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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


To make jolteon good, we'd have to buy a tm and hope to god we don't toss it.

You all know we are gonna toss it.

If we try to give him moves via levelling up, you know we are going to decline teaching him said moves, because trolls.

The dream is jolteon + lapras, but it's not gonna happen. Best bet is Vaporeon and being able to "easily" teach it surf.
Searched around this thread but no avail. Where can I get that?

$("#controls").append('<div style="float:left;padding-left:20px;"><a id="keyUP" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">&#8593;</a></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:100px;"><a id="keyA" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">A</a></div><div style="clear:both;"></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:0px;"><a id="keyLEFT" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">&#8592;</a></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:20px;"><a id="keyRIGHT" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">&#8594;</a></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:60px;"><a id="keyB" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">B</a></div><div style="clear:both;"></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:20px;"><a id="keyDOWN" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">&#8595;</a></div><div style="clear:both;"></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:60px;"><a id="keySELECT" class="primary_button" style="width:60px;text-align:center;">SELECT</a></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:10px;"><a id="keySTART" class="primary_button" style="width:60px;text-align:center;">START</a></div>');var keyIn=function(e,t){e.preventDefault();$("#chat_text_input").val(t);$("#chat_speak").trigger("click");console.log(t)};$("#keyUP").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"up")});$("#keyDOWN").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"down")});$("#keyLEFT").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"left")});$("#keyRIGHT").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"right")});$("#keyA").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"a")});$("#keyB").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"b")});$("#keySELECT").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"select")});$("#keySTART").on("click",function(e){if(confirm("Do you really want to screw everyone's lives?")){keyIn(e,"start")}})


To make jolteon good, we'd have to buy a tm and hope to god we don't toss it.

You all know we are gonna toss it.

If we try to give him moves via levelling up, you know we are going to decline teaching him said moves, because trolls.

The dream is jolteon + lapras, but it's not gonna happen. Best bet is Vaporeon and being able to "easily" teach it surf.

They already wasted Tbolt on Rattata lol.


Just realized something... The rattata in the PC has the best moveset out of all our pokemon... That shit knows Thunderbolt, Dig and Body slam. :lol

Team should be Pidgeot, Charizard, Hypno, Raticate, Jolteon and Lapras by the end imo, thats a decent enough team but it aint gonna happen sadly.

If they could get that team they might actually be able to handle the Elite.


To make jolteon good, we'd have to buy a tm and hope to god we don't toss it.

You all know we are gonna toss it.

If we try to give him moves via levelling up, you know we are going to decline teaching him said moves, because trolls.

The dream is jolteon + lapras, but it's not gonna happen. Best bet is Vaporeon and being able to "easily" teach it surf.

Honestly, all of that applies to vaporeon too. We would still have to teach it moves and even then, surf doesn't cover that much.


I went to bed at 12 AM last night and they were stll trying to get over the ledge of doom and I wake up and they are in Celadon city!?!??

Wow. I thought Rock Tunnel would have taken at least two days..

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Someone in the chat keeps saying Rattata can learn Surf, but it can't. He has a crab-themed username and his ignorance annoys me. :/ I associate crab-themed nicknames with natural intelligence and good looks, which until now 100% of empirical data had agreed with.


I just realized something: Lemonade is gonna have a precarious life when everybody keeps going to the item menu. Might be a good idea to save that for last.
Someone in the chat keeps saying Rattata can learn Surf, but it can't. He has a crab-themed username and his ignorance annoys me. :/ I associate crab-themed nicknames with natural intelligence and good looks, which until now 100% of empirical data had agreed with.

I think Raticate can though.


Why did they make so many grass pokemon dual types with poison?

Yeah, that was weird in gen 1. Most of the grass types were also poison types, to the point where by the time they introduced some pure grass types, I wasn't at all used to their strengths and weaknesses.


Why did they make so many grass pokemon dual types with poison?
Because... Hell if I know. I get the Oddish line (They're based on a stinky Rafflesia plant) and the Bellsprout line (They're based on acid-filled pitcher plants), but Bulbasaur was just pointless.
Because whoever was in charge of game balance back in Gen I really wanted Psychic to be the best type ever.

See also: the only Ghost-type line is part Poison.
And now we know the source of the "error" that led to Psychic being immune to Ghost.


Psychic only being NVE on other Psychic types doesn't make it dramatically useful from an OU perspective when of the 14 Pokemen in RBY OU, Alakazam, Starmie, Jynx, Slowbro, Exeggutor, are in Psychic - you're literally hitting over a third of OU for NFE. Of the other Pokemon in OU, Chansey takes Special hits like it just doesn't care, ditto for Zapdos, Dragonite, Lapras and Snorlax, so really you're only hitting the Persian, Tauros, Golem and Rhydon line-up that hard. It's no coincidence that the Psychic types that are in RBY OU don't revolve around using Psychic type-attacks as their main damage - Jynx is used more for Lovely Kiss than anything else, Slowbro was used for the infamous Tobybro set using Amnesia to make it crazy tankish, Exeggutor was used for Sleep Powder, Paralyz Powder and Selfdestruct, and Starmie for Boltbeam. Even Alakazam sets often focused on Ice Punch/Thunder Punch rather than Psychic to a reasonable extent - your coverage gets so much better. Psychic is top-tier as a defensive type, not an offensive. The top-tier offensive type from an RBY perspective is probably Ice - you hit Golem, Rhydon, Exeggutor, Dragonite, and Zapdos for SE, and there's RBY's crazy Freeze mechanics. Even excluding Ice, Ground is crazy good - it's why Rhydon and Golem were in OU. Only two flying types, Zapdos and Dragonite, and Zapdos can't do shit to Rhydon or Golem anyway. Basically, there's a load of types I'd rather have STAB with on the offensive type over Psychic, Psychic types are just GOAT defensively and tended to have killer stat spreads.

