Did you guys talk about the zyu2 footage that saban ruined for season 2 that was lost forver ubtil a poduction guy leaked the never before seen uncut footage before?
I remember seeing the original Zyu2 footage that was sent over, it was kinda baffling what Saban chose to do with it, despite Toei making it just for them.
Twitch gonna show the 95' flick?
Where can people see this footage?
I think they just had too much merchandising based on the old designs going on to make the switch at that point. I mean, they had anything from coloring books to lunchboxes with these suits on them. It would have instantly made all of that obsolete.
40 minutes worth of uncut Zyu2 footage.
There's no audio, but that's because it was meant to be dubbed over by PR.
There's some parts that make you wonder if Toei understood TV standards in the states, like the Rangers getting crucified, and a monster flipping the bird.
These Thunderzords are so crap that I forgot they existed.
Too add in further more, here is the original Red vs Green ranger fight.
That's a good point. Those designs were everywhere for a long time. It would have been a massive self inflicted wound had they changed the designs.
Samurai Jack zord
Very interesting, thanks!!! So Toei made this specifically for Power Rangers? Very very interesting.