of this series; absolutely fucking nothing.

the more i think about this show, the more i'm on board with you. the speculation in this thread seems kinda silly. i'm not convinced lynch thought about half this stuff as much as some of the people in here.

with that, i'll leave you guys to it, don't want to clutter the thread up.

In an interview about it pre-release Lynch said he and Frost had been working on it for four years.

I'm not really on board with m/any of these theories, but you don't work on something for 6+ years all in and have it be total nonsense. There WILL be some internal logic to it, it's just the most dense and obtuse Lynch has ever made.

That said, the more I consider The Return as a modern-day Beckett work, the more I like it.
Why? Earle wouldn't have come to TP because Cooper wouldn't have come to TP because Laura didn't die. Everything would pretty much have a ripple effect change.

The bank explosion wasn't Earle, it was part of the Packard fake-death story that began before Laura's death in the timeline. Thomas Eckhart caused that explosion and left the puzzle box that lead to it.


I can perfectly envision Richard/Dale and Carrie/Laura traversing a much changed Twin Peaks, with its own set of mysteries, with Gordon Cole as a bermuda-wearing pimp cracking one-liners, in season 4. They need to make this happen.



1) When Richard/Coop and Carrie were driving through TP, we get a shot of the RR. Was it missing all of the RR2GO dressings that the RR of 2017 had?

2) Did anyone else get the vibe that Coop (or someone else, like Briggs) has time-traveled before? There was that pretty huge info dump by Gordon Cole at the start of 17, Coop having incredible knowledge of everything happening after he woke up (until 18), and all of these off-screen interactions between Coop, Cole, and Briggs. Plus "Two Birds with one stone" being mentioned in Coop's message to Cole that happened off-screen in Season 2, despite Coop not having that conversation with the Giant/Fireman until 25 years later. Not to mention all of the very minor plot discrepancies in Secret History, which could be accounted for if they were for a Twin Peaks in a slightly different timeline.
How's Annie?

If I wasn't clear, I mean do we ever see Mr. C smile in the new series. I know he did when we saw him in the original finale and FWWM, but he is completely different in Season 3.

Which again, I attribute to him creating Dougie. The Tulpa has most of his emotions, most of his soul while Mr. C is diminished, he is single minded. He takes no joy from anything. That's not who we see at the end of Season 2 at all.

And we see the same thing happen to Dale when he creates HIS Dougie. Once that happens he starts acting with a single minded focus, in essence a 'good' Mr. C from then on.


If I wasn't clear, I mean do we ever see Mr. C smile in the new series. I know he did when we saw him in the original finale and FWWM, but he is completely different in Season 3.

Which again, I attribute to him creating Dougie. The Tulpa has most of his emotions, most of his soul while Mr. C is diminished, he is single minded. He takes no joy from anything. That's not who we see at the end of Season 2 at all.

And we see the same thing happen to Dale when he creates HIS Dougie. Once that happens he starts acting with a single minded focus, in essence a 'good' Mr. C from then on.

Well, he had that sick ": - )" text, which successfully managed to be as creepy as his old smiles.

It gotta count for something man.

edit :

And for the record, he did smile in The Return, including in this episode 17. Just not "maniacally laughing" or full teeth smiles.



1) When Richard/Coop and Carrie were driving through TP, we get a shot of the RR. Was it missing all of the RR2GO dressings that the RR of 2017 had?

2) Did anyone else get the vibe that Coop (or someone else, like Briggs) has time-traveled before? There was that pretty huge info dump by Gordon Cole at the start of 17, Coop having incredible knowledge of everything happening after he woke up (until 18), and all of these off-screen interactions between Coop, Cole, and Briggs. Plus "Two Birds with one stone" being mentioned in Coop's message to Cole that happened off-screen in Season 2, despite Coop not having that conversation with the Giant/Fireman until 25 years later. Not to mention all of the very minor plot discrepancies in Secret History, which could be accounted for if they were for a Twin Peaks in a slightly different timeline.

All the Judy stuff makes me look at FWWM in a new light. Previously when Jeffries says that they're not gonna talk about Judy and Coop yells "Gordon!" I thought it was just because he was like "Hey Gordon, he's gone nuts" but now I wonder if he was actually freaking out thinking Jeffries didn't want to go through with their Anti-Judy plan.


holy shit, did we talk about this theory yet?
Beating Judy once and for all

this is actually really good

It's not how I've worded it in here because I'm not that smart :p , and I don't think Judy is actually straight up defeated at the end, though I hadn't noticed you could look at it from a "the power going out signals a victory against evil" angle, but I'm very much of the belief right now that Laura wakes up from a Judy induced dream at the end, and that this is actually a good thing.

Now I'm also desperate for a happier ending, I'm not gonna deny that, but even so trying to ignore those urges it still feels very right to me. Especially now that the electricity connection has been pointed out to me.