When 2/3 of the OU is either Physic itself or a special wall, it seems to be describing a metagame that has evolved around countering Physic, rather than an argument that Physic is not good offensively. If anything, it's a confirmation that Physic is an offensive threat to be countered.


If the cut supporters manage to cut it, the general consensus will probably shift to beating the gym.

I can't believe I'm still entertained by this.


Yeah, that was weird in gen 1. Most of the grass types were also poison types, to the point where by the time they introduced some pure grass types, I wasn't at all used to their strengths and weaknesses.

Same with Ghost and Ice.

They didn't have pure typings either.


$("#controls").append('<div style="float:left;padding-left:20px;"><a id="keyUP" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">&#8593;</a></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:100px;"><a id="keyA" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">A</a></div><div style="clear:both;"></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:0px;"><a id="keyLEFT" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">&#8592;</a></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:20px;"><a id="keyRIGHT" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">&#8594;</a></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:60px;"><a id="keyB" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">B</a></div><div style="clear:both;"></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:20px;"><a id="keyDOWN" class="primary_button" style="width:20px;text-align:center;">&#8595;</a></div><div style="clear:both;"></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:60px;"><a id="keySELECT" class="primary_button" style="width:60px;text-align:center;">SELECT</a></div><div style="float:left;padding-left:10px;"><a id="keySTART" class="primary_button" style="width:60px;text-align:center;">START</a></div>');var keyIn=function(e,t){e.preventDefault();$("#chat_text_input").val(t);$("#chat_speak").trigger("click");console.log(t)};$("#keyUP").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"up")});$("#keyDOWN").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"down")});$("#keyLEFT").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"left")});$("#keyRIGHT").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"right")});$("#keyA").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"a")});$("#keyB").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"b")});$("#keySELECT").on("click",function(e){keyIn(e,"select")});$("#keySTART").on("click",function(e){if(confirm("Do you really want to screw everyone's lives?")){keyIn(e,"start")}})
How does this work?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
When 2/3 of the OU is either Physic itself or a special wall, it seems to be describing a metagame that has evolved around countering Physic, rather than an argument that Physic is not good offensively. If anything, it's a confirmation that Physic is an offensive threat to be countered.

I disagree, for the reason I listed: the Psychic types that are in OU, are, for the most part, not there because they use Psychic-type attacks. Most Starmie [Blizzard/Thunderbolt/Recover/Thunder Wave] and Slowbro [Amnesia/Surf/Thunder Wave/Rest] sets don't even use Psychic, and Exeggutor and Jynx only use it because their movepools are shit. Alakazam is the only Pokemon in OU to use Psychic with the main purpose of being offensive. The reason those five Pokemon are in OU is because a) Psychic type is so good defensively, and b) they all have incredible stats - particularly Starmie, Slowbro and Alakazam. Like, there's a reason Hypno isn't OU, and a reason that Mr. Mime isn't OU - they may be Psychic types, but they have terrible stat-spreads (and thus are anomalous amongst Psychic types).


I have no idea why people want to go right to the gym. Eevee's not a long detour and we're going to black out at the gym a few times anyway. Might as well grind some experience for our newest party member.
Imagine if we managed to deposit a pokemon at the daycare?

I have no idea why people want to go right to the gym. Eevee's not a long detour and we're going to black out at the gym a few times anyway. Might as well grind some experience for our newest party member.

There are a bunch of ppl who don't think we should get eevee
God start menu should be banned for now. The trolls are getting obnoxious with it.

It's actually helping us at this point though. The pausing helps to buffer some inputs here so the delay isn't as much of an issue. Plus, we have to pause to cut down this bush. I agree that it should be back to being blocked/buffered once we beat the 4th gym though.
How does this work?

when on the twitch.tv page, press ctrl+shift+k for firefox or ctrl+shift+j for chrome which opens the console. then just paste it in the box and hit enter.

also this is the script that removes button commands from chat, making it somewhat readable

chatButton=$("ul.segmented_tabs li a").first();$("<li><a class='spamToggle'>Spam</a></li>").insertAfter(chatButton);chatButton.css("width",chatButton.width()-100);$(".spamToggle").css("width",30).click(function(){if($(".spamHideCSS").length!=0){$(".spamHideCSS").remove();$("a.spamToggle").toggleClass("selected")}else{$("<style type='text/css' class='spamHideCSS'>#chat_line_list li{display:none;}</style>").appendTo("head");$("a.spamToggle").toggleClass("selected")}});$("<style type='text/css' class='spamHideCSS' >#chat_line_list li{display:none;}</style>").appendTo("head");setInterval(function(){$('#chat_line_list li').each(function(){var a=$(this);var t=$.trim(a.text().split(':')[1]);if(!t.match(/^(up|down|left|right|a|b|start|select?)$/i)){a.show()}});if(CurrentChat.currently_scrolling)CurrentChat.scroll_chat()},100)


I have no idea why people want to go right to the gym. Eevee's not a long detour and we're going to black out at the gym a few times anyway. Might as well grind some experience for our newest party member.

Because they're being dumb. We should either trying depositing dux before eevee or just go get eevee.
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