Judy is absolutely not defeated, but that dimension might be.

I believe they broke free and are ready to actually confront Judy now.

But it doesn't explain why Cooper was tracked by Judy and why it killed the couple in New York...

Maybe the Frog is just a sort of duplicate of Judy but not the source of all evil itself. Still is too dangerous for our world though.


Yeah, as I mentioned earlier, my hopeful ending is that the electricity shutting off means the links between the worlds shut down. They don't need to beat Judy, just keep her out.


Just watched E17/18. 17 is kind of silly (green-fist-punch guy's boxing match wit BOB, c'mon!), but 18 is legit great, a fantastic pilot for a possible S4 (or a S2-like "evil prevails" ending to S3).

Lynch is Lynch, and past 70, he is still himself. A very strange / unique 18 hours of television, thanks David!
The RR to go signage is absolutely missing in part 18 and was absolutely on the building when that scene was shot. In other words, it was purposefully digitally removed from the shot.


The RR to go signage is absolutely missing in part 18 and was absolutely on the building when that scene was shot. In other words, it was purposefully digitally removed from the shot.
an indicator to me that this is Laura's dream - she knows about the RR, and brought it with her into her dream, but (unless I'm misremembering) the To Go aspect didn't exist until after her death, so she wouldn't know to add it.
Was the bug (Judy) inside Sarah all along, lying dormant, but if Laura is saved and reunited with Sarah, Judy will have no Garmonbozia (pain and sorrow) to feast upon, it'll just be a dormant bug inside a happy mother? Was that Coopers plan to defeat it?


I still don't know why any of the Blue Rose agents *want* to defeat Judy. Why did Jeffries hunt her? Why does Cooper?
I loved that ending, and it leaves me with much more profound questions (that are more fascinating for the answers they suggest than any actual solution would be) than the S2 finale or FWWM. As much as I'll miss it, I'm not sure it could ever feel this way again. I don't think you can do a second season of a show called The Return.

There was such an imperative, looking back, to see a long hard journey back to Twin Peaks for Cooper, Dougie's story, how things had changed or stayed the same, and just diving further into the world this show offers.

I'm just not sure, emotionally, how many stones are left to overturn. I see people talking about multiple universes but this has never been sci-fi in my mind. I cannot contemplate the version of the show people postulate, where there's no reality anymore and it's just freewheeling Part 3 type shenanigans. I also don't really see how Cooper can go back after this.

Really excited for a Lynch renaissance, but also what a swan song this could be? It's better than Mulholland Drive, imo.


Was the bug (Judy) inside Sarah all along, lying dormant, but if Laura is saved and reunited with Sarah, Judy will have no Garmonbozia (pain and sorrow) to feast upon, it'll just be a dormant bug inside a happy mother? Was that Coopers plan to defeat it?

For all we know, it could be something totally random and that girl would never be mentioned ever again, even if there is some season 4. Lynch loves randomness in his work, as is evidenced by a plethora of unconnected scenes and characters in Mulholland Drive.

As for the theory above, I think we need to pack it up and call it a day. The guy cracked it. I think it's the perfect scenario and makes a whole lotta sense.


For all we know, it could be something totally random and that girl would never be mentioned ever again, even if there is some season 4. Lynch loves randomness in his work, as is evidenced by a plethora of unconnected scenes and characters in Mulholland Drive.

As for the theory above, I think we need to pack it up and call it a day. The guy cracked it. I think it's the perfect scenario and makes a whole lotta sense.
everything in mulholland drive makes sense though


Sheryl Lee was credited in EVERY episode despite only appearing in what....3 episodes? I think she was in 2, 17 and 18 with some archival footage in between.

Her face appears in every episode during the opening credits. Is that enough to get credit? :p


A lot does, and some doesn't. Michael J Anderson, for one.
MJA represents the unseen imagined "Hollywood elite" that makes all the choices behind the scene. It's not Diane's fault she didn't get the roles she auditioned for, it's because this mysterious force operating behind the scenes forced the director to choose someone else. It's something Diane dreams of as a way to not take any responsibility for her failing career.


I totally believe the diary thing.

I don't buy it. If Laura existed only in Richard's dream then how would she remember herself at the end.

Odessa is Laura's dream. Everything else in the series (barring Audrey's dream) is real.

the phonograph being the diary unlocking also makes perfect sense with its use in 17/18. You hear it in 17 when Laura disappears, and in 18 when she remembers everything. The diary reminds her of a suffering and trauma that can never be erased.


I'm just thankful that I could accompany Twin Peaks Season 3 real time this time around.
Episode 16 17 and 18 were some of the best bits of Television I had my pleasure to watch

I'm up for some lynch movies. I've only seen Dune and Fire Walk with me lol

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